New Region 8 GOLD Committee in 2013

Rafal Sliz
Finland Section
(Coordinator for R8)
Nele Reynders
Benelux Section
Elena Pereja
Spain Section
Amir Zahoor
Sweden Section
Salima Kaissi
Marocco Section
(Past Coordinator)


I have the pleasure to announce that I have been appointed as Region 8 GOLD Coordinator for 2013.

Since I was a member of the previous committee I would like to use this opportunity to thank you all for your assistance and cooperation during the last two years.

I appreciate the knowledge and experiences I have gained, as well as the connections I have made during this period.  Your expertise, comments and help have been invaluable during this process. Working with the other committee members: Salima, Nele, Khaled, Ahmed, and Region 8 GOLD Chairs was a delightful and inspiring experience. Although there are always bad days, solving problems and issues related to GOLD brought every time smiles, happiness and a feeling of an accomplished mission.

I believe that in 2013 the R8 GOLD Committee will keep the momentum gained over the last few years and will continue to make the difference for young professionals, IEEE, and Humanity.

I am looking forward to serve as Region 8 GOLD Coordinator and to help you in advancing technology to humanity.

All the best,

Rafal Sliz