Yearly Archives: 2022

IEEE YESIST12 Call for Pilots | Deadline 28th February 2022

YESIST12: AGE OF INNOVATION 2022 is an international Talent Show jointly organized by Madras IEEE Education Society Chapter in collaboration with Madras IEEE SSIT, Madras IEEE WIE and Madras IEEE YP, hosted in partnership with IEEE sections, Universities and leading technology industry companies. The challenge is conducted to recognize the best social innovation application on the theme given as per the guidelines of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The solutions provided by the innovators hold technical and environmental importance, thereby positively affecting the neighborhood around us. The competition is held in two stages: Preliminary Competition (in the pilot level) and Final Competition. Preliminary competition is organized as satellite competitions by the pilots selected in several countries all over the world while the finals are held in a selected country. In the virtual mode both satellite as well as Final competitions will be held virtually.


The dates for the final competitions are scheduled as 10 th and 11 th of September 2022.







IEEE YESIST12 Call for Pilots




Any individuals/IEEE members/IEEE section/Universities/industry is eligible to participate in YESIST12. If an individual is hosting, the organization to which he/she is affiliated will be taken as the Pilot. Universities and IEEE Sections from all over the world are invited to act as Pilots for the YESIST12 Project competition.




The procedure  to  become a YESIST 12 pilot is substantially simpler. The call for pilots is open for registration during November – December 2021. Register and enroll by filling out the form through the link on the website and let us know your intentions to become a pilot. If an individual is hosting, the organization to which he/she is affiliated will be taken as the Pilot. We will then reach out to you to provide information on how the programme operates and clarify the duties and responsibilities of each pilot.


Website :

Link for registration:

Fifth Event of ‘Early Career Talks’ Call for Participation

IEEE WIE UKI goal is to facilitate the recruitment and retention of women in technical disciplines globally. We envision a vibrant community of IEEE women and men collectively using their diverse talents to innovate for the benefit of humanity. IEEE WIE UK and Ireland through the Ambassador Scheme are calling women in engineering to participate in a technical, inspirational, and empowering session tagged “EARLY CAREER TALKS”. The previous events were very successful, they have attracted attention from both academia and industry. This event converges the novel (state-of-the-Art) research areas in Engineering besides establishing networking/collaboration links, exploring new research opportunities for developing interactions between Academia, Industry and Government fostering economic and social development.


Criteria for who should apply and how to apply:


This programme supports engineers from academia or industry who have been in an industry/postgraduate position for less than 10 years. This session welcomes speakers/presenters from any part of the world who are:





  • PhD students close to graduation and have published papers in respectful conferences/journals.
  • Engineers who have participated in innovative projects.

When applying, send your photo saved as an image and include the following information in a one-word document:


  1. Area of career (academia/industry).
  2. Research interests or work field (e.g Robotic systems or Harvesting Systems).
  3. Talk title and What the talk will be about (100-word).
  4. Speaker bio (including links and web pages).


Workshop details:


The call for the Fifth event of the ‘Early Career Talks’ closes at 11:59 pm March 17th, 2022

The Session will be held and delivered virtually on Thursday April 7th, 2022, at 12 pm.


If you would like to participate in this exciting workshop, please email the documents required to Dr Nagham Saeed (IEEE WIE UKI Ambassadors Network Lead) on [email protected].


Recommended email title is: “Opportunity to participate in Early Career Talks”. We look forward to receiving your submission.

Early Career Talks – 4th Event


IEEE WIE UKI goal is to facilitate the recruitment and retention of women in technical disciplines globally. We envision a vibrant community of IEEE women and men collectively using their diverse talents to innovate for the benefit of humanity. IEEE WIE UK and Ireland through the Ambassador Scheme are calling women in engineering to participate in a technical, inspirational, and empowering session tagged “Early Career Talks”.  The event has attracting attention from both academia and industry. This forth event converges the novel (state-of-the-Art) research areas in Engineering, establishing networking/collaboration links, exploring new research opportunities for developing interactions between Academia, Industry and Government fostering economic and social development.


Register at:

The events is done and you can watch it HERE

Reports – Warsaw

OpCom Reports

Director (Antonio Luque) Director-Elect (Vincenzo Piuri)
Past-Director  (Magdalena Salazar Palma) Secretary (Ljupco Karadzinov)
Treasurer (Adam Jastrzebski) V/C Member Activities (Sara Barros)
V/C Student Activities (Simay Akar) V/C Technical Activities (Peter Nagy)

Subcommittee Reports


Action for Industry (AfI) Humanitarian Activities Subcommittee (HuA) Region 8 News (R8News)
Africa Council Life Member Coordinator (LM) Region Vitality Coordinator (RVC)
Awards & Recognition Subcommittee  (A&RSC) Membership Development Subcommittee (MDSC) Sections Congress Coordinator
Careers New Initiative New Industry Events Initiative Social Media Coordinator
Chapter Coordination Subcommittee (ChCSC) New Student Contests Initiative Standards Coordinator (StC)
Conference Coordination SubCommittee (CoCSC) Nominations and Appointments Subcommittee Strategic Planning
Congress Coordinator (SYP/xSYP) Professional and Educational Activities Subcommittee (PEAsC) Voluntary Contribution Fund Coordinator (VCF)
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Publications and Communications Subcommittee (PnC) Women in Engineering Coordinator (WIE)
Electronic Communications Coordinator (ECC) Region 8 Sigma Young Professionals Subcommittee (YP)
History Activities Coordinator  (HA) Region 8 Today (Region8Today)

Section Reports


Algeria Section Iraq Section Romania Section
Austria Section Iran Section Russia Section
Bahrain Section Israel Section Russia (Northwest) Section
Belarus Section Italy Section Russia (Siberia) Section
Benelux Section Jordan Section Saudi Arabia (East) Section
Bosnia and Herzegovina Section Kenya Section Saudi Arabia (West) Section
Bulgaria Section Kuwait Section Serbia And Montenegro Section
Croatia Section Latvia Section Slovenia Section
Cyprus Section Lebanon Section South Africa Section
Czechoslovakia Section Lithuania Section Spain Section
Denmark Section Malta Section Sweden Section
Egypt Section Mauritius Section Switzerland Section
Estonia Section Morocco Section Tunisia Section
Finland Section Nigeria Section Turkey Section
France Section Norway Section Uganda Section
Germany Section Oman Section UK and Ireland Section
Ghana Section Poland Section Ukraine Section
Greece Section Portugal Section United Arab Emirates Section
Hungary Section Qatar Section Zambia Section
Iceland Section North Macedonia Section

Report Templates

ISCC 2022 – the 27th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications


ISCC 2022, in its 27th edition, will provide an insight into the unique world stemming from the interaction between the fields of computers and communications. ISCC 2022 will provide an international technical forum for experts from industry and academia to exchange ideas and present the results of ongoing research in most state-of-the-art areas of computers and communications. You are invited to submit a full paper, a proposal for a Panel/Invited Session, or a Tutorial, related to the following topics of interest:

  1. 5th Generation Networks (5G)

    Resource Allocation
    Network Slicing
    Topology Management
    5G Core Network and Service Based Architecture
    C-RAN and backhaul
    SDN and NFV for 5G
    Network Stability, Control, and Optimization
    Standardization Activities by IEEE, 3GPP, and ETSI

  2. Security and Privacy

    Privacy / Anonymity
    Attacks and Defenses
    Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting
    Hardware Security
    Intrusion Detection
    Moving Target Defense (MTD)

  3. Internet of Things (IoT)

    LPWAN (LoRa, Sigfox, NB-IoT, LTE-M, Wi-SUN)
    6TiSCH, 6LoWPAN, Roll
    Operating Systems
    Interoperability of IoT protocols and devices
    Simulation, emulation, and testbed support
    Smart Spaces: design and applications
    Cyber-Physical Systems
    Telecare Medical Information System
    TinyML designed for microcontrollers and IoT-ready devices

  4. Vehicular Networks

    Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
    IEEE 802.11p ITS-G5
    Millimeter Waves
    V2X, V2I, V2N, V2V, V2P, V2D, V2G
    Inter and Intra vehicle communication and protocols

  5. Software-Defined

    Software-Defined Networks and Network Function Virtualization
    Software-Defined Smart Objects
    Software-Defined Data Centers
    Software-Defined Radio
    Overlay and Programmable Networks

