Yearly Archives: 2019

R8EC – Region 8 Electronic Communications

The region website is a repository of information about the region and it very good at signposting information and resources available in the region. It is particularly good at listing the various committee structures and naming all of the members of the varied committees.

The editor for this channel is George Michael ([email protected]).

Chair, R8EC


George Michael

George Michael received a B.Sc. and an M.Sc. in Computer Science from the University of Cyprus and he is pursuing a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering.
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He worked at the Data-Driven Multithreading Laboratory at the University of Cyprus for a few years doing research on high-performance computing. Following, he worked as a software developer at XM.COM and CeraNext LTD. Currently, he works at KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence.
He is an active Cyprus Computer Society (CCS) and IEEE volunteer and he held various positions during the past few years. Between them: member of the board of Cyprus Computer Society (CCS) / the University of Cyprus IEEE Student Branch / IEEE Cyprus Section Executive Committee / IEEE Region 8 Committee / IEEE Day and IEEEXtreme. He was part of all previous IEEEXtreme competitions either as a contestant or as a volunteer. On IEEEXtreme 11.0 he served as the Technical, Industry, and Judges Lead, on IEEEXtreme 13.0 he served as project lead.

R8SM – Region 8 Social Media

In IEEE Region 8 we are staying connected with our followers online, using Social Media to get further engaged with our members, but also with those who are interested at learning more about IEEE and its activities. We keep our online presence updated regularly, sharing interesting topics about IEEE Region 8 and IEEE itself.

The editor of this channel is Mohammad Hossein Babaee and can be reached at [email protected]. Follow IEEE Region 8 in the social media:

Chair, R8SM


Mohammad Hossein Babaee

Mohammad Hossein Babaee is a Ph.D. Candidate in Advanced Engineering Systems for Industry at Minho University in Portugal. He received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees at Power.

As a member of IEEE, he served as Student Representative of IEEE Iran Section for 2 years, working as a liaison between Iran Section Board of Directors and 44 student branches. Now, he serves as Electronic communications committee lead at IEEE MGA student activities committee, IEEEmadC chair 2021and Membership Development Coordinator at IEEE Portugal Section.

Also, he is an experienced-level graphic designer guy (which always helps him to pay his bills!) and addict to Social Media.

If you are interested in contacting Mohammad Hossein, please do not hesitate to email him.

Email: [email protected]

R8WB – Region 8 Web

This committee is formed to ensure that we revamp and rejuvenate our webpages, we have created this new committee to study & propose required improvements to our web-based portals. The 2023 Chair for this channel is Nick Wainwright.


Nick Wainwright.

Dr Nick Wainwright.

Dr Nick Wainwright.

IEEE Region 8 News

IEEE Region 8 News is a quarterly newsletter, published by Region 8 Committee to keep IEEE members within the Region updated on programs, initiatives, events, and activities. The printed edition is distributed with the IEEE Spectrum to IEEE members throughout the Region and the electronic version is distributed via email to IEEE Region 8 members, and downloadable from the Region 8 News website as well.


IEEE Region 8 News is produced by volunteer editors with contributions from members from all over Region 8. The Editor-in-Chief of this Publications & Communications channel is Maja Matijasevic.


Download the latest issue of the newsletter here: IEEE Region 8 News – September 2023 (Vol. 24, No. 3).


This publication is here to showcase events, achievements and news items from across the Region. As this is produced with specific deadlines throughout the year it is an ideal medium for reporting on past events, meetings or stories – with the ability to promote future events somewhat.


The Editorial Team welcomes reports, stories and general content, including photos, which can be emailed to [email protected] or submitted via online form. Our tips for contributors provide some guidelines on how to write articles for IEEE Region 8 News, along with details regarding text, artwork, and image formats.

The next issue will be published in December 2023.





2019-March – Valletta

This page contains information about the 112th IEEE Region 8 Committee Meeting to be held in Valletta on 16-17 of March 2019.




OpCom Reports

Director  (Magdalena Salazar Palma) Director-Elect (Antonio Luque)
Past-Director (Margaretha Eriksson) Secretary (Ana Madureira)
Treasurer (Adam Jastrzebski) V/C Member Activities (Adeel Sultan)
V/C Student Activities (Maciej Borówka) V/C Technical Activities (Sohaib Sheikh)

Subcommittee Reports

Action for Industry (AfI) Humanitarian Activities Subcommittee (HuA) Sections Congress Coordinator
Africa Council Life Member Coordinator (LM) Social Media Coordinator
Awards & Recognition Subcommittee (A&RSC) Membership Development Subcommittee (MDSC) Standards Coordinator (StC)
Chapter Coordination Subcommittee (ChCSC) Nominations and Appointments Subcommittee Strategic Planning
Conference Coordination SubCommittee (CoCSC) Professional Activities Subcommittee (PASC) Voluntary Contribution Fund Coordinator (VCF)
Educational Activities SubCommittee (EASC) Publications and Communications Subcommittee Women in Engineering Coordinator (WIE)
Electronic Communications Coordinator (ECC) Region 8 Today  (Region8Today) Young Professionals Subcommittee (YP)
Finance Subcommittee Region 8 News (R8News)
History Activities Coordinator (HA) Region Vitality Coordinator  (RVC)

Section Reports

Algeria Section Iraq Section Russia Section
Austria Section Iran Section Russia (Northwest) Section
Bahrain Section Israel Section Russia (Siberia) Section
Belarus Section Italy Section Saudi Arabia (East) Section
Benelux Section Jordan Section Saudi Arabia (West) Section
Bosnia and Herzegovina Section Kenya Section Serbia And Montenegro Section
Bulgaria Section Kuwait Section Slovenia Section
Croatia Section Latvia Section South Africa Section
Cyprus Section Lebanon Section Spain Section
Czechoslovakia Section Lithuania Section Sweden Section
Denmark Section Malta Section Switzerland Section
Egypt Section Morocco Section Tunisia Section
Estonia Section Nigeria Section Turkey Section
Finland Section Norway Section Uganda Section
France Section Oman Section UK and Ireland Section
Germany Section Poland Section Ukraine Section
Ghana Section Portugal Section United Arab Emirates Section
Greece Section Qatar Section Zambia Section
Hungary Section Republic Of Macedonia Section
Iceland Section Romania Section


Meeting Schedule – Valletta


Exhibition Hall – Level 2 Bellavanti – Level 5 De Medici – Level 5 Laparelli – Level 5 Buonamici – Level 5 Carapecchia – Level 8 Board room – Level 8
8:00-8:30 Director Address
8:30-9:00 New Volunteers Orientation YP SAC Awards & Recognitions Humanitarian Activities
10:00-10:30 Coffee Break
10:30-11:00 New Volunteers Orientation YP SAC Conference Coordination Action for Industry Educational/Professional Activities
12:00-13:00 Lunch at the restautant on Level 4
13:00-13:30 Strategic Planning WIE Conference Coordination Membership Development Educational/Professional Activities
15:00-15:30 Coffee Break
15:30-16:00 SAC & YP Publications & Comunnications (r8news, r8today, etc.) Chapter Coordination Africa Council Finance
17:00-17:30 History & Life M. OpCom
18:00-18:30 Malta Section Presentation
19:00-19:30 Welcome reception
20:00-20:30 Buffet Dinner (Restaurant at Level 4)

Saturday and Sunday

Grand Ballroom – Level 7 Grand Ballroom – Level 7
8:00-8:30 Region 8 Meeting Region 8 Meeting
18:00-18:30 Boat tour
19:30-20:00 Gala Dinner
22:00-22:30 Walk to Hotel

