Yearly Archives: 2015

IEEE REGION 8 Action for Industry Initiative


Industry members are the traditional majority of IEEE and remain the majority in Region 8. IEEE should provide more value to its members who work in Industry. To return our attention to industry and to serve our industry members, we must re-establish a relevance of IEEE to industry. Starting in Region 8, we seek to achieve by dedicating significant resource to the task.

To progress IEEE Action for Industry in Region 8, a plan was designed. The plan is being progressively adapted in response to practical feedback. Meanwhile we invite interested parties to examine and participate in the plan:

  1. The end objective must be change within IEEE from complacent expectation of support from Industry to commitment by IEEE Board to ‘Action for Industry’
  2. An intermediate objective is that R8 through its Director will make representations to the Board for Action for Industry.
  3. The steps to generate intelligence for such Action will come from activity within R8 to rejuvenate IEEE involvement with Industry.
  4. IEEE R8 Action for Industry will be enabled by engagement with Sections throughout R8. To achieve this engagement we will establish an Action for Industry team with Industry Ambassadors (IAs) for Africa, Middle-East, Europe, plus support from additional Corresponding members (members participating by correspondence) of the team. The Industry Ambassadors will have a roving role (travel + telephone) to reach out to all Sections. Engagement of all Sections is vital to build strong relations with industry in the nations of R8. We must not expect the Sections to deliver without a corresponding commitment from R8. So, we will involve them and support them (with guidance and funds) in active participation.
  5. We will make use of existing Industry Initiatives by Sections and build on the good things they may be doing with Industry.
  6. We will access Senior and Fellow members based in industry as a means of reaching their companies.
  7. We will implement specific actions (see the Stages below) within Sections which will be mentored by the IAs and the R8 Action for Industry Chair. We will not burden our Section volunteers with obscure generalities, but with specifics.

Year 1 will be a period of engaging with Sections and identifying and establishing contacts and actions with industry.

Year 2 will be threefold – (i) to consolidate on productive actions from year 1, (ii) amending and implementing alternative solutions to overcome impracticalities, (iii) to develop IEEE Actions for Industry based on what has worked, together with the inputs we already have received from industry about what must be done by IEEE to make it more acceptable to industry.

Year 1 & 2

  • Stage 1. Dec 2014 – Jan 2015: Appointment of R8 Industry Ambassadors
    • Region 8 Ambassador for Industry in Africa
    • Region 8 Ambassador for Industry in Middle-East
    • Region 8 Ambassador for Industry in Europe North
    • Region 8 Ambassador for Industry in Europe South
  • Stage 2. Jan 2015: Appointment of R8 Action for Industry Corresponding members
  • Stage 3a. Jan-April 2015: Industry Ambassadors (IAs) interview Section leaderships and obtain details of all industry oriented activities.
  • Stage 3b Jan-April 2015: Corresponding Members to identify and list all IEEE Senior Members and Fellows based in industry in Africa, Middle-East and Europe. This action requires full co-operation from R8 Member Development Chair (R8 Director to secure this commitment) plus all member development chairs of each Section.
  • Stage 3c. 27th March 2015: 3a and 3b to be reported at R8 Committee in Cyprus.
  • Stage 4. April 2015: Extracting the best from identified Industry initiatives and planning deployment actions in the Sections of R8. If there are insufficient such initiatives, the R8 Action for Industry Chair will provide the detail to be implemented. These may include: Internship, Research-to-Industry Workshops, Technology Insight by practitioners. For Internships we will establish a process for assessing capable students and then support them in reaching out to specific identified companies to provide industry internships. In making such representations we must show credible disciplined high level of professionalism without favour – no corruption will be tolerated.
  • Stage 5. April-July 2015: Section leaders (and Section IAs) make contact with Industry Senior Members and Fellows and socialise those contacts to establish friendly relationships (avoid the arrogance of asserting that ‘We are IEEE’). If useful, arrange evening receptions with senior industrialists as VIP guests.
  • Stage 5. April-September 2015: Implementing the action plan. Continuous monitoring of progress with guidance by IAs.
  • Stage 6. September 2015: R8 Action for Industry team at R8 Committee, present progress, difficulties encountered and practicalities. Devise practicable Solutions. Report progress and next phase to R8 Committee Please open the slide presentation that was presented on 24th September.
  • Action for industry_for R8 Committee_Progress and Next Steps_presentation_v7

