(26-28th August 2013, Corinthia Hotel, Sudan Section)
The IEEE-Sudan Subsection has held its first conference, the International Conference on Computing, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, during the period 26-28th August 2013, at Corinthia Hotel. The conference was technically co-sponsored by IEEE Region-8 , the University of Khartoum, Sudan University of Science and Technology and Eljazera University. It was supported by the Ministry of Science and Communications and the National Telecommunications Corporation. The conference was hailed a huge success by the organizers and attendees. It has attracted papers from 28 countries other than Sudan. A total of 341 papers were submitted and 138 were accepted.
The opening ceremony was attended by the Minster of Science and Communications, Dr. Eisa Bashari, the State Minster of Communications, the Chancellors of many Sudanese Universities or their representatives, deans of faculties of engineering and computer science of many universities, representatives of the industry.
The conference proceedings were attended by 500 delegates, from academia, researchers, postgraduate students and many undergraduates too.
The organizers are grateful to the 90 volunteers who worked day and night to make this conference the huge success it was. The conference has generated interest in research and publications.
A number of Sudanese universities and research institutes have already shown interest in organizing conferences and requested the IEEE-Sudan to co-sponsor their conferences.
We are grateful to the following keynote speakers:
- Professor Narayan Chandra Debnath, USA
- Dr. Fanny Klett, Germany, Region-8
- Prof. Dr. Hinghung Anthony Chan, USA
The conference event was reported on Sudan TV, Sudan Radio and various other local newspapers and media channels.
I am including a summary of the
icceee13 Conference statistics
and the
icceee13 Program
Dr. Sharief F. Babiker
IEEE-Sudan Subsection Chair
Chairman, ICCEEE
University of Khartoum