Yearly Archives: 2021

Deadline extension IEEE R8 Call for Nominations


Dear IEEE Region 8 members,

The scope of this eNotice is to inform you of the extension of the deadline to submit Nominations for the various R8 volunteer positions as detailed below, from June 30, 2021, to July 15, 2021.

The IEEE Region 8 Nominations & Appointments (N&A) Subcommittee is soliciting nominations for the following leadership positions:

– IEEE Region 8 2023-2024 Delegate-Elect/Director-Elect (six year commitment)
– IEEE Region 8 2022 Vice Chair, Member Activities (one year commitment)
– IEEE Region 8 2022 Vice Chair, Student Activities (one year commitment)
– IEEE Region 8 2022 Vice Chair, Technical Activities (one year commitment)

Please submit nominations by filling up the IEEE R8 Nomination Form  (available at the IEEE Region 8 website in the ‘Documents’ section, ) and sending it to Magdalena Salazar Palma, Chair of the IEEE Region 8 Nominations & Appointments Subcommittee (R8 N&A SC), at [email protected], and to the R8 N&A SC at [email protected], by 15 July 2021.

The IEEE Region 8 2023-2024 Delegate-Elect/Director-Elect will be elected by the voting members of Region 8 in the 2022 IEEE Annual Election from the slate nominated by the R8 Committee. The Region 8 Committee will select the slate during the Region 8 Committee meeting either in the Fall of 2021 or the Spring of 2022.

The IEEE Region 8 2022 Vice Chairs will be elected during the Region 8 Committee Meeting in the Fall of 2021. Note that the current Vice Chairs are eligible for re-election.

For all further details, including petition processes, please refer to the IEEE Region 8 Bylaws and the IEEE Region 8 Operations Manual (available at the IEEE Region 8 website in the ‘Documents’ section), in particular the sections R8-3.1.2 ‘Director-Elect’ and R8-3.1.7 ‘Vice Chairs’ in the Bylaws, and the sections R8-4.2 ‘Region 8 Director-Elect,’ R8-4.6 ‘Region 8 Vice Chairs’ and R8-5 ‘Elections and appointments procedures’ in the Operations Manual.

The individual elected to serve as the IEEE Region 8 2023-2024 Delegate-Elect/Director-Elect will serve for six years: in 2023-2024 as Director-Elect, in 2025-2026 as Director, and in 2027-2028 as Past Director.

In 2023-2024 this individual will:

– be invited to attend the IEEE Board of Directors and the IEEE MGA Board meetings (as part of the preparation and education for the later service)
– serve (as a voting member) on the IEEE Region 8 Committee and IEEE Region 8 Operating Committee
– serve as member on the IEEE Region 8 Nominations & Appointments Subcommittee (except in the process of selecting candidates for the IEEE Region 8 Delegate-Elect/Director-Elect).

Additional duties may be expected and will vary.

In 2025-2026 this individual will serve on the:

– IEEE Assembly (as delegate/representative of IEEE Region 8 members)
– IEEE Board of Directors
– IEEE MGA Board
– IEEE Region 8 Committee (as chair)
– IEEE Region 8 Operating Committee (as chair)
– IEEE Region 8 Nominations & Appointments Subcommittee.

Additional duties may be expected and will vary.

In 2027-2028 this individual will serve on the:

– IEEE Region 8 Committee
– IEEE Region 8 Operating Committee
– IEEE Region 8 Nominations & Appointments Subcommittee (as chair)
– IEEE Region 8 Strategic Planning Subcommittee (as chair or as a regular member)
– IEEE Region 8 Awards & Recognition Subcommittee (as chair or as a regular member).

Additional duties may be expected and will vary.

Board of Directors and MGA position descriptions are available at

IEEE Ethics Video

For some time the EMCC has been concerned that university engineering programs have not been giving appropriate visibility to ethics education in the engineering curriculum.


To address this issue, the EMCC has produced a 45-minute video that can be used in university electrical and computer engineering programs that will assist faculty and students in gaining a better understanding of the need for ethical conduct within the practice of engineering and can provide students and faculty with approaches that will enable a better focus on ethics in the context of the university classroom.



We would appreciate your assistance in making university engineering programs in your region aware of this new teaching aid.


The 45-minute video is archived at IEEE.TV and can be accessed at any time at the following URL.

Support IEEE Day to make a remarkable celebration

IEEE Day is an annual event celebrated on the first Tuesday in October, IEEE Day 2021 will be held on 5 October. Celebrations can be held between 1 October and 17 October.


IEEE Day’s theme is: “Leveraging Technology for a Better Tomorrow.”


IEEE Day encourages members together to share ideas and be inspired to achieve their technological goals. This year, there will be a hybrid celebration due to the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions. Events will be held both in-person and virtually in locations around the world.


IEEE Day provides a toolkit that contains promotional copy, a social media collateral package, testimonials, logo and flyers, Wallpaper, Zoom Virtual Background, and a quick start guide.


