YP News

Two new GOLD AG in Region 8!!!

Two new GOLD affinity groups were approved by MGA this week. Cyprus and Russia (Northwest) joined to GOLD Region 8 team.

Congratulations for new Region 8 GOLD members and keep doing a great job!

[IEEE R8 YP] IEEE GOLD Affinity Group Hall of Fame Award for GOLD Egypt AG!!!

IEEE Egypt YP was selected as a 2012 recipient of the IEEE GOLD Affinity Group Hall of Fame Award!

Judges were impressed with the record of activities and, despite fierce competition, EGYPT AG was selected as one of three winners of this award in 2012.
It is a second time in the row when the YP AG from Region 8 is winning the Award. Last year it was GOLD Finland.

Congratulations for Egypt!!!

Student and GOLD Congress 2012 – Madrid

We are pleased to announce you the 2012 edition of the Region 8 Student Branch & GOLD Congress. This year’s edition will be organized by the Student Branch of the Technical University of Madrid, in Madrid on 25-29 July 2012.

We would like to invite you to participate in this unique event where GOLDies from all over Region 8 will share their knowledge. The SBC is organized biannually, so don’t miss the chance to meet all the other active GOLD Affinity Groups and Student Branches of Europe, Middle East and Africa, to learn useful skills for your volunteers and get to talk about your activities, ideas and issues with the Region 8 GOLD Committee and with senior IEEE officers such as the IEEE President and the IEEE Region 8 Director!

The Region 8 GOLD Committee funds the registration fee for one representative per Region 8 GOLD Affinity Group in good standing. The funding covers a regular IEEE Student/GOLD Member registration fee, including meals and accommodation for the duration of the congress. It does not cover flights to and from the congress or local transportation, which your IEEE Section is expected to help with.

The funding criteria for R8 GOLD Support are:

  • Only 1 volunteer per GOLD Affinity Group is eligible for funding. Please make sure that only one request for funding is submitted for your Affinity Group.
  • This volunteer has to be active in the AG and has not yet attended a previous edition of the Region 8 Student Branch & GOLD Congress. The volunteer has to prove that he/she is an active volunteer (e.g. by specifying his/her volunteering position and/or which GOLD activities he/she has volunteered on in the AG).
  • The yearly reporting of your AG must be up-to-date, i.e. the 2011 activities report has already been submitted to the R8 GOLD Committee (at the latest by March 29, 2012). There is an exception for recently formed GOLD AGs: if you are a member of a recently formed GOLD AG and this AG did not have activities in 2011, you are also eligible for funding and you are encouraged to submit your funding form.

If you (the GOLD Chair) have already attended a previous edition of the SBC, please encourage another active volunteer of your AG to attend this year’s edition of the SBC. An additional email to announce the SBC will be sent out very soon to all GOLDies of Region 8.


The funding applications will close on April 30. Make sure an active volunteer of your AG has applied before this deadline.


More information on the funding criteria and the funding application can be found here:



In case you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the R8 GOLD Committee at [email protected]

New member of Region 8 GOLD Committee

Region 8 GOLD Committee has a new member. It is Khaled Mokhtar from Egypt Section. The R8 OpCom believes that Khaled will help Committee in organization and coordination of GOLD efforts in our Region. Congratulations and good luck!


Website is online and alive

After months of hard work, our R8 GOLD Website is alive. Naturally, there are always some minor issues. Nevertheless, you are able to find interesting you content and resources. Feel free to send comments and suggestions.