  6. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

    Artificial Intelligent Systems applications in Computers and Communications
    AI Technologies Game Theory
    Machine and Deep Learning of Knowledge
    Bio-inspired Computing in Communications
    Data Science and Data Engineering
    Distributed Knowledge and Processing

  7. Cloud and Edge Computing

    Cloud Computing (IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS)
    Mobile Cloud and Mobile Cloud Networking
    Fog Computing
    Distributed Systems Architecture and Management

  8. Wireless Networks

    Cognitive Radio Networking
    Wireless, Cellular, and Mobile Communications
    Modeling and Simulation
    Signal Processing for Communications

  9. Services and Protocols

    Advances in Internet Protocols
    Green Networking
    Real-Time Communication Services
    Routing and Multicast
    Network Design, Optimization, and Management
    Network Reliability, Quality of Service, and Quality of Experience
    Fault-Tolerance and Error Recovery
    Web Services and Service-Oriented Architectures
    Standards Evolution
    Digital Satellite Communications Service
    Localization Protocols
    Communications Services and Management
    Crowdsourcing applications, Crowdsensing and Mobile CrowdSensing
    Social Networks

  10. Optical Networks

    Optical Network Protocols and Architectures
    Energy-efficient/green Optical Communications and Networks
    Visible Light Communications (Indoor, Outdoor, and Localization)
    Optical Wireless Communication Applications for Future Networks

  11. Application domain / Framework / Architecture

    e-Health and Bioinformatics
    Smart Grid
    Smart City
    Industry 4.0
    Smart Building

  12. Software Engineering

    Peer-to-Peer Computing
    Computing applications
    Big Data, Data Mining, and Database Applications

Nominations Open For PRACE Ada Lovelace Award For HPC 2022

In 2022 PRACE will present for the seventh time its Ada Lovelace Award for HPC. Launched in 2016, the Award is annually presented to a female scientist who makes an outstanding contribution to and impact on HPC in Europe and the world, and serves as a role model for women who are at the start of their scientific careers. The awardee is announced at the annual PRACE Scientific and Industrial Conference (PRACEdays) and is invited to participate in the concluding plenary Panel Discussion.


From 22 to 24 March 2022, PRACE will organise the eighth edition of its Scientific and Industrial Conference – PRACEdays22 – as part of the EuroHPC Summit Week 2022 in Paris, France.



Read the full announcement HERE

User-driven approaches to the design of inclusive and gender-aware innovative measurement and IoT systems



🟪 The IEEE Italy Section Women in Engineering Italy Section organizes a Special Session at the 2022 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Industry 4.0 & IoT, which will be held in Trento, June 7-9, 2022.

🔎 The Special Session “User-driven approaches to the design of inclusive and gender-aware innovative measurement and IoT systems” encourages submissions about how the design of measurement systems and IoT applications may deal with issues user-specific in general, and gender-related in particular, in order to share views, approaches and best practices for the development of user-centered gender-aware innovative devices and systems.

📌 Submission of an extended abstract is open until January 23. Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore Digital Library.

➡ To know more about the WIE Special Session at MetroInd4.0&IoT 2022, visit

8th International Youth Conference on Energy – Call for Papers

After the pandemic outbreak the International Youth Conference on Energy could not be carried out on its regular schedule, but we were eager to organise the event as soon as possible. Young professionals (undergraduate, MSc, PhD students and entrant engineers) are encouraged to participate and present their work in a friendly international environment, to enjoy the beauty of Eger and to make new connections for the future. Contributions are welcomed from any field related to energy and power engineering. Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements. IYCE is a Student-led Technical Conference, member of the IEEE IAS YP Student-led Conferences.


Important date and topics are available HERE

History Activities – 2022


Martin BastiaansMartin

Tony DaviesTony

Antonio SaviniAntonio

Evgen PichkalyovEvgen

Sergei ProkhorovSergei


The History Activities Committee is looking forward to assist you in your history-related activities. The 2022 committee consists of:

  • Martin Bastiaans, History Activities Coordinator (2021-2023)
  • Tony Davies, Past History Activities Coordinator (2013-2020)
  • Antonio Savini, current IEEE History Committee chair (2022-2023)
  • Evgen Pichkalyov, current IEEE History Committee member (2022-2023)
  • Sergei Prokhorov, current IEEE History Committee member (2022-2023)

Feel free to contact us at [email protected], but include [email protected] in CC, because the email alias may not work properly.


