Yearly Archives: 2021

Action for Industry Committee

Action for Industry (AfI) Sub-Committee (est. in 2014) is focused on providing membership value to companies.


The Sub-Committee is composed of a Chair, Past Chair, full members and corresponding members. The committee acts in close co-operation with local Sections throughout R8, through Industry Ambassadors that are appointed by Sections (SIAs).


IEEE Region 8 Action for Industry Subcommittee for 2025 is consisted of the following IEEE Region 8 volunteers:


Nihel ben Youssef



Toni Mattila


Past Chair

Costas Stasopoulos



Mohammad Galal Khafagy



Sohaib Qamar Sheikh



Serge Dos Santos



John Matogo



Aida Elsabban



Almedin Kavaz



Maria Efthymiou



Contact email: [email protected]

Some of the Milestones approved in Region 8

Some of the Milestones approved in Region 8

Recently approved Milestones in Region 8 include

       [1] Fermi’s contribution to semiconductor statistics, Florence, Italy.     

       [2] Dadda’s multiplier, Milan, Italy.  

       [3] Germany’s first broadcast transmission, Koenigs Wuesterhausen, Germany.  

Several more are in progress, including one jointly with Poland and Germany:  the Czochralski method of crystal growth, 1916, which it is proposed will be at Berlin, Warsaw and Kcynia (e.g. three plaques altogether for the same Milestone). 

 The first History Milestone in Sweden (Gotland HVDC link, 1954) was installed in May 2017.

Previous approvals:

Stereo Sound recording and reproduction inventions in early 1930s by Alan Blumlein.   Plaque installed at the Abbey Road studios in London.  The dedication ceremony was in Studio Two on 1st April 2015, with an associated technical seminar and a lecture about Alan Blumlein.  The unveiling was done by IEEE President Howard Michel and Isabel Garvey, Managing Director of Abbey Road Studios, with an attendance of over 100 people, including many of the engineers with the skills which keep Abbey Road at the forefront of the world movie, video and sound recording business.

‘Zenit’ L3 3D Pulsed Radar   at Kharkiv, Ukraine.

This has been approved and it is hoped to have the installation and dedication carried out in mid-2017, by a ceremony jointly at Kiyev and at Kharkiv

First Generation and Experimental Proof of Electromagnetic Waves 1886-1888, at Karlsruhe, Germany

The pioneering work of Heinrich Hertz has been honored with an IEEE Milestone. Hertz successfully achieved the “” at Technische Hochschule Karlsruhe, Germany, now the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).

The Milestone plaque is at the original site of Hertz’s experiments. On Friday 5th December 2014, IEEE President Roberto de Marca and KIT Vice President Detlef Löhe unveiled the plaque. The host, Dean of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Thomas Leibfried, welcomed the numerous attendees, which included Region 8 Director Martin Bastiaans, Germany Section Chair Axel Richter and the Milestone nominators Dieter A. Mlynski, IEEE Life Fellow from Circuits and Systems Society, and Werner Wiesbeck, IEEE Life Fellow from Microwave Theory and Techniques Society.

In his address, Martin Bastiaans referred to the 50 year history of Region 8 and of the Germany Section. He emphasized that this second milestone in Germany is the 150th worldwide and encouraged further proposals for historic achievements, especially in Germany.

During the 19th century the two incompatible theories of electromagnetic phenomena opposed each other: the long-range force-based interpretation, especially on the European continent, and Faraday’s conception of a short-range field theory, which Maxwell converted into mathematical form, the Maxwell’s equations. From 1885 to 1888, after the 1879 suggestion of Hermann von Helmholtz, Hertz carried out the practical work to verify Maxwell’s theoretical predictions.

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Another Milestone is being planned at Karlsruhe, for Otto Lehman’s invention of Liquid Crystals in 1889.

First Public Demonstration of Television, 1926  in London, England,

The plaque is installed at Bar-Italia, Frith Street, Soho, London and was unveiled on 26th January 2017, by IEEE President Karen Bartleson and Iain Logie Baird, a grandson of John Logie Baird.


On the following day, an all-day technical symposium was held at the Royal Institution of Great Britain, with the title:


This included talks, demonstrations, and some exhibits and poster displays, and was attended by a large number of people from many backgrounds on an ‘invitation only’ basis.

A milestone proposal is being finalised to recognise the developments in amorphous silicon switches, which led to the feasiblity of LCD flat screen displays now used in TV, computers, phones, etc.  This milestone will be at Dundee University, Scotland.

