
Job Fair Athens 2013

The third organization of Job Fair Athens was a success.

“Job Fair Athens 2013” took place on the 3rd & 4th of April at Technopolis of the city of Athens. 36 companies, 4 startups, the EURES and several Universities have joined the event this year. The volunteers’ number exceeded 120 from all over Greece.
More than 2,400 people have checked-in at the event, which is a Job Fair Athens’ first! More than 500 job interviews took place on the spot.

Job Fair Athens is organized every year by the student IEEE NTUA SB and EESTEC LC Athens under the auspices of the National Technical University of Athens and it aims to inform all visitors about the situation on the labor market and help them integrate smoothly into it.
This year we were happy to have volunteers from several IEEE Student Branches of the Greece Section, such as the Patras University IEEE SB, the  University of Central Greece IEEE SB, the IEEE T.E.I of Ionian Islands SB and the IEEE SB of Thrace.

Here is a photo from all the people that helped this event to become reality:

 Job Fair

You can find more information on our website and on social networks: Facebook  –  LinkedIn  –  Twitter  – Google +



TISP 2.0 Workshop in Lamia

For the first time in Greece, in 29th of March 2013, a team of the IEEE University of Central Greece (UCG) Student Branch, organized two TISP Workshops at the 1st Highschool of Lamia.
Efthymia Arvaniti, Ad hoc member of the Pre-University Works Subcommittee of Region 8 delivered a presentation about IEEE, PUW and IEEE UCG Student Branch.

EPICS Project was discussed with the teachers, and they agreed on preparing a proposal for an EPICS Project in Lamia. Then, the benefits of the Teacher-In-Service-Program were presented, explaining the methodology and its objectives.
On the second part of the presentation, the 42 participating students, were divided in small groups of 3 members, and tried to build a ChairLift with simple materials of everyday use within limited time period.

The excitement of the students could not be described. They collaborated and worked in teams, exchanging ideas on the solution of the given problem. All of them understood what is to be a simple engineer, and many of them want to study in a field of engineering.
The local media advertised the event, and more schools contacted the IEEE UCG Student Branch to participate in the TISP Workshops.

IEEE R8 Continuing Education (CE) Webinar in February 2013

Α webinar entitled “Risk Assessment & Risk Management” was organized on February 28, 2013, by the organizing team comprised by Carl Debono, IEEE R8 Vice-Chair on Technical Activities, Niovi Pavlidou, IEEE R8 Coordinator for Educational Activities Sub-Committee (EASC) and George Papadopoulos, IEEE R8 Volunteer for EASC. The webinar was intended to all members of the IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS) and IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) in R8. The webinar was quite well disseminated through the IEEE e-Notice service, and through the IEEE R8 Continuing Education (CE) Section Officers mailing lists, resulting to 88 registrations in the IEEE vtools platform. The event was organized on WebEx facilities and the attendance was considered as satisfactory with about 30 participants taking place. Niovi Pavlidou welcomed the participants and introduced various subcommittees relating to technical activities, with emphasis on educational activities in R8. The central speaker of the webinar was Prof. Ali Hessami, Vega Systems, UK. The duration of the webinar was one hour. The organizers-hosts of the event received the enthusiasm of the audience, who congratulated both the organization and the presentation, through emails and through the WebEx instant messaging system. The successful event was recorded on the WebEx platform and is available to everyone for free in the website of IEEE R8 EASC Stay tuned to our future events.

