Yearly Archives: 2018

Life Members – “Experience does not go on retreat”


IEEE Region 8 Life Member Committee

Magdalena Salazar-Palma, Chair, R8 LM Coordinator, [email protected]

Commitee Members:

Peter Magyar, Past Chair, Ex-officio Member, [email protected]





It is a privilege to be an IEEE Life Member (LM) with so much to contribute back to the engineering community and to the public in general. You are entitled to become a LM when your age is at least 65 and the sum of your age and of your active membership duration reaches 100. Life Members are exempted of IEEE membership fees and pay lower fees at IEEE Conferences (at most – IEEE Student fees).

Most Life Member activities are performed by Life Member Affinity Groups (LMAG), similar to Chapters, established as part of an IEEE Section.


In summary the mission of Life Members Groups is to:

  • Enhance and encourage interest in electrical and electronic engineering at secondary and tertiary (college) levels.
  • Utilize the vast experience of LMs to impact the general public’s knowledge of electrical and electronic engineering and increase understanding of the role of engineers.
  • Foster collaborations in pre-university education and encourage students to consider taking up engineering as a career.
  • Promulgate the history of electrical engineering together with information and related technologies.

Please visit the website of the IEEE Life Members Committee ( for more details.



IEEE Region 8 Life Member Affinity Groups (LMAGs)

Status: 2024-12-31




Service Providing Organization ID


Former name: Geocode

Chair & Email

Austria Section LMAG LM80037 Michael Heiss
Benelux Section LMAG LM80001 Luc J. Claesen
Bulgaria Section LMAG LM80075 Jordan N. Kolev
Croatia Section LMAG LM80065 Zoran Vukic
Cyprus Section LMAG LM80073 Lazaros Savvides
Czechoslovakia Section LMAG LM80071 Andre Sopczak
Egypt Section LMAG LM80003 Samir I. Shaheen
France Section LMAG LM80005 Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier
Germany Section LMAG LM80017 Ulrich Reimers
Greece Section LMAG LM80029 Grigoris Papagiannis
Hungary Section LMAG LM80051 István Krómer
Iran Section LMAG LM80027 Vahid Ahmadi
Israel Section LMAG LM80009 Shmuel Auster
Italy Section LMAG LM80011 Antonio Savini
Jordan Section LMAG LM80079 Mohammed Zeki Khedher Mohammed
Lebanon Section LMAG LM80091 Usamah O. Farrukh
North Macedonia Section LMAG LM80077 Goce Arsov
Norway Section LMAG LM80013 Filippo Sanfilippo
Poland Section LMAG LM80033 Adam Dabrowski
Portugal Section LMAG LM80045 João Costa Freire
Romania Section LMAG LM80061 Mircea Eremia
Russia Section LMAG LM80059 Boris Kutuza
Russia North West Section LMAG LM80087 Serguei V Smolovik
Serbia and Montenegro Section LMAG LM80069 Vladimir Katic
Slovenia Section LMAG LM80067 Jurij Tasic
Spain Section LMAG LM80023 Manuel Castro
Sweden Section LMAG LM80019 Margaretha Eriksson
Switzerland Section LMAG LM80007 Hugo Wyss
Turkey Section LMAG LM80055 Erdal Panayirci
UK&Ireland Section LMAG LM80015 Brian Harrington
Africa Council LMAG

The participating 10 Sections are: 

Algeria Section

Ghana Section

Kenya Section

Mauritius Section

Morocco Section

Nigeria Section

South Africa Section

Tunisia Section

Uganda Section

Zambia Sectio

The participating seven (7) Subsections are:

Botswana Subsection

Burkina Faso Subsection

Ethiopia Subsection

Liberia Subsection

Lybia Subsection

Sudan Subsection

Tanzania Subsection

Comment: Egypt Section belongs to the Africa Council but the Egypt Section LMAG is independent and not part of the Africa Council LMAG.



Omigui Osaretin Michael


Joint Bahrain, Oman and Qatar Sections LMAG

Bahrain Section LMAG

Oman Section LMAG

Qatar Section LMAG





Ali Zolait
Joint “Baltic” LMAG

Estonia Section LMAG

Latvia Section LMAG

Lithuania Section LMAG





Irina Naidionova










2018 WIE Outstanding Student Volunteer of the Year Award – Ozgenur Sevgili

Özgenur Sevgili was born in 1996 in Samsun, Turkey. She started in 2014 her studies in Mathematical Engineering at Yildiz Technical University (YTU), and always advocated for women’s rights at university. She joined IEEE during her second year and was vice chair of IEEE YTU WIE AG 2016-2017. During her term, she focused on the STAR program. She is currently IEEE Women in Engineering Turkey Student Representative.

