History Activities

History Activities – 2024


Martin BastiaansMartin

Tony DaviesTony

Ahmed ZobaaAhmed

Antonio SaviniAntonio

Evgen PichkalyovEvgen

Mathini SellathuraiMathini

Sergei ProkhorovSergei

Stefano SelleriStefano


The History Activities Committee is looking forward to assist you in your history-related activities. The 2024 committee consists of:

  • Martin Bastiaans, History Activities Coordinator (2021-2024)
  • Tony Davies, Past History Activities Coordinator (2013-2020)
  • Ahmed_Zobaa, current IEEE History Committee member (2024)
  • Antonio Savini, current IEEE History Committee member (2022-2024)
  • Evgen Pichkalyov, past IEEE History Committee member (2022-2023)
  • Mathini Sellathurai, current IEEE History Committee member (2024)
  • Sergei Prokhorov, current IEEE History Committee member (2022-2024)
  • Stefano Selleri, current IEEE History Committee member (2023-2024)

Feel free to contact us at [email protected], but include [email protected] in CC, just in case the email alias may not work properly.

IEEE Region 8 History webpage

The Region 8 History webpage is updated whenever new information becomes available.


  • Recently approved IEEE Milestone:
    Berlin, Germany, Long distance transmission of electrical power using three-phase alternating current, 1891
    Dedication ceremony to be decided – IEEE Germany Section
    At the 1891 International Electrotechnical Exhibition, Oskar von Miller and Michael Dolivo-Dobrowolsky from Allgemeine Elektricitäts-Gesellschaft (AEG), Germany, and Charles Eugene Lancelot Brown from Oerlikon, Switzerland, demonstrated the world’s first long distance (175km), high voltage (15kV), highly efficient (75%) Lauffen-Frankfurt electric power transmission of 300 horsepower, using three-phase alternating current. This demonstration directly influenced the eventual worldwide dominance of electric power transmission using three-phase alternating current systems.
  • Recent Milestone dedication ceremony:
    Birmingham, England: Development of the cavity magnetron, 1939-1941
    Dedication ceremony 4 June 2024 – IEEE UK and Ireland Section
    In this building from 1939 to 1941, University of Birmingham researchers John Randall, Harry Boot, and James Sayers conceived and demonstrated fundamental ways to improve the output power, efficiency, and frequency stability of cavity magnetrons. Further developed and refined by others, these advances facilitated the Allies’ deployment of microwave radar systems in World War II. Cavity magnetrons were later adapted for use in industrial heating and microwave ovens.
  • Recently added Oral Histories:
    The List of Oral Histories related to Region 8 (.xlsx) on the Region 8 History webpage has been updated by adding the transcripts of interviews with Peer Martin Larsen (Region 8 Director in 1995-1996) and Kurt Richter (Region 8 Director in 1991-1992)

    • Peer Martin Larsen, an interview conducted by Anthony (Tony) C. Davies, IEEE History Center, 19 April 2013,
    • Kurt Richter, an interview conducted by Anthony (Tony) C. Davies, IEEE History Center, 19 April 2013,

    and the transcripts of interviews with

    • Rüdiger Dillmann, an oral history conducted on 30 August 2011 by Selma Šabanović with Matthew R. Francisco, Indiana University, Bloomington Indiana, for Indiana University and the IEEE,
    • Tariq Durrani, an oral history conducted on 4 August 2021 by Robert Colburn, IEEE History Center, Piscataway, NJ, USA,
    • José M.F. Moura, an oral history conducted on 6 and 13 December 2021 by Mary Ann Hellrigel, IEEE History Center, Piscataway, NJ, USA,
    • John M. Rowell, an oral history conducted on 28 September 2016 by Mary Ann Hellrigel, IEEE History Center, Piscataway, NJ, USA,
    • Noel Sharkey, an oral history conducted on 24 March 2013 by Peter Asaro, Indiana University, Bloomington Indiana, for Indiana University and the IEEE.

  • IEEE Milestones approved in 2023 but not yet dedicated:
  • IEEE Milestone proposals under consideration by the IEEE History Committee
  • News Archive — News items about Milestones and Conferences are ordered by year: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2019, 2017, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2010.

Highlights from 2023 – see also News Archive: 2023