Order of the day – Valletta


Time Duration # Type Item Presenter
6:30 1:30:00 Social Breakfast
8:00 0:05:00 100 Procedural Call to Order Magdalena Salazar
8:05 0:15:00 101 Procedural Roll Call and Introduction Ana Madureira / Magdalena Salazar
8:20 0:05:00 102 Procedural Welcome by Malta Section Malta Section Chair – Conrad Attard
8:25 0:05:00 103 Procedural Introductory Remarks Magdalena Salazar
8:30 0:05:00 104 Action Approval of the Agenda Magdalena Salazar
8:35 0:05:00 105 Action Approval of the Consent Agenda Magdalena Salazar
8:40 0:25:00 106 Discussion IEEE Region 8 Director’s Address Magdalena Salazar
9:05 0:30:00 107 Discussion IEEE President’s Address José Moura
9:35 0:10:00 108 Discussion IEEE Region 7 Director’s Adress Maike Luiken
9:45 0:10:00 109 Discussion IEEE Region 10 Director’s Address Akinori Nishihara
9:55 0:05:00 110 Procedural Introduction to Poster Session Magdalena Salazar
10:00 0:45:00 111 Poster session (Exhibition Hall – Level 2) Poster Session: Sub Committees + R8 SYP Poster + Coffee Break All Sub Committees
10:45 0:25:00 112 Discussion Student Activities Maciej Borówka
11:10 0:25:00 113 Discussion Member Activities Adeel Sultan
11:35 0:25:00 114 Discussion Technical Activities Sohaib Sheikh
12:00 1:00:00 Social Lunch (Admirals Landing Restaurant – Level 5)
13:00 0:30:00 201 Discussion IEEE VP, MGAB, IEEE MGA: Strategy & Direction / Managing Director, MGAB: Member & Geographic Activities Francis Grosz / Cecelia Jankowski
13:30 0:15:00 202 Discussion Publications and Communications Committee Christopher James
13:45 0:45:00 203 Poster session (Exhibition Hall – Level 2) Poster Session: 1/2 Sections + Humanitarian Activities Workshop (Simay Akar, Carapecchia – Level 8 ) 1/2 Sections / Simay Akar
14:30 0:20:00 204 Discussion Leveraging Local Strengths – TA and MGA Kathy Land
14:50 0:15:00 205 Discussion Vienna Office Activities Clara Neppel
15:05 0:45:00 206 Poster session (Exhibition Hall – Level 2) Poster Session: 2/2 Sections + Coffee Break 2/2 Sections
15:50 0:20:00 207 Discussion IEEE Strategic plan 2025-2030: Lessons Learned. How entrepreneurship finally caught on within IEEE Dejan Milojicic
16:10 0:10:00 208 Discussion Strategic Planning Committee Antonio Luque
16:20 0:15:00 209 Action Voting for Posters to be presented on stage on Sunday Magdalena Salazar
16:35 0:05:00 210 Procedural Closing of day one Magdalena Salazar
16:40 0:05:00 211 Social Group photo Ana Madureira

Saturday Afternoon

Time Duration # Type Item
17:50 0:10:00 Social Meeting Point: Outside Hotel
18:00 1:30:00 Social Boat tour + Lift + Walking
19:30 2:30:00 Social Dinner at Casino Maltese, city centre
22:00 0:30:00 Social Return to Hotel walking


Time Duration # Type Item Presenter
6:30 1:30:00 Social Breakfast
8:00 0:05:00 300 Procedural Call to Order and Roll Call Magdalena Salazar
8:05 0:15:00 301 Discussion Presentation of Section poster voted best Industry Activity + discussion Ana Madureira
8:20 0:15:00 302 Discussion Presentation of Section poster voted best Membership Activity + discussion Ana Madureira
8:35 0:15:00 303 Discussion Presentation of Section poster voted best Section Vitality Activity + discussion Ana Madureira
8:50 0:15:00 304 Discussion Presentation of Section poster voted best Action for Africa + discussion Ana Madureira
9:05 0:10:00 305 Discussion Nominations and Appointments Margaretha Eriksson
9:15 0:30:00 306 Discussion Treasurer’s Report Adam Jastrzebski
9:45 0:15:00 307 Discussion Africa Council Habib Kammoun
10:00 0:30:00 Social Coffee Break
10:30 0:15:00 308 Discussion IEEE Technical Awards – Recognizing Technical Excellence and Leadership Vin Piuri, IEEE Technical Field Awards Council Chair
10:45 0:10:00 309 Discussion R8 Flagship Conferences Ljupco Karazdinov
10:55 0:30:00 310 Action Motions, presentation, discussion, voting Antonio Luque
11:25 0:30:00 311 Discussion Presentations of President-Elect Candidates Kathy Land / Dejan Milojicic
11:55 0:10:00 312 Discussion New Business Magdalena Salazar – All
12:05 0:10:00 313 Discussion Next Region 8 Committee Meeting Spain Section representative – Manuel Ballesteros
12:15 0:05:00 314 Discussion Closing Remarks IEEE President José Moura
12:20 0:05:00 315 Discussion Closing Remarks R8 Director Magdalena Salazar
12:25 0:05:00 316 Procedural Adjournment Magdalena Salazar – All
12:30 1:00:00 Social Lunch (Admirals Landing Restaurant – Level 5)

Consent Agenda

# Type Item
501 Action Approval of the minutes of the 111th Region 8 Committee meeting
502 Report Sub Committe and Section Reports

Committee in 2019

The IEEE Region 8 Committee consists of:


  • Section representatives
  • Operating Committee
  • Appointed Members

Section Representatives

In the IEEE Region 8 Committee, Sections are represented by their Chairs. Section Chairs may appoint an alternate representative to the Region 8 Committee. The most recent list of Region 8 Sections and their representatives to the Region 8 Committee may be found here.