Several other possible milestones are being actively discussed within the framework of the Life Members Activity Group of the UK and Ireland Section

Also under discussion, there could be History Milestones for Euler’s invention of Graph Theory, and for Kirchhoff’s Laws, both of which had a huge impact on many topics within the scope of IEEE.   The location in this case is clear:  the town of Königsberg – now Kaliningrad.  A complication is that at the time, it was part of Germany and now is part of Russia – so whose Milestones would they be?

Tony Davies, 2015 January 6th, updated 2017 February 19th

Heinrich Hertz Award:

At one time, from 1989 to 2001, IEEE had a Heinrich Hertz Medal which was funded from Region 8.  However, that award has now been discontinued.

In 1992, it was awarded to James R. Wait, at a ceremony in King’s College London.  I had the privilege of handing the medal to Dr. Wait because I was then Section Chair.      Tony Davies, 2015 January 3rd


HISTELCON 2015 Conference:  HISTORY OF HIGH-TECHNOLOGIES AND THEIR SOCIO-CULTURAL CONTEXTS    Tel-Aviv University, Israel, 16-21 August 2015.

HISTELCON 2017 conference will be in Kyoto, Japan (e.g. the first time outside R8), in August 2017

HISTELCON – HIStory of ELectrotechnolgy CONference – is a flagship Conference of IEEE egion 8 and IEEE History Center, and  sharing by IEEE Tokyo Section and more IEEE Regions is an ongoing plan.
The 2015 HISTELCON was held in conjunction with ICOHTEC (International Committee on History of Technology) 42th Symposium, and with the 10th Historical Conference of IEEE History Committee and History Center, with cooperation of the Cohen Institute for History and Philosophy of Science at Tel-Aviv University, the Graduate Program in Science, Technology and Society at Bar-Ilan University and the EE Section of the AEAI (Israel National Engineering Society).

Conference Theme
HISTELCON 2015 was designed to explore the phenomenon of “High Technologies” at various historical epochs from multiple historical and contemporary perspectives.
Recognized as a major force in the modern world, Hi-Tech attracts the attention of experts from many fields. This joint Conference was to allow interaction of historians and sociologists of technology and science, with practicing engineers, scientists and technical experts, reflecting their experience and discipline.
The main theme is “History of High-Technologies and their Socio-Cultural contexts”.
Original and innovative contributions were invited in areas including:
● Origins and early developments of High-Technologies
● The Cultural/Social/Economical Drivers for the development of High-Technologies.
● The impact of High-Technologies on Culture/Society/Economics.
● Governmental Policies to foster High-Technologies in different cultures/societies.

A beginner’s guide to making proposals for IEEE History Milestones has been added to the History Activities section under Member Activities.

Tony Davies   2013  November 5th

History Activities – 2021


Martin BastiaansMartin

Tony DaviesTony

Mislav GrgicMislav


The History Activities Subcommittee is looking forward to assist you in your history-related activities. The 2021 committee consists of:

  • Martin Bastiaans, History Activities Coordinator (2021)
  • Tony Davies, Past History Activities Coordinator (2013-2020)
  • Mislav Grgić, current IEEE History Committee member (2021-2022)

Feel free to contact us at [email protected], but include [email protected] in CC, because the email alias may not work properly.


  • Recently dedicated IEEE Milestone:
    Roma, Italy, Giovanni Giorgi’s contribution to the rationalized system of units, 1901-1902
    Dedication ceremony 15 December 2021 – IEEE Italy Section
    Giovanni Giorgi proposed rationalizing the equations of electromagnetism. His proposal added an electrical unit to the three mechanical units of measurement (meter, kilogram, second). While he was a professor at the University of Rome, the International Electrotechnical Commission adopted a version of Giorgi’s system. His ideas formed the basis of the universally adopted International System (SI) of units, currently used in all fields of science and engineering.
  • Milestone revocation
    In its November 2021 meeting, the IEEE Board of Directors has revoked Milestone #46 (originally entitled Marconi’s early wireless experiments, 1895, and later renamed to Early Swiss wireless experiments, 1897, with an updated citation), which was located in Salvan, Switzerland.
  • HISTELCON 2021 will now be completely virtual as a Zoom meeting and can be viewed via the link (Meeting ID: 857 1956 8041; Passcode: 092959) without any registration fee.
    The detailed schedule with speakers and titles can be found at Note that the times are in Moscow Standard Time (MSK = UTC+3).