George Papadopoulos, IEEE R8 Volunteer for Educational Activities
Niovi Pavlidou, IEEE R8 Coordinator for Educational Activities

5th Workshop by IEEE University of Central Greece Student Branch

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For the fifth year in a row, the IEEE UCG Student Branch in collaboration with the University of Central Greece, organized the annual Workshop titled: “Biomedical Engineering: Trends, Research and Technologies”.
The two-day workshop program included a series of keynote speeches in the auditorium of the department and for the third consecutive year, tutorial sessions in laboratories.
The workshop covered topics on fMRI and MRI technologies, Brain Computing, Near Field Communications in Biomedicine, Image Processing for people with Visual Disabilities and Techniques for Activity Recognition to identify Emergency.
A brief presentation on the newly formed IEEE UCG Computer Society Student Chapter and the IEEE UCG WIE Affinity Group was done to inform students about current and future activities.
This event approached more than 200 students and professionals from the local community and all over Greece.

Ioannis Mousmoutis
Secretary of IEEE UCG SB

Job Fair Athens 2013

Job Fair Athens, the largest student initiative in the area of labor market, comes for the third  year. After the great success of the previous two years, where over 60 companies have  participated and 2,000 students from polytechnic, economic and technological schools have visited it, we are organizing “Job Fair Athens 2013” on the 3rd & 4th of April at Technopolis of the city of Athens.

Job Fair Athens

The event aims to inform all visitors about the situation on the labor market and help them integrate smoothly into it. For this reason, 2 weeks before Job Fair Athens 2013 we are organizing trainings and seminars to help the visitors prepare their CV and respond successfully to a interview that they may pass.

Job Fair Athens is organized by the student organizations EESTEC LC Athens (Electrical Engineering STudent European assoCiation) and IEEE NTUA SB (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), in cooperation with more than 100 students from all over Greece, under the auspices of the National Technical University of Athens.

You can find more information on our website and on social networks: facebook  –  linkedin  –  twitter  –  google +

IEEE R8 Educational Activities Sub-Committee (EASC)


The Region 8 Educational Activities Sub-Committee (EASC), coordinated by Niovi Pavlidou (Greece), for the year 2013, has re-organized its webpage for the better visibility of its activities. IEEE Region 8 members can address to the new team for any request relevant to education issues: Pre-University, with coordinator Sohaib Qamar Sheikh (UKRI), University, with coordinator Rui Costa (Portugal), and Continuing Education, with coordinator Niovi Pavlidou.

Niovi Pavlidou, IEEE R8 EASC Coordinator

IEEE R8 Questionnaire on Continuing Education / Continuing Professional Development – for the Ad Hoc Committee on Africa Activities (AHCAA)

The IEEE R8 Continuing Education (CE) together with the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Working Group of the IEEE Ad Hoc Committee on Africa Activities (IEEE AHCAA) performed a survey targeting the African community, in November-December 2012. The idea to perform the survey and the completion of the specific questionnaire was done with the help of Saurabh Sinha, IEEE R8 Vice-Chair on Technical Activities, and Zac Oyedokun, IEEE AHCAA Chair. One interest is to determine whether there would be an interest by local or national professional societies to partner with IEEE in extending the access to the eLearning at local/national levels in Africa. The other interest is to develop a baseline in terms of CPD resources available in various countries.

The online questionnaire was created with the help of George Michael, IEEE R8 Electronic Communications Coordinator, The invitation for the questionnaire was distributed using the IEEE e-notice tool to 21,687 IEEE members in Africa (and other parts of Region 8), and 134 IEEE members responded. The deadline for completing the questionnaire was given two e-notice extensions, the first one because of the Hurricane Sandy that hit NJ and the headquarters of IEEE, and the second one because of the Thanksgiving holiday in USA!

