IEEE Smart Grid World Forum
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The IEEE Smart Grid World Forum is a unique series of events that form a global platform for collaboration of stakeholders worldwide to support and promote the evolution of Smart Grid. IEEE Smart Grid World Forum provides the framework for the exchange of ideas and sharing of best practices within the context of multiple approaches to Smart Grid. The forum also provides an opportunity for a realistic and impartial assessment of the current state-of-the-art developments in Smart Grids around the world.
The first event will be held at Hotel Metropole in Brussels, Belgium on 2-3 December 2010. Entitled the‘Evolution of the Grid’, the focus of this event will be on the realization of Smart Grid. This unique two-day event will feature over 30 invited Smart Grid experts, with insightful presentations and discussions. It will provide an international perspective in a broad range of topics covering business and technical aspects, including standards. Organised in partnership with the European Smart Grid Technology Platform, this event will emphasize Smart Grid developments in Europe. The local organiser of the 2010 event in Brussels is K.U.Leuven.
The Brussels event will consist of eight sessions with 4-5 key speakers per session. The speakers will provide their expert viewpoints during a series of short presentations, followed by an interactive panel discussion. Each session will have a moderator to lead the discussion, allowing delegates to engage in the debate to inspire new innovative ideas. Registered participants will be able to submit questions for these discussions in advance via an online form. The event will also provide ample opportunity for networking at our dinner, and during lunches, coffee breaks and the closing reception.
Speakers include:
- Rolf Adam, Director Business Development Utilities & Smart Grid Europe, Cisco
- Ronnie Belmans, Chairman, European Smart Grid Technology Platform
- Ralf Christian, Chairman, T&D Europe
- Tahir Kapetanović, E-control Austria and ERGEG/CEER
- Manuel Sánchez Jiménez, EU Commission Energy
- John McDonald, IEEE Smart Grid
- Daniel Dobbeni, President ENTSO-E, CEO ELIA
- Bazmi Husain, Head of Smart Grid, ABB
- Bob Gilligan, Corporate VP, GE
- Tevfik Sezi, Principal Expert Smart Grid, Siemens
- Ralph Sporer, Chairman of EU Joint CEN/CENELEC ETSI Working group on Smart Grid Standardization
- Maher Chebbo, Vice President of Utilities & Services Industries for EMEA, SAP AG
- Jan Declercq, Chief Business Development Officer CG Holdings
- Laurent Schmitt, VP Strategy & Smart Grid, Alstom Grid
- Lennart Söder, Professor, KTH
- Gerrit Jan Schaeffer, Director Energy at VITO
- Martin Vesper, Executive Director, Yello Strom
For registration details and the latest updates, visit us at
Please contact us if you have any questions or comments at [email protected].
We are looking forward to seeing you in Brussels.
Best regards,
Marko Delimar
IEEE Smart Grid World Forum Chair
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