
IEEE Students Awards 2023

Local Student Paper Contest Events Program


The IEEE Region 8 Student Activities Committee is announcing the Local Student Paper Contest Events Program. This program calls for section student activities and student branch leaders to submit their own version of a local student paper contest and get the chance to showcase their papers on the Regional Student Paper Contest.


This is the first Call for proposals and there will be an additional two, in June and September. Please keep in mind that the total budget of the program is limited and that funds will be allocated according to the principle: of “first come, first served”.


Important Dates

  • Deadline for the submission of the proposal: May 20, 2023
  • Announcement on the funding decision: 2-3 weeks after the proposal submission deadline
  • Event Implementation: June – November 2023 (please plan November 23 as the last date for implementation because of the R8 SPC deadline, December 1)
  • Reporting Submission: by November 30, 2023
  • Funding Release: December 2023




The program aims to:

  • Giving incentives to IEEE Region 8 Sections and Student Branches for establishing local student paper contests;
  • Provide an opportunity for students to showcase their technical skills;
  • Promote Regional Student Paper Contest, as well as increase awareness and participation.




The program rules are the following:

  • Applicants to this program can be either Sections or Student Branches;
  • The application should include an endorsement letter:
    • For Sections, only Section Chair, SSAC or SSR can provide an endorsement;
    • For Student Branches, only Student Branch Chair or Counselor can provide an endorsement.
  • Participants should be students affiliated with the organizing OU;
  • The local SPC papers cannot get published in conference proceedings with ISBN;
  • The local contest should follow the rules of R8 SPC;
  • The finalist’s papers of these local events have to be submitted in the Regional Student Paper Contest:
    • 1 finalist for OUs with less than 100 student members;
    • 2 finalists for OUs with 100 – 199 student members;
    • 3 finalists for OUs with more than 200 student members.
    • Note: Student members include both Student Member Grade and Graduate Student Member Grade.




The proposal shall contain the following information:

  • Summary of the proposal (max. 250 words)
  • Description of the Local Student Paper Contest
  • Proposed Title, Date, Venue and Organizing Team
  • Preliminary Budget
  • Suggested Program and Time Schedule
  • Goals and KPIs
    • Provide a short timeframe with milestones
    • The event should be organized within the year of approval and in any case before the R8 SPC deadline for submissions

The submission shall:

  • be a maximum of 6 pages (without endorsement letter);
  • be in Times new roman font and 11 font size;
  • be submitted in pdf format;
  • include as an attachment the endorsement letter.




Proposals will be judged from R8 SAC in the following areas:

  • Solid content and Planning;
  • Alignment with program goals.




The entries which exceed the minimum standards will receive up to 300$ per Student Branch or up to 500$ per Section to be used as secured funding. The funding will be sent to the (parent) Section’s bank account after the submission and evaluation of the final report. The funding does not cover virtual platforms costs and covers up to 80% of the total budget. Funding Eligibility Criteria and Outcome Reporting Rules are applied to this program.


Apply Now!

Application Form: Submit your Application HERE

Call for Proposals – IEEE Region 8 Student and Young Professional Congress 2024


We are thrilled to announce the call for proposals for the IEEE Region 8 Student and Young Professional Congresses 2024.


R8 SYP congress is by far, the biggest IEEE event for students and young professionals in Region 8!


During this event, more than three hundred participants come together for five days to develop their skills, enhance their knowledge, expand their network, socialize with others from a variety of cultural backgrounds and have a lot of fun!


Therefore, we (R8 Student Activities Committee and the R8 Young Professionals Committee) are delighted to invite proposals for hosting the upcoming IEEE R8 Student and Young Professional Congress 2024.

Many students regard the SYP Congress as the highlight of their IEEE experience, so if you would like to host this prestigious event in your University in the summer of 2024, this is your chance to take on this challenge!