The team is asking for everyone’s support in celebrating IEEE Day, sharing their knowledge, and pinning the event on the IEEE Day event map.

For any kind of query, do not hesitate to contact us. Follow us on our social media Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, IEEE Day community on collabratec

Women and STEM: opt out or lean in?

The IEEE WIE Italy invites you to participate in the panel session “Women and STEM: opt out or lean in?” at the 29th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED 2021), which will be held online on June 24th, h. 18:00 – 19:30 (CEST).


Featuring 6 talks, the panel will review the current state of different aspects of involvement of women in STEM studies, careers and competencies, analyzing the impact they may have on their lives, families and society at large. The panel will also analyze how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting the working environment of both academic and non-academic women.


To read more about the panel session, visit


Participation in the event is FREE!

To join us, click

Watch Again | Challenges and Opportunities: Towards a Better WIE Future

In the “Challenges and Opportunities: Towards a Better WIE Future” workshop, female engineers tell us about the challenges they faced and how they overcame them. This will help others to learn by example from other expert engineers and help them on their journey. Professional female engineers from academia and industry will tell us about the different opportunities which will empower us to pursue further opportunities in the different areas of interest. Male engineers will show how they support women in their career and how they can be role models for others to advance women in technology.


Watch again the online workshop HERE


You can also watch again the first workshop of the IEEE WIE Ambassadors’ Scheme – Early Career Talk: An Inspirational and Empowering Webinar for Women in Engineering HERE

IEEE European Public Policy Webinar on Artificial Intelligence

On 30 June (16:00 CEST), the IEEE’s European Public Policy Committee (EPPC) is hosting a public policy webinar exploring the EU approach to artificial intelligence, including possible roles and implications for the technology community in light of the European Commission’s new legal framework for AI.
Panelists will explore opportunities to harmonize AI rules and highlight IEEE’s efforts to promote AI standardization and certification activities and their European implications.
Speakers include Prof. Cecilia Metra (Chair of the EPPC WG on ICT), Dr. Ansgar Koene (Global AI Ethics and Regulatory Leader at E&Y), and Mr. Salvatore Scalzo (Policy & Legal Officer at the European Commission).

For more information and/or to sign-up for this free webinar, go to:

To review the European Commission’s proposals for harmonization of AI policy, go to:


Serie of Webinars: WiE Week of Well-being


Be aware of our mental health is very important. This pandemic situation affects all of us differently and we lead with it in different ways.

Even without the actual pandemic, mental health is very important and all of us should give it special attention.


June 16th is the first day of the Series of Webinars organized by IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) Portugal and Turkey Affinity Groups.


As first of these events, we will talk about well-being and positive thinking, targeting who could benefit from new and different perspectives

to practice mental health – Series of Webinars: WIE Week of Well-being:


We have 5 speakers from around the world, each of them will give us a different perspective on how to lead with our emotional issues:

Here is the schedule of the event:

  • “Mental Fortitude”, with Ebony Wiley 16 June 6 PM CET
  • “Discover Flow – Where joy meets performance”, with Mirna Šmidt 23 June 11:30 AM CET
  • “Self-care: The #1 Key To a Sustainable Career for Women in Engineering”, with Aisha Moore 24 June 3:30 PM CET
  • “Do you still want to be a superhero and save the world?”, with Rui Neves da Silva 28 June 5 PM CET
  • “Is it time to focus on Healthspan, instead of Lifespan?”, with Cenk Tezcan 29 June 7 PM CET

Join us to learn how to increase your confidence and self-esteem.

Attendance is free but registration is required:

Announcing the 2021 Volunteer Leadership Training Program

The MGA Training Committee is pleased to announce the launch of the 2021 Volunteer Leadership Training (VoLT) Program and will begin accepting applications for the program on 1 June 2021.

The VoLT Program prepares IEEE volunteers for leadership roles in their local units and beyond. The program’s key goals are to:

  • Accelerate volunteer’s knowledge of the IEEE’s organization, products, services, and resources
  • Help volunteers understand their roles within their local units and within the entire organization
  • Create a succession tool that develops and prepares future IEEE volunteer leaders

Since the program’s launch in 2013, over 350 volunteers graduated from the program. Our VoLT graduates represent all 10 IEEE Regions and over 100 Sections.
The volunteers who graduated from the program took the time to undergo the training, knowing the commitment involved.

We hope the result will be a more energized, well-informed, and engaged volunteer for your Section and Region.


In the coming days, announcements of the 2021 VoLT Program will be made through enotice, MGA Scoop, social media, and other channels, inviting eligible candidates to apply for the program.


Applications will be accepted from 1 June 2021 through 21 July 2021.

Applicants will be notified of their application status mid-to late-August.


We kindly ask you to share the news with your fellow IEEE members and volunteers and encourage those who may be interested to learn more about the program and apply this year.

More information about the VoLT Program, including application requirements, can be found in the IEEE Center for Leadership Excellence (CLE) (you may be prompted to log in to the CLE with your IEEE account).


Thank you for your support, and if you have any questions regarding the program, please let us know at [email protected].