Monthly Archives: December 2011

The 95th Region 8 Committee Meeting in Prague, Czech Republic from the 8th to the 10th of October 2010.

The 95th Region 8 Committee Meeting was held in Prague, Czech Republic from the 8th to the 10th of October 2010, following the invitation of the Czechoslovakia Section.

The honorary guests of the meeting were IEEE President-Elect Moshe Kam, IEEE Past President John Vig, VP Educational Activities Tariq Durrani, Executive Director & COO of IEEE James Prendergast, and Region 10 Director Yong-Jin Park.

IEEE Region 8 Director Jozef Modelski gave a presentation on Region 8, giving an account of the key events that happened in our Region these past months, explaining the strengths and the opportunities of our Region and giving the future events coming up.

On Friday night October 8th the award ceremony took place where some awards were given and a surprise cake was presented by the Czechoslovakia Section to celebrate IEEE day.

[singlepic id=51 w=520 h=440 float=center]

During the meeting elections were held with the following results:

Secretary: Costas Stasopoulos

Treasurer: Brian Harrington

Vice Chair Technical Activities: Saurabh Sinha

Vice Chair Membership Activities: Ali El Mousa

Vice Chair Student Activities: Elias Nassar

Region 8 Nomination & Appointment  Committee: Terje Gjengedal , Samir Shaheen

One of the most important parts of the meeting was the Section Workshops on four very interesting subjects:

• SWOT Analysis for the Sections

• Improvement and enhancement of Region 8 Electronic Communications

• Criteria for the Best Section Award

• Increasing joint region-society conferences and improving the quality of R8 conferences

It was a very interactive process where some very interesting ideas and conclusions were drawn.

[singlepic id=52 w=520 h=440 float=center]

The meeting ended with a standing ovation for the outgoing Director Jozef Modelski. The Director Elect Marko Delimar thanked him for his hard work and dedication to Region 8 and wished him good luck for the future.

You can find all the presentations and reports of the meeting here

IEEE Region 8 Operating Committee had its meeting in Vienna, Austria

On 22-23 January  2011,the IEEE Region 8 Operating Committee had its meeting in Vienna, Austria. The new Region 8 Director Marko Delimar gave his vision for the future and set his priorities. Among others, the organization of the next IEEE Region 8 meeting in London and the IEEE Sections Congress in San Francisco were discussed. A procedure was set up in order to produce tangible results in terms of recommendations for the Sections Congress. The whole operation of Region 8 was examined with special emphasis on Sections operations, Chapter-Society relations, student activities and member engagement. The steps to be taken in the near future were developed and special projects were assigned. Extra care will be given to identify problems in Sections and Chapters and to find ways to help them.

[singlepic id=49 w=520 h=440 float=center]

On 22 January  there was a meeting with the Austria Section at the Technische Universität Wien. Short addresses were given by Region 8 Director Marko Delimar and the Austria Section chair Jan Haase. There were also presentations from the members of the Austria Section on Student Branches and special projects. The evening ended with a dinner where members of the Austria Section and OpCom members had the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas.

[singlepic id=50 w=520 h=440 float=center]

From left to right: Saurabh Sinha, Elias Nassar, Costas Stasopoulos, Józef Modelski, Marko Delimar, Ali El-Mousa, Brian Harrington, Martin Bastiaans

The 96th Region 8 Committee Meeting was held in London

The 96th Region 8 Committee Meeting was held in London, United Kingdom from 25  to 27 March 2011, following the invitation of the UK&RI Section.

The honorary guests of the meeting were IEEE President Moshe Kam, IEEE President-Elect Gordon Day, IEEE Past President Pedro Ray, Vice President (Member and Geographic Activities) Howard Michel, IEEE Standards Association President Steve Mills, Region 9 Director Tania Quiel, Region 10 Director Lawrence Wong, Executive Director James Prendergast, and many more.

[singlepic id=47 w=520 h=400 float=center]
IEEE Region 8 Director Marko Delimar opened the meeting with  an overview of Region 8, giving an account of the key challenges in our Region, explaining the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of our Region and giving an outlook of the future.

