Yearly Archives: 2013

TISP 2.0 Workshop in Lamia

For the first time in Greece, in 29th of March 2013, a team of the IEEE University of Central Greece (UCG) Student Branch, organized two TISP Workshops at the 1st Highschool of Lamia.
Efthymia Arvaniti, Ad hoc member of the Pre-University Works Subcommittee of Region 8 delivered a presentation about IEEE, PUW and IEEE UCG Student Branch.

EPICS Project was discussed with the teachers, and they agreed on preparing a proposal for an EPICS Project in Lamia. Then, the benefits of the Teacher-In-Service-Program were presented, explaining the methodology and its objectives.
On the second part of the presentation, the 42 participating students, were divided in small groups of 3 members, and tried to build a ChairLift with simple materials of everyday use within limited time period.

The excitement of the students could not be described. They collaborated and worked in teams, exchanging ideas on the solution of the given problem. All of them understood what is to be a simple engineer, and many of them want to study in a field of engineering.
The local media advertised the event, and more schools contacted the IEEE UCG Student Branch to participate in the TISP Workshops.

IEEE RAS Offering Two Free Webinars To Members

Dear R8 GOLD Members,
The IEEE Robotics & Automation Society is offering IEEE members two free webinars to enhance communications skills.
Improving Workplace Email Using the STOP Method 
Thursday, 30 May 19:00 – 20:00 (GMT -4:00)
For registration and more info, Please visit:

WIE Workshop at the 2013 Iberian Student Branch Congress – Porto, Portugal

The Iberian Student Branch Congress 2013 (ISBC) took place in Porto, Portugal during 15 – 17 March 2013. The IEEE Region 8 WIE committee participated in organising an IEEE Women In Engineering (WIE) workshop for students at the congress. The main objective of the workshop was to increase the visibility of WIE for IEEE members at universities and student branches.

Simay Akar presented the workshop with great success.

isbc3  isbc5

During the workshop, the following activities were carried out:

  • WIE Presentation delivered to attendees
  • Importance of WIE discussed
  • An interactive component of workshop was carried out
    • 2 groups designed WIE Student Branch Affinity Groups  activities based on: Pre-University Educational Outreach & Professional and Career Development topics
    • The Pre-University Educational Outreach group designed a project similar to TISP (IEEE Teacher in-Service Program) , with a focus of parents.  The project was named as “WISP”
    • The Professional and Career Development group designed WIE Student Congress (Global level);  to enable WIE members to develop their career and networking in this WIE Student Congress

Look out for similar workshops at future student events like this in Region 8.


Congratulations! IEEE Keyna GOLD Affinity Group is Approved.

We would like to Congratulate IEEE Kenya section and Humphrey Muhindi for receiving approval and official formation of IEEE Kenya GOLD Affinity Group. You are welcome in R8 GOLD family.

We extend our best wishes for the successful operation of IEEE Kenya GOLD affinity group.

Activities of Women in Engineering Affinity Groups of IEEE West Saudi Arabia Sections

To enhance the role of Saudi young men and women engineers in the community, Women in Engineering Affinity Groups of IEEE West Saudi Arabia Sections organized two activities in Effat University and King Abdulaziz University during February & March 2013. The details of the activities are listed below:

Participation of WiE Western Saudi Arabia Section in”10th Learning & Technology Conference: Cloud Spacing” at Effat University, 25-26 February 2013

wie west saudi arabia 1   The first activity was participating in:  “10th Learning & Technology Conference: Cloud Spacing” held in Effat University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia on 25-26 February 2013, and attended by more than 500 participants. WiE participation aimed to:

  • Inspire, engage, encourage, and empower men & women engineers in Saudi Arabia
  • Expand their networking encounters
  • Lead by example through the women in engineering models’ leadership roles
  • Learn to overcome the challenges in career advancement in the engineering and sciences professions
  • Review the scientific papers submitted by conference speakers
  • Participate in organization

The conference targeted students and professionals from education, engineering and computer sciences departments from various universities in addition to Industry from Saudi Arabia, and all over the world. WiE Western Saudi Arabia Section organized WiE Introductory lecture and Technical Seminar titled: “Using Agile Project Management in Software Projects” at KAU in 13 March 2013


The second activity was Introduction to IEEE and  Women in Engineering AG and how to establish WiE Student Branch at King Abdulaziz University (Female Campus), followed by Technical Seminar “Using Agile Project Management in Software/ I.T. Projects

wie west saudi arabia 2     wie west saudi arabia 3 The event has been attended by 30 students and faculty members from different departments: Information technology, Information Systems, and Computer Sciences. The workshop has positively reflected on the membership growth as many non-IEEE students and faculty members showed their interest in joining IEEE membership and establishing IEEE WiE Student branches/chapters at KAU.  The speaker showed the students how to subscribe in WiE membership and they showed their interest in attending future activities of WiE such as Schools visits.

