Daily Archives: 5 December 2011

Member Activities Home

Membership is a core value of IEEE. Members, individually and collectively, create IEEE’s future while IEEE enhances members’ future.

The IEEE Region 8 Vice Chair, Member Activities (VCMA) is responsible for planning, leadership, and guidance for activities related to IEEE Region 8 members, including the areas of membership development, admission and advancement, members elevation, technology in service to community, affinity group programs (Women in Engineering, Young Professionals and Life Members), history of science and engineering and humanitarian technologies.


The Region 8 Vice Chair for Member Activities for 2025-2026 is Habib M. Kammoun (Tunisia Section).

The Vice Chair can be reached directly at [email protected].


Member Activities aim to:

  • Strengthen the value of IEEE membership at each stage of the member’s life cycle.
  • Support volunteering and facilitate member and nonmember collaboration.
  • Strengthen the relevance of IEEE membership to industry.
  • Promote diversity, equity and inclusion.
  • Improve member development and services based on data.
  • Enhance the relevance of information available to the member and to geographic units.
  • Provide a simple, consistent, personalized interface to members and prospective members.


IEEE Region 8 Member Activities Committees & Coordinators:

For a description of the individual teams, contacts, activities and plans, please visit their page by clicking on the respective link.


Region 8 Member Activities focus on the following goals and objectives:

  • Improve the value of IEEE membership by increasing services and benefits to R8 members
  • Develop non-technical IEEE activities in the Region (including contests, awards and promotion programs)
  • Foster members’ awareness of IEEE activities and existing benefits
  • Support Region 8 initiatives and inform other IEEE organizational units about them
  • Increase membership and develop retention strategies
  • Develop local retention and membership programs
  • Enhance member’s careers
  • Provide a platform for co-ordination, motivation and interaction among R8 members and organisational units
  • Provide input to the IEEE Membership Development Committee regarding R8 issues
  • Assure IEEE membership promotion at IEEE Conferences and other events in R8
  • Promote and support MA officers in R8 Sections
  • Provide Training & Orientations for Section MA officers
  • Help in formation, organisation and development of non-technical IEEE organisational units (including affinity groups)
  • Provide support to and rejuvenate IEEE organisational units
  • Help with communication between existing IEEE organisational units
  • Represent R8 members’ interests and voice their concerns
  • Introduce new ideas and proposals and implement initiatives for new activities within the membership responsibilities.
  • Assure recruitment of new members and volunteers, control retention of active members and recovery of arrears.
  • Promote and support member grade elevation
  • Support and provide recognition of IEEE voluneers