Yearly Archives: 2023

IEEE ISIE (International Symposium on Industrial Electronics) 2023

The IEEE ISIE 2023 is the 32nd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), focusing on frontier technologies for industries, applications of electronics, controls, communications, instrumentation and computational intelligence. The objectives of the conference are to provide high quality research and professional interactions for the advancement of science, technology, and fellowship.


An industry session and visits to local industries will be organized during the event.


The event will be held 19-21 June 2023 in Helsinki-Espoo, Finland.


For more information please visit:


Industry Ambassadors

IEEE R8 Action for Industry will be enabled by engagement with Sections throughout R8. To achieve this engagement each Section is asked to appoint an Industry Ambassador amongst their local members to liaise with the AfI SIA Coordination team. The Industry Ambassadors are the main contact point to local industries. They are local representatives of AfI and the primary contact point to the local industries. Engagement of all Sections is vital to build strong relations with industry in the nations of R8.


SIA Coordination program is to nurture the network of Industry Ambassadors by providing support for their work. The SIA Coordination team maintains the record of SIAs, inducts new SIAs, supports SIA with their outreach to companies, for example, by providing them with relevant information on the value of engaging with IEEE and support for performing the formally engagement with companies by signing and Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). Number of meetings organized and MoUs signed are the KPIs for this program.


IEEE AfI entrepreneurship program is a structured and organized initiative designed to support individuals (IEEE members)
interested in starting and growing their own businesses or ventures. These programs provide aspiring entrepreneurs with the
knowledge, skills, resources, and mentorship needed to turn innovative ideas into successful enterprises. IEEE
Entrepreneurship encompasses activities that support and encourage IEEE members and the broader technical community to
engage in entrepreneurial ventures and innovation-driven endeavors.


The IEEE AfI Entrepreneurship initiative aims to bridge the gap between industry and entrepreneurship, fostering an ecosystem
that empowers innovators and accelerates technological advancement.


This program focuses on the following key objectives:

  • Promote Entrepreneurial Culture among IEEE members where IEEE AfI collaborate with Industry to instill an
    entrepreneurial mindset, encouraging employees to innovate, identify opportunities, and take calculated risks.
  • Provide mentoring, pitching, and networking opportunities to startups and small enterprises, enabling them to thrive and scale their innovative ventures.
  • Facilitate partnerships between industries and academic institutions, creating a dynamic environment for knowledge exchange and collaborative research.
  • Provide awareness campaigns and training on emerging technologies, encouraging industries to adopt innovative solutions and stay competitive in a rapidly evolving marketplace.
  • Celebrate successful industry entrepreneurs through awards, accolades, and recognition, inspiring others to embrace entrepreneurship.


Empowering Innovators: IEEE AfI Entrepreneurship Mentorship Program

IEEE AfI Entrepreneurship Mentorship Program, a transformative initiative that will foster a culture of innovation, knowledge
exchange, and entrepreneurial spirit within the IEEE community. This program aims to bring together professionals, Young
Professionals (YPs), and students on a journey of mentorship, collaboration, and personal growth.


The main primary goal is to empower aspiring entrepreneurs among IEEE members, providing them with guidance and support
to transform their innovative ideas into successful ventures. Through this mentorship, professionals will share their expertise,
YPs will gain valuable insights from seasoned entrepreneurs, and students will receive guidance to navigate their
entrepreneurial endeavors.


Participating professionals will have the opportunity to give back to the community, share their expertise, and gain fresh
perspectives from mentees. YPs will receive valuable guidance to navigate the complexities of entrepreneurship, accelerating
their career growth. Students will benefit from mentorship by experienced entrepreneurs, increasing their chances of successful ventures and career pathways.


The IEEE AfI Entrepreneurship Mentorship Program will cultivate an ecosystem of innovation and collaboration, driving
technological advancements and creating a positive impact on society. By empowering professionals, YPs, and students alike,
we will lay the foundation for a brighter, more entrepreneurial future within the IEEE community.

IEEE Entrepreneurship Day: Igniting Innovation and Empowering Entrepreneurs

IEEE Entrepreneurship Day, a flagship event dedicated to promoting entrepreneurship, fostering innovation, and empowering
aspiring entrepreneurs within the IEEE community.