On Friday evening 25 March the UK&RI Section presentation took place followed by a lecture from Christopher James, the Section Chair. The lecture was entitled “Communicating through the power of thought: Conversing through electromagnetic brain activity” and was attended by more than 100 people.

On Saturday afternoon five workshops took place with the aim of coming up with recommendations for the Sections Congress to be held in August. It was a very interactive process where very interesting ideas and proposals were drawn. The recommendations will be finalized by May.

On Saturday night the Awards Ceremony took place at the historical place of Great Fosters where many awards and tokens of appreciation were given.

[singlepic id=48 w=420 h=340 float=center]

At the end of the meeting on Sunday afternoon, Marko Delimar thanked everybody for their contribution and especially the UK&RI Section for the successful organization of the whole event.

You can find all the presentations and reports of the meeting here.

2007, April – Sofia Agenda Book Index

This is a browsable version of the printed Sofia Agenda book. You can download the complete Agenda Book here [43 MB].

Table of Content

Page Report
3-5 Agenda Sofia:  Agenda
6 Floor Plan Kempinski:  FloorPlan
7-72 OpCom & VC Reports
Awards & Recognitions:  AwardsandRecognitions
New Sections Development:  NewSectionsDevelopment
Past Director:  PastDirector
Treasurer:  Treasurer
Membership Activities:  MembershipActivities
Student Activities:  r8sac_sofia
Technical Activities:
73-115 Section Reports [in alphabetical order]
Austria Iceland:  Iceland Romania:  Romania
Bahrain:  Sofia_Bulgaria+April+2007 Iran Russia
Belarus Israel Russia (Northwest):  Russia-Northwest
Benelux:  Benelux Italy Russia (Siberia):  Russia-Siberia
Bosnia and Herzegovina:  BosniaHerzegovina Jordan:  Jordan Saudi Arabia:  SaudiArabia
Bulgaria:  Bulgaria Kenya:  Kenya Saudi Arabia (West):  SaudiArabiaWest
Croatia:  Croatia Kuwait Serbia and Montenegro:  SerbiaMontenegro
Cyprus:  Cyprus Lebanon:  Lebanon Slovenia:  Slovenia
Czechoslovakia:  Czechoslovakia Lithuania:  Lithuania South Africa:  SouthAfrica
Denmark:  Denmark Malta:  Malta Spain:  Spain
Egypt Morocco:  Morocco Sweden:  Sweden
Egypt (Alexandria Subsection) Nigeria:  Nigeria Switzerland:  Switzerland
Estonia:  Estonia Norway:  Norway Tanzania Subsection
Finland Oman Turkey:  Turkey
France:  France Poland:  Poland Ukraine:  Ukraine
Germany:  Germany Portugal:  Portugal United Arab Emirates
Greece Qatar United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland:  UKRI
Hungary:  Hungary Republic of Macedonia:  RepublicMacedonia
116-136 Motions, Attendance List and Minutes of the 87th IEEE Region 8 Committee Meeting in Belgrade/Serbia:  BelgradeMeeting
137-141 Robert’s Rules:  RobertsRules
142 IEEE Code of Ethics:  IEEECodeEthics
Other reports and presentations
IEEE Foundation
IEEE Region 8 Concentration Banking Account & Debit Card Incentive Program:  Banking
IEEE R8 Voluntary Contribution Fund Coordinator (Excel file ):  VCF

2007, April – Sofia

This page contains information about the IEEE Region 8 Committee Meeting held in Sofia on 14-15 April 2007.

Please note that these documents are only accessible to registered voting committee members who were granted access. Please contact [email protected] to claim those rights.


Please find all details about expense reimbursement in Brian Harrington’s e-mail sent on 21 April 2007.

Want to send (anonymous) feedback about the meeting ?

In order to continuously increase the quality and efficiency of the Region 8 meetings, we provide a tool for sending feedback. Note that this tool gives you the option of staying anonymous.

Feedback is collected by Christian Borgert.

  • Click here for the feedback tool.

Pictures online

Thanks to Celia Desmond, Eva Gutsmiedl and Kazimieras Bagdonas who were willing to share their pictures of the Sofia meeting, we have been able to set up a gallery. Follow the Pictures link in the main menu to see all the pictures.

