Yearly Archives: 2021

Announcing the 2021 Volunteer Leadership Training Program

The MGA Training Committee is pleased to announce the launch of the 2021 Volunteer Leadership Training (VoLT) Program and will begin accepting applications for the program on 1 June 2021.

The VoLT Program prepares IEEE volunteers for leadership roles in their local units and beyond. The program’s key goals are to:

  • Accelerate volunteer’s knowledge of the IEEE’s organization, products, services, and resources
  • Help volunteers understand their roles within their local units and within the entire organization
  • Create a succession tool that develops and prepares future IEEE volunteer leaders

Since the program’s launch in 2013, over 350 volunteers graduated from the program. Our VoLT graduates represent all 10 IEEE Regions and over 100 Sections.
The volunteers who graduated from the program took the time to undergo the training, knowing the commitment involved.

We hope the result will be a more energized, well-informed, and engaged volunteer for your Section and Region.


In the coming days, announcements of the 2021 VoLT Program will be made through enotice, MGA Scoop, social media, and other channels, inviting eligible candidates to apply for the program.


Applications will be accepted from 1 June 2021 through 21 July 2021.

Applicants will be notified of their application status mid-to late-August.


We kindly ask you to share the news with your fellow IEEE members and volunteers and encourage those who may be interested to learn more about the program and apply this year.

More information about the VoLT Program, including application requirements, can be found in the IEEE Center for Leadership Excellence (CLE) (you may be prompted to log in to the CLE with your IEEE account).


Thank you for your support, and if you have any questions regarding the program, please let us know at [email protected].


Call for Best Entrepreneurship Activity Pitch Presentation

This call is devoted to young Startups (TRL 1-3) and entrepreneurs to showcase successful entrepreneurship ideas in the field of interest of IEEE.

The competitors shall prepare a  5 minutes video:  “My entrepreneurship idea in 5 minutes” in which will present their entrepreneurship idea and activity using slides, pictures, photos, graphics, lab demo, etc., to describe in the most convincing and attractive way their innovative idea, achievements, and field of application.

The participants at the IEEE RTSI START-UP AND ENTREPRENEUR VIDEO EVENT will be able to vote for their favorite video using a special application (i.e. Mentimeter) on their smartphones.

The competition will take place during IEEE RTSI 2021 “electronic virtual conference” (on September 6, 2021) and the participation is free of charge. See the program schedule on the web page of the conference to know the exact time. More details about: the platform to be used for the “live streaming event” and how to access, will be available on the conference web and sent to the video authors.

All competitors will receive a participation certificate and the best video will be awarded a customized IEEE certificate.

Entrepreneurs willing to participate in this competition shall send an e-mail to this address: [email protected]

no later than June 25, 2021.

In the Object of the e-mail the participant in this competition should write:

Best Entrepreneurship Activity Pitch Presentation – name surname

In the text of the e-mail the participant shall include the following info:

  • title of the video
  • name and affiliation of the author
  • e-mail of the author

Details about uploading procedures will be sent to participants by e-mail.  The deadline for the submission of the video is July 10, 2020. All videos shall have MP4 format, size not larger than 100 MB and they shall not be longer than 5 minutes. A special commission will select the best videos (maximum 16 videos) that will be presented and voted by participants to the event.

All videos will be uploaded on the IEEE Italy Section web and media (depending on author permission).


For updates visit the source page.

Challenges and Opportunities: Towards Better WIE Future



IEEE WIE UKI is dedicated to promoting female engineers and scientists to follow their academic interests to a career in engineering. The IEEE WIE Ambassadors’ Scheme is taking the initiative to encourage females to face the challenges and show them that there are always lots of opportunities and ways to achieve their goals through our online event “Challenges and Opportunities: Towards Better WIE Future” on the 10th of June 2021 (2pm- 4pm (UK time)) .


Inspiring engineers will talk about the challenges they faced and give tips on overcoming these challenges. Professionals from academia and industry will tell us about the different opportunities, which will empower us to pursue further our different areas of interest.  


The workshop will give us a great opportunity to build connections with the experts from the industry and academia and to develop effective networking and build business relationships. This will help female engineers to benefit from others’ experience and guide them to the right path to reach their target.


Register HERE

Women in Engineering: The Journey Continues

IEEE WIE and ComSoc WICE have organized a forum entitled Women in Engineering: The Journey Continues.



Date: June 14, 2021, 10:00-12:45 EDT (GMT-4)


This will be a free virtual event, but registration is required. I hope that many of you are able to attend this special event.


