2013 Clementina Saduwa Award Winner
The winner of 2013 Clementina Saduwa award is Professor Fatma E. Z. Abou-Chadi from Mansoura University from the Egypt Section, for her professional and personal achievements.
Who is Clementina Saduwa?
Clementina Saduwa was a tireless and extremely effective volunteer student leader a few years back, when the IEEE Nigeria Section was being revived, and she went on to become the first ever IEEE Region 8 Women In Engineering (WIE) Coordinator. In January 2007, she was killed in a random act of violence and leaves behind her husband and young daughter. She was 29 years old. To honor her rule and work throughout the years, WIE has named the award for the recognition of women engineer in Region 8 who, through their engineering and career achievements, have demonstrated noteworthy support for women in the profession and have established a benchmark of engineering excellence after her name
Objectives of the Award:
Objectives of the Award is to recognize a women engineer in Region 8 who, through her engineering and career achievements, has demonstrated noteworthy support for women in the profession and have established a benchmark of engineering.
The final decision of a committee composed of 4 past and present members of the IEEE WIE R8 committee members, was based on various aspects, including CV, personal statement, level of difficulties in achieving a professional career, reference letters, level of involvement of referees.