  • Click here for the pictures.

General Information and files

All files can be found in Documents > repository Committee Meeting Documents > 2007, April – Sofia.

  • Click here for direct access to the files.

Agenda Book

The complete Agenda book can be downloaded here [single zip file, 43MB].

  • Click here for a browseable version of the Agenda Book.

Schedule for IEEE Region 8 Meeting in Sofia/Bulgaria

time activity room
Friday, 13th April 2007
09:00 AM
01:00 PM
Student Activities Committee Melnik
09:00 AM
11:00 AM
Membership Development Varna
11:00 AM
01:00 PM
GOLD Plovdiv
01:00 PM
03:00 PM
Conferences Organization In Region 8 Melnik
01:00 PM
03:00 PM
Professional Activities Meeting Vitosha
03:00 PM
06:00 PM
ComSoc Wireless Workshop:  friday_pm0300_comsoc_wireless_workshop Varna
04:00 PM
06:00 PM
Conferences and Chapters Joint Meeting Plovdiv
Educational Activities Meeting extra meeting room
Membership Activities Committee Vitosha
New Officer Training Melnik
05:00 PM
07:00 PM
Registration Hall
06:00 PM
07:00 PM
Meeting with Local Volunteers Vitosha
07:00 PM
10:00 PM
Reception & Dinner
Saturday, 14th April 2007
08:00 AM
10:00 AM
Education Products and Usage in Region 8 (Moshe Kam):  saturday_am0800_educational_activities Ballroom
08:00 AM
12:00 AM
Industry Relation Activities and ISBIR Program (George Paunovic, Rami Mushcab, Ferhan Ozkan)
–  saturday_am0800b_isbir_program_emine
–  saturday_am0800c_isbir_web_luka
10:00 AM
10:15 AM
Coffee Break
10:15 AM
12:15 PM
Transnational Project:  saturday_am1015_transnational_committee Ballroom
12:15 PM
01:30 PM
88th IEEE Region 8 Committee Meeting
01:30 PM
Introduction & Roundcall (J-G. Remy, C. Borgert) Ballroom
01:45 PM 01:55 PM Adoption of the Agenda (C. Borgert)
01:55 PM 02:10 PM Approval of the Belgrade Minutes (C. Borgert)
02:10 PM 02:15 PM Motion on VCSA Voting Rights (J-G. Remy)
02:15 PM 02:30 PM IEEE ExCom Presentation (C. Desmond):  saturday_pm0215_ieee_celia
02:30 PM 02:45 PM IEEE Foundation Presentation (R. Gowen):  saturday_pm0230_foundation
02:45 PM 03:00 PM IEEE Regional Activities Direction (C. Jankowski):  saturday_pm0245_rad_cj
03:00 PM 03:15 PM Awards

03:15 PM 15:35 PM Coffee Break
03:35 PM 03:45 PM IEEE Education Activities (M. Kam):  saturday_pm0335_educational_activities_short
03:45 PM 04:15 PM Director Elect Candidates Presentation, Q&A

04:15 PM 05:00 PM President Elect Candidates Presentation, Q&A

05:00 PM 05:10 PM Concentration Banking (Marc Apter, Pedro Ray): 
05:10 PM 05:25 PM Presentation on MBU (P. Ray):  saturday_pm0510_mbu
05:25 PM 05:29 PM Information on Sections Congress 2008 (A. Davies):  saturday_pm0525_sc08
05:30 PM
08:00 PM
Social Event
08:00 PM – Region 8 Dinner
Sunday, 15th April 2007
88th IEEE Region 8 Committee Meeting (continued)
08:15 AM 08:35 AM Directors presentation (J-G Remy):  sunday_am0815_director Ballroom
08:35 PM 08:45 PM Director Presentation Approval
08:45 AM 09:05 AM Treasurer’s report (B. Harrington):  sunday_am0845_treasurer
09:05 AM 09:15 AM Treasurer Report Approval
09:15 AM 09:35 AM VC SP & Chair N&A Committee Report (B. Zajc):  saturday_pm0335_baldomir
09:35 AM 09:45 AM Approval
09:45 AM 10:05 AM Coffee Break
10:05 AM 10:50 AM VC SA Report & Approval (M. Bastiaans)

10:50 AM 11:35 AM VC MA Report & Approval (M. Delimar):  sunday_am1050_mac
11:35 AM 12:20 AM VC TA Report & Approval (G. Paunovic):  sunday_am1135_tac
12:20 AM 12:30 AM Wrap-up, next meeting and adjourn
12:30 PM Lunch

2007, October – Bucharest Agenda Book Index

2 options:

  • download the full agenda book (in single pdf file):
  • access the original individual documents indexed in the following table
General information
Agenda Bucharest meeting:  agenda_bucharest
List of Participants:  attendees_list_bucharest
Unapproved Minutes of the Sofia meeting:  unapproved_minutes_sofia
Attendees list Sofia meeting:  attendees_sofia
[1: motion_1_+russia_nw ]
[2-3:  motion_2_3_gold ]
[4:  motion_4_arsuc ]
[5: motion_5_histelcon ]
[6:  motion_6_sc08 ]
[7: motion_7_pa ]
[1:  action_1_irsc ]
[2:  action_2_benelux ]
[3: action_3_arsuc ]
OpCom reports
Director’s report:  director_report_bucharest
Membership Activities Report:  ma_report_bucharest
Student Activities Report:  sac_report_bucharest
Technical Activties Report:  ta_report_bucharest
Treasurer’s Report:  r8_treasurer_bucharest_report
VCF and Secretary’s report:  vcf_secretary_report_bucharest
Awards and Recognition subcommittee:  report_awards_recognition_sub_bucharest
Conference Coordinator Report:  conference_coordinator_report_bucharest
Educational Activities Sub-Committee:  educational_act_report_bucharest
Industry Relation
[report:  IRC_report_bucharest ]
[member breakdown:  IRC_r8_member_breakdown_bucharest ]
[measurement tool:  IRC_measurement_tool ]
Professional Activities:  professional_activities_report_bucharest
Section Reports [in alphabetical order]
Austria Iceland Romania
Bahrain Iran Russia
Belarus Israel Russia (Northwest)
Benelux Italy Russia (Siberia)
Bosnia and Herzegovina Jordan Saudi Arabia
Bulgaria Kenya Saudi Arabia (West)
Croatia Kuwait Serbia and Montenegro
Cyprus Lebanon Slovenia
Czechoslovakia Lithuania South Africa
Denmark Malta Spain
Egypt Morocco Sweden
Egypt (Alexandria Subsection) Nigeria Switzerland
Estonia Norway Tanzania Subsection
Finland Oman Turkey
France Poland Ukraine
Germany Portugal United Arab Emirates
Greece Qatar United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland
Hungary Republic of Macedonia
Other reports
ISBIR report:  isbir_report_bucharest
Healing the organisational divide between chapters and sections:  denmark_re-establishing_section-chapter_relations


2007, October – Bucharest

This page contains information about the 89th IEEE Region 8 Committee Meeting held in Bucharest on 13-14 October 2007.

Agenda Book


  • Sections Congress 2008: Proposals for Session Speakers can now be made (Nomination form will be available shortly)
    The deadline for submitting speaker nominations is 1 November 2007
    more information here.
  • Travel guide online ! Please find all the interesting and practical information you need for your stay in Bucharest here ( bucharest_travel_guide ). This travel guide is kindly prepared by Tony Davies.
  • CVs of the Region 8 candidates can be found here:  r8_candidates_cv

General Information and files

All files can be found in Documents > repository Committee Meeting Documents > 2007, October – Bucharest. Please note that these documents are only accessible to registered voting committee members who were granted access. Please contact Thomas Watteyne to claim those rights.

  • Click here for direct access to the files.