[IEEE R8 YP] YP Participation in the ISBC 2013 – Porto, Portugal

The Iberian Student Branch Congress 2013 (ISBC) took place in Porto, Portugal during 15 – 17 March 2013, with great success! Congratulations to the organizing team!


Elena, member of the R8 YP Committee, had the pleasure of attending the ISBC 2013, enjoyed the event and all the activities. She also gave a lecture about YP in collaboration with the Portuguese YP Affinity Group Chair, Miguel Marques.

This session is framed in a new initiative that the GOLD Committee has started with the aim of promoting the YP community among student members. Each member of the YP Committee will attend one of the regional Student Branch Congresses that are being organized along the year in different areas of the Region 8. Next regional congress is CEuSBC 2013!

IEEE R8 Continuing Education (CE) Webinar in February 2013

Α webinar entitled “Risk Assessment & Risk Management” was organized on February 28, 2013, by the organizing team comprised by Carl Debono, IEEE R8 Vice-Chair on Technical Activities, Niovi Pavlidou, IEEE R8 Coordinator for Educational Activities Sub-Committee (EASC) and George Papadopoulos, IEEE R8 Volunteer for EASC. The webinar was intended to all members of the IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS) and IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) in R8. The webinar was quite well disseminated through the IEEE e-Notice service, and through the IEEE R8 Continuing Education (CE) Section Officers mailing lists, resulting to 88 registrations in the IEEE vtools platform. The event was organized on WebEx facilities and the attendance was considered as satisfactory with about 30 participants taking place. Niovi Pavlidou welcomed the participants and introduced various subcommittees relating to technical activities, with emphasis on educational activities in R8. The central speaker of the webinar was Prof. Ali Hessami, Vega Systems, UK. The duration of the webinar was one hour. The organizers-hosts of the event received the enthusiasm of the audience, who congratulated both the organization and the presentation, through emails and through the WebEx instant messaging system. The successful event was recorded on the WebEx platform and is available to everyone for free in the website of IEEE R8 EASC Stay tuned to our future events.

George Papadopoulos, IEEE R8 Volunteer for Educational Activities
Niovi Pavlidou, IEEE R8 Coordinator for Educational Activities

5th Workshop by IEEE University of Central Greece Student Branch

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For the fifth year in a row, the IEEE UCG Student Branch in collaboration with the University of Central Greece, organized the annual Workshop titled: “Biomedical Engineering: Trends, Research and Technologies”.
The two-day workshop program included a series of keynote speeches in the auditorium of the department and for the third consecutive year, tutorial sessions in laboratories.
The workshop covered topics on fMRI and MRI technologies, Brain Computing, Near Field Communications in Biomedicine, Image Processing for people with Visual Disabilities and Techniques for Activity Recognition to identify Emergency.
A brief presentation on the newly formed IEEE UCG Computer Society Student Chapter and the IEEE UCG WIE Affinity Group was done to inform students about current and future activities.
This event approached more than 200 students and professionals from the local community and all over Greece.

Ioannis Mousmoutis
Secretary of IEEE UCG SB

Job Fair Athens 2013

Job Fair Athens, the largest student initiative in the area of labor market, comes for the third  year. After the great success of the previous two years, where over 60 companies have  participated and 2,000 students from polytechnic, economic and technological schools have visited it, we are organizing “Job Fair Athens 2013” on the 3rd & 4th of April at Technopolis of the city of Athens.

Job Fair Athens

The event aims to inform all visitors about the situation on the labor market and help them integrate smoothly into it. For this reason, 2 weeks before Job Fair Athens 2013 we are organizing trainings and seminars to help the visitors prepare their CV and respond successfully to a interview that they may pass.

Job Fair Athens is organized by the student organizations EESTEC LC Athens (Electrical Engineering STudent European assoCiation) and IEEE NTUA SB (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), in cooperation with more than 100 students from all over Greece, under the auspices of the National Technical University of Athens.

You can find more information on our website and on social networks: facebook  –  linkedin  –  twitter  –  google +

IEEE R8 Educational Activities Sub-Committee (EASC)


The Region 8 Educational Activities Sub-Committee (EASC), coordinated by Niovi Pavlidou (Greece), for the year 2013, has re-organized its webpage for the better visibility of its activities. IEEE Region 8 members can address to the new team for any request relevant to education issues: Pre-University, with coordinator Sohaib Qamar Sheikh (UKRI), University, with coordinator Rui Costa (Portugal), and Continuing Education, with coordinator Niovi Pavlidou.

Niovi Pavlidou, IEEE R8 EASC Coordinator