The IEEE Region 8 Education Activities Sub-committee is calling all IEEE members in Region 8 to participate and submit their ideas in this year’s Acceleration Program contest.
1. Presentation
The IEEE acceleration contest is a program aiming to promote educational activities among IEEE volunteers and IEEE entities in Region 8, the program allows local initiatives to get higher visibility and to be supported by the prestigious IEEE R8 Technical & Educational activities board.
The program is looking for outstanding contributions and innovative initiatives in:
– An educational program for Pre-University Education;
– An educational program for University Education;
– An educational program for Continuing Education;
The contest aims to:
- Provide an opportunity to IEEE Region 8 members to initiate programs in Educational Activities;
- Showcase the innovation and drive of IEEE Region, 8 members, to an international audience;
- Find creative programs which provide value to IEEE membership and the general public.
Awardees will receive a financial award of 300 USD and an award certificate.
Programs should be built by IEEE volunteers collectives and serve the values and technical fields of the organisation. While local collaborations with local associations, administrations, and/or companies are highly appreciated.
- The pre-university Education contest: Gather initiative working on pre-university education at all levels basic education as well as college education. The program targets pupils, educators, or both and should involve IEEE volunteers as key actors. Proposals focusing on STEM and IEEE try-engineering portals are encouraged to submit.
- The university education contest: Target educational and technical activities arranged by IEEE volunteers for the benefices of the student members and /or the student community at large.
- The continuing education contest: focus on activities promoting continuing education among members with a focus on IEEE continuous education resources and related materials.
2. Actions under Covid :
- Considering the Covid pandemic situation submitted programs should respect IEEE recommendations, the global recommendations of the World Health organization in regards to social distancing, and with respect to local authority’s regulations.
- Remote activities are strongly recommended, and organisers may gather some short videos, with approval of the participants, as activity reports.
- Virtual workshops, conferences, and events are also strongly encouraged.
3. Eligibility:
- Participation can be from an individual or a team (up to 04 members);
- Teams that were winners or runner up in previous Acceleration Contests and haven’t delivered the reports requested are not qualified to apply;
- Individuals or teams can submit up to 02 proposals;
- At least one IEEE member needs to be part of the team. If the entry is submitted by an individual then the individual should be an IEEE member;
- The competition is open to all member grades;
4. Submission process:
The submission is based on the proposal description which should be sent via this link https://cutt.ly/HTxr1Kc, with respect to the deadlines. If you find difficulties participants can send us an email using the IEEE conference template and the proposal should include the following details:
- The title of the project
- Team members names and affiliations
- Summary of the idea (abstract) (maximum 250 words)
- Keywords: main technical field and target audience.
- Introduction
- Description of the idea
- Is the program scalable and sustainable? How?
- How does the idea align with MGA goals (https://mga.ieee.org/board-committees) – The idea doesn’t have to align with all goals.
- What are the educational outcomes of the program;
- What skills will the program develop in the participants;
- Additional information (optional)
Submission shall
- Clearly include the full name of all team members and the Section name;
- If the application is submitted by a Student Branch then the Name and Location of the Student Branch must be included;
- be endorsed by the Section Chair or the Section Educational Activities Chair;
5. Judging:
Idea proposals will be judged in the following areas:
- Innovation of the idea;
- The educational outcomes of the idea;
- Scalability of the idea;
- Sustainability of the idea;
- Humanitarian aspects of the idea;
- The number of the MGA goals the idea is aligned with;
Acceleration contest is open for 2024
The deadlines are the following :
– Submission deadline: 29th October 2023
– Decision: November 15th 2023
Use the following form to submit your proposal