Schedule for IEEE Region 8 Meeting in Bucharest/Romania

time activity room
Friday, 12th October 2007
Membership Development Bordeaux
PA Bordeaux
Student Activities Committee meeting
Conference Marseille
Chapters Coordination Marseille
GOLD Bordeaux
IR – ISBIR Marseille
02:00 PM
04:00 PM
Education Nice
04:00 PM
06:00 PM
BMS and RAB Contribution:  friday_1600_bms_watteyne
Thomas Watteyne
06:00 PM
07:00 PM
Meeting with Romania section Bordeaux
07:00 PM
11:00 PM
Welcome reception
Saturday, 13th October 2007
08:00 AM
08:15 AM
Introduction & Roundcall
J-G. Remy, C. Nora
08:15 AM
08:25 AM
Adoption of the Agenda
C. Nora
08:25 AM
08:40 AM
Approval of the Sofia Minutes
C. Nora
08:40 AM
08:55 AM
IEEE ExCom Presentation:  saturday_0840_excom_terman
Lew Terman
08:55 AM
09:00 AM
IEEE Fellows:  saturday_0855_fellows_panayirci
E. Panayirci
09:00 AM
09:30 AM
IEEE Regional Activities Direction:  saturday_0900_regional_day
John Day
09:30 AM
10:00 AM
Director’s and section development Report:  saturday_0930_director_remy
J-G. Remy
10:00 AM
10:30 AM
Coffee Break
10:30 AM
11:00 AM

  • Clementina Saduwa Award
    J-G. Remy
  • France section 40 Years
    L. Terman
  • Other Awards
    J-G. Remy, V. Fouad-Hanna
11:00 AM
12:00 PM
N&A report
B. Zajc

  • New N&A members
  • Director-Elect candidates for 2009-2010
  • OpCom Candidates Presentation, Q&A
  • VC SP and subsections report:  saturday_1101_nsd_stoilkov
12:00 PM
12:20 PM
Presentation on “new RAB = GMAB”:  saturday_1200_rab_day
J. Raynes, J. Day, J-G. Remy
12:20 PM
12:40 PM
Information on Sections Congress 2008:  saturday_1220_sc2008_davies
J. G. Remy, A. Davies
12:40 PM
02:15 PM
02:15 PM
02:35 PM
VCF Coordinator and Secretary’s report: :  saturday_1415_vcf_nora
C. Nora
02:35 PM
03:00 PM
Treasurer’s report:  saturday_1435_treasurer_harrington
B. Harrington
03:00 PM
04:10 PM
Member Activities report:  saturday_1500_ma_delimar
M. Delimar
04:10 PM
05:00 PM
Student Activities report:  saturday_1610_sac_bastiaans
M. Bastiaans
05:00 PM
07:00 PM
Social Event
07:00 PM
11:00 PM
Sunday, 14th October 2007
08:15 AM
09:15 AM
Technical Activities report [presentation:  sunday_0815_tac_paunovic , ISBIR:  sunday_0816_isbir ]
G. Paunovic
09:15 AM
10:00 AM
Motions discussion
J-G. Remy
10:00 AM
10:30 AM
Coffee Break
10:30 AM
11:30 AM
All Other Business
J-G. Remy

11:30 AM
11:40 AM
Malta’s invitation:  sunday_1130_malta_sacco
11:40 AM
11:55 AM
Future meetings and Directors’ thanks for endeavoring in 2007
J-G. Remy
11:55 AM
12:00 PM
Wrap-up and adjourn
J-G. Remy
12:00 PM Lunch

Online registration

Please note that registration if only open for the IEEE Region 8 committee members and the members invited by the IEEE Region Director or the Vice Chairs. Please contact {cb_profile=NORA}Christine Nora{/cb_profile} for further information.

  • Click here to register for the meeting.

VISA requests

If you need a Visa, please download the following form:  invitation_letter_bucharest  , fill it in and send it to Professor Stefan Mocanu ( [email protected] ).

Input for the meeting

According to Region 8 Bylaws (R8-303.9) the Director is requesting input for the next meeting until July, 15th 2007, which is on time for the next Region 8 OpCom Meeting.

2008, April – Malta Agenda Book Index

Back to the Malta meeting main page.

