Yearly Archives: 2013

Webinar: Qualcomm Digital ASIC Design: Validation & Emulation Engineering (System/Platform/Post-Silicon)

Qualcomm will be presenting the exciting career opportunities available at their company.
There is webinar that will feature Qualcomm’s System Validation & Emulation (SVE) team, which resides within the Digital ASIC Design organization.
Date and Time: Monday, 30 September 2013 4:00 pm, Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)

Register at:

For More Information:


International blogging contest

Dear All,


With great pride, we would like to inform you about the “IEEE Day International Blogging Contest 2013”, being organized by IEEE Kerala GOLD Affinity Group. The contest is a small initiative by us towards celebrating IEEE Day 2013 and spreading awareness about its theme – Leveraging Technology for a Better Tomorrow.

A gist of the guidelines of the contest are as given below.

Theme: Leveraging Technology for a Better Tomorrow (IEEE Day 2013 Theme). Contestants have to write a 300-500 word blog post (in English) on a presently non-existent/not-commercially-available technology which if developed, would have the maximum positive impact towards building a better tomorrow. The contest ends on 2359Hrs 19 September 2013 IST Eligibility – All active IEEE student, GSM and GOLD members around the world are eligible to participate in the contest. IEEE Kerala GOLD Execom Members forming the judging panel are prohibited from participating in the contest. The Blog Post must be in English Language. Entries would be evaluated based on quality of language, originality, appropriateness to theme, creativity, adhering to word limit and for being a good read. Regular updates of the event can be found on –

For more details on the guidelines for the contest, visit:

Awesome prizes await the winner. The world is your audience, and your competitor this time!

All the Best.

We would kindly request you to share the news about the event in your respective OU’s and support us in ensuring widespread participation for this unique initiative. Thanks in advance for your help. In case of any queries you should have, please feel free to contact the undersigned.

[email protected]


13-16 May 2014, Dubrovnik, Croatia
Dear Friends, Partners, Colleagues,

We are delighted to announce that IEEE EnergyCon 2014 will be hosted in Dubrovnik, Croatia, 13-16 May 2014. IEEE EnergyCon is the youngest of IEEE Region 8 flagship conferences and Dubrovnik, one of the most beautiful cities in the world, is chosen to host the third issue of this event. For details please visit our website



ENERGYCON is dedicated to experts carrying out research focused to energy and power systems. It has already become one of the central events for discussion on the application of electronics, instrumentation, information and communication technology to the energy industry. Conference is divided into following tracks:

  • Future Power and Energy Systems
  • Low Carbon Distributed Energy Systems
  • Sustainable Transportation Systems
  • Advances in Energy Conversion
  • ICT in Energy
  • The Future of Gas in Power Sector

For a detailed list of topisc, please visit the Please submit your proposals for keynote speeches and special sessions at [email protected] This email is available for any enquires regarding the conference as well.


  • Paper submission deadline – 1 December 2013
  • Acceptance notification – 1 February 2014
  • Final paper deadline – 15 March 2014
  • Early bird registration – 31 March 2014
  • Conference dates – 13-16 May 2014


Dubrovnik is one of the most beautiful and best preserved old cities in the world. The Old town, with its city walls and fortresses, numerous priceless churches, monuments and other historical objects, testifies to its glorious and rich history. As one of Europe’s most popular and most beautiful living monuments, Dubrovnik became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1979. We will do our best to prepare an interesting networking and social program including Welcome and Closing receptions, Gala dinner and several cultural and sightseeing tours. Rest assured we will provide you a memorable time in the astonishing city, surrounded by 2 km long beautiful stone walls.

For additional information please do not hesitate to contact us via email [email protected]. You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn for important updates.

We are looking forward to seeing you in Dubrovnik!

Your IEEE ENERGYCON 2014 Organizing Team

IEEE-X Academic UK&RI 2013

The IEEE Student Branch of Bath organized the IEEE UK&RI Sectional Student Branch Congress 2013, held in Bath, from 6th to 8th of September. The aim of the congress was to present the innovative projects of IEEE, discuss all the activities performed by the student branches, and exchange ideas and knowledge.

IEEE-X Academic UK&RI 2013

Rui Costa, founder and coordinator of the IEEE-X Academic project and member of the Region 8  Educational Activities Committee participated in the congress presenting the IEEE-X Academic project, that will create an innovative useful educational resource, motivating Student Branches from UK&RI to participate in the project. An audience of almost 60 individuals attended the presentation, that focused on the advantages of this new educational resource for students as well as the role that IEEE and its Student Branches can have in the process, introducing for the first time in UK&RI Section the IEEE-X Academic project.

