Chapter Coordination

Chapters Coordination Committee 2023


To serve as an action body to help build relationships between R8 Chapters and their parent Societies and Technical Councils, to encourage the good management and vigor of R8 Chapters, and to investigate and encourage the formation of R8 Chapters. To report to the Region 8 Committee on Chapter issues and act as an interface with IEEE Societies and TAB on Chapter related questions.

  1. Establish and maintain communications with all R8 Chapters.
  2. Assist the Sections and the Societies in the creation of new R8 Chapters in locations where Society membership is sufficient to justify such formations.
  3. Establish (by the individual actions of the committee members) links with the Society governing committees (AdCom or Board of Governors) and Society chapter-coordinators, with the objective of encouraging the Society to maintain interest in and financially support its Chapters in Region 8.
  4. Establish links with the Region 8 Chapters Chairs to encourage them to liaise with their parent Societies, to make use of Society DL Programs and to improve the management and activities of the Chapters.
  5. Encourage Chapters to organize workshops, short courses, symposia, etc. should be given.
  6. Encourage R8 Section Chairs to take an interest in and to support their Chapters.
  7. Encourage attendance of R8 Chapter Chairs at Chapter Chairs meetings arranged by Societies and Divisions, and to the extent appropriate, participate in any such meetings held in R8.



Anna Litvinenko



Andrejs Romanovs


Past Chair

Matej Pacha



Filippo Sanfilippo


Adel M. Alimi


Muhammad Al-Barham




Izzet Kale

UK & Ireland

Atif Iqbal


Mohamed Ali Zormati



Corresponding members (ex officio):

Division Directors from Region 8:

Society/Council Presidents from Region 8:



Email:  chapters.officer<AT>


Join us:







IEEE technical Chapters: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


  • What is an IEEE Chapter?
    • A Chapter is a technical subunit of a Region, one or more Sections, or a Geographic Council established by petition to the parent geographical and technical organizational units. Section 9.6 in the MGA Operations Manual reviews the guidelines for Chapter operation.
    • Members of the respective Society/Council automatically become members of the local Chapter.
  • What types of Chapters are there in IEEE?
  • What does an IEEE Chapter offer? Why is it good to have more Chapters?
    • Full access to the resources of a mother Society or technical Council (for a Joint Chapter, access to the resources of all Societies), e.g.
      • specialized technical resources
      • grants, scholarships
      • funding
      • participation in committees shaping the future of the field
    • Possibility to organize, advertise local technical events to and interactions within the local members of the respective Societies/Councils.
    • Funding from respective Societies/Councils for organizing local technical events
      • Own independent funding stream within a Section/subSection/Region
      • See some of the funding options here
    • Access to IEEE Distinguished Lecturers and Speakers from respective Societies/Councils (where the Society pays for the Distinguished Lecturer to come to your country and give talks)
      • Please see a guide here
    • Possibility to support local conferences with IEEE logo and resources
    • Many Societies/Councils afford (pay travel expenses for) the Chapter Chair (or the person delegated by the Chair) to attend its main conference and participate in various learning programs.
  • How to start up/form a new Chapter, or How to change an existing Chapter?
    • The process following this diagram (borrowed from an MGA page):
    • Process of petitioning a new organizational unit in IEEE
    • See here and here for details
    • An Organizer* can form a new Chapter or Join Chapter (if one does not currently exist in the Region, one or more Sections, or a Geographic Council), by visiting the IEEE Geographic Unit Formation Policies and Petitions website. Scroll down the page and select the link “Access Petition Form“. When the petition page loads, log in using your IEEE Account credentials (username and password) and select Chapter. Follow the step-by-step instructions to submit the petition.
      *An eligible Organizer must be an active IEEE Graduate Student Member or higher for a minimum of six months, a member of the Section, and an active member of the sponsoring society/ies.

      • starting a new Chapter requires 12 signatures
      • starting a new Student Branch Chapter requires 6 signatures
    • The petition can be done electronically (see above) or manually.
  • What are the key responsibilities of a Chapter Chair?
    • ensuring that the Chapter is active and offers services to its members
    • running at least 2 technical events per year (more is better)
    • ensuring the sustainability of the Chapter’s leadership, i.e. training the next generation of Chapter leadership
  • Why is it best to have a complete (3-5 people) leadership committee for a Chapter (or any other organizational unit)?
    • Whilst a Chapter may be successfully run by a single Chair, this often leads to problems in the longer term. Having more than one person leading the Chapter enables
      • better sustainability in a longer-term (e.g. by chapter leadership team members learning from each other and able to support the events as a team, and having good ready-to-do-excellent-work candidates for the next term)
      • broader reach/wider network able to reach more people
      • ability to generate more ideas for better events
      • ability to distribute tasks, rely on each other and run bigger events
  • What is the annual minimum reporting requirement for a Chapter?
    • A technical Chapter needs to have officers and must hold at least 2 technical events per year in order to avoid being dissolved.
  • How can a Chapter win an award, e.g. Best Chapter award?
    • To qualify for an award, a Chapter needs to do many quality activities (especially technical events attended by many members) and grow its membership
    • To apply for an award, the Chapter needs to be nominated. There are different opportunities in existence:
      • Most Societies/Councils have award programs
      • R8 has “Chapter of the Year” awards program – see
      • Some Sections have own award programs
  • Can Chapter set its own awards/recognitions for active members?
    • Yes, Chapters are encouraged to set up their own award programs. The officiation of such a program may need to be vetted by IEEE.
  • How does a Chapter relate to other units of IEEE?
    • Chapter serves its local members
    • Chapter reports to and can draw resources (funding, speakers, …) from and offer new activities to the respective Society (under the IEEE TA) and Section/subSection/Region it belongs to (under IEEE MGA)
    • Overall picture can be found here:  R8_TA_relations_higher_committees_v1
  • What is and How to establish a Technical/Sister Society Agreement to help increasing activities?
    • Please see here for details.
    • Sister Society Agreements are designed to promote additional cooperation with external to IEEE organizations in a specific discipline through joint activities. Additionally, in order to promote joint membership, these agreements may also provide discounts on IEEE Society membership fees and Society publications.
  • How to determine the IEEE operational unit (OU) code for a Chapter or Student Branch Chapter?
    • Please see an example here.
  • How can an IEEE eNotice email be sent out to all Chapter members?
    • The best and fastest way to submit it is via this form: (accessible to Section and Chapter Chairs). It normally works for all Chapter needs.
    • If you need to select your audience manually (i.e. your eNotice requires a special audience or manual processing not supported in the normal form), then this form needs to be used instead: use This has recently been replaced by signing into, creating your eNotice and in the special instructions field, you can specify the target audience (e.g. R8 Chapter Chairs and R8 Student Branch Chapter Chairs).
  • How can one find out whether more Chapters can be established in a Section?
    • The simplest approach is to use IEEE OU Analytics to get this info (it is assumed the user has appropriate access rights). The feature is called “Potential Chapters”. Inside the OU Analytics, go to “Map”, and inside the Maps (otherwise called Geo OU Analysis), go to the tab “Potential Chapters”. Select “Region 8”. Select or enter your Section and see the Societies for which the minimum conditions to establish a new technical Chapters are already satisfied.
    • A more complicated but also more comprehensive approach is to download the list of Section’s members (also from IEEE OU Analytics), which includes a record of the membership in Societies (i.e. the column with MEMxxxnnn, where xxxnnn is the Society code, e.g. MEMTEM014). From this, one can count the number of members for each IEEE Society of interest and match this to the minimum requirements for an individual Chapter (12+ members) or a Joint Chapter (12+ members, with at least 3+ members from each relevant Society; please see Section 9.6 in the MGA Operations Manual for further details on the minimum requirements.
  • How can one find whether the Chapter is active and how active it has been?
    • The IEEE vTools Events/Meetings can be used to determine the meetings registered against the Chapter. The process is simple. Just select your Region (Region 8), your Section, and the Chapter you are interested in, and click the “Search” button. The system will show you the events ran by the Chapter and when they were running. The minimum requirement for an active Chapter is 2 events per year.
  • How and when are the Chapters dissolved?
    • The Chapters are dissolved following a period of inactivity, i.e. when the minimum requirement (2 technical events per year) is unfulfilled for over a year. The list of inactive Chapters is submitted to the MGA Board by MGA employees by the agenda item deadline. The MGA Board then decides on the dissolution in their meeting. The schedule of their meetings may be found here.
  • Where to find the list of Societies, technical Councils, roster of Society Presidents, Chapter Coordinators etc.?
  • Where can I find basic information about Chapters (similar to these FAQs) from MGA perspective?
  • Are there Training opportunities / How to Learn how to do this?
    • Training is available via the IEEE Center for Leadership Excellence (CLE) and IEEE CLE Learning Library: . There, one can find training for volunteers /officers as well as professional development training (in soft skills such as leadership, communications, and management skills. Technical Chapter / Student Branch Chapter officer can click on “Volunteer”, log in, and then click on the “Technical Chapter Chair” or “Student Branch Chapter Chair”, respectively. The overall training usually around 1.5-2 hours and can be done in parts.
    • It may also be recommended to access many relevant topics under “Sections Congress” in CLE.






