Dear IEEE R8 YP Member,

On the behalf of IEEE Region 8 YP (Young Professionals), We would like to wish you happy IEEE Day 2013 🙂
IEEE Day 2013 is the 4th time in history when engineers worldwide is celebrating the anniversary of the first time IEEE members gathered to share their technical ideas in 1884.
While the world benefits from what’s new, IEEE is focused on what’s next. Thus, this year the theme of IEEE Day is “Leveraging Technology for a Better Tomorrow”.
It is your day to spread out your motivation with the rest of the world as an IEEE member! The day of sharing your excitement, visions and joy with all IEEE members worldwide!
IEEE professional members who joined on IEEE Day will receive a US $30 discount off of their 2014 IEEE membership for 2014 by entering promotion code IEEEDAY13. Please visit the IEEE Day website for more information.
If you are running an event, please do not forget to record videos and take picture to upload to YP page and channel.
Region 8 YP