The IEEE Entrepreneurship Day aims to:

  • Showcase successful entrepreneurial ventures, sharing inspiring stories of IEEE members who have turned innovative ideas into impactful businesses.
  • Conduct workshops, seminars, and panel discussions on essential entrepreneurial skills, market trends, funding opportunities, and startup strategies.
  • Facilitate networking opportunities for participants to connect with industry experts, mentors, investors, and like-minded entrepreneurs.
  • Provide a platform for startups and innovators to showcase their groundbreaking technologies and solutions.

Event Highlights of the day:

  • Keynote speeches by renowned entrepreneurs and industry leaders.
  • Interactive workshops on business planning, design thinking, and product development.
  • Pitch competitions for startups to present their ideas to potential investors.
  • Mentorship sessions for students and young professionals aspiring to venture into entrepreneurship.

The IEEE Entrepreneurship Day will be a pivotal event in empowering our community to embrace innovation and
entrepreneurial spirit. By fostering knowledge sharing and collaboration, we aim to ignite a culture of entrepreneurship that
drives technological advancements and creates a positive impact worldwide.

Business Plan & Proposal Writing Webinars

IEEE AfI Entrepreneurship webinars focusing on Business Plan & Proposal Writing, aimed at equipping aspiring entrepreneurs
with essential skills to transform innovative ideas into successful ventures.


The webinars’ primary objectives are to:

  • Provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the key components of a well-structured business plan and proposal, including market analysis, financial projections, and value propositions.
  • Offer practical tips and techniques for effective business plan and proposal writing, ensuring clarity, persuasiveness, and professionalism.
  • Encourage participants to refine their entrepreneurial concepts and align them with market demands, increasing their chances of securing funding and partnerships.
  • Facilitate networking opportunities with experienced entrepreneurs, investors, and industry experts to gain valuable insights and potential mentorship.

The series will consist of interactive sessions, case studies, and Q&A segments, enabling participants to engage actively and
apply the knowledge gained to their entrepreneurial endeavors.


By hosting the IEEE Entrepreneurship Business Plan & Proposal Writing webinars, we aim to empower our community with
the essential skills to articulate their innovative visions effectively, increasing their chances of success and contributing to the
growth of technological innovation within the IEEE ecosystem.

IEEE AfI R8 Entrepreneurship Month

IEEE R8 Entrepreneurship Month, a month-long initiative spanning from October to December, dedicated to promoting
entrepreneurship, fostering innovation, and empowering aspiring entrepreneurs within IEEE Region 8.


The IEEE R8 Entrepreneurship Month aims to:

  • Showcase successful entrepreneurial stories from within Region 8, demonstrating the transformative power of innovation.
  • Conduct a series of webinars, workshops, and panel discussions on crucial entrepreneurial skills, business strategies, and technology trends.
  • Facilitate mentorship programs connecting experienced entrepreneurs with young professionals and students to provide guidance and support.
  • Offer networking events and virtual meetups, allowing participants to connect with industry experts, potential partners, and investors.

Event Highlights:

  • Entrepreneurial Success Stories where invited speakers and case studies from successful startups and innovative ventures.
  • Skill Development Workshops are organized focused sessions on business planning, marketing, funding strategies, and intellectual property management.
  • Mentor-Mentee Matchmaking where connecting aspiring entrepreneurs with seasoned mentors for personalized guidance takes place.
  • Pitch Competitions which present opportunities for startups to present their ideas to potential investors and receive valuable feedback.

The IEEE R8 AfI Entrepreneurship Month will serve as a catalyst to ignite the entrepreneurial spirit within the Region 8 community. By providing a platform for knowledge-sharing, collaboration, and mentorship, we aspire to empower entrepreneurs to transform their ideas into impactful ventures, contributing to technological advancements and socioeconomic growth within our region.

Create Entrepreneurship Forum Group on

IEEE R8 Entrepreneurship Forum: Fostering Collaborative Knowledge Sharing on Collabratec IEEE R8 AfI Entrepreneurship Forum on Collabratec, a dynamic online platform that will bring together IEEE Ambassadors, entrepreneurs, and aspiring innovators to foster collaborative knowledge sharing and empower the entrepreneurial ecosystem within IEEE Region 8.


