
Thank you

Dear R8 Committee Members,
I would like to thank You all for our mutually fruitful cooperation during these two years of my term as Region 8 Director, but also for your support, help and advice on which I was always able to count as well as creating the friendly atmosphere of partnership.

At the same time, I would like to wish my successor Marko Delimar a productive term and those who will continue their service at Region 8, the same enthusiasm and a string of successes in their future activities. I would also like to render special thanks to those who finish their work for Region 8 with the end of this year. I hope your time at R8 resulted in many fruitful and unforgettable experiences. All the best in your future careers and personal plans.

Taking this opportunity, I would also like to wish everyone a prosperous and memorable Year 2011. I hope New Year will open up new horizons and offer new opportunities for all of you, but will also continue to find you in good health and bring you satisfaction in both, personal and professional life.

Jozef Modelski
2009-2010 Region 8 Director

IEEE VT & AES Joint Greece Chapter Dissemination Activity Report

A Symposium on “Telecommunications, Energy, Environment, and Development” was held on 25th of November 2010, at the Faculty of Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh), Greece.

The event was supported by the IEEE VTS & AESS Joint Greece Chapter, the IEEE CAS Greece Chapter, the IEEE PES Greece Chapter and the IEEE Communications Society Greece Chapter.

The symposium was very successful, gathering an audience of about 300 students and academic stuff. The Symposium was a great opportunity for the members of six Student Braches being present to meet each other and discuss: IEEE SB Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, IEEE SB University of Western Macedonia, IEEE SB Democritus University of Thrace, IEEE SB Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, IEEE SB International Hellenic University and IEEE SB Technological Educational Institute of Serres (the latter two SB’s have applied to IEEE for establishment).

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The Symposium was opened by Prof. C. Antonopoulos, Chair of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering AUTh, Prof. N. Pavlidou, Chair of the IEEE VTS & AESS Joint Greece Chapter, and Prof. A. Hatzopoulos, Chair of the IEEE CAS Greece Chapter. The speakers of the Symposium were Dr. T, Doukoglou and Mr. K. Karatheodorou, OTE, Dr. T. Sofos, Nokia-Siemens Networks, Prof. A. Bakirtzis, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering AUTh, Chair of the IEEE PES Greece Chapter, Assist. Prof. C. Demoulias, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering AUTh, Assist. Prof. K. Karatzas, Department of Mechanical Engineering AUTh, and Prof. I. Vlahavas, Dean of the School of Science and Technology of the International Hellenic University.

More events, in various capital cities of Northern Greece, are being planned by the dissemination committee of the Chapter. Visit us online at

Dr. George Papadopoulos
Secretary & Webmaster, VTS & AESS Joint Greece Chapter
Counselor, UoWM SB

Congratulations to New Fellows!

[singlepic id=1343 h=240 float=left]It is one of the most enjoyable pieces of news to be spread at the end of the successful 2010 year. The most telling evidence behind our Region’s achievements and its high status in the Institute are our Fellow members. It is my unconcealed pleasure to congratulate all of the 72 newly elevated IEEE Region 8 Fellows, which is definitely a record-breaking number, on receiving this most acclaimed Institutes’ title (see, this time the highest number from UK&RI, Germany, Benelux and France Sections. Coming from various environments, they are its scientific leaders, missionaries and pioneers. Therefore, I would like to strongly encourage our younger members to follow those prominent examples, so as to contribute to the Institute’s strength and enhancement.

Jozef Modelski
Region 8 Director

List of Fellows:  2011 Fellows

Join the IEEE in Engineering Opportunities and Innovations Geared for Addressing Humanitarian Concerns

The IEEE is pleased to announce the launch of a series of free, publicly available humanitarian technology webinars. Motivated by IEEE’s core purpose to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity, this powerfully engaging webinar series is focused on applying technology to solve the world’s most pressing humanitarian and development challenges. Webinars are presented by renowned individuals in the field, and highlight new technologies, business models, and social entrepreneurship initiatives that help improve the livelihoods of the underprivileged. Focusing on the four major infrastructural needs for development (water, energy, transport and communication) and a variety of application areas (health, education, agriculture and innovation), the IEEE hopes to stimulate the growth of a worldwide community that places priority on developing technology for sustainable human prosperity.

The inaugural webinar topic is “Mobile Web Technologies for the Developing World,” presented by Max Froumentin, Program Manager of the World Wide Web Foundation (see The webinar will take place on 8 December 2010 at 15:00 GMT, 10:00 EST.

Find out more and pre-register to attend by going to

WIE – Clementena Saduwa Award

Now .. Its your chance to show your self and get the award!!!!

Participate in Clementena Saduwa Award for all IEEE Region 8 members. Don’t Miss the chance.

For participation, Click Here.

Hurry Up .. Deadline is approaching.

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6th IEEE-GCC Conference and Exhibition




As the 6th IEEE-GCC Conference and Exhibition entitled “For Sustainable Ubiquitous Technology” which will be held from 19th till 22 February 2011 in Dubai – The United Arab Emirates is approaching, i would like to invite you and welcome you all to actively participate and submit a paper in the Women in Engineering, Science and Technology Forum that will be held on the 19th February 2011. (

The Forum is going to be a one day high quality event parallel to the conference. It will attract a prospective audience of more than 200 delegates, from a diverse range of engineering, science and technology professions, academia, industry and students as well as women entrepreneurs. Participating in the Forum will provide you an opportunity to discuss innovative engineering and research, sustainability, women in volunteering and showcase women leaders.