Operating Committee (OpCom)

Appointed members

Ad-hoc members

Sub Committees

Action for Industry Team

  • Chair: Marios Antoniou (Cyprus)
  • Members:
    • Mohamed Amin (Egypt)
    • John Matogo (Kenya)
    • Matej Pacha (Czechoslovakia)
    • Danilo Pau (Italy)
  • Corresponding members – ex officio:
    • Costas Stasopoulos (Cyprus)
    • Sohaib Qamar Sheikh (UK and Ireland)
    • Frédérique Vallée (France)
    • Tiziana Tambosso (Italy)

Awards & Recognition Subcommittee

  • Chair: Margaretha Eriksson (Sweden)
  • Past Chair: Costas Stasopoulos (Cyprus)
  • Members:
    • Jaafar M. Al Ibrahim (Saudia Arabia)
    • Igor Kuzle (Croatia)
    • Meriem Kilani (France)
    • Athanasios Skodras (Greece)
  • Corresponding members – ex officio:
    • Magdalena Salazar Palma (Spain)
    • Vincenzo Piuri (Italy)

Chapter Coordination Subcommittee

  • Chair: Albert Lysko (South Africa)
  • Members:
    • Matej Zajc (Slovenia)
    • Student Branch Chapters: Sarra Ben Rabii (Tunisia)
  • Corresponding members:
    • Division Directors
      • Division III: Sergio Benedetto
      • Division VI: Manuel Castro
      • Division VII: Bruno Meyer
    • Society/Council Presidents
      • IEEE Computer Society: Cecilia Metra
      • IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society: Reimund Gerhard
      • IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society: Paolo Gamba
      • IEEE Industry Applications Society: Georges Zissis
      • IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society: Miguel Angel Sotelo Vazquez
      • IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society: Dominique Schreurs
      • IEEE Power Electronics Society: Frede Blaabjerg
      • IEEE Robotics and Automation Society: Wolfram Burgard
      • IEEE Signal Processing Society: Ali H Sayed
      • IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society: Bram Nauta
      • IEEE Council on Electronic Design Automation: David Atienza

Conference Coordination Subcommittee

  • Chair: Ljupco Karadzinov (North Macedonia)
  • Past Chair: Péter Nagy (Hungary)
  • Members:
    • Tomislav Capuder (Croatia)
    • Khaled Mokhtar (United Arab Emirates)
  • Corresponding members:
    • Vikass Monebhurrun (France)
  • Corresponding members – ex officio:
    • Carl J. Debono (Malta)
    • James M. Irvine (UK and Ireland)
    • René M. Garello (France)
    • Gianluca Setti (Italy)
    • Stefano Bregni (Italy)
    • Aleksandar Mastilovic (Serbia)
    • Meng Lu (Benelux)
    • Péter Nagy (Hungary)

Humanitarian Activities Subcommittee

  • Chair: John Funso-Adebayo (Nigeria)
  • Members:
    • Alexandros Osana (Greece)
    • Amith Khandakar (Oman)
    • Maria-Alexandra Paun (Switzerland)
    • Fairouz Fattoum (Tunisia)
    • Mohammad Ghaderzadeh (Iran)
    • Walid Bin Habib (Germany)
  • Corresponding members – ex officio:
    • Paul Cunningham (UK and Ireland)
    • Simay Akar (Turkey)

Membership Development Subcommittee

  • Chair: Ievgen Pichkalov (Ukraine)
  • Past Chair: Andrejs Romanovs (Latvia)
  • Members:
    • Tim Gitau (Kenya)
    • Matej Pacha (Czechoslovakia)
  • Corresponding members:
    • Azza Ouled Zaid (Tunisia)
    • John Matogo (Kenya)
    • Fadhel Abulhasan (Kuwait)
    • Albert Lysko (South Africa)
    • Mike Hinchey (UK and Ireland)

Nominations and Appointments Subcommittee

  • Chair: Margaretha Eriksson (Sweden)
  • Members – ex officio:
    • Magdalena Salazar Palma (Spain)
    • Antonio Luque (Spain)
  • Members – elected:
    • Habib Kammoun (Tunisia)
    • Vera Markovic (Serbia and Montenegro)
    • Sergey Shaposhnikov (Russia North West)

Professional and Educational Activities Subcommittee

  • Chair: Stamatis Dragoumanos (Greece)
  • Members:
    • University Education: Christopher James (UK and Ireland)
    • Continuing Education: Mohamed El Dallal (Egypt)
    • Jan Haase (Germany)
  • Corresponding members:
    • Amith Khandakar (Qatar)
    • Iulia Motoc (UK and Ireland)
    • Reinhardt Rading (Kenya)
  • Corresponding members – ex officio:
    • Saurabh Sinha (South Africa)
    • Maciej Ogorzalek (Poland)
    • Sohaib Qamar Sheiikh (UK and Ireland)
    • Rafal Sliz (Finland)
    • Samarth Deo (Sweden)

