Monthly Archives: February 2017

Benefit from R8 WIE Mentorship Program!


The Mentorship Program starts by sharing your successful events with R8 WIE by sending us an email on [email protected] or write us on Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn.


With this program, you can:

  • Participate as a mentor: suggest a successful event you held in your Section and would like to help replicate in another Section 
  • Participate as a mentee: suggest an event you would like to host in your Section, and we will find a mentor who has previously organized a similar one to help you! 


The proposed list of events includes but is not limited to:

Section and SB AGs can participate in various events organized within their Section. Examples: 

  • Be present in Section events under the name of IEEE WIE as much as possible 
  • Volunteer to help your Section organize its activities such as conferences, workshops, etc.
  • Have a short plenary session during IEEE Day and other events to introduce WIE
  • Remember, the Section is always there to support you with organizing your own events too! 

Networking activities: 

  • WIE Leadership Summits
  • Panel where 2 to 5 successful women in STEM are invited to present short talks and interact with attendees during a Q&A session
  • Coffee talks 
  • Seminar related to women in STEM (status, achivements, challenges faced, etc.) 
  • Participate in / organize a celebration for the International Women’s day (March 8)
  • Contact companies in various fields of technology and offer to introduce IEEE and WIE to their employees during a short session

Professional development events. Examples:

  • Leadership workshop
  • Body language workshop
  • Interview training sessions
  • Engineering ethics discussions

Social responsibility activities: 

  • Give computer or Internet introductory sessions in remote underprivileged areas 
  • Participate in / organize a breast cancer awareness campaign in October
  • Visit orphanages, hospitals, refugee camps to spend some time with the less fortunate 
  • Collaborate with a charity or NGO and offer to help (maybe they need an engineer to help them fix something, or just someone to help out with their activities…) 
  • Collaborate with other NGOs targeting women and participate in their activities whenever possible
  • Find an engineering solution to a community problem. You can even participate in EPICS in IEEE

Technical events: 

Although the aspect of WIE (as well as all IEEE Affinity Groups) is non-technical, Section and Student Branch AGs are encouraged to participate in the technical conferences / workshops organized within their Section: 

  • Volunteer with the organizing team 
  • Help with advertisement and news spreading 
  • Distribute flyers introducing WIE 
  • Give a small appreciation gift for female researchers who presented their papers and / or for female speakers 
  • Have a booth and distribute introductory flyers and promotional material to the participants (link)
  • Organize competitions, which may not necessarily be technical. Be creative! 

In-Section collaboration among AGs: 

  • Section AGs are encouraged to keep constant connection with SB AGs within their Section 
  • Section AGs are encouraged to identify SBs within their Section where new WIE SB AGs could be formed, and support these SB AGs during their formation stage 
  • Section AGs are encouraged to supervise and mentor newly created SB AGs within their Section
  • SB AGs are encouraged to keep constant connection with their Section’s AG
  • SB AGs are encouraged to closely cooperate with their SB, and mutually help each other in all activities within the Student Branch 
  • Remember: collaboration is key to success!

Don’t forget to have fun! Organize the following activities for your AG members, and possibly for all the Section’s AG and SB AG members: 

  • Casual Outing 
  • Movie screening or going to the cinema 
  • Pizza night 
  • Camping, ski trips, etc. 
  • Group games, such as “escape the room” and others
  • Sports tournament
  • Rally paper

Important: send us your news and pictures taken during each event: please send us an email on [email protected] or write us on Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn. Also, contact us if you want to be a mentor or mentee, and if you have any questions or suggestions for more events as well! 

Region 8 Women in Engineering Section Affinity Group of the Year Award

The Section Affinity Group of the Year recognizes activities and achievements for a WIE Section Affinity group from Region 8 within 2024. Activities will be evaluated in terms of content, collaborative activities to improve on professional growth and quality of the report submitted.


Eligibility Criteria


Applications will be reviewed by the WIE R8 Sub-Committee, who will select a winning Section AG. The winning Section AG will then be, as a second step, validated by the R8 Awards and Recognition SubCommittee. The following criteria will be considered for the review of applications:

1)     Approved Section WIE Affinity Group (AG) within IEEE Region 8 that has conducted activities and events within 2024.

2)     A report clearly and concisely documenting activities i.e. dates, content, number of attendees, academic or industry partners and impact of the events. The submitted report should be no more than 1000 words, please include pictures, a report in the form of powerpoint slides is also accepted.