  • Recently dedicated IEEE Special Citation in History:
    Paderborn, Germany, Heinz Nixdorf MuseumsForum (HNF), 1996
    Dedication ceremony 23 October 2021 – IEEE Germany Section
    One of the largest computer museums in the world, the Heinz Nixdorf MuseumsForum presents 5000 years of computing history from the emergence of numbers and lettering circa 3000 B.C.E. to the modern digital age. Through presentations, workshops, seminars, and exhibitions, it has provided a broad audience with the insights and perspectives required to navigate a world that is increasingly shaped by digital technology.
  • HISTELCON 2021 has been postponed and will now take place (in hybrid form) on 10–12 November 2021.
    Abstract submission deadline: 15 September 2021Full paper submission deadline: 30 September 2021
    Registration of participants will open on 15 September 2021.

    Participant Virtual In-person
    IEEE member EUR   80 EUR 290
    Non-member EUR 100 EUR 360
    IEEE (Graduate) Student / Life member EUR   60 EUR 220
    Student EUR   80 EUR 290
  • Minutes of the IEEE Region 8 Committee meetings
    With the exception of four Region 8 Committee meetings – in Geneva (7 September 1965), Leuven (16 September 1966), Tel Aviv (24 October 1968), and Dubrovnik (25-26 October 1974) – we have (scanned) versions of all meeting minutes; and of the above-mentioned meetings in Leuven and Tel Aviv, we have the agendas. The (scanned) versions have been collected in five pdf files, which are available for download:
    1962-1970 (.pdf), 1971-1983 (.pdf), 1984-1993 (.pdf), 1994-2009 (.pdf), and 2010-2020 (.pdf).
  • The IEEE Milestone proposals Manchester University “Baby” Computer and its Derivatives, 1948-1951, and The Atlas computer and the invention of virtual memory, 1957-1962, as well as the IEEE Special Citation proposal Heinz Nixdorf MuseumsForum (HNF), 1996, have been approved by the IEEE Board of Directors on 27 June 2021.
  • Index to Section news in old IEEE Region 8 News issues
    Scanned versions of old Region 8 News issues can be downloaded by clicking on the links in the table that can be found here. These old issues contain lots of information about our Sections and may thus form a valuable source of information, especially for those Sections who want to fill the gaps in their history. To help Sections, an index has been created to direct Section leaders to the relevant pages in the issues 1-122 (December 1967 – May 1998) where news about their Section can be found.
  • Recently dedicated IEEE Milestone:
    Agrate Brianza, Milano, Italy, Multiple silicon technologies on a chip, 1985
    Dedication ceremony 18 May 2021 – IEEE Italy Section
    SGS (now STMicroelectronics) pioneered the super-integrated silicon-gate process combining Bipolar, CMOS and DMOS (BCD) transistors in single chips for complex, power-demanding applications. The first integrated circuit, named L6202, was capable of controlling up to 60V–5A at 300 kHz. Subsequent automotive, computer, and industrial applications extensively adopted this process technology, which enabled chip designers flexibly and reliably to combine power, analog and signal processing.
  • The HISTELCON 2021 submission deadlines have been extended again; see below.
  • The IEEE Milestone proposals Manchester University “Baby” Computer and its Derivatives, 1948-1951, and The Atlas computer and the invention of virtual memory, 1957-1962, as well as the IEEE Special Citation proposal Heinz Nixdorf MuseumsForum (HNF), 1996, have been approved by the IEEE History Committee and will be presented to the IEEE Board of Directors for final decision.
  • The IEEE Milestone proposals ADSL: expediting Broadband Internet Access for society, 1993-1997, and Multimedia Integrated Circuits for MPEG, 1986, have been submitted to the IEEE History Committee for approval.
  • The IEEE Milestone Multiple silicon technologies on a chip, 1985, will be dedicated on 18 May 2021 at 15:00 CEST. The ceremony will be held at the Agrate headquarters in STMicroelectronics and will be transmitted in live streaming. The full program and the registration are available here.
  • The HISTELCON 2021 submission deadlines have been extended; see below.
  • Old issues of IEEE Region 8 News
    Digital versions of IEEE Region 8 News from 2002 onward can be found in the Region 8 News archive of back issues. All older issues of IEEE Region 8 News and its predecessors — IEEE Region 8 newsletter (1967-1986; issues 1-76) and IEEE Region EIGHT News (1987-1989; issues 77-85) — have now been scanned: 1092 pages with a total size of about 0.7 GB. Note that volume numbers were introduced in Region 8 News in 1998 with the August issue (Volume 1, Number 1); until then, the numbering was consecutively from 1 till 122.
    The scanned versions can be downloaded by clicking on the links in the table that can be found here. In addition to news about the IEEE and the activities that took place on the Region level, these old issues contain lots of information about our Sections and may thus form a valuable source of information, especially for those Sections who want to fill the gaps in their history.
  • IEEE Region 8 History webpage
    The Region 8 History webpage has been completely revamped.
  • Recently dedicated IEEE Milestones:
    Torino, Italy, Rotating fields and early induction motors, 1885-1888
    Dedication ceremony 21 January 2021 – IEEE Italy Section
    Galileo Ferraris, professor at the Italian Industrial Museum (now Polytechnic) of Turin, conceived and demonstrated the principle of the rotating magnetic field. Ferraris’ field, produced by two stationary coils with perpendicular axes, was driven by alternating currents phase-shifted by 90 degrees. Ferraris also constructed prototypes of two-phase AC motors. Rotating fields, polyphase currents, and their application to induction motors had a fundamental role in the electrification of the world.
    Cascina, Pisa, Italy, Gravitational-wave antenna, 1972-1989
    Dedication ceremony 3 February 2021 – IEEE Italy Section
    Initially developed from 1972 to 1989, the gravitational-wave antenna enabled detection of ripples in spacetime propagating at the speed of light, as predicted by Albert Einstein’s 1916 Theory of General Relativity. Construction of the Virgo Gravitational-Wave Observatory commenced in 1997. In 2017, Virgo and two antennas located in the US launched the era of Multi-Messenger Astronomy with the coordinated detection of gravitational waves from a binary neutron star merger.
  • HISTELCON 2021, How computer technologies and telecommunication change society and economy, Moscow, Russia, 18-20 August 2021
    HISTELCON is a Region 8 flagship conference held every two years on the history of electrical engineering, electronics, computing, their applications, and their impact on humanity’s social development. HISTELCON 2021 is already the seventh HISTELCON conference, with predecessors in Paris (2008), Madrid (2010), Pavia (2012), Tel-Aviv (2015), Kobe (2017, together with Region 10), and Glasgow (2019).
    Abstract submission deadline: 1 June 2021Full paper submission deadline: 10 June 2021
  • News Archive — News items about Milestones and Conferences are ordered by year: 2019, 2017, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2010.