  • IEEE Region 8 History webpage
    The Region 8 History webpage is updated whenever new information becomes available.
  • The HISTELCON 2023 website is live at
  • Recently approved IEEE Milestones:
    Grenoble, France, MPEG Multimedia Integrated Circuits, 1984-1993
    Dedication ceremony To be decided – IEEE France Section
    Beginning in 1984, Thomson Semiconducteurs (now STMicroelectronics) developed multimedia integrated circuits, which accelerated Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) standards. By 1993, MPEG-2 integrated decoders – including innovative discrete cosine transform (developed jointly with ENST, now TelecomParisTech), bitstream decompression, on-the-fly motion compensation, and display unit – were announced in one silicon die: the STi3500. Subsequent MPEG-2 worldwide adoption made compressed full-motion video and audio inexpensive and available for everyday use.
    Paris, France, Invention of sonar, 1915-1918
    Dedication ceremony To be decided – IEEE France Section
    At this location, from 1915 to 1918, Paul Langevin designed a submarine detector using piezoelectric quartz crystal transceivers. Based on Constantin Chilowsky’s proposed use of ultrasounds, this improved method for submarine ultrasonic echo detection (later called sonar) obtained 4000-meter echo soundings from the cable ship Charente in the Bay of Biscay. It was later used successfully during World War II, and echo sounding led to other applications including medical echography.
    Paris, France, The birth of electrodynamics, 1820-1827
    Dedication ceremony To be decided – IEEE France Section
    Stimulated by experimental reports that an electric current could deflect a compass needle, André-Marie Ampère discovered the fundamental law of electrodynamics, the science of interactions between electric currents. He then developed the theory that electric currents are responsible for magnetism. These achievements formed the basis for electrical technologies, including electric motors and generators. In 1881, the International Electrical Congress named the unit of electric current the ‘ampere’ (A).
  • Recently dedicated IEEE Milestones:
    Budapest, Hungary, Budapest metroline No. 1, 1896
    Dedication ceremony 20 October 2022 – IEEE Hungary Section
    In 1896, Budapest Metro Line No. 1 was inaugurated, the first underground railway designed specifically to use electric power, rather than adapted from steam-powered systems. It offered several innovative elements, including bidirectional motor carriages, the “goose neck chassis,” and electric lighting in the stations and carriages. This line’s design influenced later subway construction in Boston, Paris, Berlin, and other metropolitan areas worldwide.
    Hayes, England, First computerized tomography (CT) X-ray scanner, 1971
    Dedication ceremony 26 October 2022 – IEEE UK and Ireland Section
    On 1 October 1971, a team at the EMI Research Laboratories located on this site produced an image of a patient’s brain, using the world’s first clinical X-ray computerized tomography scanner, based on the patented inventions of Godfrey Hounsfield. The practical realization of high-resolution X-ray images of internal structures of the human body marked the beginning of a new era in clinical medicine.
  • Recently dedicated IEEE Milestones:
    Eynsham, England, Active shielding of superconducting magnets for MRI, 1984-1989
    Dedication ceremony 17 June 2022 – IEEE UK and Ireland Section
    At this site, the first actively shielded superconducting magnets for diagnostic Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) use were conceived, designed, and produced. Active shielding reduced the size, weight, and installed cost of MRI systems, allowing them to be more easily transported and advantageously located, thereby benefiting advanced medical diagnosis worldwide.
    Manchester, England, Manchester University “Baby” computer and its derivatives, 1948-1951
    Dedication ceremony 21 June 2022 – IEEE UK and Ireland Section
    At this site on 21 June 1948 the “Baby” became the first computer to execute a program stored in addressable read-write electronic memory. “Baby” validated Williams-Kilburn Tube random-access memories, later widely used, and led to the 1949 Manchester Mark I which pioneered index registers. In February 1951, Ferranti Ltd’s commercial derivative became the first electronic computer marketed as a standard product delivered to a customer.
    See also the article in IEEE Spectrum.
    Manchester, England, The Atlas computer and the invention of virtual memory, 1957-1962
    Dedication ceremony 21 June 2022 – IEEE UK and Ireland Section
    The Atlas computer was designed and built in this building by Tom Kilburn and a joint team of the University of Manchester and Ferranti Ltd. The most significant new feature of Atlas was the invention of virtual memory, allowing memories of different speeds and capacities to act as a single large fast memory separately available to multiple users. Virtual memory became a standard feature of general-purpose computers.<\li>

