Hackathon “Ethical dilemmas in AI – Engineering the way out”


IEEE and the Association of Nordic Engineers (ANE), in collaboration with DataEthics.eu and the University of Copenhagen, are co-organizing the Hackathon “Ethical dilemmas in AI – Engineering the way out”, which will take place on-line on 3-4 September 2020 from 09:00 to 12:00. From IEEE side, the event is sponsored by the European Public Policy Committee and the Standards Association, and supported by the Vienna Office.


The hackathon, which will feature the participation of ca. 50 experts (25 from IEEE and 25 from ANE), will explore the gaps between existing guidelines and recommendations for addressing ethical issues with respect to AI technologies and the realities experienced by engineers in practice.


During the hackathon you will:

  • Work with professionals from the Nordic and other countries to collaboratively develop best practices and recommendations for engineers to navigate the application of new AI technologies,

  • Share own experiences and expertise, evaluate and discuss current challenges with respect to AI technologies,

  • Expand your network and exchange experiences with peers from the Nordic countries and beyond.


Find more information in the AI hackathon prospectus. Young Professionals are welcome to apply.