
Second IEEE Middle East Student Branch Congress in Doha

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Based on the huge success of the First IEEE Middle East Student Branch Congress (ME-SBC) hosted by Princess Sumaya University for Technology (PSUT) in Jordan, IEEE Student Branch in Texas A&M University at Qatar is honored to host the Second IEEE Middle East Student Branch Congress in Doha, during the period from March 15, 2011 to March 18, 2010. Texas A&M University at Qatar (TAMUQ).

With three active Student Branches of IEEE in Qatar: Texas A&M University at Qatar Student Branch,Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar Student Branch and Qatar University Student Branch, as well as the presence of Dr. Prasad Enjeti as an IEEE fellow, and a diverse Executive Board of 3 juniors and 4 seniors of different nationalities along side with the enormous accomplishments that started since 2005 with the establishment of Texas A&M University at Qatar, the Second IEEE Middle East Student Branch Congress will provide more than 120 delegates and participants from more than 12 countries with authenticated learning, career enhancement, and exhibition opportunities in the engineering sciences, research, and many other technology areas. The Congress will also feature many distinguished speakers, technical presentations, tutorials, workshops, seminars, etc.

Meanwhile, the congress will introduce the youth to the slogan of Qatar Foundation: “Unlock Human Potentials” through active interactions with other participants who come from different backgrounds, and through multidisciplinary workshops that will expose them to a well engaged society that is heavily involved with research and has the latest technologies, that students can later use in their future careers.

Contact Person: Sinan Sabeeh’11
TAMU-Q Student Branch Chair
E-mail: [email protected]

IEEE Greece Joint VT & AES Chapter Dissemination Activity Report

The IEEE Joint VTS & AESS Greece Chapter supported the Summer School on “Cellular Technologies and Solutions” ( that was held during 19-25 of July 2010, at the Department of Telecommunication Systems and Networks (, Technological Education Institute of Messologgi, Nafpaktos, Greece. The Summer School was co-organized by the IEEE Greece GOLD Affinity Group. It was a very successful event, with an audience of about 50 attendees (non-IEEE members), including about 10 speakers.

The Chapter was represented by two members of the dissemination committee, Dr. Dimitrios Efstathiou (Vice-Chair) and Dr. Athanassios Iossifides (IEEE Liaison), who both served as speakers on “BTS-GPS Synchronization”, “WCDMA for UMTS” and “HSPA evolution” subjects. A special informative lecture on the Chapter activities and more generally on IEEE organization, scope and activities was given as well by Dr. Efstathiou, who received a lot of questions on the IEEE community. Pencils and notebooks with the Chapter logo were given to the attendees.

More events, in various capital cities of Greece, are being planned by the dissemination committee of the Chapter. For more information visit us online at

Student Branch Congress 2010

With almost 300 attendees, this year’s R8 Student Branch and GOLD Congress seems to be the most successful so far! With the presence of almost all important IEEE officials and staff amongst the 268 student branch and GOLD representatives, Leuven became the unofficial IEEE Headquarters for 5 tremendously busy days…leaving Piscattaway a ghost town.

From 4 to 8 August, 268 young engineering students and young professionals from all over the region gathered together in the small city of Leuven (Belgium) for what would become the 7th edition of the biannually held SBC. Here, they had the chance to network, learn more about the IEEE and to discuss present and future engineering challenges. The organizers were very honoured with the presence of a large number of highly ranked IEEE officials, including past president John Vig, president-elect Moshe Kam, both presidential candidates and the entire Region 8 Opcom, whose presence highlighted the importance of this student event within IEEE.

In total there were 334 registrations of which 292 were able to attend. Out of this total number, there were 238 students and 30 GOLD representatives from 46 countries. With 32 participants, the Turkish delegation showed to be the largest by far even outnumbering the local organizing members. The price for the longest travel distance went to the R10 Student representative coming all the way from Australia.