Year 2 +

2016 Plan

  1. IEEE to facilitate Internships for high calibre & practical students
  2. IEEE Industry Seniors and Fellows to be Mentors to IEEE young engineers
  3. IEEE can provide a route for Industry to reach qualified engineers. IEEE R8 is Multinational – provides access to engineers across many nations and languages. IEEE can bridge Industry to Academics at Student, YP and WIE level
  4. IEEE R8 to give all Industry participating companies ‘Certificates of Appreciation’.
  5. At R8 meeting (24-25 Sept 2016) in Oporto, R8 Director to seek involvement of Section Chairs progress AfI initiative in their countries.

Late 2016

  1. Define SIA = (i) More proactive than IRO. (ii) Works internally to establish connections with their industry members and with both large and small companies in the country. (iii) Works externally to co-ordinate with the Region8 IAs in implementing AfI plan.
  2. Expand the SIA teams to include YPs in industry. (Note that each Section rebate must include budget for Industry activity. Where funds may be low, Section to provide a fully justified proposal to IEEE R8 for funding. In the longer term, IEEE Board to create budget for Industry orientation).
  3. Receive feedback for internships and mentoring from all stakeholders (Students, YPs, Companies, Mentors).
  4. Communicate with companies to provide new internship positions for 2017. Companies will define a budget for 2017 during September and October 2016.
  5. Grow the AfI internship programme to new companies. R8 Ambassadors Ü SIAs (& Seniors & Fellows).
  6. R8 (in 2017 Awards) and IEEE global to include outstanding SIA recognitions SIAs for their contribution and results in 2016.

2017 Plan

  1. IEEE Region 8 AfI to set up Industry Groups of Industry Leaders through the Seniors and Fellows
  2. IEEE Region 8 to provide forums for SMEs
  3. IEEE to set up nation-wide platforms for Industry OutReach to schools
  4. Corporate Membership of Industry Companies – not provided yet by IEEE, but precedent is the IEEE Standards Association. Corporate Membership shall have no voting rights. Benefit is the motivation of companies to be involved with IEEE and their motivation of employees to join. IEEE may offer reduced fees to employees of Corporate members.

Late 2017

  1. Encourage industry entrepreneurs to visit academic institutions and discuss the challenges they face in their daily work.
  2. Invite industry entrepreneurs to serving on “design project” evaluation committees.
  3. Introduce industry to the types of projects done by students.

2018 Plan

  1. Expand AfI to new countries and new companies via Section Industry Ambassadors (SIAs), YPs, and Seniors & Fellows.
  2. Communicate with companies to seek new internship positions for 2018.
  3. Organize and participate in entrepreneurship, startup and innovation events in Region 8. Utilize IEEE Entrepreneurship toolkit.
  4. Mentoring of members who work in industry, entrepreneurs, YPs and students.
  5. Encourage industry entrepreneurs to visit academic institutions and discuss the challenges they face in their daily work.
  6. Organize events with industry and academia.
    (Research to Industry, Research and Technologies for Society and Industry- RTSI, YPs events, distinguished industry speeches, round table panels and discussions).
  7. Develop continuing education and professional activities material for corporations and IEEE members who work in industry as well as for YPs.
  8. R8 (in 2018 Awards) and IEEE global to include outstanding SIA recognitions for their contribution and results in 2016 and 2017.

Late 2018

  1. IEEE Region 8 AfI to set up Industry Groups of Industry Leaders through the Seniors and Fellows.
  2. Develop entrepreneurs networks in Sections.
  3. IEEE Region 8 to provide forums for SMEs
  4. Invite industry entrepreneurs to serve on “design project” evaluation committees.
  5. Introduce industry to the types of projects done by students.
  6. Corporate Membership of Industry Companies – not provided yet by IEEE, but precedent is the IEEE Standards Association.
    Corporate Membership shall have no voting rights. Benefit is the motivation of companies to be involved with IEEE and their motivation of employees to join.
    IEEE may offer reduced fees to employees of corporate members.

