YP News

[IEEE R8 YP] 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Ethics in Engineering, Science, and Technology, Ethics’2014

Dear R8 YP,


The first IEEE International Symposium on Ethics in Science, Technology and Engineering, IEEE Ethics’2014 will be held in Chicago Marriott O’Hare, Chicago, IL, USA, on May 23-24, 2014. The theme of IEEE Ethics’2014 will be

“Ethics – A Challenge to the Scientific and Engineering Community”

For more information, Please visit IEEE Ethics’2014.



[IEEE R8 YP] IEEE Nigeria YP AG Celebrated IEEE DAY!

IEEE Nigeria YP AG celebrated IEEE day with an outdoor event. It was organized in the Abuja Millennium Park on 5th Oct, 2013.  We wish good luck to Engr. Abdullateef Aliyu, Chair IEEE Nigeria YP AG and his team for future activities.





[IEEE R8 YP] Happy IEEE Day 2013!

Dear IEEE R8 YP Member,

On the behalf of IEEE Region 8 YP (Young Professionals), We would like to wish you happy IEEE Day 2013 🙂

IEEE Day 2013 is the 4th time in history when engineers worldwide is celebrating the anniversary of the first time IEEE members gathered to share their technical ideas in 1884. http://www.ieeeday.org

While the world benefits from what’s new, IEEE is focused on what’s next. Thus, this year the theme of IEEE Day is “Leveraging Technology for a Better Tomorrow”.

It is your day to spread out your motivation with the rest of the world as an IEEE member! The day of sharing your excitement, visions and joy with all IEEE members worldwide!

IEEE professional members who joined on IEEE Day will receive a US $30 discount off of their 2014 IEEE membership for 2014 by entering promotion code IEEEDAY13. Please visit the IEEE Day website for more information.

If you are running an event, please do not forget to record videos and take picture to upload to YP page and IEEE.tv channel.


Region 8 YP


Dear R8 YP Members,

It is your day to spread out your motivation with the rest of the world as an IEEE member!
The day of sharing your excitement, visions and joy with all IEEE members worldwide!

You could organise any event, such as a social event, technical event, or, any activity that you consider appropriate. Please visit the IEEE Day webpage (http://www.ieeeday.org/) for more information and ideas.

If you are interested to participate, please submit your event visiting

In addition professional members who joined on IEEE Day will receive a US $30 discount off of their 2014 IEEE membership for 2014 by entering promotion code IEEEDAY13. Please visit the IEEE Day website for more information.

If you will run an event, please do not forget to record videos and take picture to upload to YP page and IEEE.tv channel.




Webinar: Qualcomm Digital ASIC Design: Validation & Emulation Engineering (System/Platform/Post-Silicon)

Qualcomm will be presenting the exciting career opportunities available at their company.
There is webinar that will feature Qualcomm’s System Validation & Emulation (SVE) team, which resides within the Digital ASIC Design organization.
Date and Time: Monday, 30 September 2013 4:00 pm, Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)

Register at: http://www.magnetmail.net/forms/display_form.cfm?uid=IEEE_JOB&fid=37474&rtype=nonmm

For More Information: http://careers.ieee.org/qualcomm2013/Qualcomm_0913.php


IEEE offering CEU/PDH program for FREE!

Great News:
Register for your IEEE educational activity, be it a PACE meeting,  a Chapter activity, or local conference or workshop and get permit of ‘Certificate of Completion’ which notes the number of CEU/PDH earned.
The program is available now and It is free to IEEE OUs.

The Application Process for the sponsoring IEEE organization or conference organizer:
1. Complete online application at www.ieee.org/ceus
2. Allow five (5) business days for approval
3. Complete the learning event
4. Complete and submit all required documents, including course roster
Contact Information via e-mail:  eab-ceuadmin [@] IEEE.ORG


Region 8 GOLD Committee

[IEEE R8 YP] Region 8 Outstanding GOLD Affinity Group Award for Finland!

The Region 8 YP Committee is proud to announce the winner of the Region 8 Outstanding GOLD Affinity Group Award for its activities during 2012: the award goes to Finland! The Finland YP Affinity Group is acknowledged for their many successful and divers activities, as well as their continued efforts to motivate volunteers and inspire IEEE YP members.

The Region 8 YP Committee received many excellent nominations for the award. Since Tunisia had the pleasure of recently receiving an MGA Hall of Fame Award and our regional award can only be given to a YP Affinity Group that has not received another IEEE award in the same year, the Tunisian YP AG was excluded from the nominations. Although it was a very hard decision due to the strong competition and the great quality of nominations, the Region 8 YP Committee decided that the Finnish YP Affinity Group will win this year’s award.

R8 YP would like to congratulate the Finland YP Affinity Group and would also like to thank all Region 8 YP Affinity Groups for the great work they are doing. This year we received more nominations than ever before and we hope the number will keep on rising next year!

Keep up the good work!


IEEE Region 8 YP Committee

[IEEE R8 YP] IEEE GOLD Hall of Fame Award for Tunisia YP Affinity Group!

We would like to congratulate IEEE Tunisia YP Affinity Group for being one of the GOLD Hall of Fame Award winners for 2013! R8 YP Committee is very proud of your activities. It is a third time in the row when the YP AG from Region 8 is winning the Award. Last year it was YP Egypt.

The remaining recipients of the Award:
– YP Toronto (Region 7)
– YP Nicaragua (Region 9)

Congratulations for Tunisia!!!


IEEE R8 YP Committee