Yearly Archives: 2023

IEEE HTB/SIGHT Best Practices Lecture Series

The Impact of Energy Efficiency on Low Resource Environments
  • Organizer: IEEE Humanitarian Technologies Board Ad Hoc Committee on SIGHT Best Practices
  • About: In this seminar, we will explore how energy efficiency can improve humanitarian conditions and discuss some of the challenges and opportunities associated with implementing energy efficiency measures in these contexts.
  • Speaker: Dr. Hanan M. Albuflasa, University of Bahrain


Good Practices from Robotics for Equality and Democracy Project Tunisia
  • Organizer: IEEE Humanitarian Technologies Board Ad Hoc Committee on SIGHT Best Practices
  • About: This lecture will describe the ‘Robotics for Equality and Democracy’ program implementation’s main steps covering alignment with local educational system policies and regulations, the educator’s training, the organization of the learner’s activities and their assessments based on a project based methodology.
  • Speaker: Dr Nizar Rokbani, IEEE Tunisia Section


Avoiding a Graveyard of Solar Panels: How to make Solar Electric Systems Sustainable
  • Organizer: IEEE Humanitarian Technologies Board Ad Hoc Committee on SIGHT Best Practices
  • About: In this talk, we will present strategies based on our experiences in the field to make solar electric systems long term sustainable so that communities can continue to receive the benefits of electricity for the long term.
  • Speaker: Dr. Pritpal Singh, Villanova University, USA


Co-designing Ethical Interventions in Resource Constrained Environments
  • Organizer: IEEE Humanitarian Technologies Board Ad Hoc Committee on SIGHT Best Practices
  • About: This SSIT Distinguished Lecture focuses on social implications and ethical issues to be considered when co-designing and implementing interventions in resource-constrained environments.
  • Speaker: Miriam Cunningham, IST-Africa Institute, Ireland

Our Members


Theodoros Chatzinikolaou

Chair – Greece Section

Theodoros is, currently, PhD Candidate in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of the Democritus University of Thrace, and has received his Engineering Diploma with Integrated Master from the aforementioned Department. As an active IEEE volunteer, he strongly believes he can create a valuable impact on humanity and society via engineering through volunteerism, and, thus, he is, currently, the Humanitarian Activities Chair in IEEE Region 8. He has served various IEEE OUs including MGA SAC, his Region as Student Representative, as well as his local Student Branch by chairing it once, mentoring it twice, and distinguishing it as Exemplary four times.




Abdullateef Aliyu

Past-Chair – Nigeria Section

Abdullateef is the General Manager of projects in Phase 3 Telecom, an aerial fiber-optic network infrastructure provider in West Africa, He is also a Senior Vice President of IEEE Smart Village and Currently chairs the IEEE Region 8 Students Activities Committee as Vice Chair of Student activities. He received his bachelor’s degree from Bayero University Kano (BUK), and master’s in ICT from the Northern University of Malaysia with Honors. He is an Alumnus of the United States telecommunication training institute (USTTI), Washington DC. He joined phase 3 Telecom in 2013 where he helped deployed numerous high-profile projects in Nigeria and across Sub-Sahara Africa for Mobile Network Operators (MNO) and led the implementation of the Phase 3 telecom 100G transmission network across Nigeria. He is a recipient of several awards and recognitions that include and not limited to the Leadership and Innovative Award by Phase 3 telecom in 2022, the Best Creativity Award by Phase 3 Telecom in 2022, the Excellence in leadership Award 2022 by IEEE Smart Village, the Award of Excellence by IEEE Nigeria Section 2022 for NIGERCON 2022, the Award of Excellence by the NSE Maitama branch 2021, MGA Board Young Professionals Achievement Award 2019, Recipient of Outstanding Volunteer of IEEE R8 ASYP Congress 2017 (EMEA), and IEEE Nigeria Section Merit Award 2017 (NG).