R8 Chapter of the Year Awards Winners

R8 Chapter of the Year Awards Winners for 2023


We are proud to announce the R8 Chapter of the Year Awards Winners for 2023 (for the work in 2022):


Winning Technical Chapters in 2023 awards:
  • R8 Chapter of the Year Award – Large: Tunisia Section Industry Applications Society Chapter
  • R8 Chapter of the Year Award – Medium: Spain Section Electron Devices Chapter
  • R8 Chapter of the Year Award – Small: Tunisia Section Education Society Chapter

Winning Student Branch Chapters (SBC) in 2023 awards:

  • R8 Student Branch Chapter of the Year Award – Large: ENISo Student Branch Industry Applications Society Chapter, Tunisia Section
  • R8 Student Branch Chapter of the Year Award – Medium: Yarmouk University Computer Society Student Branch Chapter, Jordan Section,
  • R8 Student Branch Chapter of the Year Award – Small: Ss Cyril & Methodius University in Skopje SSCS Student Branch Chapter, North Macedonia Section


R8 Chapter of the Year Awards Winners for 2022


We are proud to announce the R8 Chapter of the Year Awards Winners for 2022 (for the work in 2021):


Winning Technical Chapters in 2022 awards:
  • R8 Chapter of the Year Award – Large: Tunisia Section Computer Society Chapter
  • R8 Chapter of the Year Award – Small: Jordan Section Robotics and Automation Society Chapter

Winning Student Branch Chapters (SBC) in 2022 awards:

  • R8 Student Branch Chapter of the Year Award – Large: ESPRIT Student Branch Industry Applications Society Chapter, Tunisia Section
  • R8 Student Branch Chapter of the Year Award – Medium: American University of Sharjah Student Branch IEEE-HKN Lambda Lambda Chapter, United Arab Emirates Section
  • R8 Student Branch Chapter Award – Small: ESPRIT Student Branch Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society Chapter, Tunisia Section


R8 Chapter of the Year Awards Winners for 2021

We are proud to announce the R8 Chapter of the Year Awards Winners for 2021 (for the work in 2020):

Winning Technical Chapters in 2021 awards (for 2020 efforts):
  • Large Chapter: IEEE UK and Ireland Section, IEEE Power and Energy Society Chapter
  • Medium Chapter: IEEE Latvia Section, IEEE Communications, Microwave Theory & Techniques, Antenna and Propagation Joint Societies Chapter
  • Small Chapter: IEEE Mauritius Section, IEEE Power and Energy Society and System Councils Joint Chapter

Winning Student Branch Chapters (SBC) in 2021 awards (for 2020 efforts):

  • Large SBC: ESPRIT University IEEE Computer Society Student Branch Chapter, IEEE Tunisia Section
  • Medium SBC: ESPRIT University IEEE Industry Applications Society Student Branch Chapter, IEEE Tunisia Section
  • Small SBC: Kyambogo University IEEE Photonics Society Student Branch Chapter, IEEE Uganda Section

Winners in the category “Most Virtually Active and Adaptive Region 8 Chapter/Student Branch Chapter of the Hard COVID-19 Times” in 2021 awards (for 2021 efforts):

  • Technical Chapter: IEEE Italy Section, IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society Chapter
  • SBC: University of Manchester IEEE Power Electronics Society Student Branch Chapter, IEEE UK and Ireland Section


R8 Chapter of the Year Awards Winners for 2020

We are proud to announce the R8 Chapter of the Year Awards Winners for 2020 (for the work in 2019):



Winning Technical Chapters in 2020 awards (for 2019 efforts):

Winning Student Branch Chapters (SBC) in 2020 awards (for 2019 efforts):

Winners in the category “Most Virtually Active and Adaptive Region 8 Chapter/Student Branch Chapter of the Hard COVID-19 Times” in 2020 awards (for 2020 efforts):

See details about the process etc. in the article here.


