IEEE Region 8 Young Professionals Awards 2023



Yep, it’s that time of the year again: awards season is here! And as an active Young Professionals volunteer, you should keep your eye on these two:

  • IEEE Region 8 Outstanding Young Professionals Affinity Group Award
  • IEEE Region 8 Young Professional Exceptional Volunteer Award

The submission form is filled online, through IEEE Region 8 Awards online platform.


The nominations deadline for both the R8 Young Professionals Awards is the 31st of May. All nominations submitted after this date will not be taken into consideration.


We advise you to start preparing the required nomination materials as soon as possible, since it usually takes longer than expected. The vTools activity reports are required and fundamental during the winner’s selection process, so make sure all your activities are submitted in the vTools platform through event reports by the time you apply.





The full eligibility criteria and required documents for the nominations are described below.


2023 Region 8 Outstanding Young Professionals Affinity Group Award – for activities in 2022

Nomination period is open until the 31st of May 2023.


To recognize Young Professionals Affinity Groups (AG) within Region 8 for their efforts, successes and achievements in carrying out the mission of IEEE YP and the aims of IEEE in Region 8 within their Section during the calendar year of 2022. Recognition will be given to the Young Professionals AG that displayed the most successful maintenance of ongoing efforts, as well as the development and implementation of new programs. These activities shall leave an important imprint on the Section and on Region 8. The winning AG will receive a certificate providing the citation for the award and a cash prize of $400 granted by the R8 YP Subcommittee to the corresponding Young Professionals AG.

Eligibility criteria:

  • The Young Professionals AG must have at least 20 Young Professionals members;
  • All activities from 2019 must be submitted correctly to vTools on the form of event reports by the time of the application;
  • The Young Professionals AG must not have received another IEEE award in the past 12 months;
  • The $400 prize must be used to support local Young Professionals activities;
  • Affinity Groups which have been awarded the Outstanding Young Professionals Affinity Group award in the past 5 years (for years of 2018-2022) are not eligible to participate (Israel, Croatia, UK & Ireland, Turkey, Nigeria).

Nomination process:

Proposals for nominations of a Young Professionals AG for this award will be made by the Section and supported by 1 letter of endorsement by the Section Chair or another member of the Section’s Executive Committee. Alternatively, a Young Professionals Chair can also nominate a Young Professionals AG, provided that his/her nomination is endorsed by at least 1 other Young Professionals member and preferably also by a member of the Executive Committee of the Section. The documents needed to create a nomination are:

  1. Nomination letter from Section Chair or another member of the Section’s Executive Committee OR nomination letter from the Young Professionals AG chair and another Young Professionals AG member and a member of the Section’s Executive Committee;

[REQUIRED – PDF document submitted through the nomination document upload]

  1. Motivation letter from Young Professionals AG chair;

[REQUIRED – PDF document submitted through the nomination document upload]

  1. Link to Young Professionals AG website or Facebook page, or other online platform;

[Strongly recommended – use fields provided in nomination form]

  1. Photo report, videos, and other supporting materials to demonstrate the activities and initiatives of the Young Professionals AG during 2022.

[REQUIRED if no link to a website or online platform is provided (see previous point); it can be submitted as optional extra material even if link to website/online platform is provided – can be provided either as a website link using the field provided in the nomination form OR as a PDF document attached to the nomination]

2023 Region 8 Young Professionals Exceptional Volunteer Award – for activities in 2022

Nomination period is closed by the 31st of May 2023.


To recognize a volunteer within Region 8 for his/her dedication towards the mission of IEEE Young Professionals. The recognition will be given to a devoted Young Professional member that presents the most successful maintenance of ongoing efforts, leadership skills, and remarkable development and implementation of new ideas and programs within the last year. These activities shall have an important impact on the Section and on Region 8 Young Professional community, and other IEEE members. The winner will receive an award and diploma providing the citation for the award granted by the Region 8 Young Professionals Subcommittee.

Eligibility criteria:

  • The volunteer must not have received another IEEE award in the past 12 months;
  • The candidate’s Affinity Group must not have been awarded with the Region 8 Outstanding Young Professionals Affinity Group Award in the previous year;
  • The Region 8 Young Professionals Exceptional Volunteer Award nominee cannot belong to an Young Professionals Affinity Group nominated to the Region 8 Outstanding Young Professionals Affinity Group Award in the same year;
  • The volunteer must be a Young Professional member of an active Young Professionals Affinity Group in good standing, i.e. with all the required reporting up to date and elections in order;
  • Members of Region 8 Young Professionals Subcommittee are not eligible to be nominated;
  • Self nominations are not allowed.

Nomination process:

  1. Endorsement letter from Section Chair or other member of the Section’s Executive Committee or the Young Professionals AG chair;

[REQUIRED – PDF document submitted through the nomination document upload]

  1. Letter containing short summary of the nominee’s efforts and accomplishments, their impact and results in improving the IEEE and Young Professionals community in their Young Professionals AG and Section.


All nominations for both awards must be submitted through the IEEE Region 8 Awards online platform.


Questions are to be submitted to

R8 Young Professionals Subcommittee  < >

Award Selection Committee

IEEE R8 Young Professionals Subcommittee

IEEE R8 Membership Activities Vice-Chair

IEEE R8 Awards Coordinator

IEEE R8 Director