The IEEE R8 Entrepreneurship Forum aims to:

  • Provide a virtual space for entrepreneurs and Ambassadors to share experiences, best practices, and valuable insights on entrepreneurship, business strategies, and technology trends.
  • Offer a platform for participants to connect with like-minded individuals, potential partners, and mentors, fostering networking opportunities that can lead to fruitful collaborations.
  • Encourage aspiring entrepreneurs to seek guidance and support from experienced Ambassadors and successful entrepreneurs, gaining practical advice for their entrepreneurial journeys.
  • Promote entrepreneurship within IEEE Region 8 by highlighting successful regional startups and projects.

Event Highlights:

  • Virtual Panels and Fireside Chats where expert panels and interactive sessions featuring successful entrepreneurs, ambassadors, and industry leaders sharing their experiences and insights.
  • Workshops and Webinars of skill-building sessions on various aspects of entrepreneurship, including business planning, marketing, funding, and innovation management.
  • Virtual Networking Sessions where Interactive networking events to facilitate meaningful connections between Ambassadors, entrepreneurs, and innovators.
  • Showcase of Regional Startups a platform to showcase and celebrate the innovative ventures emerging within IEEE Region 8.

The IEEE R8 Entrepreneurship Forum on Collabratec will act as a catalyst to invigorate the entrepreneurial spirit within
Region 8. By promoting knowledge sharing, networking, and mentorship, we aim to empower innovators, fostering a culture of
entrepreneurship that drives technological advancement and economic growth in the region.

IEEE/Industry Business Volunteering Program

IEEE/Industry Business Volunteering Program, a collaborative initiative aimed at leveraging the expertise of IEEE members
and industry professionals to support and empower local communities through volunteering and pro bono business services.


The IEEE/Industry Business Volunteering Program aims to:

  • Provide businesses, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), with access to expert advice, mentorship, and resources to enhance their sustainability and growth.
  • Facilitate the transfer of knowledge and technology expertise from IEEE members and industry professionals to businesses, promoting innovation and efficiency.
  • Engage in projects that have a positive social impact, supporting nonprofits, startups, and social enterprises to address community challenges.
  • Forge connections between IEEE, industry partners, and local communities, fostering long-term collaborations that promote mutual growth and development.

Program Structure

  • Pair IEEE volunteers and industry experts with businesses based on their skillsets and the specific needs of the recipients.
  • Organize short-term projects or initiatives, such as business consulting, technology assessments, marketing strategies, and financial planning.
  • Provide training sessions and workshops to help businesses develop their capacities, such as digital transformation, technology integration, and entrepreneurship skills.
  • Regularly assess the impact of the program on participating businesses and communities, identifying success stories and areas for improvement.


  • Access to expert advice and resources, enhanced business strategies, and increased competitiveness in the market.
  • Opportunities to apply their skills and expertise to address real-world challenges and make a meaningful difference.
  • Strengthened local economies, improved social initiatives, and lasting partnerships between IEEE and industry stakeholders.

The IEEE/Industry Business Volunteering Program will harness the collective knowledge and expertise of IEEE members and
industry professionals to uplift communities, drive innovation, and create a positive social impact. Through strategic
collaboration and dedicated volunteering efforts, we aim to foster sustainable growth and empower businesses and nonprofits,
leaving a lasting legacy of positive change.


Commitment of companies to collaborate with various programs is a key to the success of many AfI program.


IEEE Students Awards 2023

2023-August – Ottawa

This page contains information about the 121st IEEE Region 8 Committee Meeting to be held in Ottawa, Canada, on Friday 11 August 2023.


Important Documents and Information

Provisional Meeting Schedule

Friday, 11 August 2023, Eastern Daylight Time (GMT-4)

07:00–08:00 Breakfast at Lord Elgin Hotel (registered participants and companions)

08:00–13:00 The R8C meeting

10:30–11:00 Coffee Break

12:55–13:00 Group photo

13:00–14:00 Lunch at Lord Elgin Hotel (registered participants and companions)

17:00–20:00 Sections Congress Opening Dinner and Session


Reports – Ottawa

OpCom Reports


Director Director-Elect
Past-Director Secretary
Treasurer V/C Member Activities
V/C Student Activities V/C Technical Activities

