
History of IEEE Region 8

For a first introduction to the history of IEEE Region 8, you are advised to consult the following sources. Do not forget to check on a regular basis the History Activities that are currently going on in Region 8.

Region 8 history book

Engineering and Technology History Wiki

Other sources on the Region 8 website

  • IEEE Region 8 News, our newsletter that started in 1967, provides a valuable source of information of what happened in Region 8. IEEE Region 8 News is aiming to showcase events, achievements and news items from across the Region. As each issue is produced with specific deadlines throughout the year, it is an ideal medium for reporting on past events, meetings or stories — with the ability to promote future events. The archive of back issues is available online from 2002 onwards; scanned versions of older issues of Region 8 News and its predecessors can be found here.
  • IEEE Region 8 Today provides an advanced search option to find previous posts. IEEE Region 8 Today was founded on May 2018, aiming to bring to you the latest news of the active members within our Region; moreover, it shares technological information from the IEEE. A large variety of Tech News, IEEE volunteers news, Interviews of people who have contributed a lot to our Region, and many more interesting fields, can be found on our news web portal.
  • You may also want to check the (scanned) minutes of the Region 8 Committee meetings (and the agenda books of the more recent ones). With the exception of four Region 8 Committee meetings — in Geneva (7 September 1965), Leuven (16 September 1966), Tel Aviv (24 October 1968), and Dubrovnik (25-26 October 1974) — the minutes have been collected in five pdf files, which are available for download:
    1962-1970 (.pdf), 1971-1983 (.pdf), 1984-1993 (.pdf), 1994-2009 (.pdf), and 2010-2022 (.pdf).
  • Previous posts about Region 8 History Activities can be found in the History Activities News Archive.

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