2019 Plan

  1. Expand AfI to new countries and new companies via SIAs, YPs, WIE, Seniors & Fellows.
  2. Communicate with companies to seek new internship positions for 2019.
  3. Organize and participate in entrepreneurship, startup and innovation events in Region 8. Utilize IEEE Entrepreneurship Kit.
  4. Mentoring of members who work in industry, entrepreneurs, YPs and students.
  5. Organize events with industry and academia. (Research to Industry, Research and Technologies for Society and Industry- RTSI, YPs events, distinguished industry speeches, workshops, round table panels and discussions).
  6. Develop continuing education and professional activities material for corporations and IEEE members who work in industry as well as for YPs.
  7. R8 (in 2019 Awards) and IEEE global to include outstanding SIA recognitions for their contribution and results.
  8. Corporate Membership of Industry Companies.

Student and Young Professional Congress Manual

How to organize a Student and Young Professionals Congress?

This document is a guide on how to organize an IEEE Student and Young Professional Congress. It has been prepared by the Student Activities Committee and the Young Professionals Subcommittee in Region 8 for 2014 and is valid ever since. The content of this guide covers from the moment the Call for applications is released until the period after the congress when everything has to be finalized.

The document is available to download below:
SYP-Manual.pdf (5220 downloads )

8th IEEE GCC Conference and Exhibition Successfully Concludes in Muscat

By Engr. Arnold Santos, IEEE Oman Secretary

MUSCAT.  The four-day IEEE GCC Conference and Exhibition organized by IEEE section and hosted by Sultan Qaboos University under the patronage of HE Dr. Ahmed Al-Futaisi, Minister of Transport and Communications successfully concluded on 4th February 2015. Over 300 participants attended the conference, representing over 150 authors. Apart from the domestic participants, the event was warmly attended by overseas delegates from over 30 countries.

It was the first time for Oman to hold and host this international conference, which distinguished itself by an unprecedented scale, a record number of papers received for review and approved for presentation and the introduction of the mobile app to facilitate the activities.

The four-day event deeply impressed participants with the Omani hospitality and the excellent conference settings and organizations. Pre-conference tutorials, keynote speeches, industry presentations and exhibitions and student poster competition were part of the activities held to deal with the aspects and developments in Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering in resonance with the theme “Towards Smart Sustainable Solutions.”

In addition to the technical activities, a grand gala dinner was held on the 3rd day at the SQU open grounds to allow participants to socialize and interact among others. After the closing ceremonies, the participants were guided to a tour of Rustaq, a culture-enriched Wilayat of Oman. This concluding activity added value to the list of memorable and unforgettable firsts that the participants will reminisce about the 8th IEEE GCC conference in Oman.


Photo from the 8th IEEE GCC Opening Ceremonies

Voluntary Contribution Fund

General Information

Region 8 IEEE is quite diverse in nature covering Europe, Africa and the Middle East. The average income across countries in this geographical area differs significantly. That is why the R8 Voluntary Contribution Fund (IEEE R8 VCF) has been created. The fund provides support for technical and professional activities of members with low income. The main sources of the fund are voluntary contributions donated by IEEE members during the annual renewal of their membership.


This support is not intended for general education or living costs, but for specific activities that qualifying members of Region 8 are hoping to pursue. The fund mainly provides support for travel and subsistence of members participating in conferences and related events that are located within the geographical boundaries of Region 8 and which are organized or sponsored by IEEE R8 organizational units. In addition, it provides support for technical activities of IEEE Student Branches belonging to Region 8.


The fund might be able to support related activities that do not strictly fall into either of these categories. Please contact the R8 VCF Coordinator Andreas Koltes ([email protected]) to discuss your project ideas.


Applying for Event Attendance Support

In order to apply for financial support attending a qualifying event in Region 8, all applications have to fulfil the following criteria and follow the application process detailed below.

