The Central European Student Branch Congress (CEuSBC) took place in Opole, Poland 13-15 May 2013. A few weeks later the Middle East Student Branch congress took place in Lebanon 28 May – 1 June 2013. The IEEE Region 8 WIE committee organized IEEE Women In Engineering (WIE) workshops for students at these congresses. The main objectives of the workshops was to increase the visibility of WIE for IEEE members at universities and student branches.
Simay Akar presented the workshops
- WIE Presentation delivered to attendees
- Importance of WIE discussed
- 2 groups designed WIE SBAG Action Plan based on “Best Practices”
- Some Great Ideas:
- Social Activities based on cultural interest: Talent Shows, Cooking Competitions. Importance of cultural interest in locals highlighted.
- Social Responsibility Campaigns and Projects
- IEEE WIE Day: Specific day all around to celebrate women achievement
- Pre University Activities: High School Visits, Orientation Days
- Professional Activities: Distance Learning for Women in Engineers, especially for those keeping far away her professional life for a while with the reasons like pregnancy
CEuSBC in Pictures:
MESBC in Pictures: