Yearly Archives: 2013

Dr Rolf Remshardt (1936-2013)

Dr Rolf Remshardt (1936-2013)

With the passing of Rolf Remshardt, IEEE has lost one of its most highly valued volunteers. His sudden death, only weeks after he was a special guest at the 50th Anniversary celebrations of Region 8 in Madrid, has come as a terrible shock to his many friends across IEEE. For almost 30 years he provided an outstanding example of selfless and ethical service to the Institute. He was a major influence in policy- making: eight regional Directors benefited from his wise and friendly advice. His stewardship, as Treasurer, of the Region’s finances for 15 years enabled a huge expansion of its activities, underpinned by the substantial reserves he built up by careful investment and budget controls.

Rolf Remshardt earned a Diplom-Ingenieur degree and a PhD in electrical engineering from the Technical University in Stuttgart, Germany. He began his career at IBM in 1967, working as a development engineer, designing integrated circuits and semiconductor chips, and spent 2 years with IBM in the USA. During his nearly 30 years with the company he held several development and management positions.

Rolf joined IEEE as a Senior Member in 1983, and was elected Region 8 Treasurer. His IBM boss at the time, Director Walter Proebster, had persuaded Rolf to take on the job without warning him about the time commitment involved. Nevertheless, Rolf quickly demonstrated his skill in managing the complexities of dealing with many different currencies and exchange controls, in an era before credit cards became universal.

He was elected as Region 8 Director (1999-2000) at a time when there was a rapid expansion in IEEE activity in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. Under his wise counsel the problems of IEEE membership in the ‘low-income’ countries were dealt with very effectively. This laid the foundations for the success of the enlarged Region 8 as it reached its 50th year.

Rolf also served on many IEEE Boards and committees, including the IEEE Foundation as a Director and Vice-President Projects.

He was honoured by IEEE through the Larry K Wilson Transnational Award (2002) and the RAB Achievement Award (2006).

We mourn the loss of one of IEEE’s finest volunteers, and share the grief of his wife Renate and son Marc. We will all miss Rolf, as a friend and colleague, and as a happy companion.


Kurt R. Richter                                                                                                Charles W Turner
1991-1992 IEEE Director Region 8                                                                    1993-1994 IEEE Director Region 8

[IEEE R8 YP] Region 8 Outstanding GOLD Affinity Group Award for Finland!

The Region 8 YP Committee is proud to announce the winner of the Region 8 Outstanding GOLD Affinity Group Award for its activities during 2012: the award goes to Finland! The Finland YP Affinity Group is acknowledged for their many successful and divers activities, as well as their continued efforts to motivate volunteers and inspire IEEE YP members.

The Region 8 YP Committee received many excellent nominations for the award. Since Tunisia had the pleasure of recently receiving an MGA Hall of Fame Award and our regional award can only be given to a YP Affinity Group that has not received another IEEE award in the same year, the Tunisian YP AG was excluded from the nominations. Although it was a very hard decision due to the strong competition and the great quality of nominations, the Region 8 YP Committee decided that the Finnish YP Affinity Group will win this year’s award.

R8 YP would like to congratulate the Finland YP Affinity Group and would also like to thank all Region 8 YP Affinity Groups for the great work they are doing. This year we received more nominations than ever before and we hope the number will keep on rising next year!

Keep up the good work!


IEEE Region 8 YP Committee

[IEEE R8 YP] IEEE GOLD Hall of Fame Award for Tunisia YP Affinity Group!

We would like to congratulate IEEE Tunisia YP Affinity Group for being one of the GOLD Hall of Fame Award winners for 2013! R8 YP Committee is very proud of your activities. It is a third time in the row when the YP AG from Region 8 is winning the Award. Last year it was YP Egypt.

The remaining recipients of the Award:
– YP Toronto (Region 7)
– YP Nicaragua (Region 9)

Congratulations for Tunisia!!!


IEEE R8 YP Committee

2013-October – Sarajevo

This page contains information about the 101st IEEE Region 8 Committee Meeting to be held in Sarajevo on 05-06 of October 2013.
R8 Agenda Item Template

Agenda Book
Approved minutes from Madrid
Travel Advisory Sarajevo

Consent Agenda
Order of the day

Saturday Presentations
Sunday Presentations

Costas Stasopoulos Presentation: Section development and vitality - Section reporting

¡Meeting Photographs!
View online here

OpCom Reports

Director  (Martin Bastiaans)

Past-Director  (Marko Delimar)

Secretary  (Ali El-Mousa)

Treasurer  (Brian Harrington)

V/C Member Activities  (Aleksandar Szabo)

V/C Student Activities  (Pablo Herrero)

V/C Technical Activities  (Carl Debono)