Congratulations to the winners: the Chapters, Student Branch Chapters, their leadership and associated universities and Sections! Thank you very much for your great work!



R8 Chapter of the Year Awards Winners for 2019

We are proud to announce the R8 Chapter of the Year Awards Winners for 2019 (for the work in 2018):


Technical Chapters:


Student Branch Chapters (SBCs):



CONGRATULATIONS to the Chapter leadership, volunteers, respective Sections, and to the universities hosting the SBCs!

Chapter Coordination Subcommittee – Historical overview

Chapter Coordination Subcommittee 2021-2022

Andrejs Romanovs



Albert Lysko

(South Africa)

Past Chair

Aleksandar Mastilovic

(Serbia and Montenegro)


Wynand Lambrechts

(South Africa)

Matej Pacha


Toni Mattila




Anna Litvinenko


Muhammad Al-Barham


Liaison from SAC

Rawan El Jamal


Liaison from YP

Corresponding members (ex officio):

Division Directors from Region 8:

Society/Council Presidents from Region 8:



Chapter Coordination Subcommittee 2019-2020


Albert Lysko Matej Zatc Wynand Lambrechts
Chair: Albert Lysko (South Africa) Matej Zajc (Slovenia) Wynand Lambrechts (South Africa)

Hossam Fahmy (Egypt)


Corresponding members: All Division Directors and Society/Council Presidents from Region 8

  • Division Directors from Region 8:
    • Division III Director: Sergio Benedetto (Italy)
    • Division VI Director: Manuel Castro (Spain)
  • Society/Council Presidents from Region 8:
    • IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society: Paolo Gamba (Italy)
    • IEEE Industry Applications Society: Georges Zissis (France)
    • IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society: Alaa Abunjaileh (UK & Ireland)
    • IEEE Power Electronics Society: Frede Blaabjerg (Denmark)
    • IEEE Circuits and Systems Society: Amara Amara (France)
    • IEEE Computational Intelligence Society: Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier (France)
    • IEEE Electronic Packaging Society: Christopher Bailey (UK & Ireland)
    • IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Society: Alistair Duffy (UK & Ireland)
    • IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society: Salvatore Baglio (Italy)
    • IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society: Imre Rudas (Hungary)
    • IEEE Systems Council: Vincenzo Piuri (Italy)

(as appointed by IEEE Region 8 Director for 2019-2020 Magdalena Salazar Palma)





Chapter Coordination Subcommittee 2015-2016



Chapter Coord. Sub. Presentation in Limassol's Meeting


Chapter Coordination Subcommittee 2013-2014


Region 8 Coordinator for Chapters: Nazih Khaddaj Mallat (United Arab Emirates)
Student Chapter Activities Coordinator: Alexandros Osana (Greece)
Corresponding Members: Ugurcan Sengit (Turkey),  Maria Trocan (France)

Our FaceBook Page


Ensure Quality Chapter Opportunities Through Continuous Engagement of Society and Council Coordinators:  R8_list_Apr_2013 (see linkage diagram to the wider IEEE: R8_TA_relations_higher_committees_v1 )


Inspire, Enable, Empower and Engage Chapters of Region-8 for the purpose of

  • fulfilling the mission of IEEE
  • enhancing the Chapter’s growth and development
  • providing a professional home

For more information – refer to the Region 8 Governing Documents.

The Chapters are the main fields of the members’ activity

  • Members shape IEEE‘s future in Chapters
  • Members collaborate to create IEEE‘s future in Chapters
  • IEEE organization units (OUs) enhance members’ future in Chapters


  • Increase membership and member engagement in Chapters
  • Improve the quality of technical activities
  • Increase operational efficiency and effectiveness of Chapters and Chapter Coordinators
  • Improve relationships with and between Societies, Councils, Sections and Chapters (including Student Branch Chapters)
  • Enhance collaboration with other IEEE organization units and other professional organizations

Useful links:

Chapter Chair Training
ChCSC Meeting Madrid (April, 2013) Presentations
ChCSC Meeting Budapest (April, 2014) Presentations