IEEE Milestones

Engineering and Technology History Wiki

Region 8 history book

  • The book A short history of IRE Region 9 / IEEE Region 8 (.pdf) presents a history of IEEE Region 8 spanning its origins from the IRE Region in Europe, through the IRE/AIEE merger forming the IEEE and subsequently to the present day Region 8 consisting of Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.
    Note that if you click on the link above and open the Document Outline in the left-hand side bar, you can immediately jump to any section of the book and easily navigate through it.
  • More information about the history of Region 8 can be found on

Documents archive

IEEE History Center – a selection of additional weblinks




OpCom Reports

Director (Antonio Luque) Director-Elect (Vincenzo Piuri)
Past-Director (Magdalena Salazar Palma) Secretary (Ljupco Karadzinov)
Treasurer  (Adam Jastrzebski) V/C Member Activities (Sara Barros)
V/C Student Activities (Simay Akar) V/C Technical Activities (Peter Nagy)

Subcommittee Reports


Action for Industry  (AfI) Humanitarian Activities Subcommittee (HuA) Region 8 News (R8News)
Africa Council Life Member Coordinator  (LM) Region Vitality Coordinator  (RVC)
Awards & Recognition Subcommittee  (A&RSC) Membership Development Subcommittee  (MDSC) Sections Congress Coordinator
Careers New Initiative New Industry Events Initiative Social Media Coordinator
Chapter Coordination Subcommittee  (ChCSC) New Student Contests Initiative Standards Coordinator  (StC)
Conference Coordination SubCommittee  (CoCSC) Nominations and Appointments Subcommittee Strategic Planning
Congress Coordinator (SYP/xSYP) Professional and Educational Activities Subcommittee  (PEAsC) Voluntary Contribution Fund Coordinator  (VCF)
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Publications and Communications Subcommittee  (PC) Women in Engineering Coordinator (WIE)
Electronic Communications Coordinator  (ECC) Region 8 Sigma Young Professionals Subcommittee  (YP)
History Activities Coordinator  (HA) Region 8 Today  (Region8Today)

Section Reports


Algeria Section Iraq Section Romania Section
Austria Section Iran Section Russia Section
Bahrain Section Israel Section Russia (Northwest) Section
Belarus Section Italy Section Russia (Siberia) Section
Benelux Section Jordan Section Saudi Arabia (East) Section
Bosnia and Herzegovina Section Kenya Section Saudi Arabia (West) Section
Bulgaria Section Kuwait Section Serbia And Montenegro Section
Croatia Section Latvia Section Slovenia Section
Cyprus Section Lebanon Section South Africa Section
Czechoslovakia Section Lithuania Section Spain Section
Denmark Section Malta Section Sweden Section
Egypt Section Mauritius Section Switzerland Section
Estonia Section Morocco Section Tunisia Section
Finland Section Nigeria Section Turkey Section
France Section Norway Section Uganda Section
Germany Section Oman Section UK and Ireland Section
Ghana Section Poland Section Ukraine Section
Greece Section Portugal Section United Arab Emirates Section
Hungary Section Qatar Section Zambia Section
Iceland Section North Macedonia Section

IEEE HAC/SIGHT Funding Opportunities


IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee (HAC)/IEEE SIGHT have announced the first funding opportunity of 2021! The Call for Proposals is being offered to support IEEE member grassroots humanitarian technology and sustainable development projects that utilize technology to address the COVID-19 situation.


Ready to apply? Create an account on the online funding portal to submit a proposal for any of the programs.


More details and the Call for Proposals can be found on the HAC website.

IEEE Pre-University STEM Programs Needed

Are you an IEEE Volunteer leading Pre-University STEM outreach programs?


Share your programs on the IEEE Pre-University Volunteer STEM Portal so we can demonstrate the collective impact IEEE is making to inspire the STEM professionals of tomorrow. launched a new IEEE Pre-University Volunteer STEM Portal to support IEEE volunteers in their STEM outreach initiatives as well as building local STEM communities.


The new STEM portal is the place to be for all things related to pre-university STEM programs at IEEE, featuring a searchable database of programs and  “how-to” resources developed by volunteers like you. Share your programs today!


Together, Let’s Share. Give Back. And Inspire as many students as possible.


For more information: [email protected]

News related to COVID-19 circumstances

IEEE MCE and MGA guidelines and support on how to handle conferences during COVID-19 circumstances

New IEEE-Branded Video Conferencing Virtual Backgrounds

Since many IEEE activities are now being conducted virtually, you may want to use the new series of IEEE-branded virtual backgrounds for your upcoming virtual conference. The 10 tech-inspired virtual background images are designed for video conferencing tools, including Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Skype, and On24. View and download virtual backgrounds, plus instructions on how to upload the background images for meetings.


Useful information about IEEE Event Cancellation Insurance


Statement of Authority

The Conference Coordination Subcommittee (CoCSC) shall:

  1. Encourage Region 8 Committees and Sections to develop conferences to meet the specialized interests of their members. Use the accumulated experience of the Region to help ensure early success of such ventures.
  2. Act as the focal point for information about IEEE conferences being scheduled in Region 8.
  3. Periodically review the effectiveness of all conferences sponsored or co-sponsored by Region 8. Recommend improvements as appropriate to the conference leadership, hosting section and associated activities. Suggest new conferences where a need is recognized and suggest termination of conferences no longer needed or posing undue financial liability.
  4. Assist with conference related questions.
  5. Assist in creating the content for Region 8 conferences web pages.
  6. Maintain an awareness of the availability of professional conference management services and suggest the use of such services where appropriate. Give assistance in the negotiation of contracts for service. Review all such contracts where Region 8 might have financial liability and make recommendations to the Region 8 Operating Committee regarding approval of such contracts.
  7. Solicit invitations from Sections in Region 8 to host the flagship R8 conferences in accordance with Region 8 and IEEE Bylaws.
  8. Develop & maintain general guidelines for IEEE Region 8 sponsored conferences to ensure a high quality of the related conferences end products and services, and revise as appropriate.
  9. Make all conference leaders aware of potential schedule conflicts between conferences without undue concern where geography or different technical interests limit the impact of schedule proximity.
  10. Manage the budget of the Conference Committee if R8 is financially liable.
  11. Maintain historical records, and obtain, develop and keep current documentation on Region 8 conferences.
  12. Submit pertinent and timely conference information to the Region 8 Newsletter Editor.
  13. Represent the Region at IEEE Conference workshops and meetings.
  14. Coordinate area and/or region wide conferences offering dates and locations of conferences to avoid overlaps.
  15. Consolidate a list of all technical society conferences with associated information that are coming into Region 8.
  16. Distribute information on Region venues to technical societies.
  17. Cooperate with Region 8 Membership Development Committee and Industry Relation Subcommittee (IRSC).