2018 Outstanding WIE Section Volunteer Award – Dr. Ilhem Kallel

Dr. Ilhem Kallel is an A. Professor with the Department of Computer Science & Engineering in Higher Institute of Computer Science and Multimedia of Sfax, and a senior researcher with REGIM-Lab in National school of Engineers of Sfax (university of Sfax-Tunisia).  She received the bachelor degree in computer science in 1988 from ISG Tunis, the DEA degree in Information Systems and new
Technologies in 2003, from FSEGS, and the PhD degree in Computer Systems Engineering in 2009 from ENIS. Since 1988, Dr. Ilhem had many leadership positions and a rich professional experience dealing with developing and managing enterprise information systems within an industrial company, teaching fields of computer science and training of teachers.
Besides professional and associative activities, including those of IEEE, Dr. Ilhem is involved in many associative projects and activities. She usually takes part or organizes many scientific and social events (meetings, conferences, workshops, contests, competitions, training sessions, booths, soft skills training, etc.) and she is participating in international research cooperation projects and research mobility.
She supervises engineering research projects and contributes to the review process of many international conferences and journals. Her research interests are mainly in collective and hybrid intelligence, pedagogical innovation in education, intelligent
multirobot systems, fuzzy modeling, swarm intelligence, multiagent systems, and systems’ quality assessment.
Dr. Ilhem Kallel is an IEEE member since 2001: from graduate student Member, to member, to senior member on 2014. Currently, she serves as a chair of Education Tunisia chapter for 2017-2018. On 2009, she was the founder and the past chairwoman of IEEE Tunisia Women In Engineering; she was one past chair of SMC and CIS Tunisia Chapters, the chapters coordinator in Tunisia Section for 2015-2016. She volunteered as a proctor in some IEEExtreme programming competitions. Dr. Ilhem is the WIE SAG adviser at ENIS and a member of the DIS TC in SMC Society. She was the winner of the 2011 WIE Clementina Award for Region 8 for her professional and personal achievements; this award attests that she can serve as a role model for combining professional achievements and family life. Recently she wins the 2018 R8 Outstanding Women In Engineering Section Volunteer Award.
Moreover, she participates in the organization of many IEEE activities and technical events, and actively takes part in all section ex-com meetings and some R8 meetings. She invites many Distinguished Lecturers from WIE, SMC, CI and Education societies.

IEEE Region 8 – Elections 2018 – Belgrade

Dear IEEE Region 8 Committee members,

On behalf of the Region 8 Nominations and Appointments Committee it is my pleasure to present to you the booklet ( IEEE Region 8 - Elections 2018 - Belgrade ) which contains all the relevant information on the upcoming elections for the Region 8 Officers. The elections will  be held in Belgrade on Saturday 20th  of October.

During the meeting, the candidates will have time to make a small presentation and accept questions. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Best regards,
Costas Stasopoulos
IEEE Region 8 Chair Nominations and Appointments Committee

Call for Paper deadline extention: IEEE WIE International Leadership Summit’18

,The IEEE Women in Engineering International Leadership Summit’18 will be held alongside the 5th IEEE CiSt Congress on October 23 – 25 2018 in Marrakech, Morocco.

5th IEEE CiSt Congress

5th IEEE CiSt Congress

The main objective of the summit is to provide an exclusive platform for women researchers, professionals, innovators and entrepreneurs in ICT to learn from each other, share their knowledge and experience and create an inclusive community that commonly innovates to the benefit of the society, and equally promotes the sense of collaboration, leadership, innovation and entrepreneurial spirit among participants.

Topics and Submission

We solicit submission of original projects and ideas describing significant developments from women researchers and professionals in any ICT related fields, as well as showcases reporting ongoing research or projects achieving significant contributions like prototypes, products, services or applications.

Prospective authors should submit by using the online paper submission platform , a paper up to 6 pages using the IEEE Manuscript template.

NB: Submitted papers should have at least one female Author or Co-Author, and only female Authors are accepted to register and present the accepted papers.


