Monthly Archives: February 2017

STAR: a Women in Engineering initiative

The IEEE Student-Teacher and Research Engineer/Scientist (STAR) Program was developed to address the growing concern that, at a young age, girls are discouraged from careers in mathematics, science, and engineering. This educational outreach program promotes involvement of IEEE members with local junior high and high schools in order to create a positive image of engineering careers. Through a one-to-one interaction between society volunteers and a Student-Teacher Team, STAR’s aim is to create a technical support network for teachers and a mentoring program for students.


The STAR program represents all pre-university outreach activities. Since the formation of the STAR program in 1995, with the growth in IEEE WIE Affinity Groups, growth in IEEE WIE membership, collaborations with IEEE Societies, and networking with other organizations, IEEE WIE has grown in resources to be able to expand its pre-university outreach activities. Due to the increase in coordinated efforts and collaborations, IEEE WIE has managed to reach over 19,000 students per year. The mission of the new STAR program will be to improve the perception of the field of engineering, continue to attract more girls to the pursue an engineering career, as well as promote to all students the endless possibilities that can result from considering engineering as a possible career option.

Even one volunteer can make a big difference! If encouraging girls to be scientists and engineers is a cause you care about, or if you would like to take action against discouraging young women from entering STEM fields. Find all details on WIE STAR and send us an email on [email protected] or write us on Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn.

For more Girls in STEM Educational Programs visit STEM Portal, a resource for all things related to Pre-University STEM programs and activities for IEEE Volunteers.

How to form a Section WIE Affinity Group?

To form a Section AG, please follow these steps:

  • Visit Petition Form.
  • Go to “Forming an IEEE Geographic unit”.
  • Click on “Access Petition Form” button.
  • A new tab opens; sign in with your IEEE credentials.
  • Follow the steps and let us know if any assistance is needed.
  • You may benefit from up to 200 USD in start-up funding! Please fill the form on Affinity Funding.
  • Additional resources may be found on How-To.

After forming your AG, do not forget to report your officers, meetings, and activities! Visit Officers Reporting and Events Reporting. Do not hesitate to ask us any question you may have 🙂

We will be happy to support your Affinity Group and its activities. Please keep us in the loop of the petition process so we can follow it up, and be in touch with us for any assistance or inquiries! Please send us an email on [email protected] or write us on Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn.

The IEEE Region 8 Educational Activities Subcommittee (EASC) is looking for a Digital Marketer

The IEEE Region 8 EASC is looking for a volunteer to promote our activities and manage relationships with external parties. The position will provide the candidate with a chance to improve their soft skills and to also create new contacts. The responsibilities of the volunteer will include:

  • Writing press releases in English language;
  • Contacting possible sponsors;
  • Manage our social media accounts;
  • Liaising with the print and electronic media;
  • Coordinating with all branches of the EASC team

The candidate shall:

  • Be an IEEE member;
  • Be fluent In spoken and written English;
  • Have experience managing social media accounts;
  • Have negotiation skills;
  • Be creative;
  • Be productive;
  • Have the ability to work under pressure.

In order to work in harmony and cover the position demands, 2 hours of availability per week are required. During an event organization, more volunteer time may be needed.

To apply, please send a covering email with your IEEE membership number and a description of your experience to Mr.Stamatis Dragoumanos, the IEEE Region 8 EASC Pre-University Works Committee Chair, at: [email protected]

The submission deadline is 5/3/2017


HISTELCON 2019 will take place at Strathclyde University, Glasgow, Scotland on 18-19th September 2019


Tony Davies 2019 Feb 18th



HISTELCON 2017 will take place in Kyoto, Japan, in August 2017.

During HISTELCON 2017 it is expected that the location and date of HISTELCON 2019 will be announced.

Therefore, bids to host HISTELCON 2019 should be submitted as soon as possible to the R8 Secretary, and must present a realistic indication of how, where and when the conference would be held, including indicators of support or co-sponsorship.

Tony Davies, 2017 Feb 19th

How to form a Student Branch WIE Affinity Group?

To form a SB AG, please follow these steps:

After forming your SB AG, do not forget to report your officers, meetings, and activities! Visit, and Do not hesitate to ask us any question you may have 🙂

We will be happy to support your Affinity Group and its activities. Please keep us in the loop of the petition process so we can follow it up, and be in touch with us for any assistance or inquiries! Catch us by email ([email protected]) or on Facebook and Instagram.

Do you know what does SMART stand for?