Eligibility Criteria

  • The applicant must have been a member of IEEE Region 8 for more than 12 months and must be in good standing, i.e. must have membership dues paid up.
  • The gross personal income of the application from all sources must be less than 10,000 USD per year including scholarships, social benefits, etc.
  • The vent must be a conference or related technical event sponsored or co-sponsored by an IEEE organizational unit belonging to Region 8.
  • A paper or another contribution must have been accepted for presentation at the conference (only one support grant per contribution).
  • The event must either take place within the geographical boundaries of Region 8 or be a purely virtual event.
  • Support is available for travel and subsistence only (economy travel and accommodation). Current student and graduate student members are eligible to receive support for meals as well.
  • In order to help with the COVID-19 related situation, registration fees for virtual conferences financially or technically co-sponsored by IEEE Region 8 can be covered as well (currently limited until the end of 2021). The fund does not provide support for other types of event registration fees.
  • The maximum support provided by the fund is 1,000 USD.
  • Only applicants who have not been supported by the fund within the last 5 years are eligible. Current student and graduate student members may receive funding twice within 5 years up to a combined total amount of 1,000 USD.
  • Current Region 8 committee members are not eligible.

Application Process

  • Download and complete the application form here (VCF Application Form 2021).
  • The completed application form has to be sent by the applicant to the Section Chair or the Section VCF Officer for endorsement.
  • Afterwards the completed form has to be forwarded electronically to the R8 VCF Coordinator by the Section Chair.
  • The R8 VCF Coordinator will get in contact in case any clarifications are needed and otherwise inform the Section Chair and the Applicant by e-mail of the decision made.
  • Please note that VCF grants are normally paid as reimbursement after the event took place. The (partial) advance payment of grants might be possible if justified. Please get in touch with the R8 VCF Coordinator if this is required.
  • In order to allow for sufficient time for the local Section Officers as well as the R8 VCF Coordinator to process the application and to clarify any open questions, it is recommended to contact the local Section at least 6 weeks before the funds are needed.

Grant Holder Information

  • At the event, the grant holder acknowledges the support of the IEEE R8 VCF during the presentation of the paper or other contribution accepted for support.
  • After the event, the grant holder is expected to send a short project report along with a completed expense form IEEE R8 Expense Sheet (January 2015 V12) and scans of the receipts to the R8 VCF Coordinator.
  • Transfer of the funds to the grant holder will be coordinated between the R8 VCF Coordinator and the R8 Treasurer when satisfactory documentation has been provided.

Applicants should not rely solely on the VCF as a source for financial support and are required to report on the use of any funds after the project is finished. If any funds are sent in advance and not used according to VCF rules, Region 8 is entitled to ask for reimbursement.


In case of any questions, please feel free to contact the R8 VCF Coordinator.


Applying for Student Branch Support

The VCF provides support for technical activities of IEEE Student Branches located in countries within the geographical boundaries of Region 8. To be eligible, a Student Branch must have existed for more than 12 months and must be located in a country with average gross income of an electrical engineer under 10,000 USD per year.


There are no strict requirements for the type of technical activities that can be funded. Any Student Branch hoping to apply for support should first contact the local Section Chair or Section VCF Officer explaining the aim and expected outcomes of the project emphasizing its benefit to members of the Student Branch and (if applicable) to IEEE members in general. If the Section endorses the project, the Section should contact the R8 VCF Coordinator to discuss details.


Based on the number of applications and available funds, some Student Branches may be asked to find partial funding from other sources (the Section might help).

Message from the IEEE Region 8 Director

Stasopoulos 2015 like every New Year presents new beginnings, new challenges and new opportunities within the global IEEE community. These may vary across the Regions as needs and resources also vary across IEEE’s spectrum of activities and presence around the world. But united under one core purpose and mission to “foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity”, each Region should take upon this opportunity to evaluate the past, rethink for the future and realign strategies, goals and directions. This of course can get challenging for IEEE Region 8, which is the biggest Geographic Region and the most diverse one. But we feel happy and privileged to take upon this challenge, as our Region brings together people from across many different geographic, ethnic and religious boarders. Throughout the years Region 8 has repeatedly proven that diversity can lead to creativity, innovation and fruitful collaborations. What has contributed to this success which I would like to stress as of utmost importance for the coming months is that we all work as a team and we aim at one thing: to provide service to our members and to humanity as a whole.

