Daily Archives: 22 January 2015

IEEE Region 8 Awards reminder

Dear colleagues,

We would like to remind you that the following IEEE Region 8 awards have a submission deadline on 15 February 2015:

–       The Region 8 Volunteer Award

–       The Clementina Saduwa Award (Women in Engineering)

–       The Region 8 Outstanding Section Awards

–       The Chapter of the Year Awards

Please additionally check out Student (also here and here) and Young professionals awards.

Please note that, due to the change in the composition of the Region 8 Committee in January 2015, some pages on the Region 8 website are still being updated.

Please give your attention to starting the process to prepare a nomination if you believe that you have suitable candidates. Experience shows that it takes longer than you might think to put a strong nomination together.

Please distribute this information among IEEE Region 8 volunteers and IEEE Region 8 Organisational Units.  Thank you!

Marko Delimar
Chair, IEEE Region 8 Awards & Recognition Subcommittee