Membership Development Committee: (2025)
IEEE R8 Membership Development Committee (2025)Mohab Mangoud (Bahrain), (Chair)Peter Nagy (Hungary), (Member)Nadine Abbas (Lebanon), (Member)Mohamed Sief (Egypt), (Member)Grigore Stamatescu (Romania), (C-Member)Hela Lajmi (Tunisia), (C-Member)Humphrey Muhindi (Kenya), (C-Member)Katerina Ivanko(Ukraine), (C-Member)Thomas Kopfstedt (Germany), (C-Member)

Membership Development Committee: (2023-2024)
- Mariya Antyufeyeva (Chair, Ukraine)
- Sara Barros (Member, Benelux)
- Mohab Mangoud (Member, Bahrain)
- Fairouz Fattoum (Member, Tunisia)
- Marc Lethiecq (C-Member, France)
- Mohamed Sief -Eldien (C-Member, Egypt)
- Pawel Prajzendanc (C-Member, Poland)
- Farzaneh Abdollahi (C-Member,Iran)
- Grigore Stamatescu (C-Member,Romania)
- Ievgen Pichkaliov (ex officio, Ukraine)
Membership Development Committee: (2021-2022)
- Mike Hinchey (Chair, UK&Ireland)
- Ievgen Pichkalov (Past-Chair, Ukraine)
- Mohab Mangoud (Member, Bahrain)
- Mohamed Seif- Eldien (Member, Egypt)
- Sohaib Qamar Sheikh (C-Member, UK&Ireland)
- Aleksander Mastilovic (C-Member, Bosnia and Herzagovina)
- Simay Akar (C-Member, Turkey)
- Ines Inacio (C-Member, Benelux)
Andrejs Romanovs (C-Member, Latvia)
MD Workshops
2018, March 23-24, Cape Town, South Africa Section
The Workshop was very well attended with 27 participants, 16 of them representing IEEE Africa units and the post event feedback suggested an extremely positive outcome. The participants were welcomed to the venue on Friday afternoon. That first day sessions included basic introduction to R8 and Membership development, IEEE Membership benefits, role of MD Officers, with the host section presentation. Later the team was guided to an exquisite networking dinner.
The second day was filled with MD focused presentations, interactive sessions and brainstorming sessions, delivered by MD team and Antonio Luque & Adeel Sultan, previous chairs and great supporters of MDSC. The typical MDW structure was expanded by topics, related to Action for Industry and Units Vitality. Everyone participated to the fullest and managed to learn from each other. Towards the end, a comprehensive joint action plan was generated for Africa units on the special session that was perfectly lead by Seyi Olokede MDO South Africa Section.
This MD Workshop was an amazing and a fruitful event that will enhance IEEE structures and membership in the region, MDSC express our gratitude and warmest wishes to the South Africa Section, AHCAA, R8 OpCom, Section Chairs, all MD Officers and volunteers!
2017, May 19-20, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia Section
Great and fruitful annual 2017 MD Workshop was organized in Bratislava, Slovakia on May 19-20. The Workshop was very well attended with 24 participants and had a really positive results!
2016, Nov 18-19, Tunis, Tunisia Section
An amazing and a successful event with over 35 participants from 20+ countries within the Region! Perfectly organized by Tunisia Section, chaired by Habib M. Kammoun. Post event feedback suggested an extremely positive outcome.