
Getting YPAG members list from OU Analytics

How to obtain members list and their contacts from OU Analytics?

This document is a short guide on how to obtain members list and their contacts from OU Analytics. Before accessing the database, be advised that not every IEEE officer has access to OU Analytics tool or every available information there. Young Professionals Affinity Group Chairs are automatically granted access after listing them in vTools under officers reporting. After log in with your IEEE credentials, you can access the members contacts for your organizational unit, in this case that is probably your YPAG. The document is a surgical precision guide on how to do it in less than a minute, tailored by R8YP Subcommittee. For the detailed guides, visit official OU Analytics tutorials here.


The document is available to download below:
OU Analytics members list (1260 downloads )

Cross-sectional Student and Young Professional Congress Manual

How to organize a Cross-sectional Student and Young Professionals Congress?

This document is a guide on how to organize IEEE Cross-sectional Student and Young Professional Congress. It has been prepared by the Student Activities Committee and the Young Professionals Subcommittee in Region 8 for 2017 and updated in 2019. The content of this guide covers from the moment the Call for applications is released until the period after the congress when everything has to be finalized.

The document is available to download below:
XSSYPmanual (1166 downloads )


vTools Event Report Submission Tutorial

All Affinity Groups need to submit reports of their events and meetings through the vTools Meeting system. These reports, previously called “L31 meeting reports”, and now simply “event reports”, help us and the IEEE MGA board know that your AG is active. In order to be considered active, a minimum of two events per year need to be submitted. If less than two events, or no events at all, are submitted for one year or more, you AG will be considered dormant and may be at risk of being dissolved! Below is a short tutorial on how to submit the event report, which will hopefully be useful to all of you and walk you through the entire process. This event reporting is also important since we will use these reports for judging the AGs nominated for the Region 8 Young Professionals Awards! You should submit all types of events hosted by your AG, including committee meetings, talks, workshops, social events etc. If you have any other questions or difficulties accessing the vTools Meeting platform, email us!


You can download the PDF tutorial here.


You can also find a video guide here.


For overall vTools tutorials, visit the tutorial page here.


Student and Young Professional Congress Manual

How to organize a Student and Young Professionals Congress?

This document is a guide on how to organize an IEEE Student and Young Professional Congress. It has been prepared by the Student Activities Committee and the Young Professionals Subcommittee in Region 8 for 2014 and is valid ever since. The content of this guide covers from the moment the Call for applications is released until the period after the congress when everything has to be finalized.

The document is available to download below:
SYP-Manual.pdf (5628 downloads )

[IEEE R8 YP] Webinar: How to access SAMIEEE and navigate through the tool.

Dear IEEE R8 YP,


The webinar outlines the details of how to access SAMIEEE and navigate through the tool. It provides an overview of the various resources and ways that volunteers can use the information to connect with IEEE members.

Webinar training on SAMIEEE is now open for registration! You can register here.

Meeting status:   Registration
  Starting date:   Tuesday, November 5, 2013
  Starting time:   12:00 pm, Eastern Standard Time (New York, GMT-05:00)
  Duration:   1 hour
  Host’s name:   Shareyna Scott 
  Host’s Email:   [email protected]



YP Operation Manual

Operational ManualThe IEEE R8 YP committee 2013 has compiled a concise operation guide for the new YP Affinity Groups to start their IEEE and YP activities. It guides you on how to report new Affinity Group officers, activities reporting, publishing, YP awards & recognitions, recommendations and the R8 YP Team.

This operation guide will assist you in your role and responsibilities to understand the working of a YP Affinity Group. It contains information on IEEE’s YP program, tools to help you in your role, and best practices to promote YP.

Download the electronic version of The Region 8 YP Operational Manual



R8 YP 2013





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How to maintain your YP Affinity Group?

This is a list of documents that will help you on managing your Affinity Group

This section intends to give you some ideas on events to organize:

  • STEP Program
  • Meetings
  • Social Events & Gatherings
  • Seminars & Lectures
  • Soft Skills Workshops
  • Humanitarian Workshops

New YP AG Officers Reporting:

New officers or officer changes are submitted via the vTools.OfficerReporting tool. Access to this tool requires use of an IEEE Account.

Reporting Activities:

It is VERY important that you report your activities:

  • Meeting Report L31 Form – Please include R8 YP committee mail ([email protected]) in the field “Email CC list:” Use IEEE Web Accounts as credentials. Your section will only get rebates if you report at least 2 meetings per year on time, so please make sure to do so!

YP Supporting Programs!

STEP Program

The Student Elevation & Transition Partnership (STEP) program was created for local YP Affinity Groups to help facilitate the transition of student members as they graduate and become higher grade IEEE members. The program is intended to introduce the opportunities and benefits of IEEE membership during the onset of a career.

STEP Program Objectives:

  • Recognize student members as they graduate and become part of the local YP community.
  • Introduce graduating student members to the local IEEE entity (YP) beyond the IEEE Student Branch.
  • Illustrate IEEE member benefits appropriate for young professional members.
  • Retain student members as they are elevated to higher grade IEEE members by communicating and demonstrating the value of IEEE membership for young professionals starting new careers.

For more information visit the STEP website or read the STEP manual.

Please get advice from previous organizers:

Humanitarian Workshops Program (Suspended)

The IEEE Humanitarian Workshop is an event designed to raise awareness of how technology can make a positive impact on the world in which we live. By inviting speakers who are currently playing leading roles in applying technology to humanitarian causes, it is desired that the workshop will provide engineers with greater access to such projects, and even to share their own ideas for future projects. Since humanitarian projects are of great interest to the younger generations of IEEE members, it is expected that the Workshop will bolster IEEE’s efforts in the recruitment and retention of such members.
For more information visit the website.

How freshly graduates can join YP!

Recently, YP AG Chairs asked: How students members can join YP?

Basically, it happens automatically. Every student, fills the form where the expected graduation date should be filled. At this date, the IEEE membership system automatically elevates student member into YP member.

Additionally, every YP Chair has access to SAMIEEE, where the data about YP members within section can be presented.

If you are a YP AG Chair, use your web account credentials to login into SAMIEEE.


R8 YP  2013