IEEE brings people and technology together for mutual benefit since industry members are traditional majority of IEEE and important contributors to all IEEE actions.
Action for Industry (AfI) Sub-Committee is focused on providing membership value to companies. The essential programs currently include Mentorships, Internships, Industry Events & Initiatives, Industry Awards, Entrepreneurship etc.
IEEE can provide value for companies in many ways: Whether you are seeking career advancement, looking to start your own company, or need research and trend insights into emerging technologies, IEEE can help those who work in the engineering sciences, research, and technology areas.
If your company engaged with the IEEE Action for Industry, can benefit from the following:
1. Access the Internstional Talent Pool through the AfI Internship Program
- The lifeblood of any company lies on capable young engineers.
- The membership of IEEE includes over 84,000 student and graduate student members. These students are all highly educated, young professionals from wide range of technical backgrounds. Over 17,000 of them reside in Region 8.
- Internships provide mutual benefits: young engineers gain valuable work experience and IEEE AfI can reach out these highly able young engineers with your job offers.
- IEEE AfI leadership facilitates the placement process both by obtaining job descriptions from companies and vetting the student base to offer to the companies a selection of able young engineers to be matched by to the roles.
2. Skills Development though AfI Mentoring Program
- The 400 000+ members of IEEE include highly experienced professionals from all levels of organizations across wide field of industries
- Mentoring is support and guidance by some of these experienced professionals to develop the professionalism of those less experienced
- The IEEE Mentoring Program is an online program that facilitates the matching of IEEE members for the purpose of establishing a mentoring. The platform is accessible through IEEE Collaboratec®
3. Influence and Access Standards Essential to Your Business
- Engagement with development of standards provides you an opportunity to influence technical development of your business sector and make sure that your insights are taken into account in the standards.
- Engaging with development of global IEEE standards can provide you significant competitive advantage over your competitors. IEEE nurtures, develops, and advances the building of global technologies and consumers around the world enjoy the benefits (ex: IEEE 802.11 – the WiFi standard, IEEE 802.3 – the Ethernet standard, etc.)
4. Skills Development through Education Programs
- Educational programs of IEEE are a great way to develop skills & competences of your employees.
- IEEE educational programs enable students and professionals to achieve their goals (Career Preparation, Continuing Education, iTunes U, Pre-University Programs, Professional Certification Programs, etc.)
- IEEE programs open the eyes of youth to the possibilities of today’s and tomorrow’s technologies (,, Teacher In-Service, etc.)
5. Knowledge and insight through IEEE Publications
- IEEE publications, such as the IEEE Spectrum Magazine, provides you with an insight into a wide range of technical fields and helps you to develop your own vision of the future.
- Technical articles from all IEEE journals and conferences made available to you via IEEE Xplore digital library, on the other hand, provides you with up-to-date undestanding of the state the technical domain relevant to your industry. IEEE Xplore is an IEEE intellectual property, with powerful search tools, nearly 4 million full-text articles and papers and users download more than 8 million documents per month.
6. Latest information and new contacts from Technical Conferences
- Participation in conferences provides you an opportunity to hear state-of-the-art of research and technical development in your field
- Conferences are also a great opportunity to network with both academics and companies in your technical field.
- IEEE sponsors more than 1,800 conferences, attracting over 465,000 attendees from around the globe while publishing over 180,000 conference papers each year
- IEEE offers technical events and scholarly conferences, providing an opportunity to both learn the latest on technologies and network with leading experts. The events often contain technical exhibitions that provide an opportunity for companies to present their commercial offering and also provide an opportunity to present own work to peers and submit technical papers to IEEE for publication.
7. Continued professional development through training activities
- IEEE provides continued professional development for your staff through various training activities.
- Continuing professional education online courses through the IEEE eLearning Library and the IEEE Learning Network.
- Online courses enable you to get up-to-date quickly on emerging technologies and trends.
- Learners who pass course assessments through the IEEE Learning Network can earn IEEE digital certificates, including Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and Professional Development Hours (PDHs).
- Course topics span a wide array of technologies including machine learning, digital transformation, 5G, cyber security, ethical hacking, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, edge computing, autonomous vehicles, blockchain, smart grid, and more.
- IEEE Courses | IEEE Xplore
- Continuing professional education online courses through the IEEE eLearning Library and the IEEE Learning Network.
- IEEE, the world’s leading standard developer, is also a leading source of education and informational resources on standards, their applications, and their impact on designing new products, processes, and services.
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