Standards Coordination Subcommittee

  • Chair: David Law (UK and Ireland)
  • Corresponding members:
    • Almir Badnjević (Bosnia & Herzegovina)
    • Vikass Monebhurrun (France)

Strategic Planning Subcommittee

  • Chair: Antonio Luque (Spain)
  • Past Chair: Magdalena Salazar Palma (Spain)
  • Members:
    • Margaretha Eriksson (Sweden)
    • Raphael Onoshakpor (Nigeria)
    • Sara Barros (Benelux)
    • Victor Fouad Hanna (France)
    • Simay Akar (Turkey)
    • George Papadimitriou (Greece)
  • Corresponding members – ex officio:
    • Martin J. Bastiaans (Benelux)
    • Urmet Janes (Estonia)

Student Activities Subcommittee

  • Chair: Maciej Borówka (Poland)
  • Past Chair: Efthymia Arvaniti (Austria)
  • Members:
    • Awards & Contest Coordinator: Lee Crudgington (UK and Ireland)
    • Electronic Communications: Mohammad Hossein Babaee (Portugal)
    • Projects & Initiatives Coordinator: Rawane El Jamal (Lebanon)
    • Region Student Representative: George Papadimitriou (Greece)
    • Student Branch Coordinator: Ángela Martínez (Spain)
    • Student Paper Contest Coordinator: Paul Micallef (Malta)
    • Technical Activities Liaison, Student Branch Chapters Coordinator: Sarra Ben Rabii (Tunisia)
    • Young Professionals Liaison, Industry Focus: Ahmed Al Omoush (Jordan)

Women in Engineering Coordinator

  • Chair: Ana Cigarán Romero (Germany)
  • Past Chair: Youmna El-Bitar (Lebanon)
  • Members:
    • Hzar Oqlah (Jordan)
    • Ilhem Kallel (Tunisia)
    • Philippa Ngaju (Uganda)
    • Maria-Alexandra Paun (Switzerland)
  • Corresponding members – ex officio:
    • Lisa J. Lazareck-Asunta (UK and Ireland)
    • Keely A. Crockett (UK and Ireland)

Young Professionals Subcommittee

  • Chair: Vinko Lesic (Croatia)
  • Past Chair: Sara Barros (Benelux)
  • Members:
    • Almedin Kavaz (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
    • Inês Inácio (Benelux)
    • Manuel Ballesteros (Spain)
    • Aleks Dyskin (Israel)
  • Corresponding members:
    • Abdullateef Aliyu (Nigeria)
    • Seif El Hajjem (Tunisia)
  • Corresponding members – ex officio:
    • Flavia Dinca (Sweden)
    • José Pedro Vieira de Carvalho Pinto (Portugal)
    • Rafal Sliz (Finland)

Ad hoc Subcommittees

Finance (Ad Hoc Subcommittee)

  • Chair: Adam Jastrzebski (UK and Ireland)
  • Members:
    • Director-Elect: Antonio Luque (Spain)
    • Past Director: Margaretha Eriksson (Sweden)
    • Voluntary Contributions Fund: Andreas Koltes (Germany)

Region Vitality Coordination (Ad Hoc Subcommittee)

  • Chair: Aleksandar Szabo (Croatia)
  • Members:
    • Andreas Koltes (Germany)
  • Corresponding members:
    • Humphrey Muhindi (Kenya)

History Activities (Ad Hoc Subcommittee)

  • Chair: Tony Davies (UK and Ireland)
  • Corresponding members – ex officio:
    • Martin Bastiaans (Benelux)

Life members (Ad Hoc Subcommittee)

  • Chair: Victor Fouad-Hanna (France)
  • Corresponding members:
    • Hugo Wyss (Swiss)
  • Corresponding members – ex officio:
    • Aleksandar Szabo (Croatia)
    • Charles Turner (UK and Ireland)

Publications and Communications (Ad Hoc Subcommittee)

  • Chair: Christopher James (UK and Ireland)
  • Members:
    • Electronic Communications: George Michael (Cyprus)
    • New Journals: Matej Zajc (Slovenia)
    • Region 8 News: Alistair Dabbs (UK and Ireland)
    • Region 8 Today: Stamatis Dragomaunos (Greece)
    • Social Media: Dora Fourou (Greece)
    • Secretary: Ana Maria Madureira (Portugal)
    • Assistant Secretary: Miguel Castanheira Marques (Portugal)