  • Recently approved IEEE Milestone:
    Hayes, England, First computerized tomography (CT) X-ray scanner, 1971
    Dedication ceremony To be decided – IEEE UK and Ireland Section
    On 1 October 1971, a team at the EMI Research Laboratories located on this site produced an image of a patient’s brain, using the world’s first clinical X-ray computerized tomography scanner, based on the patented inventions of Godfrey Hounsfield. The practical realization of high-resolution X-ray images of internal structures of the human body marked the beginning of a new era in clinical medicine.
  • Recently added Oral History:
    The List of Oral Histories related to Region 8 (.xlsx) on the Region 8 History webpage has been updated by adding the transcript of an interview with Jiří Zlatuška; see Jiří Zlatuška, an oral history conducted in 2020 by Helena Durnová, IEEE Computer Society. The interviewee is residing in the IEEE Czechoslovakia Section.

  • Recently dedicated IEEE Milestone:
    Leiden, Netherlands, String galvanometer to record a human electrocardiogram, 1901-1905
    Dedication ceremony 8 April 2022 – IEEE Benelux Section
    On 22 March 1905, the first successful clinical recording of a human electrocardiogram (ECG) took place at this location, which at the time was the Academic Hospital Leiden. Willem Einthoven’s pioneering work, from 1901 to 1905, resulted in a string galvanometer specifically designed to measure and record the heart’s electrical activity, which made this medical achievement possible. This invention marked the beginning of electrocardiography as a major clinical diagnostic tool.
  • Proceedings of HISTELCON
    The proceedings of HISTELCON 1 through 7, available at IEEE Xplore, are now freely accessible for everyone without any payment; see also the HISTELCON entry on ETHW.

    1. Paris, France, 11–12 September 2008
    2. Madrid, Spain, 3–5 November 2010
    3. Pavia, Italy, 5–7 September 2012
    4. Tel Aviv, Israel, 16–21 August 2015, held jointly with the 42nd annual meeting of ICOHTEC, the International Committee for the History of Technology: History of High-Technologies and Their Socio-Cultural Contexts
    5. Kobe, Japan, 7–8 August 2017, together with IEEE Region 10
    6. Glasgow, United Kingdom, 18–19 September 2019
    7. Moscow, Russia, 10-12 November 2021
  • IEEE Milestone dedications planned
  • IEEE Milestone proposals under consideration by the IEEE History Committee
  • News Archive — News items about Milestones and Conferences are ordered by year: 2022, 2021, 2019, 2017, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2010.

Highlights from 2021 – see also News Archive: 2021

  • Minutes of the IEEE Region 8 Committee meetings
    With the exception of four Region 8 Committee meetings – in Geneva (7 September 1965), Leuven (16 September 1966), Tel Aviv (24 October 1968), and Dubrovnik (25-26 October 1974) – we have (scanned) versions of all meeting minutes; and of the above-mentioned meetings in Leuven and Tel Aviv, we have the agendas. The (scanned) versions have been collected in five pdf files, which are available for download:
    1962-1970 (.pdf), 1971-1983 (.pdf), 1984-1993 (.pdf), 1994-2009 (.pdf), and 2010-2020 (.pdf).
  • Old issues of IEEE Region 8 News
    Digital versions of IEEE Region 8 News from 2002 onward can be found in the Region 8 News archive of back issues. All older issues of IEEE Region 8 News and its predecessors — IEEE Region 8 newsletter (1967-1986; issues 1-76) and IEEE Region EIGHT News (1987-1989; issues 77-85) — have now been scanned: 1092 pages with a total size of about 0.7 GB. Note that volume numbers were introduced in Region 8 News in 1998 with the August issue (Volume 1, Number 1); until then, the numbering was consecutively from 1 till 122.
    The scanned versions can be downloaded by clicking on the links in the table that can be found here. In addition to news about the IEEE and the activities that took place on the Region level, these old issues contain lots of information about our Sections and may thus form a valuable source of information, especially for those Sections who want to fill the gaps in their history. To help Sections, an index has been created to direct Section leaders to the relevant pages in the issues 1-122 (December 1967 – May 1998) where news about their Section can be found.
  • HISTELCON 2021 has been completely virtual as a Zoom meeting without any registration fee.
    The detailed schedule with speakers and titles can be found at

