Dora Fourou

International Women in Engineering COVID 19 Congress 2021 (WIECOV 2021)


To exchange our views and share our ideas during the COVID19 pandemic, IEEE Bangladesh Section and its Women in Engineering (WIE) Affinity Group are jointly organizing a full virtual event, International Women in Engineering COVID 19 Congress 2021 (WIECOV 2021).


You are most welcome to be a speaker/participant of this congress and involve your WIE Affinity Group as a partner.


Date: 21-22 August 2021

Time: 4:00 PM to 9:00 PM Bangladesh Standard Time (GMT+6:00)


In Congress, we will discuss:

  1. Diversity and Inclusion
  2. Work-Life Balance
  3. Research and Innovation
  4. Technical Society Engagement and Activities
  5. Industry Activities
  6. Entrepreneurial Skill Development
  7. Young Professional and Women in Engineering Collaboration
  8. New Initiatives to handle COVID19
  9. Career Planning, Professional Development and Retention
  10. Preserving History of Women in Engineering Activities and Affinity Group


** For Registration **

To join or nominate a colleague, please register:

Returning Mothers Conference 2021, 28-29 August, Virtual Mode

Be the change you want to see in the world

With a motto to help women scientists and engineers who want to come back to professional life, the conference deliberates on providing an interface with the industry that is willing to hire women and join or rejoin the national/international workforce. The two days of the conference also deliberates on providing Entrepreneurship-Training and setting up new business end to end. It will be an opportunity for the gathering to explore the creative side and find an opportunity to start their own venture. In short, the conference will aim at providing a highly interactive platform to foster interaction, innovation, and collaboration for empowering, engaging, and developing an innovative mindset for the select gathering. Following things you can expect from us.


Returning Mothers Conference 2021 is happening virtually on August 28-29.


Register at:

Second Event of ‘Early Career Talk’ Call for Participation

Early Career TalkIEEE WIE UKI goal is to facilitate the recruitment and retention of women in technical disciplines globally.
We envision a vibrant community of IEEE women and men collectively using their diverse talents to innovate
for the benefit of humanity. IEEE WIE UK and Ireland through the Ambassador Scheme are calling women in engineering to participate in a technical, inspirational and empowering session tagged “EARLY CAREER TALK”.


This programme supports women from academia or industry who have been in an industry/postgraduate
position for less than 10 years. The first IEEE WIE UKI “EARLY CAREER TALK” event was successfully held
on April 8th 2021 has attracting attention from both academia and industry.


This second event converges the novel (state-of-the-Art) research areas in Engineering,
establishing networking/collaboration links, exploring new research opportunities for developing
interactions between Academia, Industry and Government fostering economic and social development.


Criteria for who should apply and how to apply:
This session welcomes speakers/presenters from any part of the world who are:
• PhD students close to graduation and have published papers in respectful conferences/journals.
• Engineers who have participated in innovative projects.

Please include the following information when applying: Area of career (academia/industry); Research
interests.; what the talk about (100-word), speaker bio, links and web pages, photo.


Workshop details:

The call for Second Event of ‘Early Career Talk’ closes Aug 16th, 2021
The Session will be held and delivered virtually Oct 16th, 2021.


If you would like to participate in this exciting workshop, please email the documents required to
Dr. Nagham Saeed (IEEE WIE UKI Ambassadors Network lead) on [email protected].


Recommended email title is: “Opportunity to participate in Early Career Talk
We look forward to receiving your submission.

Dual-Function Radar Communication Systems

IEEE Greece Section and Turkey Section Women in Engineering Affinity Groups are co-organizing the first part of the
Joint Webinar Series with the title “Dual-Function Radar Communication Systems” with Professor Athina P. Petropulu
on Thursday 8 July at 15:00 (GMT +3) via Zoom platform.

If you are interested in participating, please fill in advance the registration form below and submit it by the beginning of the webinar:
About Prof Petropulu
Athina P. Petropulu is a Distinguished Professor at the Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Department at Rutgers, having served as chair of the department during 2010-2016. Prior to joining Rutgers, she was a Professor of ECE at Drexel University (1992-2010). She held Visiting Scholar appointments at SUPELEC, Universite’ Paris Sud, Princeton University, and the University of Southern California. Dr. Petropulu’s research interests span the area of statistical signal processing, wireless communications, signal processing in networking, physical layer security, and radar signal processing. Her research has been funded by various government industry sponsors including the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Office of Naval research, the US Army, the National Institute of Health, the Whitaker Foundation, Lockheed Martin and Raytheon.


Dr. Petropulu is Fellow of IEEE and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), and recipient of the 1995 Presidential Faculty Fellow Award given by NSF and the White House. She is 2022 President of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) and 2020 President-Elect of IEEE SPS. She has served as Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (2009-2011) and IEEE Signal Processing Society Vice President-Conferences (2006-2008). She was General Chair of 2020 and 2021 IEEE SPS PROGRESS Workshops, General Co-Chair of the 2018 IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), Kalamata Greece, and Genera Chair of the 2005 International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP-05), Philadelphia PA. She was Distinguished Lecturer for the Signal Processing Society for 2017-2018 and is currently Distinguished Lecturer for the IEEE Aerospace & Electronics Systems Society. She is recipient of the 2005 IEEE Signal Processing Magazine Best Paper Award, the 2012 IEEE Signal Processing Society Meritorious Service Award, is co-author (with B. Li) of the 2020 IEEE Signal Processing Society Young Author Best Paper Award, and co-recipient (with B. Li) of the 2021 Barry Carlton Best Paper Award by IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society.