The event is taking place IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC )2021. The IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) is one of the IEEE Communications Society’s two flagship conferences dedicated to driving innovation in nearly every aspect of communications. Each year, around 3,000 researchers submit proposals for paper presentations and program sessions to be held at the annual conference. After extensive peer review, the best of the proposals are selected for the conference program, which includes technical papers, tutorials, workshops and industry sessions designed specifically to advance technologies, systems and infrastructure that are continuing to reshape the world and provide all users with access to an unprecedented spectrum of high-speed, seamless and cost-effective global telecommunications services. More about the conference.

Webinar & Panel: “Future Trends In Sustainability AI in Renewables” co-organized by IEEE WIE Lebanon & Turkey Section Affinity Groups

You are cordially invited to Webinar& Panel: “Future Trends In Sustainability AI in Renewables” co-organized by IEEE WIE Lebanon & Turkey Section Affinity Groups


Date: Friday, May 21, 2021

Time: 5 PM- 7 PM GMT+3 (10 AM -12 PM EDT)


Facebook Live @wielebanon & @IEEETurkeyWIE

To receive the event Zoom link, join the WhatsApp Group registration:



Simay Akar, CCO & Co-founder, INNOSES & Chair IEEE WIE Turkey

Dr. Dima Fares, Associate Professor & Sustainability Consultant Lebanese University

Dilara Goker, R&D Projects Manager, REENGEN

Balsam Nehme, Head of Buildings Sustainability, Dar Al- Handasah Consultants


Future Computing Architectures

In collaboration with IEEE Egypt Section, IEEE-FUE student branch invites you to our next [h>100] Series event;


Prof. Onur Mutlu will be our guest, and he will give a frontier lecture about Future Computing Architectures, which will cover some key problems that are critical to solving in current and future computing platforms.

Onur Mutlu is a Professor of Computer Science at ETH Zurich. He is also a faculty member at Carnegie Mellon University.

He started the Computer Architecture Group at Microsoft Research and held various product and research positions at Intel, AMD, VMware, and Google. He is an ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, and an elected member of the Academy of Europe.



IEEE-FUE is waiting for your participation and wishes you a great time and collaboration with your questions.

Please feel free to invite your colleagues as well.


Register now:


The Seminar will be held on the Zoom platform


Useful Links:

IEEE Entrepreneurship Impact Award

 • IEEE Entrepreneurship & IEEE Startup Impact Award Deadline: 8/31/21. Submit nominations / recognize an individual or team with an impactful engineering-driven solution in the entrepreneurial ecosystem. $2000 USD honorarium/plaque commemorating the recipient(s) achievement!


IEEE Entrepreneurship is pleased to announce the launch of the IEEE Entrepreneurship Impact Award.


This award will recognize an individual who has had a significant impact on the engineering-driven entrepreneurial ecosystem. The accomplishments of the candidate should be of “significant importance” and should have made a distinguishing contribution to the entrepreneurial ecosystem of a country/region.





Nominee Solicitation:



Award recipients will be scored and selected based on the following judging criteria:


  • Entrepreneurial Spirit
  • Value creation
  • Impact
  • Sustainability


The person/team will receive an honorarium of $2000 USD and a plaque commemorating their achievement.


Submissions will be accepted through 31 August 2021 followed by a thorough review in September.


The recipient will be selected by September 30th and announced during the first week of October.

STEM talk by invited speaker Mr. Stamatis Dragoumanos


An interest in Educational Activities has been noticed in IEEE Region 8 WiE members, showcasing a high enthusiasm of the work being done and the progress that has been achieved. With the scope of providing and promoting the available opportunities to our members, IEEE Region 8 WiE organize a web-presentation on the newly launched STEM Portal by IEEE Educational Activities and its available resources – member benefits – growth potentials and more.


The STEM Portal is for IEEE Volunteers and serves as a resource for all things related to Pre-University STEM programs and activities. Is a source of already existing fascinating educational activities and programs for IEEE volunteers to engage with a spectrum of STEM resources. Not only that, but, STEM Portal provides you the unique opportunity to submit and share your own already designed, developed and applied educational programs and to share your best practises, by being visible and accessible to everyone.


Get inspired from others, and inspire with your actions.


Wednesday, May 19, 2021

7:00 PM  |  (UTC+03:00) Athens, Bucharest  |  2 hrs


Add this meeting  to your calendar. (Cannot add from mobile devices.)