Committee Reports




Action for Industry  (AfI) History Activities Coordinator  (HA) Region 8 News (R8News)
Awards & Recognition Committee  (A&RC) Humanitarian Activities Committee  (HuA) Section Vitality and Development
Chapter Coordination Committee  (ChCC) Life Member Coordinator  (LM) Strategic Planning
Conference Coordination Committee  (CoCC) Membership Development Committee  (MDC) Women in Engineering Coordinator  (WIE)
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Nominations and Appointments Committee Young Professionals
Electronic Communications Coordinator (ECC) Professional and Educational Activities Committee  (PEAC) AdHoc IEEE R8 on Climate Change
Entrepreneurship Committee Publications and Communications Committee  (PnC) AdHoc Standards coordination
AdHoc Careers New Initiative AdHoc Engineering Projects in Community Service (EPICS) AdHoc R8 Website

Section Reports


Algeria Section Iraq Section Romania Section
Austria Section Iran Section Russia Section
Bahrain Section Israel Section Russia (Northwest) Section
Belarus Section Italy Section Russia (Siberia) Section
Benelux Section Jordan Section Saudi Arabia (East) Section
Bosnia and Herzegovina Section Kenya Section Saudi Arabia (West) Section
Bulgaria Section Kuwait Section Serbia And Montenegro Section
Croatia Section Latvia Section Slovenia Section
Cyprus Section Lebanon Section South Africa Section
Czechoslovakia Section Lithuania Section Spain Section
Denmark Section Malta Section Sweden Section
Egypt Section Mauritius Section Switzerland Section
Estonia Section Morocco Section Tunisia Section
Finland Section Nigeria Section Turkey Section
France Section North Macedonia Section Uganda Section
Germany Section Norway Section UK and Ireland Section
Ghana Section Oman Section Ukraine Section
Greece Section Poland Section United Arab Emirates Section
Hungary Section Portugal Section Zambia Section
Iceland Section Qatar Section

Sub-Section Reports



Burkina Faso Kazakhstan Subsection Yemen
Ethiopia Tanzania


Report Templates

Local Student Paper Contest Events Program


The IEEE Region 8 Student Activities Committee is announcing the Local Student Paper Contest Events Program. This program calls for section student activities and student branch leaders to submit their own version of a local student paper contest and get the chance to showcase their papers on the Regional Student Paper Contest.


This is the first Call for proposals and there will be an additional two, in June and September. Please keep in mind that the total budget of the program is limited and that funds will be allocated according to the principle: of “first come, first served”.


Important Dates

  • Deadline for the submission of the proposal: May 20, 2023
  • Announcement on the funding decision: 2-3 weeks after the proposal submission deadline
  • Event Implementation: June – November 2023 (please plan November 23 as the last date for implementation because of the R8 SPC deadline, December 1)
  • Reporting Submission: by November 30, 2023
  • Funding Release: December 2023




The program aims to:

  • Giving incentives to IEEE Region 8 Sections and Student Branches for establishing local student paper contests;
  • Provide an opportunity for students to showcase their technical skills;
  • Promote Regional Student Paper Contest, as well as increase awareness and participation.




The program rules are the following:

  • Applicants to this program can be either Sections or Student Branches;
  • The application should include an endorsement letter:
    • For Sections, only Section Chair, SSAC or SSR can provide an endorsement;
    • For Student Branches, only Student Branch Chair or Counselor can provide an endorsement.
  • Participants should be students affiliated with the organizing OU;
  • The local SPC papers cannot get published in conference proceedings with ISBN;
  • The local contest should follow the rules of R8 SPC;
  • The finalist’s papers of these local events have to be submitted in the Regional Student Paper Contest:
    • 1 finalist for OUs with less than 100 student members;
    • 2 finalists for OUs with 100 – 199 student members;
    • 3 finalists for OUs with more than 200 student members.
    • Note: Student members include both Student Member Grade and Graduate Student Member Grade.




The proposal shall contain the following information:

  • Summary of the proposal (max. 250 words)
  • Description of the Local Student Paper Contest
  • Proposed Title, Date, Venue and Organizing Team
  • Preliminary Budget
  • Suggested Program and Time Schedule
  • Goals and KPIs
    • Provide a short timeframe with milestones
    • The event should be organized within the year of approval and in any case before the R8 SPC deadline for submissions

The submission shall:

  • be a maximum of 6 pages (without endorsement letter);
  • be in Times new roman font and 11 font size;
  • be submitted in pdf format;
  • include as an attachment the endorsement letter.