2 options:

  • download the full agenda book (in single pdf file) [11MB]
  • access the original individual documents indexed in the following table
General information
Floor plan Hotel Le Meridien:  floor_plan_meridien
List of Participants
Unapproved Minutes of the Bucharest meeting:  bucharest-minutes-rev_4
Attendees list Bucharest meeting:  attendees_list_bucharest
Motions for Malta: motions_malta  – Motion for Québec:  motion_patent_malta_quebec
OpCom reports
Director:  director_report_malta
Membership Activities:  ma_report_malta
Student Activities:  sac_report_malta
Technical Activities:  ta_report_malta
Treasurer:  treasurer_report_malta
Secretary:  secretary_report_malta
minutes of the Paris OpCom meeting:  paris_opcom_minutes_malta
Awards and Recognition:  arc-r8_report_malta
Chapter Coordination [report:  ta_chapter_coord_report_malta ] [chapter overview:  ta_chapter_overview_malta ]
Conference Coordination [report:  ta_conference_coordination_report_malta ] [MELECON 2010 proposal: ta_conference_melecon_2010_proposal_malta ]
Educational Activities:  ta_educational_activities_report_malta
Industry Relation [action plan:  ta_industry_relation_action_malta ] [report:  ta_industry_relation_report_malta ]
Nominations and Appointments:  nominations_and_appointments_report_malta
Professional Activities:  professional_act_report_malta
Standards Activities:  ta_standards_activities_report_malta
Strategic Planning – Areas:  strategic_planning_areas_malta
International Holiday Calendar 2007-2017:  10yearholidaycalendar
Section Reports [in alphabetical order]
Austria:  austria_report_malta Iceland:  iceland_report_malta Republic of Macedonia:  macedonia_report_malta
Bahrain:  Malta_Malta+April+2008 Iran:  iran_report_malta Romania:  romania_report_malta
Belarus:  belarus_report_malta Israel Russia
Benelux:  benelux_report_malta Italy:  italy_report_malta Russia (Northwest):  russia_nw_report_malta
Bosnia and Herzegovina:  bosnia_herzegovina_report_malta Jordan:  jordan_report_malta Russia (Siberia):  russia_siberia_report_malta
Bulgaria:  bulgaria_report_malta Kenya:  kenya_report_malta Saudi Arabia:  saudi_arabia_report_malta
Croatia:  croatia_report_malta Kuwait:  kuwait_report_malta Saudi Arabia (West)
Cyprus:  cyprus_report_malta Latvia:  latvia_report_malta Serbia and Montenegro:  serbia_montenegro_report_malta
Czechoslovakia:  czechoslovakia_report_malta Lebanon:  lebanon_report_malta Slovenia:  slovenia_report_malta
Denmark:  denmark_report_malta Lithuania:  lithuania_report_malta South Africa:  south_africa_report_malta
Egypt:  egypt_report_malta Malta:  malta_report_malta Spain:  spain_report_malta
Egypt (Alexandria Subsection):  egypt_alexandria_report_malta Morocco:  morocco_report_malta Sweden:  sweden_report_malta
Estonia:  estonia_report_malta Nigeria Switzerland:  switzerland_report_malta
Finland:  finland_report_malta Norway:  norway_report_malta Tanzania Subsection
France:  france_report_malta Oman Turkey:  turkey_report_malta
Germany:  germany_report_malta Poland:  poland_report_malta Ukraine:  ukraine_report_malta
Greece:  greece_report_malta Portugal:  portugal_report_malta United Arab Emirates:  uae_report_malta
Hungary:  hungary_report_malta Qatar United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland:  ukri_report_malta
Other reports
ISBIR report:  isbir_short_report_malta
Voluntary Contribution Fund Report:  vcf_report_malta
Update on Section’s Congress 2008:  sections_congress_update

2008, April – Malta

This page contains information about the 90th IEEE Region 8 Committee Meeting held in Malta on 25-27 April 2008.