Several students showed great interest and a nice conversation about the project started during the Congress. This presentation marked the beginning of the work towards developing the IEEE-X Academic in UK&RI Section.

Rui Costa

International Conference on Computing, Electrical and Electronic Engineering

(26-28th August 2013, Corinthia Hotel, Sudan Section)


The IEEE-Sudan Subsection has held its first conference, the International Conference on Computing, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, during the period 26-28th August 2013, at Corinthia Hotel. The conference was technically co-sponsored by IEEE Region-8 , the University of Khartoum, Sudan University of Science and Technology and Eljazera University. It was supported by the Ministry of Science and Communications and the National Telecommunications Corporation. The conference was hailed a huge success by the organizers and attendees. It has attracted papers from 28 countries other than Sudan. A total of 341 papers were submitted and 138 were accepted.

The opening ceremony was attended by the Minster of Science and Communications, Dr. Eisa Bashari, the State Minster of Communications, the Chancellors of many Sudanese Universities or their representatives, deans of faculties of engineering and computer science of many universities, representatives of the industry.

The conference proceedings were attended by 500 delegates, from academia, researchers, postgraduate students and many undergraduates too.

The organizers are grateful to the 90 volunteers who worked day and night to make this conference the huge success it was. The conference has generated interest in research and publications.


A number of Sudanese universities and research institutes have already shown interest in organizing conferences and requested the IEEE-Sudan to co-sponsor their conferences.

We are grateful to the following keynote speakers:

  • Professor Narayan Chandra Debnath, USA
  • Dr. Fanny Klett, Germany, Region-8
  • Prof. Dr. Hinghung Anthony Chan, USA

The conference event was reported on Sudan TV, Sudan Radio and various other local newspapers and media channels.

I am including a summary of the icceee13 Conference statistics  and the icceee13 Program .

Dr. Sharief F. Babiker
IEEE-Sudan Subsection Chair
Chairman, ICCEEE
University of Khartoum

Middle East Student Branch Congress

American University of Beirut, Lebanon

MESBC - June 2013 - At the opening Ceremony

The IEEE – AUB Student Branch in Lebanon had the honor of hosting the third IEEE Middle East Student Branch Congress (MEBSC) between May 28th and June 1st, 2013 on the American University of Beirut’s (AUB) campus. Attendees and speakers, from Cyprus, Egypt, France, Jordan, Palestine, Poland, Sudan, Turkey, and Tunisia came to be part of this conference. The opening ceremony was addressed first by AUB’s Provost Dr. Ahmad Dallal followed by Dean Makram Suidan, Dean of the faculty of Engineering and Architecture at AUB, succeeded by Dr. Ghassan Shaban, IEEE Lebanon Chair. IEEE Region 8 representatives gave a few words as well: Ms. Simay Akar, R8 Student Chapter coordinator, Mr. Muhammad Mustafa, TISP Global Team member, and Mr. Maciej Borowka, EPICS Global Team member. The opening ceremony ended with a speech by Mr. Yahia Sinno, MESBC committee Chair. The congress held several technical, professional, and IEEE workshops and lectures. In addition, participants attended many activities including an icebreaker barbecue and sightseeing of Beirut and Jeita grotto. At the Gala dinner, the name of the rally paper, FM TV competition and the traditional Delegation of Aspiration (DOA) competition were announced. The winning student branch of the DOA is An-Najah Student Branch (Palestine) and it will be hosting the next MESBC 2015.

MESBC - June 2013 - Logo

Below is the list of lectures, plenary sessions, and workshops that were given during the MESBC 2013:


Thursday 30 May 2013

Type Title Speaker Speaker Affiliation
Plenary Session Entrepreneurship Dr. Tarek Kettaneh American University of Beirut, Lebanon
Plenary Session IEEE Day Ms. Simay Akar IEEE R8 Student Chapters Coordinator, Turkey
Workshop Arabic Text Mining Mr. Jad Makhlouta American University of Beirut, Lebanon
Workshop Laughter Yoga Ms. Sabine Jizi Laughter Yoga Teacher and Leader, Lebanon
Workshop WIE Ms. Simay Akar IEEE R8 Student Chapters Coordinator, Turkey
Workshop TISP Mr. Muhamad Mustafa IEEE TISP Global Team Member, Jordan
Lecture EPICS in IEEE Mr. Maciej Borwka IEEE EPICS Global Team Member, Poland
Lecture How to find an online job in 10 simple steps Mr. Mohammad Hijazi Online Collaborative, Lebanon
Lecture Integration of RES in Power Systems Dr.Imad Mougharbel Lebanese University, Lebanon
Lecture Internet Security Mr. Khodor Hamandi American University of Beirut, Lebanon