IEEE Region 8 Events Sponsorship

You are welcome to apply for the IEEE Region 8 sponsorship of a technical event that you are planning. Please refer to the descriptions of our sponsorships. IEEE Region 8 annually supports an appreciable number of conferences, especially located in Europe, Africa, and Middle-East.


Please note that using the IEEE Region 8 logo or announcing an IEEE R8 sponsorship of a technical event before applying for sponsorship and obtaining approval from the IEEE R8 Vice-Chair, Technical Activities is strictly forbidden.


There exist two main types of sponsorship of conferences <further details>:

1. Financial sponsorship or co-sponsorship

In this case, the IEEE R8 is involved in technical, financial, publicity and administrative aspects of the conference. Two cases are possible:

  • Sole Sponsorship: indicates full and sole R8 involvement in the conference. The R8 accepts complete responsibility for the technical, financial, publicity and administrative aspects of the conference.
  • Co-Sponsorship: indicates a shared involvement (in the technical, financial, publicity and administrative areas of the conference) between the R8 and other entities. These entities are other IEEE Organizational Unit(s) and other “Not-for-Profit” non-IEEE organizations.

2. Technical Co-Sponsorship

In this case, the IEEE R8 is involved solely in the organization of the technical program of the conferences. The R8 has no financial involvement in the conference. Technical co-sponsorship may or may not include proceedings acquisition for IEEE Xplore.


Please note that conferences with approved technical co-sponsorship (no IEEE unit is involved as financial sponsor) will be charged a fee of $1,450 plus $22 per paper sent to IEEE Xplore to compensate for the IEEE technical co-sponsorship. No additional fee will be requested by the IEEE Region 8.


An exception to this general policy – MGA will continue to pay these fees if the external (non-IEEE) financial sponsor has a National Society Agreement with IEEE or has a Sister Society Agreement with one or more of the IEEE Societies <link>.


R8 Sponsorship Requirements:

IEEE Region 8 may co-sponsor (FCS), or technically co-sponsor (TCS) other conferences, including workshops, symposia, and similar meetings, that serve to advance its mission and purposes and the interests of R8 IEEE members.


Conference co-sponsorship is regarded as shared management. Region 8 provides the following benefits and requires some conditions as presented below:

Benefits of R8 Conference Sponsorship





1.        Repayable Loan -seed funding (to be returned after conference closing)

USD 5k

USD 5k

2.    R8 Steering Committee



3.    Guidance of the organizing committee (by an assigned CoCC liaison member)


x x x


4.    E-notices to R8 members


5 4


5.    R8 media publicity (R8news, social media, R8Today, …)




6.    Organizing side R8 CoCC workshop/session/meeting



7.    Assistance for conference Application/MoU



8.    R8 Director participation in the opening session



9.    Participation of a R8 CoCC representative




10. IEEE R8 booth



11. Announce conferences in R8 website


x x


12. Organizing special events in cooperation with R8 Committees (SAC, YP, WIE, AfI, etc.)




13. Free plagiarism check provided by IEEE


x x x


14. IEEE Web hosting and IEEE domain for the conference website and email address provided by IEEE for each flagship/portfolio conference





Requirements for R8 Conference Sponsorship

Flagship Portfolio FCS TCS


1.  Region 8 FCS (%)


>=30% * >=5% 0%


2.  Local Organizing Section FCS (%)


>=50% *


3.  Local OU officer(s) involved as program committee co-chair(s)



4.  R8 Senior/Fellow members involved as conference co-chairs (CC), technical program co-chairs (TPC), program committee (PC) members

all CC and TPC

all CC and TPC at least 1 CC,

1 TPC,

5 PC

at least

1 TPC,

5 PC

at least

1 TPC,

1 PC

5.  Program committee members from different R8 countries


x x x


6.  Progress meetings of the organizing committee with the R8 CoCC representative (liaison)


at least 4 at least 2 email


7.  Involvement (FCS/TCS) of local Section and at least two local Chapters (or Societies / Councils/ IEEE Technical Communities/IEEE OUs) in the conference field


x x


8.  Free Registrations for R8 representatives (including R8 student paper contest – SPC) that conference must provide

Up to 8

Up to 4 Up to 2 1


9.  Submit R8 Conference Final report (link)


x x x


10.   Previous R8 involvement


at least 1 edition as R8 FCS

At least 1 edition as R8 TCS

11.   Promote the R8 Voluntary Contribution Fund (VCF)





* Unless otherwise stated in a specific Operations Agreement

# Only when the conference takes place in R8

+ This possibility will be evaluated by the R8 case by case

Important Notes:

  • The relationship between sponsoring organizations must be explicitly defined in the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), signed following the submission of the IEEE conference application form <link> (application form screenshots)(application checklist).
  • The IEEE Region 8 may cancel the approved MOU at any time if the technical quality issues are not considered.
  • Plagiarism check of all submitted papers (first and final versions) is required using
  • Registration fees must include reduced fees for IEEE members: a minimum of 10%.
  • Conference applications must be submitted before 10 months. Applications received after these deadlines most likely will not be approved.
  • Conference committee members should complete the Training online courses <link>
  • The dates should not conflict with other IEEE Region 8 conferences in related field.
  • The conference application should include the contacts of all conference chairs, technical chairs, publication chair, and the treasurer. Incomplete applications will be returned without processing.
  • Any revisions to a previously approved budget, deadline extension, program, etc., must be submitted to the conference coordination subcommittee for re-approval.
  • The quality report and the conference proceedings should be submitted within 30 days to the conference coordinator in Region 8.
  • The conference organizers should offer free registration fees for at least two IEEE student members. These two students could help in the local arrangement issues.
  • An IEEE booth should be organized in the conference venue.
  • The IEEE Region 8 is committed to approve or decline your sponsorship request within one month.
  • Become familiar with:
    • IEEE Brand guidelines <link>
    • Conference Organizer Roles and Responsibilities <link>
    • Financial Sponsor: Receives a portion of the surplus or are liable for a portion of the deficit resulting from a conference, plus have direct and substantial involvement in the development of the technical program
    • Technical Sponsor: Has a direct and substantial involvement in the development of the technical program, but no financial stake in the conference surplus or deficit
    • Patron: Organizations that help financially the conference without any involvement in organizing the conference
    • Recommended Practices to Ensure Technical Conference Content Quality <link>
    • Guide to Scope and Quality Criteria <link>
    • IEEE Conference timeline <link xls file> <link pdf file>
    • IEEE Author Ethics Guidelines <link>
    • IEEE Policy regarding Authors rights to post accepted versions of their articles <link>
  • Respect of the:
    • IEEE Code of Ethics (section 7.8 from the IEEE Policy Manual) <link>
    • IEEE Publications Operations Manual <link>
    • IEEE Technical Activities Operations Manual (Section 6) <link>
    • IEEE MGA Operations Manual (Section 10) <link>
  • Please be advised that per IEEE Policy:
    • The term “IEEE” shall be used in the names of sole sponsored and co-sponsored conferences where IEEE is at least 50% financial sponsor (in total for all IEEE co-sponsors).
    • The use of the term “IEEE” could be used in the names of co-sponsored conferences in which IEEE is less than a 50% but at least a 25% financial sponsor (in total for all IEEE co-sponsors) (recommended but not required).
    • The term “IEEE” shall not be used in the names of co-sponsored conferences in which IEEE is less than a 25% financial sponsor (in total for all IEEE co-sponsors). This includes conferences in which IEEE is only a technical co-sponsor or is not a sponsor in any form.
  • If it will be your first request of IEEE R8 sponsorship, we recommend to follow steps <link>. Don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected] before the submission of your conference application.


IEEE Meeting & Conference Management (MCE)

IEEE conference services are provided for IEEE sponsored conferences (by IEEE R8 and/or other IEEE units). Numerous services includes:

  • Overall guidance
  • Organiser/OU education and training
  • Identifying and facilitating sponsorship
  • Finance, budgeting, insurance, contract review and approval
  • Banking and credit card processing
  • Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs)
  • Publication of your proceedings
  • Webpage design
  • Marketing your conference
  • Site location, event management, meeting logistics
  • Contract negotiations, food & beverage planning, supplier management

Further details are available in:


IEEE Convene




Convening the Conference Community
16-17 July 2020 Copenhagen, Denmark.

IEEE Convene, the annual event for leading scholarly conference organizers around the world, has been canceled because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

IEEE Convene post-event report

August 2018  (PDF, 1.3 MB)


The IEEE Convene (previously IEEE Panel of Conference Organizers (POCO)) is the annual event for leading scholarly conference organizers around the world. IEEE organizes this event to share resources and ideas with all scientific associations and non-profit conference organizers. Convene convenes thought leaders and decision makers to address conference leadership practices, discuss challenges in the conference landscape, envision the future, and launch new conference initiatives.