The most important results are summarized to the following charts. Wherever a rating scale is applicable, it is used from 0 to 5, where 0 stands for “Don’t know” or “Not aware”. All the charts and the answers given in text by the participants are provided in detail in the Continuing Education Forum (CEF) website. Stay tuned with the CEF activities

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George Papadopoulos, Volunteer for Continuing Education, Region 8
Niovi Pavlidou, Lead Volunteer for Continuing Education, Region 8

IEEE R8 Continuing Education (CE) Webinar in December 2012

A webinar entitled “How to Fail EMC in Ten Easy Lessons” was organized on December 13, 2012, by the organizing team comprised by Saurabh Sinha, IEEE R8 Vice-Chair on Technical Activities, Niovi Pavlidou, IEEE R8 Lead Volunteer for Continuing Education (CE) (Educational Activities Subcommittee – EASC) and George Papadopoulos, IEEE R8 Volunteer for CE. The webinar was intended to all members of the IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Society in R8. The webinar was quite well disseminated through the IEEE e-Notice service. The event was organized on WebEx facilities and the attendance was considered as satisfactory. Niovi Pavlidou welcomed the participants and introduced various subcommittees relating to technical activities, with emphasis on educational activities in Region 8. The central speaker of the webinar was Mr. Elya Joffe, distinguished lecturer for the IEEE EMC Society. The duration of the webinar was one and a half hour. The event was recorded on the WebEx platform and is available to everyone for free in

George Papadopoulos, IEEE R8 Volunteer for Continuing Education
Niovi Pavlidou, IEEE R8 Lead Volunteer for Continuing Education

IEEE EUROCON – Extension of paper submission deadline

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1-4 July 2013, Zagreb, Croatia

Because of the disruption in IEEE electronic services caused by the Hurricane Sandy, we were unable to inform all interested authors and participants about the extension of the submission deadline. We apologize for any inconvenience and would like to inform you that we are moving the deadline to 17 December 2012. This is the final date when we can still accept papers without disturbing the review process.

Please pass this information along to your colleagues.


  • Extended paper submission deadline – 17 December 2012
  • Acceptance Notification – 28 February 2013
  • Early bird registration – 01 May 2013
  • Conference dates – 1-4 July 2013


EUROCON is a multidisciplinary conference, focusing on emerging technologies, and traditionally covers a variety of topics in the fields of Information and Communications Technologies, Circuits and Systems for Signal Processing and Power and Energy. For more details please visit our website


IEEE EUROCON 2013 already has several confirmed high profile keynote speakers.

Information and Communication Technology Track:

  • Peter Reichl, Ph. D., Professor at Université Européenne de Bretagne,
    Rennes, France and University of Vienna, Austria

Circuits and Systems for Signal Porcessing Track:

  • Hagit Messer, Ph. D., Professor at the Tel Aviv University, Israel
  • Yong Yan, Ph. D., Professor at the University of Kent, United Kingdom

Power Resources and Systems track:

  • Josep M. Guerrero, Ph. D., Professor at the Aalborg University, Denmark
  • Mladen Kezunovic, Ph. D., Professor at Texas A&M University, USA
  • Daniel Kirschen, Ph. D., Professor at University of Washington, USA
  • Pierluigi Mancarella, Ph. D., Professor at University of Manchester, UK

Please check our website for further details and updates.

For additional information please do not hesitate to contact us via email [email protected]. You can also follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn for important updates.

We are looking forward to seeing you in Zagreb!

Your IEEE EUROCON Organizing Team

IEEE Assembly Elects Marko Delimar as 2013 IEEE Secretary

Marko DelimarMarko Delimar, Professor at University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical engineering and Computing, has been elected 2013 IEEE Secretary by the IEEE Assembly during its regular meeting in New Brunswick, NJ, USA on 10 November 2012. The IEEE Assembly annually elects the following five Corporate Officers: IEEE Secretary; IEEE Treasurer; IEEE Vice President, Educational Activities; IEEE Vice President, Member and Geographic Activities; and IEEE Vice President, Publication Services and Products. The Assembly-elected officers serve a one-year term. Dr. Delimar is currently serving a two-year term as IEEE Region 8 Director. Previous Region 8 Directors who also served as IEEE Secretary include Levent Onural (2003), Maurice Papo (1999), Charles Turner (1995), Karsten Drangeid (1992), Hugo Ruechardt (1989), Walter Proebster (1985), and Dick Poortvliet (1981/82).