George Papadimitriou

Switzerland Section

Georgios (George) Papadimitriou studied at the Electrical and Computer Engineering department at the National Technical University of Athens. Currently, he is working for HILTI, Global IT in Switzerland as an Enterprise Network Engineer. Previously he worked for Nokia Research & Development at their Technology Center in Athens, Greece. Since 2012, he volunteered as the Chair of the National Technical University of Athens IEEE Student Branch, the IEEE Greece Section’s Student Representative and the Region 8 Projects and Initiatives Coordinator fostering student collaboration and leading fruitful projects across the Region. In 2018 he was appointed to his second role in the Student Activities Committee as the Regional Student Representative and as a member of the Region 8 Strategic Planning Committee.


Lavender Ndunya

Kenya Section

Lavender Ndunya is a young Kenyan professional with 5 years industry experience. She is a Customer Service Officer for British American Tobacco, handling account management for 8 export markets in the region. In IEEE, with 6 years of membership, she has taken up various roles in the section (previously Industry Engagement Lead) and now she serves as Section Treasurer. She also volunteers in R8 as Humanitarian Activities Committee Member. The core scope of the role is to provide guidance on funding opportunities, push for SIGHT activities in Kenya, Uganda, Zambia & Ethiopia and ensure the SIGHT sections remain active over the years. She holds BSc. Electrical & Electronic Engineering from JKUAT.


Lucija Brezočnik

Slovenia Section

Lucija Brezočnik received her B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of the University of Maribor, Slovenia. She is a teaching assistant and Ph.D. candidate. She works on several projects in the industry and is the author of a few journal papers, more than 20 conference papers, one book chapter, and is a reviewer for more than 40 recognized peer-review journals. Her research interests include machine learning, computational intelligence, data science, swarm intelligence, software engineering, and agile software development. For her work, she received several international and local awards and grants for her research activities. She is also the current IEEE Slovenia Vice-Chair and past IEEE WiE Slovenia chair.


Omar Salameh

Jordan Section

Omar is an IEEE Member since 2016, held several leading positions in the student branch, and was the professional activities officer in IEEE Jordan Section. Professionally, he is an Electrical Engineer with 4 years’ experience in power generation sector. Currently, he is doing my master’s degree in Electrical Engineering and Renewable Energy Systems at the University of Leeds, United Kingdom.






Miriam Cunningham

UK & Ireland Section

Miriam Cunningham (IEEE Senior Member, IEEE-HKN) is a technology and innovation expert with over 25 years experience working with education and research, industry and government organisations to support ICT4Development/ Digital Development in Africa and Europe. Miriam specialises in contributing to policy analysis, research capacity building, adaptation and implementation of appropriate technology addressing societal challenges in low resource environments. Miriam has extensive experience as Co-Principal Investigator of large-scale digital technology innovation oriented cross-border and regional projects in Europe and Africa. She has co-organised over 45 large international conferences around the world, including both IEEE and government hosted conferences. Miriam is also Head of Research of the not-for-profit IST-Africa Institute, working in strategic partnership with Ministries and National Councils responsible for Innovation, Science and Technology in 18 African Member States. Miriam has served in senior IEEE volunteer roles including Member, IEEE SSIT Board of Governors (2020 – 2025) and IEEE Humanitarian Technology Board (2023).


Neemat Abdelrahim

Sudan Sub-section

Neemat is a A final year software engineering student at Sudan university of science and technology (graduating by March 2023). She has 3 years of experience with IEEE as volunteer and almost 2 years as an IEEE member. Currently serving as the chairperson of her student branch and IEEE Sudan Subsection SAC representative. She has worked as an ambassador for several times in different events and activities such as IEEE Day 2021, PES Day 2021, IEEEXtreme 15.0 & 16.0, IEEE Entrepreneurship week 2022 and several volunteering experience.




Nour Sbaoulji

Tunisia Section

Nour Sbaoulji is 23, Tunisian and a Software Engineering Student.







Jan Verveckken

Benelux Section

Belgian, Raised in Germany and Belgium. Studied electrical-mechanical energy engineering, with a focus on electrical energy. PhD in control of power electronics at KU Leuven. A variety of employers, in the fields of strategy consulting, automotive production, innovation development, research engineering and finally, engineering education.