The congress started with a guided tour through the historic city of in the afternoon, taking all participants to the city hall in the evening for the opening reception. With plenary sessions starting early in the morning and interactive workshops about new branch activities, networking and soft skills for tomorrow’s leaders (over 40 different topics in total!), the congress had a lot of useful experiences to offer. Together with the visits and lively evening activities, the congress program offered all activities that can be expect at a SBC. Highlights in the program were the elect the president debate, the highly explosive and inspiring session of ‘mad scientist’ John Cohn, the gala dinner in the heart of the city and a guided tour on the Leuven High-Tech campus ending with a live band supported barbecue in the green surroundings of the engineering campus. The most highly expected activity by far was the multi-cultural evening, where all participants could meet, drink and eat each others’ culture after having experienced a part of the Belgian culture during the brewery visit. For some participants, a ‘multi-cultural hangover’ was one of the side effect of this evening activity, which resulted by far in the largest drop of breakfast attendees one could ever expect the morning of the last congress day. After the closing sessions and the visit to Brussels, all congress participants returned back to their home countries, student branches and affinity groups, with a bag full of stories and experiences, counting the days until the next SBC…

IEEE Region 8 Logo Contest

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The IEEE Region 8 would like to invite its members to submit proposals for the first IEEE Region 8 Logo Contest.

The best logo will be selected by a jury of five IEEE volunteers from IEEE Region 8. The winning logo and author(s) will be announced at the IEEE Region 8 Meeting in London in March 2011 and invited to attend the Region 8 Committee Meeting in London in March 2011. The winning author will also receive recognition in the Region 8 News, and in the official Region 8 Website.

Download the Call for Proposals (which includes the official contest rules) here. And don’t forget to join us on Facebook.

IEEE Smart Grid World Forum

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The IEEE Smart Grid World Forum is a unique series of events that form a global platform for collaboration of stakeholders worldwide to support and promote the evolution of Smart Grid. IEEE Smart Grid World Forum provides the framework for the exchange of ideas and sharing of best practices within the context of multiple approaches to Smart Grid. The forum also provides an opportunity for a realistic and impartial assessment of the current state-of-the-art developments in Smart Grids around the world.

The first event will be held at Hotel Metropole in Brussels, Belgium on 2-3 December 2010. Entitled the‘Evolution of the Grid’, the focus of this event will be on the realization of Smart Grid. This unique two-day event will feature over 30 invited Smart Grid experts, with insightful presentations and discussions. It will provide an international perspective in a broad range of topics covering business and technical aspects, including standards. Organised in partnership with the European Smart Grid Technology Platform, this event will emphasize Smart Grid developments in Europe. The local organiser of the 2010 event in Brussels is K.U.Leuven.

The Brussels event will consist of eight sessions with 4-5 key speakers per session. The speakers will provide their expert viewpoints during a series of short presentations, followed by an interactive panel discussion. Each session will have a moderator to lead the discussion, allowing delegates to engage in the debate to inspire new innovative ideas. Registered participants will be able to submit questions for these discussions in advance via an online form. The event will also provide ample opportunity for networking at our dinner, and during lunches, coffee breaks and the closing reception.

Speakers include:

  • Rolf Adam, Director Business Development Utilities & Smart Grid Europe, Cisco
  • Ronnie Belmans, Chairman, European Smart Grid Technology Platform
  • Ralf Christian, Chairman, T&D Europe
  • Tahir Kapetanović, E-control Austria and ERGEG/CEER
  • Manuel Sánchez Jiménez, EU Commission Energy
  • John McDonald, IEEE Smart Grid
  • Daniel Dobbeni, President ENTSO-E, CEO ELIA
  • Bazmi Husain, Head of Smart Grid, ABB
  • Bob Gilligan, Corporate VP, GE
  • Tevfik Sezi, Principal Expert Smart Grid, Siemens
  • Ralph Sporer, Chairman of EU Joint CEN/CENELEC ETSI Working group on Smart Grid Standardization
  • Maher Chebbo, Vice President of Utilities & Services Industries for EMEA, SAP AG
  • Jan Declercq, Chief Business Development Officer CG Holdings
  • Laurent Schmitt, VP Strategy & Smart Grid, Alstom Grid
  • Lennart Söder, Professor, KTH
  • Gerrit Jan Schaeffer, Director Energy at VITO
  • Martin Vesper, Executive Director, Yello Strom

For registration details and the latest updates, visit us at

Please contact us if you have any questions or comments at [email protected].

We are looking forward to seeing you in Brussels.

