Form a New Affinity Group

How to form a new Young Professionals Affinity Group in Your Section?

Would you like to join the family of Young Professionals? Check the following steps:

  • look at the informative map below to see if you are already part of it
  • find out if there is already an existing IEEE Section in your country – full list can be found here
  • check if there is already an existing IEEE Young Professionals Affinity Group (YP AG) in your Section – full list can be found here
  • if there is an IEEE Section in your country but not a YP AG, you are eligible to submit a petition – check the guidelines and the document below


Forming a new Young Professionals Affinity Group is an easy task but you have to prove that you will be able to sustain it in the future. For this, you need to be acquainted with IEEE and Young Professionals program. If the new AG is approved and formed, you will then serve as an interim chair who has to put together a team, hold activities and perform elections. For this, check the document below, put together by R8YP Subcommittee.


The document is available to download below:

YP AG Formation Guidelines