  • IEEE Special Citation in History dedicated in 2021:
    Paderborn, Germany, Heinz Nixdorf MuseumsForum (HNF), 1996
    Dedication ceremony 23 October 2021 – IEEE Germany Section
    One of the largest computer museums in the world, the Heinz Nixdorf MuseumsForum presents 5000 years of computing history from the emergence of numbers and lettering circa 3000 B.C.E. to the modern digital age. Through presentations, workshops, seminars, and exhibitions, it has provided a broad audience with the insights and perspectives required to navigate a world that is increasingly shaped by digital technology.
  • IEEE Milestones dedicated in 2021:
    Roma, Italy, Giovanni Giorgi’s contribution to the rationalized system of units, 1901-1902
    Dedication ceremony 15 December 2021 – IEEE Italy Section
    Giovanni Giorgi proposed rationalizing the equations of electromagnetism. His proposal added an electrical unit to the three mechanical units of measurement (meter, kilogram, second). While he was a professor at the University of Rome, the International Electrotechnical Commission adopted a version of Giorgi’s system. His ideas formed the basis of the universally adopted International System (SI) of units, currently used in all fields of science and engineering.
    Agrate Brianza, Milano, Italy, Multiple silicon technologies on a chip, 1985
    Dedication ceremony 18 May 2021 – IEEE Italy Section
    SGS (now STMicroelectronics) pioneered the super-integrated silicon-gate process combining Bipolar, CMOS and DMOS (BCD) transistors in single chips for complex, power-demanding applications. The first integrated circuit, named L6202, was capable of controlling up to 60V–5A at 300 kHz. Subsequent automotive, computer, and industrial applications extensively adopted this process technology, which enabled chip designers flexibly and reliably to combine power, analog and signal processing.
    Cascina, Pisa, Italy, Gravitational-wave antenna, 1972-1989
    Dedication ceremony 3 February 2021 – IEEE Italy Section
    Initially developed from 1972 to 1989, the gravitational-wave antenna enabled detection of ripples in spacetime propagating at the speed of light, as predicted by Albert Einstein’s 1916 Theory of General Relativity. Construction of the Virgo Gravitational-Wave Observatory commenced in 1997. In 2017, Virgo and two antennas located in the US launched the era of Multi-Messenger Astronomy with the coordinated detection of gravitational waves from a binary neutron star merger.
    Torino, Italy, Rotating fields and early induction motors, 1885-1888
    Dedication ceremony 21 January 2021 – IEEE Italy Section
    Galileo Ferraris, professor at the Italian Industrial Museum (now Polytechnic) of Turin, conceived and demonstrated the principle of the rotating magnetic field. Ferraris’ field, produced by two stationary coils with perpendicular axes, was driven by alternating currents phase-shifted by 90 degrees. Ferraris also constructed prototypes of two-phase AC motors. Rotating fields, polyphase currents, and their application to induction motors had a fundamental role in the electrification of the world.

IEEE Milestones

Engineering and Technology History Wiki

Region 8 history book

  • The book A short history of IRE Region 9 / IEEE Region 8 (.pdf) presents a history of IEEE Region 8 spanning its origins from the IRE Region in Europe, through the IRE/AIEE merger forming the IEEE and subsequently to the present day Region 8 consisting of Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.
    Note that if you click on the link above and open the Document Outline in the left-hand side bar, you can immediately jump to any section of the book and easily navigate through it.
  • More information about the history of Region 8 can be found on

Documents archive

IEEE History Center – a selection of additional weblinks