So having all of the above as an appropriate underlying framework, what are some key opportunities or focus areas for IEEE Region 8 for the year 2015?

Getting closer to Industry

As more than 50% our members work in the Industry (as opposed to Academia), we need to focus on the needs of the contemporary and future engineers and related professionals and define new IEEE products and services that support them and stimulate their interest. This action will aim to activate IEEE relevance to industry in Region 8. In order to achieve this we will need change within IEEE, we will need to rejuvenate IEEE involvement with Industry, enhance engagement with Sections throughout the R8 and appoint active Industry Ambassadors. We have set up a strong “Action for Industry” committee. The task is challenging but the potential is great. Commitment, open mindedness, collaborative spirit and the support from the whole community are vital for its success. Chapters and Affinity groups can contribute to this and new ways of collaboration must be explored.

Students and Young Professionals

Students and Young professionals are in the heart of Region 8. Having recognised that the quality of their experience within the association can determine and even shape the future of IEEE, we need to inspire them and find new ways to appeal to them. The first step is already accomplished; we have set up very strong and potent teams in our Students and Young Professionals Committees. The next objective is to make sure that these committees are truly dedicated and have all possible tools, resources and support available to them, so as to effectively direct their efforts towards increased activities with special emphasis on added value to membership. It is of great importance that we plan various Regional Congresses, that will aim to stimulate and inspire the student community and also provide them with plenty of opportunities for interchange of ideas and friendships. Region 8 has had several extremely successful experiences in the area of Student Regional Congresses and we are very proud that we have actually started to be used as a Model by various USA Regions planning similar actions. But success is not a title or a privilege and it is surely not given. Every event needs to be carefully planned with the following key objectives: to find new ways to motivate our members, create new competitions and find ways for a smooth transition from students to Young Professionals. Chapters, Affinity groups and Sections will play a vital role here.

Section Vitality

Section vitality is the corner stone of all activities. We need to have alive and active Sections in order to have and maintain the Chapters, Affinity groups and Student Branches. This has been long recognised of course, but a more dedicated and focused initiative started as of last year and I would like to see this to continue strongly into 2015 as well. The aim here is to drive efforts, ideas and resources into the empowerment and rejuvenation of Sections in order to help them and motivate them to become more active and more diverse. Again, in order to be successful in something as big as this, a large number of volunteers will need to be stirred and motivated for action. We have started with a top down approach and looking for effective and inspiring leadership to take it from there. Executive committees should be a mixture of young and old, academic and Industry people from various areas of the Section. All the appointed positions should be filled with capable people. The Chapter, Affinity group and Branch chairs should be invited to the Executive committee meetings. Sometimes it is hard to find the right or any volunteers but if we create that right mix of professionalism, technical knowledge and social atmosphere we can achieve it.

I urge you all as IEEE members both at local and regional level to take active part in IEEE to make the world a better place for all.

Costas Stasopoulos
IEEE Region 8 Director 2015-2016

ProComm 2015

Join us as we share ideas and make new international connections in Limerick, Ireland, 12-15 July 2015

. View the details on our Web site.

  • Early Registration ends on 11 March 2015 – take advantage of significant savings!
    Registration Before 11 March 2015 After 11
    March 2015
    Members of IEEE, CPTSC and ACM €375 €415
    Non-Members €500 €540
    Students/Retirees €150 €170
    One Day €170 €190

    Note: Fees do not include Irish BBQ on Sunday (€34) or Tuesday night banquet (€78, including transportation).

  • Members of IEEE and ACM get great discounts if you register early.
  • Don’t miss the wonderful Social Programs: the Irish Barbecue and Music, and the Knappogue Castle Medieval Banquet. There’s a limit on availability, so sign up as you register and assure that you will not miss these wonderful events.
  • Housing on campus is a bargain, and it’s most convenient. Reserve your room now. In addition to single rooms, a limited number of double rooms are available. Other housing options are listed on the conference web site as well-you will need to make those reservations directly with the hotel of your choice.

Register for ProComm 2015!