Agenda Book

Access to the Agenda book

Last-minute guide

  • to get from the airport to your hotel, taking a taxi is the best option as there is no hotel shuttle service. We encourage you to purchase vouchers at the taxi booth in the terminal (the airport is very small). A ride from the airport to either hotel should cost around 16EUR.
  • the mains supply in Malta uses the ‘British’ system of three rectangular pins for the plugs and sockets (220V, 50Hz), so both Continental Europeans and North Americans need to bring adaptors for their laptops.
  • As of 1st January 2008, the Maltese Lira ceased to exist. Euro is the official currency.
  • Malta has two official languages, Maltese and English.
  • Although tap water is not dangerous, it is recommended to drink mineral water.
  • Tipping rate is about 10%.
  • during the meeting, you may expect outside temperature between 14°C/57°F and 19°C/66°F, mostly sunny and dry.
  • if you plan to drive in Malta, remember to drive on the left lane.
  • A map of Malta ( map_malta ) indicating the location of the hotels. Navigate Malta through Google Maps.
  • For more complete information, download the Malta travel guide ( Malta_travel_guide_V3 ) prepared by Tony Davies.



Note that for people staying at another hotel, the limit for accommodation per night is 100 euros.


time Libra C Libra A/B Gemini
Friday, 25th April 2008
IEEE buffet breakfast (Companions welcome)
Student Activities
in Region 8

Martin Bastiaans

VCTA meeting
George Paunovic

Membership Development
Rolf Remshardt, Aleksandar Szabo

Industry Relations
Benito Palumbo

Eva Gutsmiedl

IEEE buffet lunch

Conference organisation in Region 8
Samantha Padilla & Francisco Sandoval
Sections Congress Update
Mo & Ferial El Hawary & Tony Davies

Steps to Becoming an IEEE Fellow
Rosann Marosy

Chapter Coordination
Gerard-Andre Capolino
Professional Activities
Joe Lillie & Charles Turner

Presentation of GOLD and student activities in Egypt
M. Younis, S. Shaheen & N. Amirah
Education Activities in Region 8
Doug Gorham & Fanny Klett
MGAB updates
Joe Lillie & Cecelia Jankowski

Meeting with the Malta section
Welcome reception (Companions welcome)

Time Item Agenda Item Type Presenter
1 Call to Order J-G. Remy
2 Welcome to Malta C. J. Debono
3 Roll Call – Introduction of delegates

C. Stasopoulos
4 Robert’s Rules of Order Overview

Presentation J-G. Remy
5 Adoption of Agenda Approved C. Stasopoulos
5a Adoption of consent agenda

6 Approval of Region 8 Committee Meeting Minutes – Bucharest Oct 2007 Consent Agenda
7 IEEE President’s Presentation

Presentation L. Terman
8 IEEE President Elect’s Presentation

Presentation J. Vig
9 MGA VP Presentation – Update on MGA Workshop

Presentation J. Lillie
9a Reserved for actions from Workshop
Coffee Break
10 Update on Region 8 Finances

Report B. Harrington
10a Approval of 2008 Region 8 Budget Action
11 Site Selection – 2009/2010 Region 8 Meetings (Italy, Portugal, Turkey)

Action S. Donati, J. Costa Freire, B. Yüksel / I. Tekin
12 Sections Congress Presentation – Workshop Results

Report M. & F. El Hawary, T. Davies
12a Reserved for actions from Workshop
13 Conference Presentation – Workshop Results

Report S. Padilla, F. Sandoval
13a Reserved for actions from Workshop
Lunch with candidates for Directorship Presentations
14 Presentation of the outcomes of the workshops (Fellows, Professional Activities, Membership Development, Students Activities, GOLD, Technical Activities, Industry Relations, Chapters/Society links, Education Activities) held on Friday

Report M. Bastiaans, E. Gutsmiedl, B. Palumbo, G. Paunonic, R. Remshardt, R. Marosy, C. Turner, J. Lillie, G. Capolino
14a Reserved for actions from Workshops
14b The R8 committee approves 15k$ for Membership Development to hold one Information and Training Meeting for Section MD and other officers in 2008. Action R. Remshardt
14c Energy motions

Action G. Al-Dandan
14d Sections with many Student Branches in good standing far away from London that have problems in getting low cost airfare can apply for financial support for a maximum of $500, with a total maximum of 20k$. Action M. Bastiaans
14e Legal status of sections

