Community Support Program

A special SIGHT projects CFP in collaboration with HTB. Provides support to R8 SIGHT groups to implement community support projects to address local community challenges.
Humanitarian Student Ambassadors Program

Supports and trains student volunteers to share IEEE humanitarian opportunities across our Region and impact the local communities. Aims to increase awareness and knowledge about humanitarian technologies, increase the impact of existing SIGHT groups, and encourage the establishment of new SIGHT groups.
R8 Humanitarian Activities Congress

Brings together R8 SIGHT group members to share results, lessons learned, and experiences with peers across the Region, and to discuss and address various humanitarian and community development projects, as well as to promote the use of technology for social good. The Congress typically includes presentations, workshops, and networking opportunities. During the Congress, attendees from different countries across the Region are expected to participate and interact to discuss and promote community development initiatives.
R8 Humanitarian Technologies Hackathon

Fosters competition amongst IEEE and SIGHT members through their solutions to specific humanitarian challenges and targets tech proposals around specific UN SDGs. Collaboration with SIGHT groups is highly encouraged for the hackathon organization. Awards tech proposals that can solve humanitarian challenges. If winning OU doesn’t have a SIGHT group, then they will be mentored towards forming one; otherwise, if it is a well-standing SIGHT group, then they will be mentored towards submitting a project proposal to a HTB/SIGHT CFP.
SIGHT Groups Coordination Workshops

Online workshops with SIGHT group leaders and volunteers on challenging topics based on feedback from SIGHT groups using reports. Provides support and guidance to R8 SIGHT groups to overcome any operational or organizational issues and obstacles they face or could face in the future and to ensure their optimal functioning.
Connecting Humanitarian Experts Webinars

Webinars on humanitarian topics presented by an expert in the field. Targets to understand the humanitarian impact of achieving the UN SDGs from an engineering and technical perspective and how we can achieve these SDGs.
Projects Monitoring and Visibility Program

A follow-up activity of the Community Support Program to monitor the current status of active humanitarian projects in R8 and implement a visibility plan to publicize IEEE impact on local communities. Closely monitors active humanitarian projects in R8 to ensure smooth closing, establishes an online projects repository to ignite, and prepares a visibility plan to publicize volunteer’s work.
R8 Humanitarian Awards

The Committee participates in R8 Awards and manages the Outstanding Section SIGHT Group of the Year Award and the Outstanding Student Branch SIGHT Group of the Year Award. The Committee should encourage Section and Student Branch SIGHT groups to apply for Awards in order to raise their visibility and have their achievements recognized.
SIGHT Groups Accelerator Program

Provides R8 SIGHT groups with seed funding for the new year’s activities based on their humanitarian efforts and activities of the past year. Aims to recognize the success of the SIGHT groups activities, provide funding to organize more activities, help evaluate the health of the SIGHT groups and promote good practices.
SIGHT Groups Monitoring and Support Program

Gathers statistical and leadership information for R8 SIGHT groups to identify actions needed for each case and communicate them to their leaders. Each R8 SIGHT group shall be monitored for its activity status in order to provide guidance.