IEEE Region 8 Humanitarian Technology Activities
The IEEE Region 8 Humanitarian Technology Activities Committee (HTAC) mission is to inspire and empower IEEE volunteers around Europe, Middle East, and Africa carrying out and supporting impactful humanitarian technology and sustainable development activities at the local level.

IEEE Humanitarian and Philanthropic Opportunities
The IEEE Humanitarian Technologies (IHT) is a consortium of programs and initiatives-supported by a global network of volunteers and technical professionals-working together to apply technology to solve the world’s most pressing problems. In keeping with the IEEE mission of advancing technology for the benefit of humanity, IHT provides the framework, best practices, and tools for developing and deploying innovative solutions to advance sustainable development goals globally while achieving social and environmental impact locally, and the IEEE Humanitarian Technologies Board (HTB) drives the work.
The programs and activities supported under the IHT hub are the following:

Interested in Humanitarian Technology Activities?
IEEE offers the SIGHT membership to everyone interested in sustainable development and humanitarian technology activities at no additional charge.
Membership includes:
- IEEE HTB monthly newsletter providing the latest updates on IEEE humanitarian technology activities
- First notice of HTB and SIGHT funding opportunities (including calls for project proposals) and events
- Increased connectivity with the SIGHT Steering Committee and the large network of like-minded volunteers