Monthly Archives: November 2021

Early Career Third Event



IEEE WIE UKI goal is to facilitate the recruitment and retention of women in technical disciplines globally. We envision a vibrant community of IEEE women and men collectively using their diverse talents to innovate for the benefit of humanity. IEEE WIE UK and Ireland through the Ambassador Scheme are calling women in engineering to participate in a technical, inspirational, and empowering session tagged “EARLY CAREER TALK”.  The first IEEE WIE UKI “EARLY CAREER TALK” event was successfully held on April 8th and October 16th of this year. It has attracting attention from both academia and industry. This third event converges the novel (state-of-the-Art) research areas in Engineering, establishing networking/collaboration links, exploring new research opportunities for developing interactions between Academia, Industry and Government fostering economic and social development. 

Date and time

Sat, 11 December 2021

13:00 – 14:30 EET


Register: Early Career Third Event Tickets, Sat 11 Dec 2021 at 11:00 | Eventbrite

The event is done and you can watch it here

Action for Industry Testimonials

My name is Adeola Sekinat Tijani. I am a graduate of Information and Communication Science from the prestigious University of Ilorin. In 2018, I joined IEEE (Institute of Electrical Electronics Engineering) as a student member when I heard about the institution from my lecturer (Dr. Nasir Faruk) who is also a member of IEEE.


When it was time for my Industrial Training (Internship), IEEE played a great role in ensuring that I get a placement in one of the leading technology firm (BrandOne Technologies Limited) in Nigeria. I practically watched and observed the communication flow between IEEE representative(s) and the firm as I was in copy of every exchange of electronic mails between the parties.


IEEE ensured that I get an IT placement in the organization, the institution also did a constant follow-up to make sure that I was comfortable and was acquiring my desired skill(s) in the firm, as they were determined to change my placement if otherwise. After my graduation, I was able to carry out my National Youth Service Corps Scheme (NYSC) and finally retained as a software developer in the organization. Through IEEE, I have been able to acquire my desired skill (programming) and pursue my career as a software developer because of the ability to secure a good IT placement, where I was equipped with the necessary tools I needed to learn and practice what I have learnt. Therefore, IEEE has made a tremendous impact on my career building (as a software developer) and also my employment process (in BrandOne Technologies Limited). I am deeply grateful.


Adeola Sekinat Tijani, Nigeria section



Joining IEEE and participating in the IEEE Region 8 Action for Industry Initiative has been a transformative experience for me as a student. This initiative has provided me with a unique platform to bridge the gap between academia and industry, allowing me to apply the theoretical knowledge I’ve gained in my studies to real-world challenges. Through IEEE, I’ve had the opportunity to collaborate with professionals and experts in my field, gaining valuable insights and expanding my professional network. This experience has not only enriched my education but has also opened doors to potential career opportunities. I am grateful for the support and guidance I’ve received from IEEE and the Region 8 Action for Industry Initiative, and I look forward to continuing my journey of growth and innovation in the ever-evolving field of technology and engineering.


Nicolas, Cyprus section



IEEE R8 Sections Conference Coordinators

The IEEE Region 8 Conference Coordination SubCommittee is working closely with the section conference coordinators in order to provide the best service to the community. Don’t hesitate to contact your section conference coordinator and start planning your conference.


OU Name Last Name First Name Email Address
Algeria Section Chaib Noureddine [email protected]
Bahrain Section Alqaddoumi Abdulla [email protected]
Benelux Section Van Hertem Dirk [email protected]
Croatia Section Kusek Mario [email protected]
Cyprus Section Maimaris Athanasios [email protected]
Egypt Section Madian Ahmed [email protected]
France Section Rivet Francois [email protected]
Germany Section Kaplan Shaun [email protected]
Ghana Section Martey Ezekiel Mensah [email protected]
Hungary Section Szakal Aniko [email protected]
Italy Section ZIZZO GAETANO [email protected]
Lebanon Section Kassem Abdallah [email protected]
Lithuania Section Plonis Darius [email protected]
Mauritius Section Armoogum Vinaye [email protected]
Poland Section Paprzycki Marcin [email protected]
Portugal Section Fernandes Telmo [email protected]
Romania Section Gavrilas Mihai [email protected]
Russia (Northwest) Section Shaposhnikov Sergey [email protected]
Russia (Siberia) Section Gorbunov Roman [email protected]
Saudi Arabia Section alarfaj omar [email protected]
Serbia And Montenegro Section Koprivica Mladen [email protected]
South Africa Section Hancke Gerhard [email protected]
Spain Section LloretMauri Jaime [email protected]
Tunisia Section Loulou Mourad [email protected]
United Arab Emirates Section Gawanmeh Amjad [email protected]
United Kingdom and Ireland Section Kucukdemiral Ibrahim [email protected]
Yemen Subsection Zahary Ammar [email protected]


