Interested speakers can be nominated, invited or can apply to be a part of the PEAsC Speakers programs.
Fields of interest
The topics/focus areas covered in the Speakers program include:
- Personal Skills e.g. creativity, self-confidence and self-motivation;
- Influence Skills e.g. leadership, project management and organizational;
- Relationship Skills e.g. customer relations, networking and communications;
- Product Skills: Quality Control, Marketing, Assessment, Innovation, Concepts etc
- Program and Project Management Skills:
- Writing Skills: Technical Paper/Proposal writing, Project Proposal, Reports of Projects etc
- Oral Skills: Presentation skills, Speaking, etc
- Employment: International Careers, Employer Requirements, Retirement programs, etc
- Entrepreneurship: Business Models, Creating Products, Running a Company etc
- Disruptive technology: the effect of the latest technology and its development on the business, economy and our future
Policies and Procedures
- A PEA Speakers Program Ad hoc Committee (PEA SPC) shall be formed by the PEASC Chair.
- The PEA SPC has the mandate to run the Speakers Program and appoint speakers.
- The IEEE PEASC Chair is responsible for forming the PEA SPC
- The ad hoc committee invites potential Speakers, receives open nominations and evaluates profiles.
- Evaluation of Speaker profiles and recommendation for appointments are sent to Region 8 OpCom by PEASC chair on behalf of PEA SPC.
- Speakers are appointed after the approval by Region 8 OpCom.
- IEEE Sections or OUs can apply for PEA Speaker for their events.
- Speakers are funded up to $500 for their travel per year. Exceptions are possible and will be decided on a case by case basis.
- Speakers will be reimbursed for their expenses after the event.
- Guidelines for claiming reimbursement follows Region 8’s guidelines as described in this document:
- Furthermore PEASC will only reimburse
- Transportation expenses to and from the event location
- Visa or other papers issuing cost needed
- All local expenses including accommodation, local travel and meals shall be covered by the local OU.
- All speakers shall be appointed for a two-year term.
From more details on the program please check PEA speakers program manual