Writing of a Proposal


To nominate your IEEE Student Branch to host the next SYP Congress, you must submit a proposal document to us, explaining how your IEEE team will facilitate this event and some ideas for the event program. Suggestions for a well-prepared proposal include:

  • Demonstrate that you have an enthusiastic team that is experienced enough for the task and have ideally participated in a previous edition of the Congress.
    • Collaborate with your local IEEE Section officers, local Young Professionals and Women in Engineering affinity groups, Humanitarian Activities Committees, etc.
  • Show that you have the infrastructure within your chosen city to host the event, which includes:
    • Attendee accommodation
    • Transportation and travel options
    • Catering (keep in mind diverse dietary needs)
    • Facilities for hosting workshops, panel sessions, plenary sessions, and networking
    • Facilities for social events
    • Reliable internet connection
  • Present and showcase your chosen city and suggest tours and/or cultural activities.
  • Include a preliminary five-day schedule and a budget estimation.
  • Show innovation and creativity!

For full details and advice on how to organize a Student and Young Professional Congress in your University, please download and read The SYP Congress Manual.


How to Apply


The nomination is a multi-stage process.


1st Stage

First, a two-page proposal shall be submitted to us, before May 15th, 2023. This proposal should include essential items such as: the date, location, team members, why you should be selected, student branch background and experience, ideas for the program, etc. Based on this first-stage proposal, we will provide valuable feedback and suggestions for the next phase. This stage is mandatory to submit your final proposal.


Please submit the first proposal by selecting “first stage proposal” on the form.


2nd Stage


The final proposal shall be submitted by June 15th, 2023. This proposal should be less than 25 pages in length and will be used to fully evaluate the ability of the candidates to host the IEEE R8 SYP Congress 2024. Don’t forget to involve your Section Chair in the process since they will be vital in case you are selected. The final decision regarding the host of the SYP Congress will be announced during the Region 8 Sections Congress, on August 11th.


Please submit the second proposal by selecting “second stage proposal” on the FORM.




The Region 8 Student and Young Professional Congress has been hosted in a wide variety of Sections in the past. We equally welcome applications from new and previous hosting countries, so this is an exceptional opportunity for you to step up and showcase your team’s talents!


Start your application now and bring the SYP 2024 to your members!


If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us via the same email. We look forward to hearing from you!



Previous Editions: 

2022 | Tunis, Tunisia

2020 | Virtual SYP

2018 | Porto, Portugal

2016 | Regensburg, Germany

2014 | Krakow, Poland

2012 | Madrid, Spain

2010 | Leuven, Belgium

2008 | London, UK

2006 | Paris, France

2004 | Passau, Germany

2002 | Cairo, Egypt

2000 | Eindhoven, Netherlands

1998 | Istanbul, Turkey

Student Paper Contest 2023 – 1st PHASE SELECTION RESULTS

The first phase of the Student Paper Contest 2023, which is the fifty-sixth edition of this prestigious and long-standing R8 student contest, has been completed. There were 13 submissions in total, of which 12 were accepted as valid. The papers were submitted by the following student branches: UCLouvain University (Belgium); two papers by Imperial College London (UK); University of Birmingham (UK); University of Niš (Serbia); Multimedia University of Kenya (Kenya); Kyambogo University (Uganda); Mutah University (Jordan); University of Ljubljana (Slovenia); University of Maribor (Slovenia); King Abdulaziz University (Saudi Arabia); and Higher Institute of Applied Science and Technology of Sousse (Tunisia).


The SPC 2023 international jury, whose members are: Prof. Gianfranco Chicco from Italy, Prof. Joao Carlos Ferreira from Portugal, Prof. Paul Micallef  from Malta, and Prof. Vera Markovic from Serbia, has anonymously selected the following five papers (listed in alphabetical order) for the Regional Oral Finals:

  • Jakub Lála, Imperial College London, UK, “Coarse-Graining of Molecular Dynamics Using Neural Ordinary Differential Equations
  • Jonathan Parion, UCLouvain University, Belgium, “Low-temperature admittance spectroscopy for defect characterization in Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se)2 thin-film solar cells
  • Sarah Alyafeai, Rawan Duhaithem, Sara Alamoudi, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia, “Smart Assistive Wearable Device for Alzheimer’s Patients
  • Saša Obradović, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, “Evaluation of inertial measurement units and non-invasive muscle contraction sensors for monitoring cycling biomechanics
  • Wenqiang Lai, Qihan Yang, Ye Mao, Endong Sung, Jiangnan Ye, Imperial College London, UK, “Knowledge Distilled Ensemble Model for sEMG-based Silent Speech Interface


SPC 2023 Oral Finals will be organized within the scope of R8 flagship conference EUROCON 2023, in Turin, Italy, July 6-8, 2023. The awards for students are $800, $500, and $200 for first, second, and third place, respectively, and the award for the winner’s Student Branch is $250.