Questions? Here are some key contacts:

Program: Tracy Nathans
Housing on Campus: Limerick Travel

We look forward to seeing you there!

ProComm 2015 Chairs
George Hayhoe
Helen Grady

IEEE Region 8 Awards reminder

Dear colleagues,

We would like to remind you that the following IEEE Region 8 awards have a submission deadline on 15 February 2015:

–       The Region 8 Volunteer Award

–       The Clementina Saduwa Award (Women in Engineering)

–       The Region 8 Outstanding Section Awards

–       The Chapter of the Year Awards

Please additionally check out Student (also here and here) and Young professionals awards.

Please note that, due to the change in the composition of the Region 8 Committee in January 2015, some pages on the Region 8 website are still being updated.

Please give your attention to starting the process to prepare a nomination if you believe that you have suitable candidates. Experience shows that it takes longer than you might think to put a strong nomination together.

Please distribute this information among IEEE Region 8 volunteers and IEEE Region 8 Organisational Units.  Thank you!

Marko Delimar
Chair, IEEE Region 8 Awards & Recognition Subcommittee

2nd IEEE Tunisian Student Branches Congress (TSBC) 2014

The IEEE Tunisia section and the IEEE Student Branch of the National Engineering School of Sfax (ENIS) had the honor of hosting the second IEEE Tunisian Student Branches Congress (TSBC) on December 22-23, 2014 in Sousse – Tunisia.


The TSBC 2014 was the biggest engineering event in Tunisia which brought hundreds of IEEE students from different student branches in Tunisia. The aim of the congress is to learn more about IEEE, to boost IEEE activities by training and motivating the student branch members, to exchange ideas and experiences and thoughts, to collaborate, to increase effective networking, to enhance technical and soft skills, and to Share skills and methods.

During two days, 260 attendees from 15 student branches in Tunisia attended the high quality talks presented by 8 distinguished speakers.

The program featured professional and technical activities. Participants enjoyed the following plenary talks and workshops:

  • IEEE” & “Project Management Skills”, By Margaretha Eriksson, 2015/16 IEEE R8 Director‑Elect, Sweden
  • How develop your leadership skills?” & “Oral Presentation Skills” By Kurt Richter, IEEE Life Fellow, 1991/92 IEEE Director Region 8, Professor Emeritus from Graz University of Technology, Austria
  • Benefits of IEEE Student Chapters”, “IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES)”, and “IEEE Women In Engineering (WIE)” By Simay Akar, IEEE R8 Student chapter coordinator, Turkey
  • IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS)” & “Nuclear Energy Today and the Future – What in the World is Going on?” By David J. Vaglia, IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecturer, Westinghouse Electric Company, USA
  • How to Succeed as a Young Entrepreneur” By Lassaad Mezghani, Counselor of Entrepreneurship Development, Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and ICT, Tunisia
  • IEEE Pre-University Activities: EPICS-in-IEEE Program” & “IEEE Technology Engineering and Management Society (TEMS)” By Sohaib Qamar Sheikh, IEEE R8 Pre-University Activities Coordinator, Ove Arup and Partners Ltd, United Kingdom
  • ITU, Innovating Together” By Bilel Jamoussi, Chief, Study Groups Department, ITU-T, Switzerland
  • The Black Dog & Indiscipline Tree” By Nadhem Bardaa, IEEE R8 Professional Speaker, NTraining Manager, Tunisia

An IEEE booth was ready during two days to present the IEEE student transition & elevation benefits and to congratulate the recent IEEE graduates members.

Furthermore, a SB contest was organized: On the first day, 3 student branches (ENET’Com, ESTI, and INSAT) were selected as the best student branches in Tunisia according to their activities on 2014. At the end of the congress, a debate was organized between them following their TSBC’15 hosting proposals. After voting session, the winning student branch is the National Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology (INSAT) student branch and it will be hosting the next TSBC 2015.

We trust all speakers and members who participated in this year’s congress had an amazing time and we look for a greater congress next year!

Gratitude was expressed to our IEEE partners: Region 8, Sfax subsection, YP and WIE Tunisian affinity groups, and the Industry Applications Society; and our sponsors: Interface Group, International Institute of Technology (IIT Sfax) and International School of Business (ISB Sfax).

