
2016 Call for Nominations

The IEEE Region 8 Nominations and Appointments (N&A) Subcommittee is soliciting nominations for the following leadership positions:

  • IEEE Region 8 2017-2018 Secretary (two year commitment)
  • IEEE Region 8 2017-2018 Treasurer (two year commitment)
  • IEEE Region 8 2017 Vice Chair, Member Activities (one year commitment)
  • IEEE Region 8 2017 Vice Chair, Student Activities (one year commitment)
  • IEEE Region 8 2017 Vice Chair, Technical Activities one year commitment)

The Region 8 N&A Subcommittee is also soliciting nominations for the members of the 2017-2018 IEEE Region 8 Nominations and Appointments Subcommittee. Candidates must fulfill one of the following criteria at the time of their election (see the Region 8 Operations Manual, section R8-6.1.2):

  • be a Section Chair in office
  • have been a Section Chair within the past 3 years
  • have been a Section Chair and currently holding an elected or appointed position of the R8 Committee.

Please submit your suggestions/nominations by filling the IEEE Region 8 Nomination form (available at the IEEE Region 8 website in the ‘Documents‘ section) and sending it to Martin Bastiaans, Chair of the IEEE Region 8 Nominations and Appointments Subcommittee, at [email protected] by 1 June 2016.

These IEEE Region 8 officers and members of the IEEE Region 8 N&A Subcommittee will be elected at the Region 8 Committee meeting in Porto, Portugal, September 2016. The Region 8 Committee members and all the nominees will be informed about the recommended slate of candidates for officers 5-6 weeks prior to the meeting.

For all further details, including petition processes, please refer to the IEEE Region 8 Bylaws and the IEEE Region 8 Operations Manual (available at the IEEE Region 8 website in the ‘Documents‘ section), in particular the sections and R8-3.1.5-7 in the Bylaws, and the sections R8-4.4-6 ‘Secretary, Treasurer and Vice Chairs’ and R8-5 ‘Elections and appointments procedures’ in the Operations Manual.

2015 Call for Nominations

The IEEE Region 8 Nominations & Appointments (N&A) Subcommittee is soliciting nominations for the following leadership positions:

  • IEEE Region 8 2017-2018 Delegate-Elect/Director-Elect (six year commitment)
  • IEEE Region 8 2016 Vice Chair, Member Activities (one year commitment)
  • IEEE Region 8 2016 Vice Chair, Student Activities (one year commitment)
  • IEEE Region 8 2016 Vice Chair, Technical Activities (one year commitment)

Please submit your suggestions/nominations by filling the IEEE Region 8 Nomination form (available at the IEEE Region 8 website in the ‘Documents’ section) and sending it to Martin Bastiaans, Chair of the IEEE Region 8 Nominations and Appointments Subcommittee, at [email protected] by 1 July 2015.

The IEEE Region 8 2017-2018 Delegate-Elect/Director-Elect will be elected by the voting members of Region 8 in the 2015 IEEE Annual Election from the slate nominated by the R8 Committee. The Region 8 Committee will select the slate during the Region 8 Committee Meeting in October 2015.

The IEEE Region 8 2016 Vice Chairs will be elected during the Region 8 Committee Meeting in October 2015. Note that the current Vice Chairs are eligible for re-election.

For all further details, including petition processes, please refer to the IEEE Region 8 Bylaws and the IEEE Region 8 Operations Manual (available at the IEEE Region 8 website in the ‘Documents’ section) , in particular the sections R8-3.1.2 ‘Director-Elect’ and R8-3.1.7 ‘Vice Chairs’ in the Bylaws, and the sections R8-4.2 ‘Region 8 Director-Elect,’ R8-4.6 ‘Region 8 Vice Chairs’ and R8-5 ‘Elections and appointments procedures’ in the Operations Manual.

The individual elected to serve as the IEEE Region 8 2017-2018 Delegate-Elect/Director-Elect will serve for six years: in 2017-2018 as Director-Elect, in 2019-2020 as Director, and in 2021-2022 as Past Director.

  • In 2017-2018 this individual will:
    • be invited to attend IEEE Board of Directors and IEEE MGA Board meetings (as part of preparation and education for the later service)
    • serve (as a voting member) on the IEEE Region 8 Committee and IEEE Region 8 Operating Committee
    • serve as a member on the IEEE Region 8 Nominations & Appointments Subcommittee (except in the process of selecting candidates for the IEEE Region 8 Delegate-Elect/Director-Elect).

    Additional duties may be expected and will vary.

  • In 2019-2020 this individual will serve on the :
    • IEEE Assembly (as delegate/representative of IEEE Region 8 members)
    • IEEE Board of Directors
    • IEEE MGA Board
    • IEEE Region 8 Committee (as chair)
    • IEEE Region 8 Operating Committee (as chair)
    • IEEE Region 8 Nominations & Appointments Subcommittee.