The IEEE R8 Student Activities Committee congratulates the authors of the top five papers and the branches where the finalists come from!


Many thanks to all participants in the SPC 2023! We would like to encourage the participating student branches, as well as all other Region 8 SBs, to take part in the SPC 2024!




IEEE Region 8 Student Activities Committee 2023-24

On January 2023, IEEE Region 8 SAC team was renewed for the 2023-24 term. Led by Abdullateef Aliyu, the Region 8 Vice-Chair of Student Activities for 2023-24, a cross-sectional, diverse, and talented team was brought-together to kick-start the Region 8 student activities. This year, however, the R8 SAC team brings forward a brand new structure along with new initiatives. The main team constitutes of 7 members, where three of these are Chairs for their respective Adhoc Committees. The new three Adhoc committees are as follows: “Contest, Awards & Recognition”, “Training and Leadership Support” and “New Initiatives”. Together, the team is working to support and develop all aspects of R8 Student Activities. The aim is to provide excellent support to Student Branches, Student Chapters, SIGHT Groups, WIE Student Branches Affinity Groups and Student Branch Counsellors in the region. The SAC team operates different programs, training and development sessions, competitions, and awards that promote a better growth-based ecosystem for all student activities in Region 8. New trainings, activities, initiatives, competitions, and awards are coming soon!



Meet the main IEEE R8 SAC Team: 



Abdullateef Aliyu

2023-24 Chair, R8 SAC


Abdullateef is the General Manager of projects in Phase 3 Telecom, an aerial fiber-optic network infrastructure provider in West Africa, He is also a Senior Vice President of IEEE Smart Village and Currently chairs the IEEE Region 8 Students Activities Committee as Vice Chair of Student activities. He received his bachelor’s degree from Bayero University Kano (BUK), and master’s in ICT from the Northern University of Malaysia with Honors. He is an Alumnus of the United States telecommunication training institute (USTTI), Washington DC. He joined phase 3 Telecom in 2013 where he helped deployed numerous high-profile projects in Nigeria and across Sub-Sahara Africa for Mobile Network Operators (MNO) and led the implementation of the Phase 3 telecom 100G transmission network across Nigeria. He is a recipient of several awards and recognitions that include and not limited to the Leadership and Innovative Award by Phase 3 telecom in 2022, the Best Creativity Award by Phase 3 Telecom in 2022, the Excellence in leadership Award 2022 by IEEE Smart Village, the Award of Excellence by IEEE Nigeria Section 2022 for NIGERCON 2022, the Award of Excellence by the NSE Maitama branch 2021, MGA Board Young Professionals Achievement Award 2019, Recipient of Outstanding Volunteer of IEEE R8 ASYP Congress 2017 (EMEA), and IEEE Nigeria Section Merit Award 2017 (NG).


                                          E-mail: [email protected]




Simay Akar

Past Chair, R8 SAC


Simay Akar is an entrepreneur with reputable corporate industrial background and experience in the energy industry. She specialized in photovoltaic manufacturing, battery storage for electric vehicles and renewable energy technologies and the clean energy market development. ​ Akar is currently the Chief Commercial Officer & Co-Founder at Innoses. Her past roles include Sales & Marketing Director of EkoRE – Eko Renewable Energy and Head of Overseas Marketing at Talesun Solar Akar has worked in China and Turkey and mostly focused on international commercial activities and has been employed by CSUN Eurasia, Schneider Electric, Arcelik (BEKO), and Lucida Solar. In addition to her professional acclimates, she is an IEEE Senior member, acknowledged volunteer since 2007. Simay is a graduate of Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey and she participated Energy Innovation and Emerging Technologies Program at Stanford University.