Bashayer Al-Awwad
WIE R8 Coordinator

The submitted papers are accepted for the following tracks.


1. Women Entrepreneurs

2. Women in the Engineering and Technology Workforce
· Making Engineering and Technology more attractive to women
· Women Engineers in research.
· Women in E-services. (E-society)

3. Women in Education and Industry

4. Women and Sustainability Issues
· Corporate social responsibilities
· Environmental awareness

5. Women Volunteers in Engineering and Technology

Target Audience

The target audience for this forum is women in science and engineering from academic institutions, engineers from large/small corporations, government agencies, and manufacturers in addition to female students. Diverse specialties and levels of expertise are welcome.

Submission Guidelines

Prospective authors are invited to submit an abstract (300 words) on their original work to: Dr. Lana El Chaar ([email protected])

Important Dates

Submission Deadline:      November 25, 2010
Acceptance Notification:  December 15, 2010
For more information please email the Forum General Secretary at secretary at: [email protected]

The Day of Russian computer science

December 4, 1948 the USSR State Committee for the introduction of advanced technology in the economy gave
Professor I. Brook and engineer B. Rameev patent on the invention of “an automatic digital computing machine”.
This day is traditionally celebrated as the birthday of Russian computer science.
This day is celebrated as the birthday of Russian computer science. Greetings and congratulations are gratefully
accepted 🙂!/event.php?eid=103283586408500


Russian branch of the IEEE Computer Society jointly with Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (Russia), Mediterranean Institute of Applied Science (Cyprus),  Baltic International Academy (Latvia), Institute of Computing for Physics and Technology (Russia) announce about International student programming competition MOScow Trial – 2010 (MOST-2010).
The competition is going to be held 20 November 2010, starting at 10:00 Moscow time and ending 16:00 Moscow time.
Winners will be announced November 22, 2010. Details:

The 95th Region 8 Committee Meeting in Prague, Czech Republic from the 8th to the 10th of October 2010

The 95th Region 8 Committee Meeting was held in Prague, Czech Republic from the 8th to the 10th of October 2010, following the invitation of the Czechoslovakia Section.

The honorary guests of the meeting were IEEE President-Elect Moshe Kam, IEEE Past President John Vig, VP Educational Activities Tariq Durrani, Executive Director & COO of IEEE James Prendergast, and Region 10 Director Yong-Jin Park.

IEEE Region 8 Director Jozef Modelski gave a presentation on Region 8, giving an account of the key events that happened in our Region these past months, explaining the strengths and the opportunities of our Region and giving the future events coming up.

On Friday night October 8th the award ceremony took place where some awards were given and a surprise cake was presented by the Czechoslovakia Section to celebrate IEEE day.

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During the meeting elections were held with the following results:

Secretary: Costas Stasopoulos
Treasurer: Brian Harrington
Vice Chair Technical Activities: Saurabh Sinha
Vice Chair Membership Activities: Ali El Mousa
Vice Chair Student Activities: Elias Nassar
Region 8 Nomination & Appointment  Committee: Terje Gjengedal , Samir Shaheen

One of the most important parts of the meeting was the Section Workshops on four very interesting subjects:

• SWOT Analysis for the Sections
• Improvement and enhancement of Region 8 Electronic Communications
• Criteria for the Best Section Award
• Increasing joint region-society conferences and improving the quality of R8 conferences

It was a very interactive process where some very interesting ideas and conclusions were drawn.

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The meeting ended with a standing ovation for the outgoing Director Jozef Modelski. The Director Elect Marko Delimar thanked him for his hard work and dedication to Region 8 and wished him good luck for the future.

You can find all the presentations and reports of the meeting here

95th IEEE Region 8 Committee Meeting

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The 95th Region 8 Committee Meeting will be held in Prague, Czech Republic on the 8th and the 10th of October 2010, following the invitation of the Czechoslovakia Section. One of the most important parts of the meeting is the Section Workshops on four very interesting subjects:

• SWOT Analysis for the Sections

•  Improvement and enhancement of Region 8 Electronic Communications

• Criteria for the Best Section Award

• Increasing joint region-society conferences and improving the quality of R8 conferences

The Sections will be divided into 5 groups and with the help of Coordinators there will be discussions and presentations. The honorary guests of the meeting will be IEEE President-Elect Moshe Kam, IEEE Past President John Vig, VP Educational Activities Tariq Durrani, Executive Director & COO of IEEE James Prendergast, and Region 10 Director Yong-Jin Park. During the meeting elections for the Region OpCom will be held for the positions of the 3 Vice Chairs, Secretary and Treasurer.

More information on the meeting, the reports and the agenda can be found here.

University of Western Macedonia creates a new Student Branch

One new IEEE Student Branch has recently been established in the Greece Section. It is created under the umbrella of the Department of Informatics & Telecommunications Engineering (, University of Western Macedonia ( This is the 9thStudent Branch established in the Greece Section. The Interim Chair is Peter Sideris and the Counselor is Dr. George Papadopoulos. Up to now, the Branch counts 22 student members, and willing to grow into the next year.

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The Branch creation was inspired and given all the necessary guidance by Prof. Niovi Pavlidou, who is serving as the IEEE VT & AES Joint Greece Chapter Chair, and as the Membership Development responsible in the IEEE Greece Section Committee.

The Branch has already its own website, which you can visit at to learn more about us. From there you can be informed about the past and the upcoming events of our Branch. You can also get in contact with us at [email protected].

Dr. George Papadopoulos
Counselor, UoWM SB
Secretary & Webmaster, VT & AES Joint Greece Chapter