Subcommittee Reports

Awards & Recognition Subcommittee  (A&RSC)

History Activities Coordinator  (HA) Region 8 News  (R8News)

Chapter Coordination Subcommittee  (ChCSC)

Industry Relations Subcommittee  (IRSC)

Section Congress Coordinator

Conference Coordination SubCommittee  (CoCSC)

Jubilee Book Editorial Board Standards Coordinator  (StC)

Educational Activities SubCommittee (EASC)

Life Member Coordinator  (LM)

Strategic Planning

Electronic Communciations Coordinator  (ECC) Membership Development Subcommittee  (MDSC) Voluntary Contribution Fund Coordinator  (VCF)

GOLD Subcommittee  (GOLD)

Nominations and Appointments Subcommittee
Biographical Notes of Candidates:
Carl James Debono
Margaretha A K Eriksson
Pablo Herrero
Magdalena Salazar Palma
Aleksandar Szabo
Women in Engineering Coordinator  (WIE)
Professional Activities Subcommittee  (PASC)

Section Reports

Austria Section Germany Section Lithuania Section Saudi Arabia (East) Section
Bahrain Section Ghana Section Malta Section Saudi Arabia (West) Section
Belarus Section Greece Section Morocco Section Serbia And Montenegro Section
Benelux Section Hungary Section Nigeria Section Slovenia Section
Bosnia and Herzegovina Section Iceland Section Norway Section South Africa Section
Bulgaria Section Iran Section Oman Section Spain Section
Croatia Section Iraq Section Poland Section Sweden Section
Cyprus Section Israel Section Portugal Section Switzerland Section
Czechoslovakia Section Italy Section Qatar Section Tunisia Section
Denmark Section Jordan Section Republic of Macedonia Section Turkey Section
Egypt Section Kenya Section Romania Section U.K.& Rep Of Ireland Section
Estonia Section Kuwait Section Russia Section Ukraine Section
Finland Section Latvia Section Russia (Northwest) Section United Arab Emirates Section
France Section Lebanon Section Russia (Siberia) Section Zambia Section

Sub-Section Reports

Algeria Sub-Section Botswana Sub-Section Mauritius Sub-Section Palestine Sub-Section
SFAX Sub-Section Sudan Sub-Section Tanzania Sub-Section



History of IEEE Awards Recipients from Region 8

History of IEEE Awards Recipients from Region 8

2013 Committee

R8 WIE Committee 2013

The IEEE Women in Engineering of Region 8 would like to address the following issues (particularly during WIE sessions and events at IEEE conferences):

  • how to prepare high school girls to make an unprejudiced choice regarding their study and careers in Science & Engineering and give them good background for that;
  • how to seal the academic pipeline of women in order to minimize the “pipe leakage” phenomena;
  • how to overcome barriers to the advancement of women in Science & Engineering;
  • and how to balance career and family life.

The R8 WIE committee in Region 8 is made up of member from IEEE WIE Section Affinity Groups and Student Branch Affinity Group Chairs from Region 8:

Region 8 Women in Engineering Coordinator Team

Joyce Mwangama (South Africa) – Chair
Reem Turky (Saudi Arabia West) – Corresponding Advisor
Bernadette Bouchon Meunier (France) – Corresponding Advisor

Section Affinity Groups (AG Chairs)

Bahrain – Eshaa Alkhalifa
Benelux – Teodora Emilia Motoasca
Bosnia and Herzegovina – Lejla Banjanovic-Mehmedovic
Croatia – Vlatka Paunovic
Egypt – Nevin Darwish
France – Laura Marti Tordera
Germany – Friederike Wendler
Iraq – Yasmin AL-Agrash
Israel – Yael Nemirovsky
Jordan – Arwa Abbadi Jwaifel
Kuwait  – Bashayer Al-Awad
Lebanon – Mariette Awad
Poland – Barbara Obryk
Portugal – Professor Filomena Soares
Saudi Arabia – Najat Abu-Haliqa
Western Saudi Arabia – Reem Turky
Serbia and Montenegro – Vladanka Acimovic-Raspopovic
South Africa – Chioniso Kuchwa-Dube
Slovenia – Emilija Stojmenova
Spain – Charo Gil
Switzerland – Samina Husain
Tunisia – Ilhem Kallel
Turkey – Sule Oguducu
United Arab Emerates – Maryam Al Thani
UKRI – Dr. Teresa M. Schofield

Student Branch Affinity Groups (AG Chairs)