Proposals will be judged from R8 SAC in the following areas:

  • Solid content and Planning;
  • Alignment with program goals.




The entries which exceed the minimum standards will receive up to 300$ per Student Branch or up to 500$ per Section to be used as secured funding. The funding will be sent to the (parent) Section’s bank account after the submission and evaluation of the final report. The funding does not cover virtual platforms costs and covers up to 80% of the total budget. Funding Eligibility Criteria and Outcome Reporting Rules are applied to this program.


Apply Now!

Application Form: Submit your Application HERE

Call for Proposals – IEEE Region 8 Student and Young Professional Congress 2024


We are thrilled to announce the call for proposals for the IEEE Region 8 Student and Young Professional Congresses 2024.


R8 SYP congress is by far, the biggest IEEE event for students and young professionals in Region 8!


During this event, more than three hundred participants come together for five days to develop their skills, enhance their knowledge, expand their network, socialize with others from a variety of cultural backgrounds and have a lot of fun!


Therefore, we (R8 Student Activities Committee and the R8 Young Professionals Committee) are delighted to invite proposals for hosting the upcoming IEEE R8 Student and Young Professional Congress 2024.

Many students regard the SYP Congress as the highlight of their IEEE experience, so if you would like to host this prestigious event in your University in the summer of 2024, this is your chance to take on this challenge!




Writing of a Proposal


To nominate your IEEE Student Branch to host the next SYP Congress, you must submit a proposal document to us, explaining how your IEEE team will facilitate this event and some ideas for the event program. Suggestions for a well-prepared proposal include:

  • Demonstrate that you have an enthusiastic team that is experienced enough for the task and have ideally participated in a previous edition of the Congress.
    • Collaborate with your local IEEE Section officers, local Young Professionals and Women in Engineering affinity groups, Humanitarian Activities Committees, etc.
  • Show that you have the infrastructure within your chosen city to host the event, which includes:
    • Attendee accommodation
    • Transportation and travel options
    • Catering (keep in mind diverse dietary needs)
    • Facilities for hosting workshops, panel sessions, plenary sessions, and networking
    • Facilities for social events
    • Reliable internet connection
  • Present and showcase your chosen city and suggest tours and/or cultural activities.
  • Include a preliminary five-day schedule and a budget estimation.
  • Show innovation and creativity!

For full details and advice on how to organize a Student and Young Professional Congress in your University, please download and read The SYP Congress Manual.


How to Apply


The nomination is a multi-stage process.


1st Stage

First, a two-page proposal shall be submitted to us, before May 15th, 2023. This proposal should include essential items such as: the date, location, team members, why you should be selected, student branch background and experience, ideas for the program, etc. Based on this first-stage proposal, we will provide valuable feedback and suggestions for the next phase. This stage is mandatory to submit your final proposal.


Please submit the first proposal by selecting “first stage proposal” on the form.


2nd Stage


The final proposal shall be submitted by June 15th, 2023. This proposal should be less than 25 pages in length and will be used to fully evaluate the ability of the candidates to host the IEEE R8 SYP Congress 2024. Don’t forget to involve your Section Chair in the process since they will be vital in case you are selected. The final decision regarding the host of the SYP Congress will be announced during the Region 8 Sections Congress, on August 11th.


Please submit the second proposal by selecting “second stage proposal” on the FORM.




The Region 8 Student and Young Professional Congress has been hosted in a wide variety of Sections in the past. We equally welcome applications from new and previous hosting countries, so this is an exceptional opportunity for you to step up and showcase your team’s talents!


Start your application now and bring the SYP 2024 to your members!


If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us via the same email. We look forward to hearing from you!



Previous Editions: 

2022 | Tunis, Tunisia

2020 | Virtual SYP

2018 | Porto, Portugal

2016 | Regensburg, Germany

2014 | Krakow, Poland

2012 | Madrid, Spain

2010 | Leuven, Belgium

2008 | London, UK

2006 | Paris, France

2004 | Passau, Germany

2002 | Cairo, Egypt

2000 | Eindhoven, Netherlands

1998 | Istanbul, Turkey