Best regards,

Marko Delimar
IEEE Smart Grid World Forum Chair

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PROJISTOR Project Contest 2010

The 5th PROJISTOR contest realized with the cooperation of DOGUS University (DU) IEEE Student Branch, CASS Chapter/Turkey and ECED took place on May 20, 2010 from 10am to 6pm at the exhibition center of DOGUS University. Becoming traditional and attracting more and more projects PROJISTOR offers a platform mainly but not limited to EE students to express and exhibit their innovative ideas along with a hard or soft realization. DU IEEE-SB members work hard, raise almost all of the funding in cooperation with IEEE Turkey Section.

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Among numerous proposals eleven finalists were selected and the prizes selected by a jury of three academicians and two executives from the industry went to the participants listed in Table 1. The attendance with more than four hundred people was encouraging and students were already discussing new prospects about PROJISTOR 2011.

Table 1. Winners of Project Competition PROJISTOR.


Project Title




Electronic Life Control System Kaan ALPER-Yosi BENZESİN Bahçeşehir


Sun Tracking System (3D) M. Cihan KARA Doğuş


Control with Microwave Cengiz KARAÇİZMELİ-Hamdi A. OĞUL Doğuş

Prizes were respectively 1850 US$, 1500 US$ Tl and 1300 US$.

Submitted by: I. Cem Göknar Ezgi Bilgiç

IEEE Fellow DU IEEE-SB Chair
CASS-TR Chapter Chair


The Region 8 Awards and Recognition Sub-Committee takes the pleasure to announce that during the 2010 IEEE Honors Ceremony which was held at Montreal on june 26, 2010, one of the  IEEE Medals which are are the highest awards in the hierarchy of IEEE recognitions is attributed to our collegue Alfonso Farina (Italy) and two of the Technical Field awards are given to our collegues Herbert Reichl (Germany) and John W. Arthur (UK). You find below details about the three recognitions.

IEEE Dennis J. Picard Medal For Radar Technologies And Applications

Sponsor: Raytheon Co.


SELEX Sistemi Integrati, Rome

For continuous, innovative, theoretical, and practical contributions to radar systems and adaptive signal processing techniques.”

II IEEE Components Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology Award

Sponsor: IEEE Components Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology Society


Technische Universitat Berlin , Germany

For contributions to the integration of reliability in electronic systems, and leadership in research and education in electronic packaging.

III IEEE Donald G. Fink Prize Paper Award

Sponsor: IEEE Life Members Committee

Recipient : JOHN W. ARTHUR

University of Edinburgh

For his paper, “The Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Theory Revisited,” IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Volume 50, No. 1, Feb. 2008, pp. 19–65

Victor Fouad Hanna, Chair of the ARC-8


IEEE publishes the number one journal in electrical and electronic engineering, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, according to the 2009 Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Report, released June 2010.  IEEE journals across several technology areas also earned high-ranking in this Impact Factor report.

IEEE placed 16 of the top 20 journals in electrical and electronic engineering — leading the category for another year. IEEE also publishes the number one journal in automation and control systems, computer science-software engineering, and robotics.

According to the 2009 Journal Citation Report, IEEE publishes:

•   16 of the top 20 journals in electrical and electronic engineering

•    9 of the top 10 journals in telecommunications

•    6 of the top 10 journals in computer science, Hardware and architecture

•    3 of the top 5 journals in automation and control systems

•    3 of the top 5 journals in computer science, software engineering

•    2 of the top 5 journals in computer science, artificial intelligence

•    2 of the top 5 journals in robotics

 Journal Citation Reports offer a systematic, objective means to critically evaluate the world’s leading journals. By compiling articles’ cited references, the Journal Citation Reports help to measure research influence and impact, and shows the relationship between citing and cited journals.

New Templates Available for IEEE Web Sites

Customized sub-site templates are now available to volunteers tasked with producing Web content for an IEEE society, conference or program sub-site.  Designed by the Corporate Web Team, with help from a number of IEEE stakeholders and an outside vendor, the templates provide site maps (starter information architecture documents) and a collection of HTML pages and files for each of the three common types of sites.

This resource is intended to enable IEEE groups to more easily develop cost-effective Web sites that leverage the IEEE brand, adhere to IEEE guidelines and styles, and drive user engagement.

Volunteers can request access to these templates by filling out the contact form.

Learn more about IEEE Web sub-site templates at