Ex-officio from IEEE Humanitarian Technologies Board

Lwanga Herbert (Uganda Section) Magdalena Salazar-Palma (Spain Section) Maxwell Addison (Ghana Section) Mohamed Essaaidi (Morocco Section) Simay Akar (Turkey Section)



Past Committee Members

2021-22 Committee Members
  • Chair: Abdulateef Aliyu (Nigeria)
  • Members:
    • John Funso Adebayo (Nigeria) (Past-Chair)
    • Lavender Ndunya (Kenya)
    • Fairouz Fattoum (Tunisia) (SAC Liaison)
  • Corresponding members:
    • Manuel Ballesteros (Spain)
    • Heba Qadoomi (Jordan)
    • Miriam Cunningham (UK & Ireland)
    • Walid Bin Habib (Germany)
  • Ex-officio from IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee:
    • Simay Akar (Turkey)
    • Lwanga Herbert (Uganda)

Student Paper Contest 2023 – 1st PHASE SELECTION RESULTS

The first phase of the Student Paper Contest 2023, which is the fifty-sixth edition of this prestigious and long-standing R8 student contest, has been completed. There were 13 submissions in total, of which 12 were accepted as valid. The papers were submitted by the following student branches: UCLouvain University (Belgium); two papers by Imperial College London (UK); University of Birmingham (UK); University of Niš (Serbia); Multimedia University of Kenya (Kenya); Kyambogo University (Uganda); Mutah University (Jordan); University of Ljubljana (Slovenia); University of Maribor (Slovenia); King Abdulaziz University (Saudi Arabia); and Higher Institute of Applied Science and Technology of Sousse (Tunisia).


The SPC 2023 international jury, whose members are: Prof. Gianfranco Chicco from Italy, Prof. Joao Carlos Ferreira from Portugal, Prof. Paul Micallef  from Malta, and Prof. Vera Markovic from Serbia, has anonymously selected the following five papers (listed in alphabetical order) for the Regional Oral Finals:

  • Jakub Lála, Imperial College London, UK, “Coarse-Graining of Molecular Dynamics Using Neural Ordinary Differential Equations
  • Jonathan Parion, UCLouvain University, Belgium, “Low-temperature admittance spectroscopy for defect characterization in Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se)2 thin-film solar cells
  • Sarah Alyafeai, Rawan Duhaithem, Sara Alamoudi, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia, “Smart Assistive Wearable Device for Alzheimer’s Patients
  • Saša Obradović, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, “Evaluation of inertial measurement units and non-invasive muscle contraction sensors for monitoring cycling biomechanics
  • Wenqiang Lai, Qihan Yang, Ye Mao, Endong Sung, Jiangnan Ye, Imperial College London, UK, “Knowledge Distilled Ensemble Model for sEMG-based Silent Speech Interface


SPC 2023 Oral Finals will be organized within the scope of R8 flagship conference EUROCON 2023, in Turin, Italy, July 6-8, 2023. The awards for students are $800, $500, and $200 for first, second, and third place, respectively, and the award for the winner’s Student Branch is $250.


The IEEE R8 Student Activities Committee congratulates the authors of the top five papers and the branches where the finalists come from!


Many thanks to all participants in the SPC 2023! We would like to encourage the participating student branches, as well as all other Region 8 SBs, to take part in the SPC 2024!




IEEE Africon 2023

IEEE AFRICON 2023 is co-sponsored by IEEE Region 8 and the IEEE Kenya Section and is the flagship conference for the African continent.


It will be held in Nairobi, Kenya on 20th – 22nd September 2023 under the theme:


“Advancing Technology in Africa Towards Presence on the Global Stage”.




IEEE Education Week

IEEE Education Week, taking place 2-8 April 2023, is a celebration of the many ways that IEEE Volunteers and Members make an impact on education at every level around the globe. The Education Week website, at, offers links to live and virtual events, educational resources, and special offers. During the week, IEEE Members will have the opportunity to earn participation points and a digital badge while experiencing the many educational offerings IEEE makes available, from continuing education, to university offerings for faculty and students, to STEM educational initiatives. IEEE President Saifur Rahman will also present a special virtual event to help kick off the week on Monday, 3 April 2023.


Make sure that your Region’s educational offerings and events are featured


All IEEE-affiliated groups, including Regions, are invited to submit content to be featured on the Education Week website. Simply visit the website and click Submit on the top menu to get started. You can also submit events using IEEE vTools.Events.

IEEE Region 8 Student Activities Committee 2023-24

On January 2023, IEEE Region 8 SAC team was renewed for the 2023-24 term. Led by Abdullateef Aliyu, the Region 8 Vice-Chair of Student Activities for 2023-24, a cross-sectional, diverse, and talented team was brought-together to kick-start the Region 8 student activities. This year, however, the R8 SAC team brings forward a brand new structure along with new initiatives. The main team constitutes of 7 members, where three of these are Chairs for their respective Adhoc Committees. The new three Adhoc committees are as follows: “Contest, Awards & Recognition”, “Training and Leadership Support” and “New Initiatives”. Together, the team is working to support and develop all aspects of R8 Student Activities. The aim is to provide excellent support to Student Branches, Student Chapters, SIGHT Groups, WIE Student Branches Affinity Groups and Student Branch Counsellors in the region. The SAC team operates different programs, training and development sessions, competitions, and awards that promote a better growth-based ecosystem for all student activities in Region 8. New trainings, activities, initiatives, competitions, and awards are coming soon!



Meet the main IEEE R8 SAC Team: 



Abdullateef Aliyu

2023-24 Chair, R8 SAC


Abdullateef is the General Manager of projects in Phase 3 Telecom, an aerial fiber-optic network infrastructure provider in West Africa, He is also a Senior Vice President of IEEE Smart Village and Currently chairs the IEEE Region 8 Students Activities Committee as Vice Chair of Student activities. He received his bachelor’s degree from Bayero University Kano (BUK), and master’s in ICT from the Northern University of Malaysia with Honors. He is an Alumnus of the United States telecommunication training institute (USTTI), Washington DC. He joined phase 3 Telecom in 2013 where he helped deployed numerous high-profile projects in Nigeria and across Sub-Sahara Africa for Mobile Network Operators (MNO) and led the implementation of the Phase 3 telecom 100G transmission network across Nigeria. He is a recipient of several awards and recognitions that include and not limited to the Leadership and Innovative Award by Phase 3 telecom in 2022, the Best Creativity Award by Phase 3 Telecom in 2022, the Excellence in leadership Award 2022 by IEEE Smart Village, the Award of Excellence by IEEE Nigeria Section 2022 for NIGERCON 2022, the Award of Excellence by the NSE Maitama branch 2021, MGA Board Young Professionals Achievement Award 2019, Recipient of Outstanding Volunteer of IEEE R8 ASYP Congress 2017 (EMEA), and IEEE Nigeria Section Merit Award 2017 (NG).


                                          E-mail: [email protected]




Simay Akar

Past Chair, R8 SAC


Simay Akar is an entrepreneur with reputable corporate industrial background and experience in the energy industry. She specialized in photovoltaic manufacturing, battery storage for electric vehicles and renewable energy technologies and the clean energy market development. ​ Akar is currently the Chief Commercial Officer & Co-Founder at Innoses. Her past roles include Sales & Marketing Director of EkoRE – Eko Renewable Energy and Head of Overseas Marketing at Talesun Solar Akar has worked in China and Turkey and mostly focused on international commercial activities and has been employed by CSUN Eurasia, Schneider Electric, Arcelik (BEKO), and Lucida Solar. In addition to her professional acclimates, she is an IEEE Senior member, acknowledged volunteer since 2007. Simay is a graduate of Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey and she participated Energy Innovation and Emerging Technologies Program at Stanford University.


                                          Read more at: 

                                          E-mail: [email protected]





Maryam Saeed

R8 Regional Student Representative


Maryam Saeed is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University College Dublin. She is a recipient of the Schlumberger Faculty for the Future Award for doctoral studies. Her current research includes designing arrhythmia classifiers for low-power circuits using event-driven ADCs, signal processing and machine learning. She has previously worked on neural spike sorting for implanted brain circuits and EEG-based biomedical applications. She received her M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad. She has also received training in EEG data acquisition and equipment handling at the University of Oldenburg, Germany. Her IEEE journey started in 2008 at the IEEE Lahore Section, Region 10. She first joined as a student volunteer at the FAST-NU Student branch, then as the Chair WIE, from 2009-2010. She was the founding member of the All-Pakistan Women in Engineering Forum, created in 2012 ( and served as their General Secretary. She also worked as the WIE Mentor for the IEEE WIE SEECS branch in 2014. Then she joined the IEEE WIE Islamabad Section as their General Secretary. Her volunteer work included organizing the WIE conferences, administering the IEEE STAR program locally and collaborative work with the local WeCreate branch ( to help young graduates build new start-ups. In 2015 she was awarded the IEEE R10 WIE Professional Volunteer Award.


                                          E-mail: [email protected]




Vera Marković

Chair, Adhoc Committee “Contest, Awards & Recognition”


Vera Marković is a full professor and the Head of the Department of Telecommunications of the Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Niš, Serbia. She has been an IEEE member since 1992 and a senior member since 2015. She was the Secretary, Vice-chair, and Chair of the Serbia & Montenegro Section (2007-2018). Thereafter, she was a member of the R8 N&A Subcommittee (2019–2020) and as the R8 Membership Development Subcommittee corresponding member (2020). Currently, in addition to the duties of the R8 SPC Coordinator, she is also an MGA Member Benefits Portfolio Advisory Committee member (2020-2021) and an IEEE Global Public Policy Committee Member (2021-2022).


E-mail: [email protected]





Khaldoun Taktak

Chair, Adhoc Committee “Training and Leadership Support”


Khaldoun Taktak is a Network and Telecommunication Engineering Student at the National Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology (INSAT). Besides pursuing an engineering degree, he loves dedicating his free time to reading, volunteering and experiencing new cultures. He serves as the chair of the IEEE Region 8 AdHoc committee on training and leadership support. Previously, he was chair of the IEEE Region 8 Student and Young Professional Congress in 2022 which was held in Tunis, Tunisia and has always been an active volunteer within his Student Branch contributing to the organization of many local events and congresses. As a dedicated and active IEEE volunteer, Khaldoun firmly believes that volunteering and engineering combined together will help advance technology for the benefit of humanity especially when derived from students.


                                          E-mail: [email protected]





Vildana Hrnjić

Chair, Adhoc Committee “New Initiatives”


Vildana is a young entrepreneur with a big experience in Branding and Marketing. She is currently the Chief Marketing Officer of the Association VivaBiH in Bosnia and Herzegovina. During her student days at the department of Graphic Engineering and Design at the Faculty of Technology in Banja Luka, she was an active IEEE Volunteer in her Student Branch where she was Treasurer and Social Media Manager. Since January 2021, she became part of the R8 SAC as an Outreach Coordinator and Electronic Communications Coordinator.

Vildana (co-)wrote a few conference papers about the concepts of green technologies in the graphic industries as well as the power of individuals to contribute to society.

She primarily works as a Brand Designer & Strategist. As an educator and mentor, she loves to share her knowledge and empower young people to work in IT.


                                          E-mail: [email protected]




Mohamed Hatem

Electronic Communications Coordinator


Mohamed Hatem is a Senior Undergraduate Student at the Nanotechnology and Nano-electronics Engineering Department at the University of Science and Technology in Zewail City for Science, Technology, and Innovation. He is pursuing in final semsters on the MEMS Technology and Nano-devices concentration along with a Graduation Project focused on the development of new Gate-All-Around Ge-based FETs.


Besides, Hatem has been a volunteer at IEEE since 2016. After one year and in 2017, Hatem acted as the IEEE Zewail City Student Branch Chairperson in which he developed exceptional leadership and communication skills. After a while, Hatem started volunteering in his section Young Professionals and SIGHT groups in which he held leadership positions in all of their programs. In 2020, Hatem has been selected to be the Sectional Student Representative (SSR) of the IEEE Egypt Section. Hatem has been always mandated with his community development, progress, and sustainability.


