Yearly Archives: 2018

Changes for MGA Technically Co-Sponsored Conferences (TCS)

In 2015, the IEEE Board of Directors adopted a motion to recover some of the costs incurred in supporting technically co-sponsored conferences (TCS) and publication of their papers in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.

In January 2016, recovery of these costs began for all Society/Technical Council technically co-sponsored conferences. The IEEE Meetings, Conferences and Events (MCE) team developed and deployed procedures to collect these expenses during the conference application process.

Until recently, IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) had been absorbing the TCS expenses for its geographic units. The MGA Board has now approved a final policy for handling fees for all MGA Geographic Unit technically co-sponsored conferences.

For all conference applications received 1 January 2018 or later, in which an MGA Geographic Unit is a technical co-sponsor and there is no IEEE financial sponsorship, the MGA TCS Fee policy shall apply.

  • This fee will be $1000 per TCS conference, and $15 per paper sent to IEEE Xplore
  • If multiple IEEE Organizational Units (OUs) technically co-sponsor the same conference, the fee will be divided equally between all IEEE sponsors (i.e.: Society, Council, MGA Geographic Units)
  • MGA Geographic Units will have the option to bill the TCS fees directly to the Conference
  • An exception to this general policy – MGA will continue to pay these fees if the external (non-IEEE) financial sponsor has a National Society Agreement with IEEE or has a Sister Society Agreement with one or more of the IEEE Societies
  • Starting 1 March 2018, IEEE MCE will retroactively deploy processes to collect the TCS fees for any conference application with technical co-sponsorship by an MGA Geographic Unit received on or after 1 January 2018

Understanding MGA Technical Co-Sponsorship (TCS) Costs presentation slides [PDF]

New GDPR Regulation: Impacts for IEEE Conferences

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), originating in the European Union, is expected to have far-reaching implications on how organizations, like IEEE, conduct business worldwide, including conferences.

This regulation places new obligations on organizations that market, track, or handle personal data. This legislation goes into effect on 25 May 2018.

IEEE is reviewing policies and business processes that involve personal data and continues to take steps towards compliance.

IEEE aims to ensure that we are able to communicate with our conference related audiences in our volunteer activities in a compliant and efficient manner. One of the key items for compliance is ensuring your current IEEE data is compliant with the GDPR.

Personal data collected without consent of an individual may not be compliant. This means that use of existing lists may no longer be allowed. (Attendee lists, Excel spreadsheets, Listserv, etc.)

IEEE will be providing solutions over the next several weeks and months. In addition, training will be available shortly.

More information is available here:


SPC2018 – Finalists

This year there were 21 papers submitted by the closing date of December 1 2017.

The papers were seen by four jury members-

  • Prof Anastas Mishev from Macedonia,
  • Prof Christos Schizas from Cyprus
  • Prof Mustapha Benjallali from Morocco
  • Prof Paul Micallef from Malta who is also the SPC Coordinator


The jury members are rotated over a period of time depending on where Melecon and Eurocon are held.

The participants where from the following countries:

Austria, Belgium, Egypt, Greece, Iran, Jordan, Malta, Portugal, Qatar, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain  and Turkey.

The five finalists who will be presenting their paper at Melecon 2018 in Marrakech are.


Ahmed Abdelraouf Mohamed, Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport Cairo, Egypt, with the paper , “A Multi-Objective Distributed Generation Allocation and Sizing using Swarm Intelligence Based Algorithms”

Benjamin Chiêm, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, with the paper, “Supervised classification of structural brain networks reveals gender differences”

Marko Mihajlovic and co-author Nikola Popovic, University of Niš, Serbia, with the paper, “Fooling a neural network with common adversarial noise”

Nima Taghipour Bazargani, K.N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, with the paper, “A Novel Approach for Probabilistic Hurricane Resiliency Assessment of an Active Distribution System Using Point Estimate Method”

Yazan Qiblawey with co-authors Ruslan Abu Sneineh, Majd Ahmed Abduljabbar and Yousef Jamal Orabi, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar, with the paper, “Design and Implementation of Autonomous Surface Vehicle”

List of student branches that submitted a paper to SPC2018

Alpen-Adria-Universität, Klagenfurt, Austria

Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria

KU Leuven, Belgium

Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium

Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport, Cairo, Egypt

University of Thessaly, Greece

Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

K.N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

Al-Balqa Applied University, Amman, Jordan

University of Malta, Malta

Universidade do Porto, Portugal

Qatar University, Doha, Qatar

St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI”, Russia

University of Niš, Serbia

University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

University of Maribor, Slovenia

University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa

University Carlos III, Madrid, Spain

Istanbul Technical University, Turkey


IEEE Region 8 Acceleration Program 2017-18 – Winners

We are pleased to announce the winners of the IEEE Region 8 Acceleration Program 2017-18.

Pre-University Education Category

1. Animation in Education (Egypt Section – Zewail City Student Branch) – Winner

A regional website offering animated educational resources from qualified instructors to teach concepts of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

2. Arduino A to Z (Greece Section – IEEE Student Branch of Thrace) – Runner-up

A coordinated 4-month long training program, run by university students and supervised by professors, to introduce programming and robotics to school students.

3. Career Training Campus (Jordan Section – Al-Balqa Applied University Student Branch) – Runner-up

A week-long camp organized in collaboration with the Ministry of Education of Jordan to introduce engineering and science careers to high school students in different schools spread throughout the country.

University Education Category

1. Piece of Game (Greece Section – University of Thessaly Student Branch) – Winner

Development of a multi-lingual platform which enhances the learning of university level educational content through the use of video games.