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium/Benelux Section) – Borbala Hunyadi
University of Zagreb (Croatia Section) – Jelena Matovina
Alexandria University (Egypt Section) – Ramy Ibrahim Omar
Arab Acedemy For Science and Tech (Egypt Section – Yomna F. Heikor
Modern science and arts university (Egypt Section) – Noha Moustafa Rashad
Passau University (Germany Section) – Jürgen Bickert
Democritus University of Thrace (Greece Section) – Nikolaos Tsiantoulas
University of Central Greece (Greece Section) – Raisa Angelidou
Al-balqa Applied Univerty (Jordan Section)  – Bushra Zakaria Al-Habashneh
German Jordanian University (Jordan Section) – Enas Abboud
Hashemite University (Jordan Section) – Hadeel Al-Asaad
Jordan University of Science and Tech (Jordan Section) – Hadeel H Awad
Princess Sumaya University for Tech (Jordan Section) – Dina Masri
University of Jordan (Jordan Section) – Fatima Jawad AL_Hamad
American University of Beirut (Lebanon Section) – Nadida Raad
Beirut Arab University (Lebanon Section) – Ziad A Osman
Notre Dame University – Lebanon (Lebanon Section) – Joan Farho
Polytechnic of Namibia Namibia
Eindhoven Technische Nertherlands (Netherlands/Benelux Section) – Femke Van Belzen
Ambrose Alli University (Nigeria Section) – Oho Ikechukwu Polycarp Nnamdi
Nnamdi Azikiwe University (Nigeria Section) – Obianuju Okonkwo
Obafemi Awolowo University (Nigeria Section) – Sarumi Bolatito Risikat Ajoke
University of Ibadan (Nigeria Section) – Toulope Falaye
University of Port Harcourt (Nigeria Section) – Chinwe P Omaegbu
Instituto Superior (Portugal Section) – Joao Dias
Iscte University of inst of Lisbon (Portugal Section) – Patricia Duarte Mateus
Texan A&M university at Qatar (Qatar Section) – Fatima Ali
Cyril and Methodius (Rep of Macedonia Section) – Jasmina Bujaroska
Biysk Technological Instutute (Russia Section) – Natalya Bedina
University of Cape Town (South Africa Section) – Magnaem Simon
University of Pretoria (South Africa Section) – Rina Helena Mostert
CPS Universidad De Zaragoza (Spain Section) – Pablo Herrero Tomas
Escuela Tec Sup De Ing Tele – Valencia (Spain Section) – Meli Delgado Calot
Universidad De Sevilla (Spain Section)
Universidad Nacional De Educacion a Distancia (Spain Section) – German Carro Fernandez
Royal Institute of Technology KTH (Sweden Section) – Nasim Farahini
Ecole Nationale D’Ingenieurs De SFAX (Tunisia Section) – Fatma Elleuch
Ecole Nationale D’Ingenieurs De Tunis (Tunisia Section) – Sonia DjaziriLarbi
Bilkent University (Turkey Section)
Dogus University (Turkey Section) – Nazli Turker
Erciyes Universitesi (Turkey Section) – Tugba Ertugrul
Hacettepe University (Turkey Section) – Aysin Cetin
Istanbul Technical University (Turkey Section) – Ilkcan Bilgin
Izmir Ekonomi Universitesi (Turkey Section) – Seren Kuru
Lviv Polytechnic National Univ (Ukraine Section) – Maryna Kushnir
Ajman University of Science and Tech (United Arab Emirates Section) – Tazeen Sharif
American University in Dubai (United Arab Emirates Section) – Mahra Mohammed AL Khaja
Birla Institute of Technology and Science (United Arab Emirates Section) – Swarnalatha R
Higher Colleges of Tech, Sharjah womens college (United Arab Emirates Section) – Widad Suwaidi
The Petroleum Institute (United Arab Emirates Section) – Nada Abdul Kareem Al-Hamar
United Arab Emirates University  (United Arab Emirates Section) – Hend Alqamzi
University of Sharjah (United Arab Emirates Section) – Noora Y Esmail
Queen Mary University of London (UKRI Section) – Roya Haratian
University of Southampton (UKRI Section) – Hamza A Rouabah
University of York (UKRI Section) – Selen Toplu

First International IEEE EMBS Student Conference

First International IEEE EMBS Student Conference will be held under the umbrella of IEEE and EMBS (Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society), in October 2013 – Cairo University, Egypt.