Join WebEx meeting


Meeting number:            130 756 8231

Meeting password:         2xZay35vPHh


About the Speaker


Stamatis Dragoumanos is a Software Engineer and Developer with specialization on Human-Computer Interaction in Virtual and Augmented Environments with almost 15 years of experience.


He has a deep knowledge on programming languages, 3D graphics design and development, game development and web application. He is also a Chemical Engineer and has MSc in Computational Fluid Dynamics. He has a 12 year experience in teaching programming languages, algorithms and data structures on a variety of student ages and education levels. Eight years of experience out of 12 are in pre-university students as an Educator in private primary schools and public high schools. He is certified a Soft Skill Trainer by Erasmus+ and certified Professional Scrum Master I by He is an inquiry based learning enthusiast and he strongly believes that soft skills development is one of the most important concepts that is missing in today’s Educational System.


He has participated in the forming and first steps of 4 startups and he is awarded by the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry for one of them. His research interests are on Human Computer Interaction, Augmented Reality, and Education. He is currently the Past-Chair of IEEE Region 8 Professional and Educational Activities Subcommittee, Member of IEEE STEM Portal opCom, member of IEEE EAB Pre-University Education Coordination Committee and Co-founder and Editor of IEEE Region 8 Today.



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To dial from an IEEE Video Conference System: *1 130 756 8231


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IEEE AFRICON 2021 – Call for Papers

“Contributing to the Industrialisation of Africa through Innovations in Science and Technology”

13-15 September, Arusha, Tanzania


Dear Colleagues – Members of IEEE,

We are currently accepting technical paper submissions for our flagship conference, IEEE AFRICON 2021. AFRICON is an IEEE Region 8 flagship conference on the African continent. IEEE AFRICON 2021 will be held in Arusha, Tanzania, 13 – 15 September 2021. The conference is co-sponsored by IEEE Region 8, the IEEE Tanzania Sub-section, and Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology. Topics cover the full area of IEEE, e.g., Communications, Networks, Electronics, Power and Energy, Mobile Computing, Cloud Computing, Industrial Applications, Artificial Intelligence, Nanotechnology, and E-learning. This conference will feature world-class plenary speakers, major technical symposiums, industry and academic panels, workshops, tutorials, and invited tracks.


The CONFERENCE VENUE is Arusha International Conference Center (AICC)

Important Notice: If the COVID-19 pandemic and travel ban from some countries prevent authors of accepted papers from attending the conference, arrangements for virtual presentations will be made for such authors.



  • Artificial and Computational Intelligence
  • Cloud Computing, Small Data, and Big Data Engineering
  • Communication Networks
  • Innovations for Digital Transformation and Industrial Development
  • Industrial Electronics, Control, Autonomous Systems, Instrumentation, and Consumer Applications
  • Power and Energy Systems

Special Sessions

  • 4th Developing Countries Robotics Forum
  • Sustainable Broadband Connectivity & Digital Entrepreneurship for Africa


We are also inviting undergraduate student authors to participate in the student paper contest.

See details on the website.


Please find the pdf version of the FINAL CfP at:



  • 14 May 2021 – EXTENDED Full paper deadline FIRM
  • 14 May 2021 – EXTENDED Special Sessions deadline FIRM
  • 25 June 2021 – Student Paper Contest submission deadline
  • 25 June 2021 – Paper acceptance notification
  • 16 July 2021 – Early registration, Camera-ready papers


  • IEEE Member: USD 410
  • IEEE Student Member: USD 250
  • IEEE Life Member: USD 250
  • Non-IEEE members: USD 530
  • Students non-member: USD 300
  • One Day only: USD 150
  • Workshop/Tutorial/Special Sessions: USD 150
  • Accompanying person: USD 200


  • IEEE Member: USD 450
  • IEEE Student Member: USD 300
  • IEEE Life Member: USD 300
  • Non-IEEE members: USD 600
  • Students non-member: USD 350

*Registration Fee is Inclusive of welcome Reception, Gala Dinner, Keynotes, Technical Sessions, Conference Bag, Proceedings on USB, Lunch, coffee breaks and snacks, mineral water, writing pads, and pens.

All accepted papers and presented during the conference will be published in the conference proceedings. The conference proceedings will be submitted to the IEEE Xplore Digital Library®.

For further details about the conference please visit:

Please do not hesitate to contact us for any additional information you may require ([email protected]).


Kind regards,
IEEE AFRICON 2021 organizing team