Abstract: Spectrum congestion in commercial wireless communications is a growing problem as high-data-rate applications become prevalent. On the other hand, frequency bands earmarked for exclusive use by radar are underutilized. Spectrum sharing is a new line of work that aims to enable radar and communication systems to share the same frequency bands efficiently by managing interference. The talk will cover recent results on cooperative spectrum sharing for the coexistence of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar and wireless communication systems. The two systems are jointly designed to maximize some quality metric for the radar subject to the communication system meeting certain operational constraints. In the second part of the talk, we present results on another form of spectrum sharing, namely, on dual-functional radar communication systems (DFRC). In DFRC systems communication information is conveyed by the radar probing signals, thus there is no interference between radar and communication functionalities. DFRC systems are of great interest in autonomous driving scenarios, where the same waveform can be used for sensing and for vehicle-to-vehicle communication.


Date and Time
Date: 08 Jul 2021
Time: 03:00 PM to 04:00 PM GMT+3

Women and STEM: opt out or lean in?

The IEEE WIE Italy invites you to participate in the panel session “Women and STEM: opt out or lean in?” at the 29th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED 2021), which will be held online on June 24th, h. 18:00 – 19:30 (CEST).


Featuring 6 talks, the panel will review the current state of different aspects of involvement of women in STEM studies, careers and competencies, analyzing the impact they may have on their lives, families and society at large. The panel will also analyze how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting the working environment of both academic and non-academic women.


To read more about the panel session, visit


Participation in the event is FREE!

To join us, click

Watch Again | Challenges and Opportunities: Towards a Better WIE Future

In the “Challenges and Opportunities: Towards a Better WIE Future” workshop, female engineers tell us about the challenges they faced and how they overcame them. This will help others to learn by example from other expert engineers and help them on their journey. Professional female engineers from academia and industry will tell us about the different opportunities which will empower us to pursue further opportunities in the different areas of interest. Male engineers will show how they support women in their career and how they can be role models for others to advance women in technology.


Watch again the online workshop HERE


You can also watch again the first workshop of the IEEE WIE Ambassadors’ Scheme – Early Career Talk: An Inspirational and Empowering Webinar for Women in Engineering HERE

Serie of Webinars: WiE Week of Well-being


Be aware of our mental health is very important. This pandemic situation affects all of us differently and we lead with it in different ways.

Even without the actual pandemic, mental health is very important and all of us should give it special attention.


June 16th is the first day of the Series of Webinars organized by IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) Portugal and Turkey Affinity Groups.


As first of these events, we will talk about well-being and positive thinking, targeting who could benefit from new and different perspectives

to practice mental health – Series of Webinars: WIE Week of Well-being:


We have 5 speakers from around the world, each of them will give us a different perspective on how to lead with our emotional issues:

Here is the schedule of the event:

  • “Mental Fortitude”, with Ebony Wiley 16 June 6 PM CET
  • “Discover Flow – Where joy meets performance”, with Mirna Šmidt 23 June 11:30 AM CET
  • “Self-care: The #1 Key To a Sustainable Career for Women in Engineering”, with Aisha Moore 24 June 3:30 PM CET
  • “Do you still want to be a superhero and save the world?”, with Rui Neves da Silva 28 June 5 PM CET
  • “Is it time to focus on Healthspan, instead of Lifespan?”, with Cenk Tezcan 29 June 7 PM CET

Join us to learn how to increase your confidence and self-esteem.

Attendance is free but registration is required:

Challenges and Opportunities: Towards Better WIE Future



IEEE WIE UKI is dedicated to promoting female engineers and scientists to follow their academic interests to a career in engineering. The IEEE WIE Ambassadors’ Scheme is taking the initiative to encourage females to face the challenges and show them that there are always lots of opportunities and ways to achieve their goals through our online event “Challenges and Opportunities: Towards Better WIE Future” on the 10th of June 2021 (2pm- 4pm (UK time)) .


Inspiring engineers will talk about the challenges they faced and give tips on overcoming these challenges. Professionals from academia and industry will tell us about the different opportunities, which will empower us to pursue further our different areas of interest.  


The workshop will give us a great opportunity to build connections with the experts from the industry and academia and to develop effective networking and build business relationships. This will help female engineers to benefit from others’ experience and guide them to the right path to reach their target.


Register HERE

Women in Engineering: The Journey Continues

IEEE WIE and ComSoc WICE have organized a forum entitled Women in Engineering: The Journey Continues.



Date: June 14, 2021, 10:00-12:45 EDT (GMT-4)


This will be a free virtual event, but registration is required. I hope that many of you are able to attend this special event.


The event is taking place IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC )2021. The IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) is one of the IEEE Communications Society’s two flagship conferences dedicated to driving innovation in nearly every aspect of communications. Each year, around 3,000 researchers submit proposals for paper presentations and program sessions to be held at the annual conference. After extensive peer review, the best of the proposals are selected for the conference program, which includes technical papers, tutorials, workshops and industry sessions designed specifically to advance technologies, systems and infrastructure that are continuing to reshape the world and provide all users with access to an unprecedented spectrum of high-speed, seamless and cost-effective global telecommunications services. More about the conference.