                                          E-mail: [email protected]








We are delighted to inform you that IEEE COMCAS 2023 is now open for manuscript submission.


Please find HERE the IEEE COMCAS 2023 Call For Papers.


Below you may find our conference website and social media channels. We invite you to follow for constant updates and more ongoing information about IEEE COMCAS. Please feel free to share them amongst your communities as well.

1. Conference Website: your dedicated link HERE

2. Facebook:

3. LinkedIn:

4. Twitter:


Call for Nominations: 2025-2026 Delegate-Elect/Director-Elect

The IEEE Region 8 Nominations & Appointments (N&A) Committee is soliciting nominations for the following leadership positions:

  • IEEE Region 8 2025-2026 Delegate-Elect/Director-Elect (six year commitment)

Information on the responsibilities, required skills and expected commitment is available at the Region Director position description and the IEEE Board of Directors member position description.


Submit nominations by filling up the IEEE R8 Nomination Form at, by 31 May 2023. The slate of candidates will be selected by the Region 8 Committee during the meeting in August 2023. The IEEE Region 8 2025-2026 Delegate-Elect/Director-Elect will be elected by the voting members of Region 8 in the 2024 IEEE Annual Election from the slate approved by the R8 Committee.


In 2025-2026 this individual will:

  • be invited to attend the IEEE Board of Directors and the IEEE MGA Board meetings (as part of the preparation and education for the later service)
  • serve (as a voting member) on the IEEE Region 8 Committee and IEEE Region 8 Operating Committee
  • erve as member on the IEEE Region 8 Nominations & Appointments Committee

Additional duties may be expected and will vary.


In 2027-2028 this individual will serve on the:

  • IEEE Assembly (as delegate/representative of IEEE Region 8 members)
  • IEEE Board of Directors
  • IEEE MGA Board
  • IEEE Region 8 Committee (as chair)
  • IEEE Region 8 Operating Committee (as chair)
  • IEEE Region 8 Nominations & Appointments Committee.

Additional duties may be expected and will vary.


In 2029-2030 this individual will serve on the:

  • IEEE Region 8 Committee
  • IEEE Region 8 Operating Committee
  • IEEE Region 8 Nominations & Appointments Committee (as chair)
  • IEEE Region 8 Strategic Planning Committee (as chair or as a regular member)
  • IEEE Region 8 Awards & Recognition Committee (as chair or as a regular member).

Additional duties may be expected and will vary.


For all further details, including petition processes, please refer to the IEEE Region 8 Bylaws and the IEEE Region 8 Operations Manual, in particular section R8-3.1.2 ‘Director-Elect’ in the Bylaws, and section R8M-4.2 ‘Region 8 Director-Elect,’ and R8M-5 ‘Elections and appointments procedures’ in the Operations Manual.


2023-March – Bucharest

This page contains information about the 120th IEEE Region 8 Committee Meeting to be held in Bucharest, Romania, from Saturday 25 March 2023 to Sunday 26 March 2023.



Provisional Meeting And Social Events Schedule

(update 2023-03-15)

Friday, 24 March 2023 (EET, winter time)

08:00–18:00 Committees of R8 in-person meetings

18:00–19:30 Welcome reception: IEEE Romania Section & University Politehnica of Bucharest presentation and a cocktail

19:30–22:30 Welcome Dinner

Saturday, 25 March 2023 (EET, winter time)

08:00–18:00 The R8C meeting, Day 1

18:30–20:00 Sightseeing Bucharest City

20:00–23:00 Gala Dinner at the Bragadiru Palace, Grand Collosseum Hall

Sunday, 26 March 2023 (EEST, summer time)

09:00–13:30 The R8C meeting, Day 2

13:30–14:30 Adjourn and lunch

Monday, 27 March 2023

Departure or optional self-paid Dracula’s Castle and Transylvania Day Trip