How to maintain your Student Branch Chapter

Keep in mind

Work closely with your Student Branch and its sub-units
  • As a Chapter Chair of your Student Branch, you will work closely with your Student Branch Chair and other leaders in your Branch and Section in carrying out activities. 
  • There may be more than one Student Branch Chapter in your Student Branch, so try to interact and work with them to expand your activities.
Your Society is your second half
  • The Student Branch Chapter is also a subset of the related Technical Society or Council (e.g., the Communications Chapter relates to the IEEE Communications Society). So, take the advantage of this.
  • That Society is a source of financial support, programs, and other information to enhance your Student Branch Chapter activities.
Establish connections with your Section
  • Keep in touch with the SB chapters in other Universities and with the SSAC and SSR in your Section.
  • Keep in touch with the chapter committee in your Section.


Things not to miss from the MGA Operations Manual

  • A Student Branch Chapter functions in a manner similar to a committee of the Student Branch.
  • The responsibility for Student Branch Chapter management rests with the Executive Committee (ExCom) of the Branch.
  • The Student Branch Chapter members shall elect a Student Branch Chapter Chair and any other officers deemed necessary for its successful operation in accordance with the Branch constitution.
  • Each Student Branch Chapter Chair shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Branch ExCom in coordinating and planning activities and programs.
Participation and Financials
  • All Student Branch members shall be advised of all meetings held under the auspices of the Branch including those organized by a Student Branch Chapter.
  • IEEE shall rebate to each such Branch, in good standing, US$2.00 per Student Branch member and an additional US$1.00 per Student Branch Chapter member based on membership count as of 31 December each year, this membership count shall include those students who joined and upgraded during the calendar year.


How to keep your SB Chapter status according to MGA

  1. Maintaining membership of not fewer than five (5) IEEE members of Student Member or Graduate Student Member grade.
  2. Holding not less than two (2) technical meetings per year.
    • These events/meetings must be reported on vTools Events.
  3. Maintaining a level of activity acceptable to the Society President, the Region Director, and the Region Student Activities Committee Chair.


Resources to support your SB Chapter