On-Demand Conference Education Resources Available:

MCE Conference Education provides a comprehensive set of education resources, including 25 eLearning courses plus 28 on-demand webinars on a wide range of conference topics. All courses are available in the IEEE Center for Leadership Excellence (CLE). Conference role-specific learning paths help you gain the knowledge and skills to be successful. Learning paths are provided for: Conference Treasurer, Technical Program Chair, Conference Publications Chair, Event Planning. <Conference Education Programs>.



  • 28.05.2020 Strategic Approach to Plagiarism Screening for IEEE Conferences: Learn more about strategically implementing plagiarism screening using Similarity Check (formerly CrossCheck) for your IEEE conference. Understand the various workflow options and learn the difference between similarity and plagiarism. View Playback
  • 30.06.2020 Peer Review – Overview

Frequently asked questions and guidelines / templates

1. IEEE Region 8 Publicity Service

IEEE Region 8 technically and financially co-sponsored conferences have access (after MOU approval) to a unique service of sending their conference promotional materials to IEEE Region 8 members, via:

Please make sure your message is clear, understandable and accurate. The IEEE Region 8 OpCom and Conference Coordination Subcommittee maintain the right to reject the message, for example in case of false advertising.

2. Training material

IEEE Members or Volunteers interested in setting up an IEEE conference in partnership with one or more technical IEEE organizational units (OUs) in Region 8, please refer to the training material:

3. Guidelines and Procedures for Bidding to host IEEE Region 8 Flagship Conferences

4. IEEE Region 8 Conference guidelines and rules (“conference organizer’s handbook”)

5. New GDPR Regulation

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), originating in the European Union, is expected to have far-reaching implications on how organizations, like IEEE, conduct business worldwide, including conferences.

This regulation places new obligations on organizations that market, track, or handle personal data. This legislation goes into effect on 25 May 2018.

IEEE is reviewing policies and business processes that involve personal data and continues to take steps towards compliance.

IEEE aims to ensure that we are able to communicate with our conference related audiences in our volunteer activities in a compliant and efficient manner. One of the key items for compliance is ensuring your current IEEE data is compliant with the GDPR.

Personal data collected without consent of an individual may not be compliant. This means that use of existing lists may no longer be allowed. (Attendee lists, Excel spreadsheets, Listserv, etc.)

IEEE will be providing solutions over the next several weeks and months. In addition, training will be available shortly.

More information is available here:


Please select an expense category from the picklist to classify this transaction. If your transaction captures expenses extending across multiple categories please select the category which covers the majority of the expense.


6. Expense Type

  • Management Services: Payments to management companies, professional conference organizers, MCE Services/Sales etc.
  • Registration: Fees incurred on gross revenue income and cost of setting up a registration platform.
    • Equipment rentals
    • Badges and badge printing, ribbons
    • Onsite registration booth rental
    • Online registration processing fees & registration website development and management.
  • Promotion: Costs incurred on materials for promoting the conference.
    • Calls for papers
    • Advertisements in periodicals and magazines
    • Website & promotional management fees
  • Publication: Cost of proceedings, papers, printing, publication shipping etc.
  • Exhibits: Booth/table and site setup, exhibit room fee (depends on hotel contract), per‐diem, and exhibit commission reimbursement (for combined conferences).
  • Local Arrangements: Hotel room or convention center charges, equipment, computer, copy machine, LCD, projector, onsite temps, conference room signage, decorations, attendee gifts, hotel penalties, gratuities, securities, transportation. Fees paid to local IEEE sections/chapters for their time spent in setting up local arrangements. (costs for committee members that are being covered by the conference should be included in Committee Expenses).
  • Social Functions: Costs related to Food and beverage, breaks, excursions, or ceremonies, not covered in conference registration fees.
  • Program: Speaker expenses, expenses for additional courses, attendee souvenirs, awards and honoraria.
  • Administration: Includes bank charges, account fees, wire transfer fees, foreign exchange commission, secretarial fees, accountant fees, additional insurance coverage, student grants, stationary, printing, shipping items to and from the event (excluding promotional shipping), grant administration, office supply, telephone, fax, and staff travel.
  • Society Admin Fee: A fee sometimes charged by an IEEE Society for their assistance in facilitating or sponsoring a conference.
  • Audit Fee: Fee of audit if the conference requires audit by IEEE Policy (if the conference generate gt; 250k in revenue or expense AND has an IEEE financial sponsorship over 50%).
  • Committee: Organizing committee expenses related to stay, transportation, gifts, calls, and food.
  • VAT Owed: Indirect tax payments incurred.
  • Other: Contingencies, overhead expenses, petty cash, and other miscellaneous expenses that do not fall under the categories listed above.