    Additional duties may be expected and will vary.

  • In 2021-2022 this individual will serve on the :
    • IEEE Region 8 Committee
    • IEEE Region 8 Operating Committee
    • IEEE Region 8 Nominations & Appointments Subcommittee (as chair)
    • IEEE Region 8 Strategic Planning Subcommittee (as chair or as a regular member)
    • IEEE Region 8 Awards & Recognition Subcommittee (as chair or as a regular member).

    Additional duties may be expected and will vary.

Board of Directors and MGA position descriptions are available at

2014 Call for Nominations

Dear IEEE Region 8 Committee members,

The IEEE Region 8 Nominations & Appointments (N&A) Subcommittee is soliciting nominations for the following Region 8 officers:

  • IEEE Region 8 2017-2018 Secretary (two year commitment)
  • IEEE Region 8 2017-2018 Treasurer (two year commitment)
  • IEEE Region 8 2017 Vice Chair, Member Activities (one year commitment)
  • IEEE Region 8 2017 Vice Chair, Student Activities (one year commitment)
  • IEEE Region 8 2017 Vice Chair, Technical Activities (one year commitment)

For details, please refer to  IEEE-REGION-8_New-Bylaws-A   (3.1.5-7) and  IEEE-REGION-8-OPERATIONS-MANUAL 2011 (4.4-6, 5).

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The IEEE Region 8 N&A Subcommittee is also soliciting nominations for the members of the 2017-2018 IEEE Region 8 Nominations & Appointments Subcommittee. Candidates must fulfil one of the following criteria at the time of their election: (1) be a Section Chair in office, (2) have been a Section Chair within the past 3 years, (3) have been a Section Chair and currently holding an elected or appointed position in the R8 Committee (see IEEE Region 8 Operations Manual, Section

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Please submit your suggestions/nominations by filling the nomination form (available here) and sending it to Marko Delimar, Chair of the IEEE Region 8 Nominations & Appointments Committee, at [email protected] by 1 June 2016.

These IEEE Region 8 officers and members of the IEEE Region 8 N&A Subcommittee will be elected during the Region 8 Committee Meeting in Porto, September 2016.

The IEEE Nominations and Appointments committee will inform the Region 8 committee about the recommended slate of candidates for officers 5-6 weeks prior to the meeting. For all details, including petition processes, please refer to the IEEE Region 8 Bylaws and the IEEE Region 8 Operations Manual (available here).

Please distribute this email among IEEE Region 8 volunteers and IEEE Region 8 Organizational Units.

Thank you and best regards,
Marko Delimar
Chair, IEEE Region 8 Nominations & Appointments Subcommittee

Election results

The IEEE Tellers Committee certified the 2013 IEEE Annual Election results on 8 October 2013. The results are available here.

The IEEE Region 8 Delegate/Director-Elect is elected once every two years and the next one will be elected in the 2014 IEEE Annual Election. On 6 October 2013 at its 101st meeting in Sarajevo, the IEEE Region 8 Committee selected the slate of candidates for the 2015-2016 Region 8 Delegate/Director-Elect. The elected candidate will serve for six years (in 2015-2016 as Director-Elect, in 2017-2018 as Director and in 2019-2020 as Past Director). The candidates are:

  • Margaretha A K Eriksson (Sweden)
  • Magdalena Salazar Palma (Spain)

Additional candidates may be added to the slate by the petition of the voting members. For more information about the petition please click here.

At the same meeting, the IEEE Region 8 Committee elected the 2014 IEEE Region 8 Vice-Chairs. The elected Vice-Chairs are:

  • Member Activities: Aleksandar Szabo (Croatia)
  • Student Activities: Pablo Herrero (Germany)
  • Technical Activities: Carl James Debono (Malta)

Congratulations to all!

Marko Delimar
Chair, IEEE Region 8 N&A SubCommittee

IEEE Members Elect Costas M. Stasopoulos as 2013-2014 Director-Elect for Region 8

[singlepic id=1425 float=left] Costas M. Stasopoulos, Electricity Authority of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus has been elected as the 2013-2014 IEEE Region 8 Director-Elect. Pending acceptance of the Tellers Committee report by the IEEE Board of Directors on 11-12 November, Costas Stasopoulos will begin serving as IEEE Region 8 Director on 1 January 2015. He will succeed 2013-2014 IEEE Region 8 Director Martin J. Bastiaans.  Costas Stasopoulos has been the IEEE Region 8 Secretary from 2007 to present. The other candidate for 2013-2014 IEEE Region 8 Director-Elect was Saurabh Sinha, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa. Both candidates were nominated by IEEE Region 8.

