

2009 recipient of the MGA Larry K. Wilson Transnational Award
Martin Bastiaans
(IEEE Benelux Section)

“For significant contributions to the IEEE volunteer experience and member engagement throughout the world.”

2009 recipient of the MGA GOLD Achievement Award
Joao Figueiras
(IEEE Portugal Section)

“For outstanding contributions to the public visibility of IEEE by creating the “GOLD Around the World” video.”

2009 recipient of the MGA GOLD Achievement Award
George Gordon
(IEEE U.K. & Rep Of Ireland Section)

“For exceptional leadership and outstanding contributions to the development of the IEEE GOLDRush Newsletter.”

2009 recipient of the MGA GOLD Achievement Award
Lisa Lazareck
(IEEE U.K. & Rep Of Ireland Section)

“For outstanding success in increasing GOLD activities within the IEEE EMBS Society.”

2009 recipient of the MGA Innovation Award
Marko Delimar
(IEEE Croatia Section)
Ricardo Varela
(IEEE U.K. & Rep Of Ireland Section)

“For the creation, development, and implementation of the IEEEXtreme Programming Contest.”

2009 recipient of the MGA Achievement Award
2009 IEEEXtreme Team
“For outstanding accomplishment and contributions toward the implementation of the 2009 IEEEXtreme Programming Contest.”

2009 recipient of the MGA Larry K. Wilson Transnational Award
Martin Bastiaans
(IEEE Benelux Section)

“For significant contributions to the IEEE volunteer experience and member engagement throughout the world.”

2009 recipient of the MGA GOLD Achievement Award
Joao Figueiras
(IEEE Portugal Section)

“For outstanding contributions to the public visibility of IEEE by creating the “GOLD Around the World” video.”

2009 recipient of the MGA GOLD Achievement Award
George Gordon
(IEEE U.K. & Rep Of Ireland Section)

“For exceptional leadership and outstanding contributions to the development of the IEEE GOLDRush Newsletter.”

2009 recipient of the MGA GOLD Achievement Award
Lisa Lazareck
(IEEE U.K. & Rep Of Ireland Section)

“For outstanding success in increasing GOLD activities within the IEEE EMBS Society.”

2009 recipient of the MGA Innovation Award
Marko Delimar
(IEEE Croatia Section)
Ricardo Varela
(IEEE U.K. & Rep Of Ireland Section)
“For the creation, development, and implementation of the IEEEXtreme Programming Contest.”

 2009 recipient of the MGA Achievement Award
2009 IEEEXtreme Team
“For outstanding accomplishment and contributions toward the implementation of the 2009 IEEEXtreme Programming Contest.”

The 2009 IEEEXtreme Team consists of the following members:
Main Organizer

  • Elizabeth Johnston

Tech Team Lead

  • Pedro Guerreiro

Major Organizing Supporting Members

  • Marko Delimar
  • Matthew Erickson
  • Andreas Koltes
  • Luka Lugaric
  • George Michael
Supporting Tech Team Members

  • Francisco Pereira
  • Christophe Hannosset
  • Saman Taghavi Zargar
  • Artur Dias
  • Ali Mirtar
  • Milan Popovic
  • Valentin Gheorghita
  • Gil Mueller
  • Szymon Wasik
  • Oded Margalit
  • Dimitrios Lyras
  • Pedro Ribeiro
  • Ricardo Machado


A joint scientific week comprised of two conferences:

18th International Conference on
Microwaves, Radar, and Wireless Communications MIKON-2010
June 14-16

11th International Radar Symposium IRS 2010
June 16-18

MIKON is a traditional conference of the Polish microwave community organized since 1969, which turned into an important biannual international event in 1989. The highlights from the last MIKON (Wroclaw 2008) can be found in IEEE Microwave Magazine, December 2008. Now for the first time, MIKON is organized outside the borders of Poland – this move being yet another proof  of vanishing borders in united Europe. Regardless whether you are a customary participant or a newcomer to MIKON, you are cordially invited to join us for this event of modern technology and tradition, vivid scientific discussions, and friendly atmosphere of getting together.

More Here:   CFP_MIKON_2010

The International Radar Symposium IRS 2010 is the continuation of the series of very successful radar symposia in Munich (1998), Berlin (2000), Bonn (2002), Dresden (2003), Warsaw (2004) Berlin (2005), Krakow (2006), Cologne (2007), Wroclaw (2008) and Hamburg (2009). Regardless whether you are a customary participant or a newcomer to IRS, you are cordially invited to join us for this event of modern technology and tradition, vivid scientific discussions, and friendly atmosphere of getting together.

More Here:  CFP_IRS_2010


An international conference on the origins and

evolution of the cavity magnetron


Bournemouth University, England, 19-20 April 2010

2010 marks the 70th anniversary of development of the high-power cavity magnetron by Randall and Boot at Birmingham University, made into a practical device by the GEC Company in England and put into large-scale production in the USA following the Tizard Mission of 1940. Its origins go back to the mid-1930s with key work being done in Czechoslovakia, France, Germany, Japan, Russia, Netherlands,Switzerland and USA.

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The purpose of the conference is to bring together knowledge of all this early work and to learn how the magnetron has been improved and put into service since then and will include:

  • Origins of the magnetron in the various countries involved
  • Its subsequent development, both in early and later days and the latest trends
  • Applications to civil and military radar systems
  • Other uses, such as microwave ovens

More Here:  CAVMAG

IEEE France Section event for the 125th anniversary

IEEE France Section has organised an event for the 125th anniversary of IEEE on November 6th & 7th, 2009. This took place in a very prestigious historical monument, the Royaumont Abbey, the building of which was achieved in the 13th century. It is located some 40 km north from Paris, not very far from Charles de Gaulle Airport.

President Elect Moshe KAM crossed the Atlantic to attend both days of this very well attended series of conferences. He Himself gave a high level presentation on the IEEE strategy and challenges for its future.

IEEE Headquarters were represented by Peggy LEFKIN, whose workshop on the day-to-day operations of IEEE OUs was particularly well received.

Some 10 high level technical presentations were given by outstanding experts, highlighting many of the research topics in progress, both in the scope of IEEE and further (e.g. telemedicine, nanotechnologies).

This event has been very well attended; and the organisation has been absolutely perfect thanks to Daniel Pasquet’s efficiency.

Lebanon Section General Assembly and IEEE 125th Anniversary Celebration

Lebanon Section held a general assembly and a 125th Anniversary Celebration on Thursday, October 29th, 2009.  Seventy members, including the executive committees of the section, the chapters and the student branches attended.

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The general assembly was opened with the Lebanese National Anthem followed by IEEE One Voice video. Presentation of IEEE Lebanon Section was given by Dr. Elias Nassar, Communications Society Chapter presentation was given by Dr. Zaher Dawy, Computer Society Chapter presentation was given by Dr. Aziz Barbar, CAS/PE/PEL Societies Chapter presentation was given by Mr. Ahmed Adra and the GOLD Affinity Group presentation was given by Mr. Mark Chedid. American University of Beirut Student Branch presentation was given by Mr. Said Kharouf, Beirut Arab University Student Branch presentation was given by Mr. Hussein Ali, Notre Dame University Student Branch presentation was given by Ms. Joan Farjo, Universite Saint-Joseph Student Branch presentation was given by Mr. Rami Hermes.

Following the presentations certificates of appreciation were given to students from the different branches and to Dr. M. Adnan Al-Alaoui, the first Chair of the IEEE Lebanon Section, in recognition for his efforts in establishing the IEEE Lebanon Section.

IEEE Region 8 Sections Website Competition

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The IEEE Region 8 would like to announce the Results of the IEEE Region 8 Section Website Contest!

Without any further ado the results are:

  1. United Arab Emirates – 1st prize
  2. Ghana – 2nd prize
  3. Italy – 3rd prize
  4. Egypt – 4th prize

 The winners of the Contest will receive the following prizes:

  • First place – $500 to the Section and a plaque to the webmaster that will be given in person at the next IEEE Region 8 meeting
  • Second place – $500 to the Section and a plaque to the webmaster
  • Third place – $250 to the Section and a plaque to the webmaster
  • Fourth place – $250 to the Section and a plaque to the webmaster

The goal of this Contest is to give a motive to all Sections to create or improve their own website that will serve as a reference point for all their members. This will help the Sections place their mark on the map and facilitate their future actions and activities.

More information can be found here:  IEEE_Region_8_Section_Web_Contest

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Congratulations to New Fellows!

It is one of the most enjoyable pieces of news to be spread for the New Year. The most telling evidence behind our Region’s achievements and its high status in the Institute are our Fellow members. It is my unconcealed pleasure to congratulate all of the 54 newly elevated IEEE Region 8 Fellows, on receiving this most acclaimed Institutes’ title (see, this time the highest number from UK&RI and Italy Sections. Coming from various environments, they are its scientific, industrial and educational leaders, missionaries and pioneers. Therefore, I would like to strongly encourage our younger members to follow those prominent examples, so as to contribute to the Institute’s strength and enhancement.

Jozef Modelski, R8 Director

Region-8 Chapter is 2009 recipient of IEEE Electron Devices Society Chapter of the Year Award

[singlepic id=1315 w=150 float=left] The East Ukraine Section AP/AES/ED/EMB/GRS/MTT/NPS Societies Joint Chapter,winner of the IEEE Region-8 Chapter of the Year Award 2008 in small and middle size chapter category, has been selected as the 2009 recipient of the IEEE Electron Devices Society Chapter of the Year Award.

This award is intended to recognize the quantity and quality of the activities and programs implemented by the chapters during the prior July 1st – June 30thperiod.

A certificate and check for $1,000 will be presented at the 2009 International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, 7 December, at the Baltimore Hilton Hotel, Baltimore, MD, USA.

Congratulations on the second award of this year to the Chapter and Dr. Oksana V. Shramkova, Chapter Chair.

Posted by Peter Magyar, CCSC Chair

Pedro Ray in R8 this week at leading business school in Spain

As part of the IEEE’s 125th Anniversary celebrations, IE Business School and IEEE Women in Engineering signed a scholarship agreement that is helping top women engineers from Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) access top-ranked graduate programs in business management and leadership.  As part of the agreement, President-elect Mr.  Pedro Ray will also be coming to R8 to speak about the IEEE as a global organization, how it manages a diverse and globally dispersed membership and most importantly, how it has maintained the reference among global engineers.  IEEE WIE members in R8 who are interested in the scholarships can contact Pilar Molina or IE Business School directly via [email protected].

To participate in the event if you have not already registered, send your full name, organization and position to [email protected].  This event is free for IEEE members.

Pedro Ray at IE Business School
Friday, November 13, 2009 (13h30 CET)

IEEE South Africa Section Commemorates IEEE’s 125 Years of Engineering the Future

On 23 Oct. 2009, the IEEE South Africa Section joined several other national and international IEEE Organizational Units around the world in celebrating IEEE’s 125 Years of Engineering the Future and fostering technical innovations for the benefit of humanity.

IEEE is the world’s leading professional association for the advancement of technology.

Some 230 delegates attended the celebration, which was held in form of a formal banquet at the Johannesburg Country Club, Woodmead.

“For the last 125 years, IEEE members around the globe have made countless contributions that have helped benefit the future,” said Saurabh Sinha, Chairman – IEEE South Africa Section. “Through this event, we recognize and celebrate these efforts and promote continued innovation for positive change.”

A technical lecture was also delivered on the evening, titled – “Missile Defence and Early Warning Radars.” An abstract of the talk is provided below:

The Bush Administration made major changes to the National Missile Defence (NMD) system that had been developed earlier by the Clinton Administration and established a limited system in Alaska to counter threats from North Korea. But even with the new emphasis on anti-terrorism and closer relations with Russia, NMD was still a very controversial topic as seen with the U.S. proposal to install parts of the Missile Defence System in Europe for protection against Iran. The European proposal had negative impacts on the US/Russia relations during the later years of the Bush Administration. The Obama administration is trying to mend relations with Russia by taking a new look at the system proposed for Europe.

The NMD program will continue to be a key technical, political, and legislative issue facing the U.S. and the rest of the world. The Bush Administration focused more on testing and developing new equipment for the NMD system and also investigated a wider variety of sensors (such as space-based and sea-based systems) to detect and track incoming missiles. The upgrade to the existing Early Warning Radars was one of the few features that did not change from the Clinton plan. The Obama Administration is still finalizing its approach to NMD.

This talk will provide background information on international political issues facing NMD. It will also provide technical information on some of the major systems including upgrades to the Early Warning Radars. The talk will also provide system engineering details on the proposed elements of the system that could be installed in Europe.

A copy of the presentation is available at the website of the IEEE South Africa Section,

The lecture was presented by Dr Larry Chasteen, who is an IEEE distinguished lecturer (Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society (AESS))

The IEEE South Africa Section appreciates the support of EE Publishers (Pty) Ltd, who co-sponsored the event. The IEEE South Africa Section would like to thank the IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society (AESS) for sponsoring the travel costs for our international speaker.

The IEEE South Africa Section furthermore re-extends sincere appreciation to all guests and sponsors who made the event a great happening!

Contact: Kim Ullyett, EE Publishers (Pty) Ltd, [email protected] Tel 011 543-7000

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Event Speakers

Chris Yelland, Prof. Gerhard Hancke, Dr Saurabh Sinha (Chairman, IEEE South Africa Section), Dr Larry Chasteen at the IEEE’s 125th year celebration – IEEE South Africa Section (Photo courtesy of EE Publishers)

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Some Lead IEEE Volunteers and Companions

Back row (from left-to-right):
Dr Pieter de Villiers, Prof. Alta van der Merwe, Karin van Wyk, Jacques van Wyk, Dr Saurabh Sinha, and Lynne Baker.
Front row (from left to right): Annemarie Hancke, Prof. Gerhard Hancke, Dr Larry Chasteen and Emeritus Prof. Duncan Baker.
(Photo courtesy of EE Publishers)