2. Robotic Operating System (Turkey Section – Eastern Mediterranean University Student Branch) – Runner-up

A training program and competition aimed at developing the skill of university students in 3D modelling, programming, algorithms and interfacing to create robotic systems.

Congratulations to all!

IEEE Region 1 Student Conference (StuCon)

The IEEE Region 1 Student Conference (StuCon) is the premier annual event where all student branches from the eight states of IEEE Region 1 (Northeastern US) meet to discuss mutual challenges and compete in regional competitions.
The conference objective is to encourage lively student engagement and provide opportunities for students to network and learn from other students from across Region 1, while applying practical engineering knowledge in the various competitions. StuCon also provides a great opportunity for student members to network with Industry Professionals and IEEE Leaders.

Conference Highlights:

  • Undergraduate Student Paper Contest
  • Regional MicroMouse Competition
  • Student Ethics Competition
  • Fri-Sat Hackathon
  • MicroMouse Workshop for Newbies and Pros
  • Sunday Drones Workshop
  • Awards Ceremony and Dinner
  • Networking Opportunities
  • Meet IEEE Leaders and Industry Professionals

IEEE Region 1 Student Conference (StuCon) Flyer

To submit a paper for the Undergraduate Student Paper Contest or to register for other Competitions, follow the directions on the conference Hotel and Conference Registration Page at:

Hotel Registration Deadline: March 7, 2018
Conference Registration Deadline: March 15, 2018

Higher Education, Entrepreneurship and Globalization

“Higher Education, Entrepreneurship and Globalization”

Join us for:

A discussion with a distinguished panel of experts in the engineering field. Our Expert Guest Presenters include:

  • Luis Fernandez-Luque, Qatar Computing Research Institute-Qatar Foundation (Twitter@luisluque)
  • Marios Antoniou, Open University of Cyprus
  • Jose Carlos Quadrado, Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP)


The panel, featuring an array of recognized experts in the field, will help you:

  • Acquire tips and guidance that you can put into action immediately
  • Gain the knowledge you need to develop critical student assessment competencies
  • Get answers to your career and professional development questions
  • Expand your global network of colleagues


  • Early Career Faculty
  • Graduate Students


  • 23 January 2018
  • 1100 – 1200 EST (UTC -5)


View it live from your home or office, or on-demand anytime at your


Don’t miss this opportunity to Enhance Your Career!


For more information

e-mail: [email protected]

2018 ECFD Flyer

Region 8 Women in Engineering Student Volunteer of the Year Award

The Student Volunteer of the Year Award recognizes an outstanding WIE Student volunteer who has been devoted to promoting WIE activities and spearheading events within their Student Branch AG.


Eligibility Criteria


Applications will be reviewed by the WIE R8 Sub-Committee, who will select a winning Student Volunteer. The winning Student Volunteer will then be, as a second step, validated by the R8 Awards and Recognition Sub-Committee.  The following criteria will be considered for the review of applications:


1)     WIE Student member in good standing.

2)     One endorsement letter written by your Section Chair highlighting achievements and contributions of the student volunteer to the AG.

3)     Both applications and nominations are accepted and any Student volunteer may apply for the award, and any member of the Section may nominate a Student volunteer.


The winning Region 8 WIE Student Volunteer will receive 250 USD.

Nominations are accepted until June 15th 2024 through IEEE Region 8 Awards Portal.

Region 8 Women in Engineering Section Volunteer of the Year Award

The Section Volunteer of the Year Award recognizes an outstanding WIE volunteer who has been devoted to promoting WIE activities and spearheading events within their Section’s AG.Eligibility CriteriaApplications will be reviewed by the WIE R8 Sub-Committee, who will select a winning Section Volunteer. The winning Section Volunteer will then be, as a second step, validated by the R8 Awards and Recognition Sub-Committee.  The following criteria will be considered for the review of applications:


1)     WIE AG Section member in good standing.

2)     One endorsement letter written by your Section Chair highlighting achievements and contributions of the volunteer to the AG.

3)     Both applications and nominations are accepted and any Section AG volunteer may apply for the award, and any member of the Section may nominate a fellow volunteer.


The winning Region 8 WIE Section Volunteer will receive 250 USD.


Nominations are accepted until June 15th 2024 through IEEE Region 8 Awards Portal.

Region 8 Women in Engineering Student Affinity Group of the Year Award

The Student Affinity Group of the Year recognizes activities and achievements for a WIE Student Affinity group from Region 8 within 2024. Activities will be evaluated in terms of content, collaborative activities to improve on student engagement and quality of the report submitted.


Eligibility Criteria


Applications will be reviewed by the WIE R8 Sub-Committee, who will select a winning Student AG. The winning Student AG will then be, as a second step, validated by the R8 Awards and Recognition SubCommittee. The following criteria will be considered for the review of applications:
1) Approved Student WIE Affinity Group (AG) within IEEE Region 8 that has conducted activities and events within 2024.
2) A report clearly and concisely documenting activities i.e. dates, content, number of attendees, academic or industry partners and impact of the events. The submitted report should be no more than 1000 words, please include pictures, a report in the form of powerpoint slides is also accepted.
3) All members of the Student AG must be listed on the application.
4) Both applications and nominations are accepted and any member of the Student AG can apply for the award, and any member of the Section can nominate the WIE Student AG.
The winning Student Affinity Group will receive 350 USD.Nominations are accepted until June 15th 2024 through IEEE Region 8 Awards Portal.