Friday 31 May 2013

Type Title Speaker Speaker Affiliation
Plenary Session History of IEEE Mr. Costas Stasopoulos IEEE R8 Director-Elect, Cyprus
Workshop Unleash the speaker within you Mr. Hani Mashnouk& Mr. Mostafa Tamimi Toastmasters, Lebanon
Workshop Mobile Applications development Mr. Elie Nasr FOO, Lebanon
Workshop Make my Day with Your True Colors Ms. Pamela Doumit Marketing and Media Advisor, Lebanon
Lecture Imitating Nature to overcome medical and biological challenges Dr.Hala Zreiqat The University of Sydney, Australia
Lecture IEEE Region 8 student branch activities unchained Mr. Maciej Borowka IEEE EPICS Global Team Member, Poland
Lecture Future Trends in communications Dr. Youssef Nasser American University of Beirut, Lebanon
Lecture Discover GOLD Mr. Marc Chedid IEEE GOLD Affinity Group, Lebanon


MESBC - June 2013 - At the Gala Dinner

History of IEEE Region 8

For a first introduction to the history of IEEE Region 8, you are advised to consult the following sources. Do not forget to check on a regular basis the History Activities that are currently going on in Region 8.

Region 8 history book

Engineering and Technology History Wiki

Other sources on the Region 8 website

  • IEEE Region 8 News, our newsletter that started in 1967, provides a valuable source of information of what happened in Region 8. IEEE Region 8 News is aiming to showcase events, achievements and news items from across the Region. As each issue is produced with specific deadlines throughout the year, it is an ideal medium for reporting on past events, meetings or stories — with the ability to promote future events. The archive of back issues is available online from 2002 onwards; scanned versions of older issues of Region 8 News and its predecessors can be found here.
  • IEEE Region 8 Today provides an advanced search option to find previous posts. IEEE Region 8 Today was founded on May 2018, aiming to bring to you the latest news of the active members within our Region; moreover, it shares technological information from the IEEE. A large variety of Tech News, IEEE volunteers news, Interviews of people who have contributed a lot to our Region, and many more interesting fields, can be found on our news web portal.
  • You may also want to check the (scanned) minutes of the Region 8 Committee meetings (and the agenda books of the more recent ones). With the exception of four Region 8 Committee meetings — in Geneva (7 September 1965), Leuven (16 September 1966), Tel Aviv (24 October 1968), and Dubrovnik (25-26 October 1974) — the minutes have been collected in five pdf files, which are available for download:
    1962-1970 (.pdf), 1971-1983 (.pdf), 1984-1993 (.pdf), 1994-2009 (.pdf), and 2010-2022 (.pdf).
  • Previous posts about Region 8 History Activities can be found in the History Activities News Archive.

Miscellaneous weblinks

WIE Workshops Presented at CEuSBC 2013 Opole, Poland & at MESBC 2013 Beirut, Lebanon

The Central European Student Branch Congress (CEuSBC) took place in Opole, Poland 13-15 May 2013. A few weeks later the Middle East Student Branch congress took place in Lebanon 28 May – 1 June  2013. The IEEE Region 8 WIE committee organized IEEE Women In Engineering (WIE) workshops for students at these congresses. The main objectives of the workshops was to increase the visibility of WIE for IEEE members at universities and student branches.

Simay Akar presented the workshops

  • WIE Presentation delivered to attendees
  • Importance of WIE discussed
  • 2 groups designed WIE SBAG Action Plan based on “Best Practices”
  • Some Great Ideas:
  • Social Activities based on cultural interest: Talent Shows, Cooking Competitions. Importance of cultural interest in locals highlighted.
  • Social Responsibility Campaigns and Projects
  • IEEE WIE Day: Specific day all around to celebrate women achievement
  • Pre University Activities: High School Visits, Orientation Days
  • Professional Activities: Distance Learning for Women in Engineers, especially for those keeping far away her professional life for a while with the reasons like pregnancy

CEuSBC in Pictures:


Picture17 Picture14 Picture12

MESBC in Pictures:

Picture1 Picture3 Picture4 Picture5 Picture9




IEEE offering CEU/PDH program for FREE!

Great News:
Register for your IEEE educational activity, be it a PACE meeting,  a Chapter activity, or local conference or workshop and get permit of ‘Certificate of Completion’ which notes the number of CEU/PDH earned.
The program is available now and It is free to IEEE OUs.

The Application Process for the sponsoring IEEE organization or conference organizer:
1. Complete online application at
2. Allow five (5) business days for approval
3. Complete the learning event
4. Complete and submit all required documents, including course roster
Contact Information via e-mail:  eab-ceuadmin [@] IEEE.ORG


Region 8 GOLD Committee