Region 8 is one of the most diverse regions within IEEE; hence, female engineers across the Region’s countries face different challenges, and one solution plan cannot suit them all. This program aims at finding tailored solutions for the particular challenges that female engineers face within each Section of Region 8, a plan enabling WIE Affinity Groups to initiate a change that works in their Section.



To encourage WiE affinity groups around the Region to work towards the benefits of female engineers in their community through a plan that is tailored to the challenges and difficulties which female engineers face in their Section.



Each affinity group (or group of Affinity Groups within the same Section) are requested to prepare a SMART plan (i.e. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound) based on actual data collected from civil authorities or questionnaires.



  • Set up a questionnaire or collect data from authorities to define the challenges faced by female engineers in your country. For example: companies do not tend to hire females in the field, female engineers need more practical training,  there are no programs which support female engineers to get back to work after maternity leaves, girls are not interested in Engineering, etc. Keep in mind that these problems might be faced by both genders.
  • Define the challenges which you can work on and set a timely plan to work on each one. For example: creating connections with companies to train a number of IEEE WiE engineers every year, organize a nationwide campaign to educate school girls about engineering, adopt the STAR Program, etc. Note that the plan must be aligned with your needs, for example the communities where girls have high interest in STEM and Engineering fields do not require big campaigns to encourage them to pursue a career in engineering…
  • Make a schedule for the whole year clearly targeting all the challenges you have defined in the previous steps. You should always know where you stand on this schedule.
  • Make sure that the plan is a team effort so that the handover is smooth when the executive committee of the Affinity Group changes.
  • It is recommended that the plans also incorporate the Region’s goals.
  • Your ultimate goal should be that when the same questionnaire is conducted again after 3-5 years, the numbers should change for the better…

Please send us an email on [email protected] or write us on Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn if you have any questions or wish to implement the program in your Section. Let’s work together to change the world; we are Engineers!

20 openings for fully funded research positions at the KIOS Research Center

The KIOS Research Center for Intelligent Systems and Networks at the University of Cyprus has recently been upgraded to a European Research and Innovation Center of Excellence through a TEAMING project, with significant funding in excess of 40 million euros over the next fifteen years. As a result, we have multiple (20) openings for fully funded research positions at all levels, including PhD scholarships and post-doctoral research positions. Successful candidates are expected to carry out fundamental or/and applied research in one or more of the following areas: control systems, computational intelligence and machine learning, autonomous systems, optimization and networks, embedded systems, fault diagnosis, cyber-security, reliability, resiliency and fault tolerance, transportation networks, water networks, power and energy systems and telecommunication networks.

The applications should be submitted as soon as possible, but not later than Tuesday, 28th February, 5:00pm. The evaluation of the applications will begin immediately. For more information please contact the KIOS Research Center, by phone at +357 22893450/51 or via e-mail at [email protected]

For details please see the following link:

Beyond the Award: Clementina Saduwa

Clementina Saduwa was a dedicated, tireless student leader and extremely effective volunteer a few years back when IEEE Nigeria Section was being revived. She went on to become the first ever IEEE Region 8 Women in Engineering (WIE) coordinator. In January 2007, she was killed in a random act of violence at the age of 29, leaving behind her husband and young daughter. To honor her and as a tribute to her work throughout the years, IEEE Region 8 gave her name to the prestigious award recognizing outstanding women engineers who, through their engineering and career achievements, have demonstrated noteworthy support for women in the profession and established a record of excellence.


Eligibility Criteria


Nominations will be reviewed by the WIE R8 Sub-Committee, who will select a winner. The winner will then be, as a second step, validated by the R8 Awards and Recognition Sub-Committee.  The following criteria will be considered for the review of nominations:


1)  An active female engineer working in one of the fields of interest of IEEE. 

2)  A female IEEE member whose engineering and career achievements are performed in one of the countries belonging to the IEEE Region 8.

3)  The submitted application must provide a statement (not more than 750 words) that describes the candidate’s career goals, challenges and obstacles she faced in her career, and explains how she overcame them.

4)  The nominator (who could be a non-IEEE member) or self-nominated has to submit at least two signed endorsement reference letters from individuals who are qualified to evaluate the candidate’s success (supervisors, professors, and others). Additional optional endorsement letters from public or private establishments can be provided.

5)  The award may be offered to a candidate one time only.


The award recipient will receive 1000 USD.  The winner will be personally invited to that R8 meeting.


Nominations are accepted until June 15th, 2024 through IEEE Region 8 Awards Portal