                                          Read more at: 

                                          E-mail: [email protected]





Maryam Saeed

R8 Regional Student Representative


Maryam Saeed is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University College Dublin. She is a recipient of the Schlumberger Faculty for the Future Award for doctoral studies. Her current research includes designing arrhythmia classifiers for low-power circuits using event-driven ADCs, signal processing and machine learning. She has previously worked on neural spike sorting for implanted brain circuits and EEG-based biomedical applications. She received her M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad. She has also received training in EEG data acquisition and equipment handling at the University of Oldenburg, Germany. Her IEEE journey started in 2008 at the IEEE Lahore Section, Region 10. She first joined as a student volunteer at the FAST-NU Student branch, then as the Chair WIE, from 2009-2010. She was the founding member of the All-Pakistan Women in Engineering Forum, created in 2012 ( and served as their General Secretary. She also worked as the WIE Mentor for the IEEE WIE SEECS branch in 2014. Then she joined the IEEE WIE Islamabad Section as their General Secretary. Her volunteer work included organizing the WIE conferences, administering the IEEE STAR program locally and collaborative work with the local WeCreate branch ( to help young graduates build new start-ups. In 2015 she was awarded the IEEE R10 WIE Professional Volunteer Award.


                                          E-mail: [email protected]




Vera Marković

Chair, Adhoc Committee “Contest, Awards & Recognition”


Vera Marković is a full professor and the Head of the Department of Telecommunications of the Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Niš, Serbia. She has been an IEEE member since 1992 and a senior member since 2015. She was the Secretary, Vice-chair, and Chair of the Serbia & Montenegro Section (2007-2018). Thereafter, she was a member of the R8 N&A Subcommittee (2019–2020) and as the R8 Membership Development Subcommittee corresponding member (2020). Currently, in addition to the duties of the R8 SPC Coordinator, she is also an MGA Member Benefits Portfolio Advisory Committee member (2020-2021) and an IEEE Global Public Policy Committee Member (2021-2022).


E-mail: [email protected]





Khaldoun Taktak

Chair, Adhoc Committee “Training and Leadership Support”


Khaldoun Taktak is a Network and Telecommunication Engineering Student at the National Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology (INSAT). Besides pursuing an engineering degree, he loves dedicating his free time to reading, volunteering and experiencing new cultures. He serves as the chair of the IEEE Region 8 AdHoc committee on training and leadership support. Previously, he was chair of the IEEE Region 8 Student and Young Professional Congress in 2022 which was held in Tunis, Tunisia and has always been an active volunteer within his Student Branch contributing to the organization of many local events and congresses. As a dedicated and active IEEE volunteer, Khaldoun firmly believes that volunteering and engineering combined together will help advance technology for the benefit of humanity especially when derived from students.


                                          E-mail: [email protected]





Vildana Hrnjić

Chair, Adhoc Committee “New Initiatives”


Vildana is a young entrepreneur with a big experience in Branding and Marketing. She is currently the Chief Marketing Officer of the Association VivaBiH in Bosnia and Herzegovina. During her student days at the department of Graphic Engineering and Design at the Faculty of Technology in Banja Luka, she was an active IEEE Volunteer in her Student Branch where she was Treasurer and Social Media Manager. Since January 2021, she became part of the R8 SAC as an Outreach Coordinator and Electronic Communications Coordinator.

Vildana (co-)wrote a few conference papers about the concepts of green technologies in the graphic industries as well as the power of individuals to contribute to society.

She primarily works as a Brand Designer & Strategist. As an educator and mentor, she loves to share her knowledge and empower young people to work in IT.


                                          E-mail: [email protected]




Mohamed Hatem

Electronic Communications Coordinator


Mohamed Hatem is a Senior Undergraduate Student at the Nanotechnology and Nano-electronics Engineering Department at the University of Science and Technology in Zewail City for Science, Technology, and Innovation. He is pursuing in final semsters on the MEMS Technology and Nano-devices concentration along with a Graduation Project focused on the development of new Gate-All-Around Ge-based FETs.


Besides, Hatem has been a volunteer at IEEE since 2016. After one year and in 2017, Hatem acted as the IEEE Zewail City Student Branch Chairperson in which he developed exceptional leadership and communication skills. After a while, Hatem started volunteering in his section Young Professionals and SIGHT groups in which he held leadership positions in all of their programs. In 2020, Hatem has been selected to be the Sectional Student Representative (SSR) of the IEEE Egypt Section. Hatem has been always mandated with his community development, progress, and sustainability.


                                          E-mail: [email protected]