Call for Appoint of Section Conference Coordinators

Dear Section Chairs,

We would like to propose an approach to streamline working with and likely to organize very successful events.

IEEE Region 8 Conference Coordination SubCommittee (CoCSC) has been running since more than 20 years ago. The CoCSC aims to facilitate the planning, development, implementation, coordination, and to monitor and to provide oversight for Region 8 conferences, conventions and technical events sponsored or cosponsored by Region 8, and liaise with and advise Societies and Technical Councils planning conferences in Region 8.

The subcommittee website,, contains several materials helpful for organising conferences. You and your section team are welcome to visit it.

Since conferences are among the most important activities in IEEE and Region 8, thanks to the important opportunities that they provide, e.g. for networking in Europe, Africa, and Middle-East, we want to improve the relationship with the R8 sections and subsections.

We recommend you the following steps to help your section to improve the conference activities, and request to carry them out as soon as possible:

  1. Appoint your Section Conference Coordinator (if not yet appointed). If needed, a draft job description is provided below.

  2. Report/add/verify that your appointed coordinator appears in the vtools platform

  3. Communicate to your Section members, especially the chapters/affinity groups officers as well as the current and potential conference organizers, about:

    1. IEEE R8 Conferences Sponsorships opportunities

    2. IEEE Meeting & Conference Management (MCE) available support for organizing successful meetings, including hybrid and virtual events:

    3. IEEE Center for Leadership Excellence (CLE) providing several trainings and webinars for conference organizers:

Please also note that the R8 CoCSC is also looking for ideas for new R8 flagship events / projects on cutting edge topics and sectors, which can be organized as virtual at the beginning, and the successful ones can be promoted to face-to-face events in the future.

In small sections: Section Chair could help as Section’s Conference Coordinator.

If you have any questions related to the R8 conferences or would like to know more how to be involved in our activities, please feel free to contact us at the email [email protected].


Section Conference Coordinator – Job Description:

The Section Conference Coordinator is responsible for coordinating and arranging major IEEE conferences in the Section and to ensure the good technical quality of conferences technically / financially co-sponsored by the section as well as by the local chapters.

Summary of duties and responsibilities:

  • Activities, including but not limited to planning, organizing, controlling and keeping the executive updated as to fundraising and budgeting for planned major events such conferences to be supported by Section.

  • Be aware of Section demographics with relation to membership employed by academia, industry, and government.  Where appropriate, coordinate with the Awards & Recognitions Chair for special initiatives related to events.

  • Maintain information about  expos and conferences in the section and, where appropriate, promote these to the IEEE membership.

  • Help and support conference organizers to succeed in organizing IEEE conferences.

  • Maintain the report of each conference organized in the section.

  • Submit a regular report to the Section Executive Committee and the R8 Conference Coordination Subcommittee on status of conferences and potential events to be considered for our memberships benefit.

  • Passes all relevant records of office at the end of term to the successor.


  • Must be an IEEE member in good standing.

  • Must be an active IEEE member of Graduate Student Member grade or higher.

  • Must reside in the geographic boundaries of the Section.

  • Should have a Conference organizer experience.

  • Ability to spend sufficient time and energy to support conference organizers.

  • Ability to respond quickly to communications by email.