Habib M. Kammoun, TSBC 2014 General Chair.


  • Photo 1: Participants’ Group photo
  • Photo 2: Welcome Speech by Habib M Kammoun
  • Photos 3: Kurt and Margaretha during the opening session
  • Photos 4-12: Speakers presenting their talks
  • Photos 13-20: Speakers receiving their awards
  • Photo 21: Margaretha discussing with students during the coffee break
  • Photo 22: 3 student branches competing to organize the next TSBC 2015
  • Photo 23: Awards for Student branch finalists
  • Photo 24: Simay with IEEE women in engineering student members
  • Photo 25: Participants during the first talk presented by Margaretha

Students and Young Professionals: Welcome to Krakow!

This year’s edition of the biggest student and young professional event in Region 8, the Student and Young Professional Congress – SYP 2014, was hosted in the beautiful Polish city Krakow, from the 6th to the 10th of August.

SYP-2014-01Around 400 students and young professionals from 52 IEEE sections attended the SYP. So did IEEE officials such as IEEE President Roberto De Marca, the three President-Elect Candidates, many other global volunteers, and staff members. Special guests included representatives from industry, and a group of high school students!

The SYP (previously called Student Branch and Gold Congress – SBC) welcomed speakers from various fields, who held a wide variety of interesting technical and non-technical workshops. The program also included cultural visits and plenary sessions, providing the attendees with great networking opportunities, and allowing them to develop their skills on diverse levels. A special event was the poster session where 115 student branches, IEEE societies, and industrial firms presented over 150 posters to exchange ideas and to learn from each other.

Moreover, awards were presented to outstanding Student Branches and Young Professionals.


In summary, the R8 SYP 2014 was about three goals:

  • Bringing IEEE students and young professionals closer to industry
  • Engaging students and young professionals, and getting them excited about IEEE
  • Motivating students and young professionals to reach out and also get engaged in pre-university activities

Many, many thanks to the organizing committee, and to everyone who joined the congress, making it one of the best experiences in our lives. A big thank you to all the attendees… you made this event so special!

Check out the SYP photos on J

2013-2014 SAC Team: Pablo, Christian, Efthymia, Piotr, Djordje, Elias, and Youmna



Beyond the award: Clementina Saduwa

        ieee r8 wie logo

Who is Clementina Saduwa?

Clementina Saduwa was a dedicated, tireless student leader and extremely effective volunteer a few years back, when the IEEE Nigeria Section was being revived. She even went on to become the first ever IEEE Region 8 Women in Engineering (WIE) Coordinator. In January 2007, she was killed in a random act of violence at the age of 29, leaving behind her husband and young daughter.

May your soul rest in Peace, Clementina!

Objectives of the Award 

To honor Clementina and as a tribute to her work throughout the years, IEEE Region 8 gave her name to the prestigious award recognizing outstanding women engineers who, through their engineering and career achievements, have demonstrated noteworthy support for women in the profession and have established a record of excellence.

Nominations will be reviewed by the IEEE Region 8 WIE and Awards and Recognition Subcommittees, who will select a winner.


Eligibility and Selection 

The winner selection is based on various criteria, including CV, personal statement, level of difficulties in achieving a professional career, reference letters, among others.

The eligible candidate must be

  • An active female engineer working in one of the fields of interest of IEEE
  • An IEEE member whose engineering and career achievements are performed in one of the countries belonging to the IEEE Region 8
  • The submitted application must provide a statement (750 words maximum) that describes the candidate’s career goals, challenges and obstacles she faced in her career, and explains how she overcame them
  • The nominator (who could be a non-IEEE member) has to submit at least two signed endorsement letters from individuals (References) who are qualified to evaluate the candidate’s success (colleagues, teachers, and others). Additional optional endorsement letters from public or private establishments can be provided
  • The award can be offered to a candidate one time only.

Amount of the Award:
Set to 1000 USD, the Clementina Saduwa award will be presented to the winner at the IEEE Region 8 Meeting. Nominations are accepted through the IEEE Awards portal. For more information, please email [email protected]