The TISP week is a program to conduct teacher training workshops in multiple Sections and Regions within a span of one or two weeks.
Teacher In-Service Program (TISP) is a professional development workshop for school teachers to help them bring exciting hands-on activities to their classroom.
More information about the program can be found here: http://www.ieee.org/education_careers/education/preuniversity/tispt/index.html
More information about the program can be found here: http://www.ieee.org/education_careers/education/preuniversity/tispt/index.html
This will showcase the incredible work being done by our education activities volunteers, train teachers to deliver Inquiry Based Science Education sessions and will also help train more volunteers in the local sections. This event will also help our local volunteers deliver a public service through training teachers.
We plan to conduct workshops in as many sections as possible and would like to invite your Section to organize a TISP workshop for school teachers during this TISP week.
The following rules will apply for organizing a workshop as part of the TISP week:
- A minimum of 30 school teachers will be trained.
- The event will a minimum of one or a maximum of two days long.
- The event dates will fall within the TISP week dates.
- As our funds are limited, we would like to request the local Section to fund the organization of the event. EAB can only fund the lesson plan materials* for the workshop and would be grateful if the Section can fund the rest of the local costs of venue, etc. The funding amount is up to USD 250 per workshop and it will be reimbursed after submitting the reimbursement form.
- A member of the local organizing committee will participate in monthly TISP week organizing committee online calls.
We will help your local organizing committee plan an effective agenda for the workshop.
There are lots of information and TISP resources in our website, http://tispweek.ieee.org which I encourage you to visit.
For further details and questions don’t hesitate to email us at [email protected].
*Lesson plan materials are the materials described in the lesson plan’s pdf you will implement in the workshop plus the printouts of the pdf, student worksheet and educator feedback forms. Any other expense (e.g traveling, posters, promotional materials, coffee break, lunches, gifts etc) is not covered.