IEEE European Public Policy Webinar on Grid Stability

Policy Aspects for a Paradigm Shift in Maintaining Grid Stability

On 1 December (16:00 CET), the IEEE European Public Policy Committee (EPPC) is hosting a policy webinar looking at the grid stability challenges associated with recent EU energy and climate proposals.
In particular, the webinar will explore how the recent EU “Fit for 55” Legislative Package may affect the stability of the electric power grid and what the policy and technology challenges and solutions to address this issue can be.

Speakers include representatives from the European Commission’s DG Energy, electricity transmission system operators (TSOs), as well as IEEE EPPC and IEEE-SA.


For more information and/or to sign-up for this free webinar, go to:

For an overview of the EU fit-for-55 package, go to:

Strathclyde’s Women+ in Engineering Presents, Ethical Engineering – A Series of events

Strathclyde’s Women+ in Engineering Society is putting on a series of events this month to discuss different topics related to Ethical Engineering: climate change, white saviourism, inclusion, and feminism. These events are open to all, and attendance to more than one is encouraged! We will be building our personal ethical frameworks as it applies to engineering with important lessons and conversations about each specific topic.


Our first event is The Climate Crisis – What could, and should engineers do? It will be this coming Tuesday 16th November, from 17:00-18:30 and we’d love to see you there! We will have an interdisciplinary panel of ethicists and engineers to discuss how our values can inform our design decisions and our role in fighting the climate crisis. Everyone is welcome to come along and participate in a productive conversation.


The series includes these other events:


Nov 22: Decolonising Engineering: Ethical Development Projects

Getting proactive about our roles in salvationist and patriarchal systems and learning to counteract them.


Dec 2Intersectionality and Inclusion: Who gets to be an engineer?

Going beyond “why is diversity important”, a panel will discuss what inclusion truly means and practical steps of how to achieve it.



Dec 7Feminist Engineering: Keynote by Dr Donna Riley

Challenging traditional notions of engineering education.



Sign up and block the time off on your calendars! It’s going to be a great series.

Save the date! First-ever IEEE Women in Engineering International Leadership Summit in Italy, in-person and online!

We are very happy to announce that on December 2 and 3 we will host the first-ever IEEE Women in Engineering International Leadership Summit in Italy! We are going to have a hybrid event with participation both online and in-person.


We have planned sessions on empowerment, entrepreneurship, mentoring, and also parenting! The event is open to anyone, especially to women and minorities in the STEM area.


Registration is now open, you can check out the schedule and get your tickets from the official website at this link:


The IEEE WIE ILS is an internationally acclaimed program of IEEE Women in Engineering, which is one of the world’s largest technical communities working towards shaping the scenario of underrepresentation of Women in Engineering and Technology.


IEEE WIE ILS started in 2015  was organized in Chennai with the theme “Beyond Yourself – Leveraging your strengths and breaking barriers”. The summit drew more than 200 participants which paved the way for more such summits all over the globe. Now every year ten such summits are organized across the globe.


Join us (either in person or online) for two days of panel discussions, keynote presentations, round table discussions, and networking!


Spread the news and see you in December!

IEEE IHTC 2021 – Program & Registration

2021 IEEE International Humanitarian Technology Conference (IHTC 2021) takes place as a Virtual Conference from 02 – 04 December 2021. Download the Program and Register to participate.


The IEEE International Humanitarian Technology Conference (IEEE IHTC) is a Multi-Regional Conference Series rotating between R7 (Canada), R8 (Africa, Europe and Middle East), and R9 (Latin America and Caribbean). 2021 is organised by volunteers from IEEE UK a​nd Ireland Section (UK and Ireland SIGHTUK and Ireland SSIT and SSIT IST-Africa SIGHT) with support from Region 8, Region 7 and Region 9, SM​C and Systems Council Chapters, and Technical Co-Sponsored by IEEE Africa Council.

The IEEE International Humanitarian Technology Conference (IEEE IHTC) is an interdisciplinary conference showcasing challenges, success stories, lessons learnt, case studies and technological innovation related to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), ICT4D and the application of Humanitarian Technologies and facilitating engagement by stakeholders from the public, private, education and research and societal sectors around the world.