Presentation R. Kahre
Coffee Break
15 Education Product from EAB – Workshop Results

Report D. Gorham, F. Klett
15a Reserved for actions from Workshop
16 Establishment of Areas in Region 8

Discussion B. Zajc
16a Position Paper on Building R8-Areas Discussion A. Luxa
17 Awards & Recognition

Report V. Fouad-Hanna
5:10PM 18 Recess Meeting Action J-G. Remy
Time Item Agenda Item Type Presenter
8:00AM 19 Reconvene Meeting Action J-G. Remy
20 Reports from R8 Opcom
20a Vice Chair – Membership Activities

Report M. Delimar
20b Vice Chair – Student Activities

Report M. Bastiaans
20c Vice Chair – Technical Activities

Report G. Paunovic
20d Vice Chair – Strategic Planning

Report B. Zajc
21 Presentation of Motions
21a Support of proposal by Russia Northwest IEEE Section to hold EUROCON 2009 Consent Agenda OpCom
21b Approval of MELECON 2010 Proposal – Malta Consent Agenda OpCom
21c Support of the 2008 IEEE HISTory of TELecommunication CONference (HISTELCON) Consent Agenda OpCom
21d In Region 8, any section chair must be informed on any activity, nomination, request, proposal or application made by any of section’s entities or members in the territory of that section Withdrawn J-G. Remy
21e Excellent volunteer award Consent Agenda V. Fouad-Hanna
21f Region 8 Volunteer award Consent Agenda V. Fouad-Hanna
21g Friends of IEEE Region 8 award Consent Agenda V. Fouad-Hanna
21h Clementina Saduwa Award Consent Agenda V. Fouad-Hanna
21i Partnership in the development of US Patents Discussion M. Adnan Al-Alaoui
22 New/Other Business
23 Italy’s Invitation S. Donati
24 Time/Date – Next Meeting C. Stasopoulos
25 Final Comments and Adjournment J-G. Remy

Other files:

Important dates

  • 27 February 2008: deadline for submitting additional agenda items
  • 15 March 2008: registration deadline
  • 23 March 2008: deadline for submitting section or subcommittee reports
  • 10 April 2008: final agenda is put online

Input for the meeting

According to Region 8 Bylaws (R8-303.9) the Director is requesting input for the next meeting until 27 February, which is on time for the next Region 8 OpCom Meeting.

Section or subcommittee reports (deadline 23 March 2008)

Once filled in, send these reports to [email protected] in Word (.doc) format (pdf is not allowed).


Registration is open only for the people having been invited to the meeting. If you have been invited, you have received an e-mail containing a link to the registration form. Please use that link to register.

Please respect the registration deadline stated in the important dates (above).

VISA requests

2008, September – Québec Agenda Book Index

Back to the Québec meeting main page.

2 options:

  • access the original individual documents indexed in the following table
  • download the full agenda book [tbc]
General information
Floor plan Hilton Hotel:  floor_plan_quebec
List of Participants:  participants_list_quebec
Unapproved Minutes of the Malta meeting:  minutes_malta
CVs of the candidates: election_candidates
OpCom reports
Director:  director_report_quebec
Membership Activities:  ma_report_quebec
Student Activities:  sac_report
Technical Activities:  ta_report_quebec
Treasurer:  treasurer_report_quebec
Secretary:  secretary_report_quebec
minutes of the Cyprus OpCom meeting:  opcom_minutes_protaras
Awards and Recognitions:  arc-r8_report_quebec
Chapter Coordination [report ( ccsc_report_quebec ) -delegates( ccsc_delegates_r8 ) -Chapter of the Year Form( Chapter-of-the-Year-Form-2008 ) -roster( chapter_roster_2008 )]
Nominations and Appointments:  na_strategic_baldomir_zajc
Professional Activities:  professional_activities_report
Strategic Planning:  na_strategic_baldomir_zajc
Other reports
Portugal Section Proposal Host Committee meeting:  portugal_proposal_r8cm_host
Tunisia Section Proposal Host Committee meeting 2010:  tunisia_proposal_r8cm_2010