Monthly Archives: January 2015

IEEE Region 8 Awards reminder

Dear colleagues,

We would like to remind you that the following IEEE Region 8 awards have a submission deadline on 15 February 2015:

–       The Region 8 Volunteer Award

–       The Clementina Saduwa Award (Women in Engineering)

–       The Region 8 Outstanding Section Awards

–       The Chapter of the Year Awards

Please additionally check out Student (also here and here) and Young professionals awards.

Please note that, due to the change in the composition of the Region 8 Committee in January 2015, some pages on the Region 8 website are still being updated.

Please give your attention to starting the process to prepare a nomination if you believe that you have suitable candidates. Experience shows that it takes longer than you might think to put a strong nomination together.

Please distribute this information among IEEE Region 8 volunteers and IEEE Region 8 Organisational Units.  Thank you!

Marko Delimar
Chair, IEEE Region 8 Awards & Recognition Subcommittee

2nd IEEE Tunisian Student Branches Congress (TSBC) 2014

The IEEE Tunisia section and the IEEE Student Branch of the National Engineering School of Sfax (ENIS) had the honor of hosting the second IEEE Tunisian Student Branches Congress (TSBC) on December 22-23, 2014 in Sousse – Tunisia.


The TSBC 2014 was the biggest engineering event in Tunisia which brought hundreds of IEEE students from different student branches in Tunisia. The aim of the congress is to learn more about IEEE, to boost IEEE activities by training and motivating the student branch members, to exchange ideas and experiences and thoughts, to collaborate, to increase effective networking, to enhance technical and soft skills, and to Share skills and methods.

During two days, 260 attendees from 15 student branches in Tunisia attended the high quality talks presented by 8 distinguished speakers.

The program featured professional and technical activities. Participants enjoyed the following plenary talks and workshops:

  • IEEE” & “Project Management Skills”, By Margaretha Eriksson, 2015/16 IEEE R8 Director‑Elect, Sweden
  • How develop your leadership skills?” & “Oral Presentation Skills” By Kurt Richter, IEEE Life Fellow, 1991/92 IEEE Director Region 8, Professor Emeritus from Graz University of Technology, Austria
  • Benefits of IEEE Student Chapters”, “IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES)”, and “IEEE Women In Engineering (WIE)” By Simay Akar, IEEE R8 Student chapter coordinator, Turkey
  • IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS)” & “Nuclear Energy Today and the Future – What in the World is Going on?” By David J. Vaglia, IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecturer, Westinghouse Electric Company, USA
  • How to Succeed as a Young Entrepreneur” By Lassaad Mezghani, Counselor of Entrepreneurship Development, Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and ICT, Tunisia
  • IEEE Pre-University Activities: EPICS-in-IEEE Program” & “IEEE Technology Engineering and Management Society (TEMS)” By Sohaib Qamar Sheikh, IEEE R8 Pre-University Activities Coordinator, Ove Arup and Partners Ltd, United Kingdom
  • ITU, Innovating Together” By Bilel Jamoussi, Chief, Study Groups Department, ITU-T, Switzerland
  • The Black Dog & Indiscipline Tree” By Nadhem Bardaa, IEEE R8 Professional Speaker, NTraining Manager, Tunisia

An IEEE booth was ready during two days to present the IEEE student transition & elevation benefits and to congratulate the recent IEEE graduates members.

Furthermore, a SB contest was organized: On the first day, 3 student branches (ENET’Com, ESTI, and INSAT) were selected as the best student branches in Tunisia according to their activities on 2014. At the end of the congress, a debate was organized between them following their TSBC’15 hosting proposals. After voting session, the winning student branch is the National Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology (INSAT) student branch and it will be hosting the next TSBC 2015.

We trust all speakers and members who participated in this year’s congress had an amazing time and we look for a greater congress next year!

Gratitude was expressed to our IEEE partners: Region 8, Sfax subsection, YP and WIE Tunisian affinity groups, and the Industry Applications Society; and our sponsors: Interface Group, International Institute of Technology (IIT Sfax) and International School of Business (ISB Sfax).

Habib M. Kammoun, TSBC 2014 General Chair.


  • Photo 1: Participants’ Group photo
  • Photo 2: Welcome Speech by Habib M Kammoun
  • Photos 3: Kurt and Margaretha during the opening session
  • Photos 4-12: Speakers presenting their talks
  • Photos 13-20: Speakers receiving their awards
  • Photo 21: Margaretha discussing with students during the coffee break
  • Photo 22: 3 student branches competing to organize the next TSBC 2015
  • Photo 23: Awards for Student branch finalists
  • Photo 24: Simay with IEEE women in engineering student members
  • Photo 25: Participants during the first talk presented by Margaretha

Students and Young Professionals: Welcome to Krakow!

This year’s edition of the biggest student and young professional event in Region 8, the Student and Young Professional Congress – SYP 2014, was hosted in the beautiful Polish city Krakow, from the 6th to the 10th of August.

SYP-2014-01Around 400 students and young professionals from 52 IEEE sections attended the SYP. So did IEEE officials such as IEEE President Roberto De Marca, the three President-Elect Candidates, many other global volunteers, and staff members. Special guests included representatives from industry, and a group of high school students!

The SYP (previously called Student Branch and Gold Congress – SBC) welcomed speakers from various fields, who held a wide variety of interesting technical and non-technical workshops. The program also included cultural visits and plenary sessions, providing the attendees with great networking opportunities, and allowing them to develop their skills on diverse levels. A special event was the poster session where 115 student branches, IEEE societies, and industrial firms presented over 150 posters to exchange ideas and to learn from each other.

Moreover, awards were presented to outstanding Student Branches and Young Professionals.


In summary, the R8 SYP 2014 was about three goals:

  • Bringing IEEE students and young professionals closer to industry
  • Engaging students and young professionals, and getting them excited about IEEE
  • Motivating students and young professionals to reach out and also get engaged in pre-university activities

Many, many thanks to the organizing committee, and to everyone who joined the congress, making it one of the best experiences in our lives. A big thank you to all the attendees… you made this event so special!

Check out the SYP photos on J

2013-2014 SAC Team: Pablo, Christian, Efthymia, Piotr, Djordje, Elias, and Youmna



Beyond the award: Clementina Saduwa

        ieee r8 wie logo

Who is Clementina Saduwa?

Clementina Saduwa was a dedicated, tireless student leader and extremely effective volunteer a few years back, when the IEEE Nigeria Section was being revived. She even went on to become the first ever IEEE Region 8 Women in Engineering (WIE) Coordinator. In January 2007, she was killed in a random act of violence at the age of 29, leaving behind her husband and young daughter.

May your soul rest in Peace, Clementina!

Objectives of the Award 

To honor Clementina and as a tribute to her work throughout the years, IEEE Region 8 gave her name to the prestigious award recognizing outstanding women engineers who, through their engineering and career achievements, have demonstrated noteworthy support for women in the profession and have established a record of excellence.

Nominations will be reviewed by the IEEE Region 8 WIE and Awards and Recognition Subcommittees, who will select a winner.


Eligibility and Selection 

The winner selection is based on various criteria, including CV, personal statement, level of difficulties in achieving a professional career, reference letters, among others.

The eligible candidate must be

  • An active female engineer working in one of the fields of interest of IEEE
  • An IEEE member whose engineering and career achievements are performed in one of the countries belonging to the IEEE Region 8
  • The submitted application must provide a statement (750 words maximum) that describes the candidate’s career goals, challenges and obstacles she faced in her career, and explains how she overcame them
  • The nominator (who could be a non-IEEE member) has to submit at least two signed endorsement letters from individuals (References) who are qualified to evaluate the candidate’s success (colleagues, teachers, and others). Additional optional endorsement letters from public or private establishments can be provided
  • The award can be offered to a candidate one time only.

Amount of the Award:
Set to 1000 USD, the Clementina Saduwa award will be presented to the winner at the IEEE Region 8 Meeting. Nominations are accepted through the IEEE Awards portal. For more information, please email [email protected]


HISTELCON – HIStory of ELectrotechnolgy CONference – is a flagship Conference of IEEE Region 8 and IEEE History Center, and is planned to be shared in the future by IEEE Tokyo Section and more IEEE Regions.
HISTELCON 2015 is the 4th in the series (after HISTELCON 2008 in Paris, HISTELCON 2010 in Madrid and HISTELCON 2012 in Pavia). It is held in conjunction with ICOHTEC (International Committee on History of Technology) 42th Symposium, and with the 10th Historical Conference of IEEE History Committee and History Center, with cooperation of the Cohen Institute for History and Philosophy of Science at Tel-Aviv University, the Graduate Program in Science, Technology and Society at Bar-Ilan University and the EE Section of the AEAI (Israel National Engineering Society). The official language of the conference will be English.

Conference Theme
HISTELCON 2015 is designed to explore the phenomenon of “High Technologies” at various historical epochs from multiple historical and contemporary perspectives. We aspire to a comprehensive picture of the development of such technologies, their employment and spread and the interactions with scientific knowledge, economic and social interest and the cultural, social, military, economic and scientific effects.
Recognized as a major force in the modern world, Hi-Tech attracts the attention of experts from many fields. This joint Conference will allow interaction of historians and sociologists of technology and science, with practicing engineers, scientists and technical experts, reflecting their experience and discipline. It aims to create a network between researchers and practitioners from Academia and Industry that encourage interdisciplinary activities. Young Historians, Researchers and Engineers are mostly welcome.

The main theme of “History of High-Technologies and their Socio-Cultural contexts”.
Original and innovative contributions are invited in areas including, but not restricted to:

  • Origins and early developments of High-Technologies
  • The Cultural/Social/Economical Drivers for the development of High-Technologies.
  • The impact of High-Technologies on Culture/Society/Economics.
  • Governmental Policies to foster High-Technologies in different cultures/societies.

Participants with various backgrounds such as historians, technologists and researchers are welcome.

Abstracts Submission
Interested participants are invited to submit an extended abstract for oral or poster presentations to the Technical Program Committee by electronically sending a 500 word abstract, written in English, with the title, the name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s) in Word format. All abstracts will be reviewed and acceptance notifications will be sent to the author. Full papers are not mandatory. A book of abstracts will be distributed to Conference attendees and full papers presented at the Conference will be included in IEEE Xplore. For each presented paper or poster, one presenter will have to fully register to the Conference. Guidelines for preparation of full papers will be provided in due time.

Special Sessions and Panels
Proposals to organize a special session and/or a Discussion Panel on a specific subject (e.g. related to an IEEE Technical Society) are welcome. Special Session presentation abstracts will be reviewed in a similar way to regular presentations. The duration of a session or a Panel discussion will be 90 minutes.

Important Dates

  • Extended Abstracts & Session proposal submission – 01 February 2015
  • Notification of Abstract acceptance – 15 March 2015
  • Preliminary program – 15 April 2015
  • Advance registration deadline – 15 June 2015
  • Final program – 30 June 2015

Submission address: Abstracts and proposal for Sessions should be submitted to: [email protected]
Communication services to Israel: Ben-Gurion (TLV) airport, 20 minutes from Tel-Aviv, is served by many regular and “low-cost” companies. Cost from main European cities is from $500 and lower, due to the new “open skies” policies.
Venue: Tel-Aviv University (TAU) will host the conference. The university is situated in northern Tel-Aviv and is easily reached by public transportation (buses) from all parts of the city, 20-30 minutes ride on the average. TAU will provide all of the required rooms (for the some 8 or more parallel sessions) within the same or adjoining buildings and a hall for hosting the opening session, with the expected 250 attendees. The Cohn Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Ideas, which is one of the main hosts, is situated in the Gilman humanities building. The chosen halls and rooms will be in the proximity to the Gilman building or in the building itself.
Accommodations: Some rooms in the TAU dormitories will be reserved for the conference (The dormitories are less than 10 minutes walking distance from the conference venue). 2-5 Stars Hotels are situated in different parts of Tel-Aviv, mostly near the waterfront, about 30 minutes ride by bus.
Lunches and coffee brakes will be provided at the venue.
Visits: HISTELCON 2015 provides also a special opportunity to experience Israel culture and to visit its archaeological and historic sites as well as its Academic and Research Institutions.
Companion’s program: Registered companions will be invited to all official events of the Conference. Arrangements will be provided for companions interested in different activities (tours, etc.)


General Chairs

  • IEEE Co-Chair – Jacob Baal-Schem (Israel)
  • ICOHTEC Co-Chair – Yoel Bergman (Israel)

Technical Program Committee


  • Mike Geselowitz – IEEE History Center (USA)
  • Antonio Savini, University of Pavia (Italy)


  • Eiju Matsumoto (Japan).
  • Noah Efron, Technology and Society at Bar Ilan University, Israel
  • Pierre Mounier (France}

Organizing Committee

  • Prof. Simon Litsyn – IEEE Israel Chair
  • Prof. Leo Corry – Tel-Aviv University
  • Dr. Marc T. Apter – IEEE-USA
  • Shaul Katzir – Cohn Inst. Tel-Aviv University, Israel
  • Shmuel Auster – Elta Systems, AEAI(Association Of Israel Engineers)-EEE Chair
  • Eran Socher – IEEE Israel Section – Treasurer
  • Rafi Hoyda – IEEE Israel Section

General contact: [email protected]

Download Call in PDF format HISTELCON 2015 Call for Papers

Committee in 2015

The IEEE Region 8 Committee consists of:

  • Section representatives
  • Operating Committee
  • Appointed Members

Section Representatives

In the IEEE Region 8 Committee, Sections are represented by their Chairs. Section Chairs may appoint an alternate representative to the Region 8 Committee. The most recent list of Region 8 Sections and their representatives to the Region 8 Committee may be found here.

Operating Committee (OpCom)

Appointed members

Ad-hoc members

Sub Committees

Action for Industry Subcommittee

Awards & Recognition Subcommittee

Chapter Coordination Subcommittee

Conference Coordination Subcommittee

Educational Activities Subcommittee

Membership Development Subcommittee

Nominations and Appointments Subcommittee

Professional Activities Subcommittee

Strategic Planning Subcommittee

Student Activities Subcommittee

Women in Engineering Coordinator

Young Professionals Subcommittee