Accepted and presented contributions will be published in the congress proceeding and submitted to IEEE Xplore Library, Scopus and DBLP. Furthermore, Authors of high quality papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their work for publication in a special issue/section of an international journal.

The 3 best papers will be awarded during the IEEE Women in Engineering International leadership summit.

Important Dates

Paper Submission Deadline Extention:       September 07, 2018

Acceptance Notification:                                 September 12, 2018

Author Registration:                                       September 15, 2018

WIE Summit Dates:                                         October 23-25, 2018

Contact information

Detailed and up-to-date information about IEEE WIE International Leadership Summit’18, Marrakech, Morocco can be accessed through the website:

For any inquiry, contact us on:

[email protected]

The new initiative IEEE Region 8 Today calls for contributors


It has been noticed that great work that is being done around IEEE Region 8 in all Sections, Societies and Affinity Groups, stays mostly local since there is a lack of sharing this information around the IEEE Region 8 Members. At the same time very interesting news Regarding IEEE, Global technological breakthroughs and initiatives are not shared widely to our members. Aiming in decreasing this, a new initiative called “IEEE Region 8 Today” has been created.  It is a portal focused on IEEE Region 8 achievements, science and innovation, coming directly by IEEE Region 8 members.

This is a Call for Contributors, for the IEEE Region 8 Today  initiative which aims to be the voice of the IEEE R8 members.

A Contributor has the following very important role:

  • He or she is the one that creates the new content for the News Portal.
  • He or she is the contact person for all local members with the News Portal.
  • He or she is the one that collects the local news, translates them (if needed), and commits them to the platform.

The following skills are required and will be taken into account for the application evaluation:

  • Excellent use of English
  • Advanced writing skills (we need samples of your work and past experience)

The following skills are desired and will be taken into account for application evaluation:

  • Experience in wordpress article authoring
  • Support by local Section (Recommendation letter)
  • Enhanced communication skills

If you are interested in making your Section and Local Activities further known, then, you can apply to become an IEEE Region 8 Today Contributor, and have a chance to be the voice of your Section!

We need:

  • A brief CV
  • A letter describing why we should pick you as a contributor
  • Samples of your published  articles
  • Recommendation letters

The above data will only be used for application evaluation and will not be shared.

Please send us your application by email at [email protected]




IEEE Region 8 – call for nominations

The IEEE Region 8 Nominations and Appointments (N&A) Subcommittee is soliciting nominations for the following leadership positions:

  • IEEE Region 8 2019-2020 Secretary (two year commitment)
  • IEEE Region 8 2019-2020 Treasurer (two year commitment)
  • IEEE Region 8 2019 Vice Chair, Member Activities (one year commitment)
  • IEEE Region 8 2019 Vice Chair, Student Activities (one year commitment)
  • IEEE Region 8 2019 Vice Chair, Technical Activities (one year commitment)

The Region 8 N&A Subcommittee is also soliciting nominations for the members of the 2019-2020 IEEE Region 8 Nominations and Appointments Subcommittee. Candidates must fulfill one of the following criteria at the time of their election (see the Region 8 Operations Manual, section R8-6.1.2):

  • be a Section Chair in office
  • have been a Section Chair within the past 3 years
  • have been a Section Chair and currently holding an elected or appointed position of the R8 Committee.

Please submit your suggestions/nominations by filling the IEEE Region 8 Nomination form (available at the IEEE Region 8 website in the ‘Documents’ section) and sending it to Costas Stasopoulos, Chair of the IEEE Region 8 Nominations and Appointments Subcommittee, at [email protected] by 1 July 2018.

These IEEE Region 8 officers and the members of the IEEE Region 8 N&A Subcommittee will be elected at the Region 8 Committee meeting in Belgrade, Serbia, in October 2018. The Region 8 Committee members and all the nominees will be informed about the recommended slate of candidates for officers 5-6 weeks prior to the meeting.

For all further details, including petition processes, please refer to the IEEE Region 8 Bylaws and the IEEE Region 8 Operations Manual (available at the IEEE Region 8 website in the ‘Documents’ section), in particular the sections and R8-3.1.5-7 in the Bylaws, and the sections R8-4.4-6 ‘Secretary, Treasurer and Vice Chairs’ and R8-5 ‘Elections and appointments procedures’ in the Operations Manual.

Costas Stasopoulos,
Chair, IEEE Region 8 Nominations and Appointments Subcommittee