2012 R8 Elections

During the IEEE Region 8 meeting in Tallinn elections were held for the OpCom and for the  N&A SubCommittee. Please see below the results of the elections:

  • R8 Treasurer (term 2013-2014)    Brian Harrington (UK&RI)
  • R8 Secretary (term 2013-2014)    Ali El-Mousa (Jordan)
  • R8  Vice Chair, Member Activities  (term 2013)    Aleksandar Szabo (Croatia)
  • R8  Vice Chair, Technical Activities (term 2013)   Carl Debono (Malta)
  • R8  Vice Chair, Student Activities (term 2013)       Pablo Herrero (Germany)
  • N&A SubCommittee members (term 2013-2014):
    1. Pierre Borne (France)
    2. Elias Nassar (Lebanon)
    3. Maciej Ogorzalek (Poland)

R8 Election – OpCom and N&A SubCommittee

Dear R8 Committee Members,

As you know,  OpCom and N&A SubCommittee elections will be held during the Region 8 Committee meeting in Tallinn.
I have a pleasure to inform you that the R8 Nominations & Appointments SubCommittee has approved the following Slates of Candidates:

R8 Treasurer
1. Brian Harrington (UK&RI)

R8 Secretary

1. Ali El-Mousa (Jordan)
2. Hafidh Al-Samarrai (West Saudi Arabia)

Vice Chair – Member Activities

1. Christopher James (UK&RI)
2. Aleksandar Szabo (Croatia)

Vice Chair – Technical Activities

1. Carl Debono (Malta)
2. Elya Joffe  (Israel)

Vice Chair – Student Activities
1. Pablo Herrero (Germany)
2.  Jan Verveckken (Benelux)

N&A SubCommittee
 (3 places)
1. Goce Arsov (Macedonia)
2. Pierre Borne (France)
3. Mourad Loulou (Tunisia)
4. Irina Naidionova (Lithuania)
5. Elias Nassar (Lebanon)
6. Maciek Ogorzalek (Poland)
7. Thanos Skordas (Greece)
8. Hamid Soltanian-Zadeh (Iran)
9. Nicolae Tapus (Romania)

All candidates satisfy relevant requirements and have confirmed their willingness to run.

Additional candidates may be added to the slates by petition, signed by a minimum of 15 R8 Committee members eligible to vote in the election (voting members:  56 Section Chairs and  8 OpCom  members). Petition must be submitted to R8 Director (Marko Delimar) or Secretary (Costas Stasopulos)  before the deadline of September 8, 2012.

Bios and satatements of all candidates will be sent to you before September 22

Best regards
Jozef Modelski 
N&A SubCommittee Chair

IEEE Annual Election – Polls just opened

Dear IEEE Region 8 members,

The polls for the IEEE Annual Election are open from 15 August to 30 September 2012. Your participation will only take a few minutes and is paramount for the future of the IEEE.

The Annual Election gives you a unique opportunity to set the direction of our organisation. Do not miss the opportunity to exercise your influence on the priorities the IEEE will take in the next few years. Please study the candidate platforms and their past activities, and select those whose track record, proposals and vision are in line with your own vision of the future of IEEE.

Among others, you will be voting for the 2013-2014 IEEE Region 8 Director-Elect. The candidates are:

Candidates’ official biographies are here: http://www.ieee.org/about/corporate/election/reg8.html.

In addition to the two candidates above, there are several other volunteers running for important IEEE offices, including IEEE President, IEEE Technical Activities Vice-President and Division Directors. All details about the IEEE Annual Election, the full list of all candidates, their biographies and position statements can be found here: http://www.ieee.org/elections. If you have questions about the election, send them to [email protected].

To access your ballot now, follow this link http://www.ieee.org/elections (you will need your IEEE account username and password for authentication).

Please help IEEE by making your voice heard. Please vote!

Thank you and best regards,

Marko Delimar
IEEE Region 8 Director


1.  IEEE Region 8 2013-2014 Director Elect shall be elected by the voting members of the Region 8 (ballot in August-September 2012). Current  slate of candidates nominated by R8 Committee consists of:

  • Saurabh Sinha (South Africa Section)
  • Costas Stasopoulos (Cyprus Section)

2.  The following members of the IEEE Region 8 OpCom shall be elected during the 2012 Fall Region 8 Committee Meeting:

  • IEEE Region 8 2013-2014 Secretary (two years commitment)
  • IEEE Region 8 2013-2014 Treasurer (two years commitment)
  • IEEE Region 8 2013 Vice Chair, Member Activities (one year commitment)
  • IEEE Region 8 2013 Vice Chair, Student Activities (one year commitment)
  • IEEE Region 8 2013 Vice Chair, Technical Activities (one year commitment)

CALL for NOMINATIONS will be announced during the 2012 Spring R8 Committee Meeting in Berlin.

3.  Three new members of the R8 Nominations and Appointments Subcommittee (term 2013-2014 ) shall be elected during the 2012 Fall Region 8 Committee Meeting.

CALL for NOMINATIONS will be announced during  the 2012 Spring R8 Committee Meeting in Berlin.