The IEEE IHTC 2021 Program incorporates a mix of plenary presentationsthematic sessions and workshops.

Plenary Speeches include

  • IEEE: Advancing Technology to Benefit Humanity, Susan Kathy Land, 2021 IEEE President & CEO
  • Humanitarian Activities in Africa, Middle East and Europe, Antonio Luque, IEEE Region 8 Director (2021 – 2022)
  • Region 7 2021 Humanitarian Activities and Future Plan, Jason Gu, IEEE Region 7 Director (2020 – 2021)
  • Humanitarian Activities in Region 9, Alberto Sánchez, IEEE Region 9 Director
  • Ed Palacio, Co-Chair, IEEE Joint Ad-hoc on Sustainable Development

Thematic sessions focus on sharing results related to the appropriate use of technology in the areas of Agriculture, Disaster Mitigation, Energy, Education, Healthcare, Supporting Integration of Refugees and Water and Sanitation. Authors come from R8 (France, Ireland, Italy, Kenya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates); R9 (Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad and Tobogo); R7 (Canada), R10 (India, Pakistan, Singapore) and United States.

Workshops share insight into Ethical Considerations in Technology Implementation and Artificial Intelligence and A Comprehensive Approach to Rural Electrification Processes.


To register for IEEE IHTC 2021, please visit

For further Information, please contact

Registration and General Queries – [email protected]

Program Queries – [email protected]

We look forward to your participation.

IEEE Day 2021 celebration in Spain

IEEE Day was celebrated in Spain on Friday 22 October in Madrid, at the UNED’s Education Faculty. The event was conducted in a semi-presential format, with participants attending presentially and virtually.


Enrique Romero, President of the Spain Section, inaugurated the meeting with a brief description of the Section’s current situation. Jesús Fraile, the former President, honored the memory of Julia Merino, Section treasurer who passed away this year.

The program continued with a global presentation of IEEE by Antonio Luque, current Region 8 President, who highlighted the social impact of IEEE’s activities. Then Manuel Castro presented the case of IEEE-HKN (Eta Kappa Nu), the IEEE excellence and honor society, of which a Chapter had been formed in UNED in 2020.


The traditional Technical Section of the Spanish IEEE Day was given by Agustín Delgado, Director of Innovation and Sustainability at Iberdrola, and Rafael Estévez, Head of Industry Sectors – Utilities & Industria at Telefónica TECH. The main topic discussed by the speakers was the relationship between the energy transition and digitalization, two of the main transformations in current society.
The awards ceremony took place before the break. The Distinction to the Institution 2021 was awarded to the UNED in recognition of its constant cooperation with IEEE in the last 20 years. The Best Chapter award was given to the Spanish Power and Energy Society (PES) for the high number and high-quality activities fostered by the chapter in the last two years. The awards ceremony concluded with the presentation of the medals for the members with 50, 40, 30, 20, and 10 years in IEEE.

After the break, José Antonio Gómez presented SIGHT (Special Interest Group on Humanitarian Technology), a program launched in 2011 by IEEE HAC (Humanitarian Activities Committee) for fostering development cooperation and humanitarian aid activities within IEEE.

To conclude, Patricia Rodríguez, Student branches representative, summarize their current situation and presented a plan for increasing the presence of IEEE at the universities in the context of a higher number of presential activities in the university, whose reduction impacted negatively in the last academic year.

IEEE Iran Section Awards Ceremony

The award ceremony was held virtually in the Zoom cloud platform with the presence of Prof. Vincenzo Piuri, 2021-2022 IEEE Region 8 Director-Elect, electrical and electronics prestigious professors from all over Iran, industry entrepreneurs, and deans, counselors, and student branches. The ceremony had 480 registrants and 270 unique participants in the Zoom session in addition to more than 50 live Instagram users on the IEEE Iran section Instagram page.

In the beginning, the host welcomed all prestigious guests around the world and started the session officially.


IEEE Iran section 2019-2020 board of directors was introduced to the audience by a video clip.


For more information please check this link: