Statement of Authority

The Conference Coordination Subcommittee (CoCSC) shall:

  1. Encourage Region 8 Committees and Sections to develop conferences to meet the specialized interests of their members. Use the accumulated experience of the Region to help ensure early success of such ventures.
  2. Act as the focal point for information about IEEE conferences being scheduled in Region 8.
  3. Periodically review the effectiveness of all conferences sponsored or co-sponsored by Region 8. Recommend improvements as appropriate to the conference leadership, hosting section and associated activities. Suggest new conferences where a need is recognized and suggest termination of conferences no longer needed or posing undue financial liability.
  4. Assist with conference related questions.
  5. Assist in creating the content for Region 8 conferences web pages.
  6. Maintain an awareness of the availability of professional conference management services and suggest the use of such services where appropriate. Give assistance in the negotiation of contracts for service. Review all such contracts where Region 8 might have financial liability and make recommendations to the Region 8 Operating Committee regarding approval of such contracts.
  7. Solicit invitations from Sections in Region 8 to host the flagship R8 conferences in accordance with Region 8 and IEEE Bylaws.
  8. Develop & maintain general guidelines for IEEE Region 8 sponsored conferences to ensure a high quality of the related conferences end products and services, and revise as appropriate.
  9. Make all conference leaders aware of potential schedule conflicts between conferences without undue concern where geography or different technical interests limit the impact of schedule proximity.
  10. Manage the budget of the Conference Committee if R8 is financially liable.
  11. Maintain historical records, and obtain, develop and keep current documentation on Region 8 conferences.
  12. Submit pertinent and timely conference information to the Region 8 Newsletter Editor.
  13. Represent the Region at IEEE Conference workshops and meetings.
  14. Coordinate area and/or region wide conferences offering dates and locations of conferences to avoid overlaps.
  15. Consolidate a list of all technical society conferences with associated information that are coming into Region 8.
  16. Distribute information on Region venues to technical societies.
  17. Cooperate with Region 8 Membership Development Committee and Industry Relation Subcommittee (IRSC).