Title: The First IEEE EMBS International Student Conference

Date: 10-12 October 2013

Location: Cairo University, Egypt



– Biomedical Imaging and Image Processing

– Signal Processing

– Bioinformatics and Data Mining

– Bio-Robotics and Biomechanics

– Bioinstrumentation and new Devices

– Brain Research and BC

– Clinical Engineering

– Healthcare Information Systems and Telemedicine

– Biometrics



– Bioinformatics

– Clinical Engineering

– Machine Learning

– Nanotechnology (Super invited talk)

More Information are available here



IEEE R8 GOLD Committee

IEEE Cyprus Entrepreneurs Network

On January 2013 the first IEEE Entrepreneurs Network (EN) within R8 was established in Cyprus under the IEEE Cyprus Section. The idea of implementing such a Network in Cyprus initiated by the conclusion that current economic crisis is considered by many as a great barrier towards economic growth and employability, whereas entrepreneurship driven by innovation and networks of talented people can in fact mitigate the negative impacts of this crisis and lead to local prosperity. It was also based on the confidence that professionals who by education or experience give evidence of competence in an IEEE designated field (Engineering, Computer Sciences and Information Technology, Physical Sciences, Biological and Medical Sciences, Mathematics, Technical Communications, Education, Management, Law and Policy) should take a leading role in this effort.

The IEEE Cyprus EN’s main objectives are the following:

  1. Networking between IEEE members and other professionals (non-members working in an IEEE designated field) in Cyprus who are interested in entrepreneurship, from which possible cooperation and start-ups may come up. Monthly meetings take place in the presence of the Entrepreneurs Network Executive Committee (Chair, Vice Chairperson, Secretary and Program Director) and any other IEEE members or non-members concerned in the Network’s goals and interests.
  2.  Triggering of entrepreneurship in IEEE designated fields in Cyprus especially within the current financial crisis which increases unemployment. Professionals who by education or experience give evidence of competence in an IEEE designated field are encouraged to participate in the Entrepreneurs Network and join IEEE.
  3. Arrangement of talks by entrepreneurship related experts, such as accountants, lawyers, angels, local SBA representatives, bankers, experts in Business Finance, marketing professionals, insurance experts, and industry leaders.
  4. Organization of workshops or days of training in such topics as financing alternatives, protecting intellectual property, selling a business plan, project management and personal leadership style for success.
  5. Support of entrepreneurs / future entrepreneurs and helping them both to meliorate their business plans and get in touch with angels and investors.
  6. Holding face to face year round TechMatch event. TechMatch is a tool that helps member entrepreneurs conduct self-evaluations on their business plans, submit their business plans for review by other experienced entrepreneur members and to visibility by potential investors. The IEEE Cyprus EN supports entrepreneurs who have participated in the TechMatch event by assigning mentors, connecting the entrepreneur with local resources for further help, selecting the best plans in a competition and giving awards or advertising the plans in operating unit publications.
  7. The goal of TechMatch is to support entrepreneur members in moving toward success and that is what the Entrepreneurs Network Executive Committee (EN’s EXCOM) undertakes. After the actual TechMatch event is over EN’s EXCOM provides ongoing support to entrepreneurs who have expressed interest. This can be in the form of assigned mentors for those entrepreneurs that express interest. The lead of the Review team together with EN’s EXCOM takes the responsibility for any handoff or continuity of support as expressed by the entrepreneur and assures there is direct communication with each entrepreneur according to their needs and expectations for their further development.

Apart from its official website within IEEE Cyprus Section’s website, IEEE Cyprus EN can be found in LinkedIn and Facebook.

IEEE R8 Continuing Education (CE) Webinar in May 2013

Two webinars were organized in May 2013 by the IEEE R8 Educational Activities Sub-Committee (EASC) Continuing Education (CE), Niovi Pavlidou, Coordinator, and George Papadopoulos, Volunteer.

The first webinar entitled “Industrial automation” was organized on May 9, 2013. The webinar was intended to all members of the IEEE Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology Society, Industrial Electronics Society (IES) and Industry Applications Society (IAS) members in Region 8. The webinar was quite well disseminated, resulting to 32 registrations. The event was organized on the WebEx facilities and the attendance was considered as satisfactory with about 35 participants taking place. Niovi Pavlidou welcomed the participants and introduced various subcommittees relating to technical activities, with emphasis on educational activities in R8. The central speaker of the webinar was Kevit Desai, Centurion Systems, Nairobi, Kenya. The webinar was technically hosted by George Papadopoulos.

The second webinar entitled “Computer in Parallel” was organized on May 16, 2013. The target audience was all members of the IEEE Computer Society members in Region 8. This webinar, which was generally considered as the most successful of the webinar series performed so far by the IEEE R8 CE, had 177 registrations, resulting to about 50 attendees. Niovi Pavlidou opened the session, with Nikos Pitsianis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, following with his presentation. The webinar was technically hosted by George Papadopoulos.

The events were recorded on the WebEx platform and are available to everyone for free in the website of IEEE R8 EASC Stay tuned to our future events.

George Papadopoulos, IEEE R8 Volunteer for Educational Activities
Niovi Pavlidou, IEEE R8 Coordinator for Educational Activities