5th International Conference on Computing, Electronics & Communications Engineering (iCCECE ’22)


August 17-18, 2022 | University of Essex, Southend Campus, UK | Hybrid (In-person & Virtual)

Submission Deadline: 10 th July 2022 24 th July 2022


After successfully organising the fourth conference of this series, International Association for Educators and Researchers (IAER), registered CIC (Community Interest Company) in England and Wales, is happy to arrange the Fifth International Conference on Computing, Electronics and Communications Engineering 2022 (iCCECE ’22), which will be held from 17 th – 18 th August, 2022, at University of Essex, Southend Campus, UK.


The conference will draw together researchers and developers from academia and industry. iCCECE ’22 is technically co-sponsored by the IEEE (Conference Record # 55162) and the conference content shall be submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore as well as other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases. The Proceedings of the past iCCECE conferences are available online in IEEE Xplore. Work in progress, research papers, survey papers, application and theoretical papers, poster presentations and position papers for the workshop are all welcome.


Full papers, with a maximum length of eight pages, adhering to the IEEE conference paper formatting (Read Submit Paper), should be submitted using the Microsoft Conference Management Toolkit (CMT).


For more details, visit the conference website (http://iccece22.theiaer.org). Queries should be directed to iccece22@theiaer.org.


We look forward to welcoming you to iCCECE ’22 at the University of Essex, Southend Campus, UK.

– iCCECE ’22 Organising Committee