3)     All members of the AG must be listed on the application.

4)     Both applications and nominations are accepted and any member of the AG can apply for the award, and any member of the Section can nominate the Section’s WIE AG.


The winning Section Affinity Group will receive 450 USD.


Nominations are accepted until June 15th 2024 through IEEE Region 8 Awards Portal.

Be inspired by the R8 WIE Awards Recipients!

To find out more about R8 WIE awards recipients, please visit

Please note that, currently, only the Clementina Saduwa Award is established in IEEE Region 8; 2018 is the first year where all the other awards are introduced.

Apply or nominate before February 15 and be the first recipient of a new award!

2016 Clementina Saduwa Award Winner

The 2016 winner of the prestigious Clementina Saduwa Award is Dr. Nazre Batool.

Nazre is an IEEE and IEEE WIE member. She is also a member of IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) and IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS).
Nazre received her PhD degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Maryland, College Park, USA in 2014 with the specialization in signal processing and research focus on computer vision and pattern recognition. Her PhD studies were funded by the prestigious 5 years USA Fulbright PhD scholarship. Her doctoral research was novel and complementary to the mainstream research in facial analysis where she worked on the analysis of facial micro-features specifically wrinkles for different applications in computer vision such as localization, inpainting, soft biometrics and monitoring. Her research highlighted the effectiveness of facial micro feature analysis and resulted in 2 first-authored journal publications, 4 first-authored conference publications and a book chapter.

After completing PhD, she moved to Europe and joined AYIN team at INRIA Sophia Antipolis in February, 2014, where she advanced her research on facial micro feature analysis in collaboration with an industrial partner. In a career move to pursue research in medical imaging, Nazre joined the Center for Medical Image science and Visualization (CMIV) at Linköping University, Sweden in June 2015. Her research at CMIV was conducted in close collaboration with the pathology department, University Hospital Linköping, and with the industrial partner, Sectra AB, in the area of digital histopathology. Her work focused on finding spatial patterns in digital liver steatosis biopsy slides as biomarkers. At CMIV, she has also contributed towards the statistical analysis of Diffusion Tensor MRI to model fibers in the brain white matter. At present, she is a post-doc at the School of Technology and Health (STH), KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, where she is working on medical applications in collaboration with the Karolinska Institute of Sweden.
Nazre comes from a small northeastern city, Jhelum, of Pakistan. She received her B.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan in 2004. After working as a researcher for some time in Lahore, she secured a graduate fellowship and moved to Malaysia in 2005 for her postgraduate studies at Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Tronoh, Malaysia. Her Master’s research was conducted in collaboration with the dermatological department, General Hospital, Kuala Lumpur and focused on the image-based analysis of skin lesions for Psoriasis patients. Her research included the acquisition and analysis of 3D skin surface textures using 3d laser scanners and generative image modeling techniques. She received here M.Sc. degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Tronoh, Malaysia in 2008.
Nazre’s long term career goal is to establish herself as an inter-disciplinary researcher (focusing on medical imaging), based in academia and providing cutting-edge computer vision solutions to industry. A cherished achievement for her would be to develop or be a part of cross-border and cross-discipline research collaborations specifically providing the academic and research supervision of an international level to Pakistani students.

Biography source:

The 24th International Conference on Telecommunications

The 24th International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT 2017, ) invites world-class researchers to share their ideas and progress in addressing challenges faced in this increasingly intelligent realm of information and telecommunication technologies as part of a rich conference program including Plenary Talks, Tutorials, Workshops as well as Regular and Special Sessions. Please see attached for the Call for Papers.

The conference is hosted in the Mediterranean coastal city of Limassol in Cyprus, a top holiday destination. This year’s theme focuses on intelligence built into devices, systems, and processes. The ample computation, communication and sensing/actuation capabilities offered by increasingly miniaturized and low-cost electronic devices are enabling a myriad of new applications with transformative implications to numerous economic sectors. We have reached a point where intelligence built into these devices enables, for example, the realization of affordable and useful smart homes and smart grids, autonomous vehicles, and unmanned aerial systems; all of which have tremendous impact on their own but more importantly in conjunction with each other.

Important Dates:

Paper submission deadline- Extended deadline
February 26, 2017

Notification of acceptance
March 8, 2017

Camera ready deadline
March 24, 2017

Download ICT2017-CFP Brochure